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the defense formations will vary depending on what your trying to intice the offense to see. but the main thing i would suggest is to do a good job disguising what your doin and try some QB contain blitzes

1 answer

Octavian started the war against Anthony because he wanted all the power and control, He used Anthony's affair with Cleopatra as a way to intice him into the war.æ Anthony was married to Octavian sister and he didn't divorce her before he married Cleopatra.

1 answer

to intice someone to do something, it means to talk someone into wanting to do something, like if you don't want to do your homework then you mom says, "once you finish your homework you can stay up all night and watch tv" then you want to get done with you home asap. she persuaded you to finish your homework

2 answers

Tools, Products, and Processes

Technology is Classified into generations.First generation tech has limited use and is usually full of bugs and problems.

The second generation is usually exactly like the first, except without the bugs and problems that consumers have reported.

The third generation is put on the market after already establishing customers and a wide knowledge of their product. It's basically the same as the second generation, but with new features and benefits, to intice the consumers that were borderline on the decision to buy the second generation.

The product goes back and forth between putting out new features and fixing the bugs until it no longer can create revenue for the company, and production is ceased.

2 answers

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Technology is Classified into generations.First generation tech has limited use and is usually full of bugs and problems.

The second generation is usually exactly like the first, except without the bugs and problems that consumers have reported.

The third generation is put on the market after already establishing customers and a wide knowledge of their product. It's basically the same as the second generation, but with new features and benefits, to intice the consumers that were borderline on the decision to buy the second generation.

The product goes back and forth between putting out new features and fixing the bugs until it no longer can create revenue for the company, and production is ceased.

2 answers

Oh, yeah, and they often post as legitimate entities, such as banks. The first sign it's a phishing scam if that they ask for your personal info via email - no legit entity will ever do this. The other indicator is typically poor grammar and misspelled words, as many of these phising scams originate in South America and Africa, where English isn't the first language - least of all, the North American dialects. A US-based company supposedly sending an email with fluent English, but in more of a British vernacular is another warning sign.

4 answers

Provide your cat with scratching posts or pads to redirect their scratching behavior. Use positive reinforcement such as treats or praise when they scratch the appropriate surfaces. You can also trim your cat's nails regularly to reduce the damage from scratching.

3 answers

A dog's nose can be dry for a variety of reasons, including exposure to the elements, dehydration, or simply due to changes in their environment. It's not necessarily a cause for concern unless accompanied by other symptoms of illness. Regular hydration and environmental monitoring can help keep a dog's nose moist.

6 answers

maybe if u leave a trail of food 2 ur pool they'll come. I'm no expert,but i know animals luuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvv food... Oh well HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!! I hope you like swimming a pool with sh** in it. Would you swim in your toilet once you eliminated yourself? You could be sick for days even if you just injested the water from your lips. How unsanitary ! And also as important, your filter system can not handle this kind of contamination. Do you know how often a duck poops? All the time - it never stops. Once you intice them to your pool you will NEVER GET RID OF THEM. I speak from experience there. They will imprint on your location and when they have ducklings those ducklings will also imprint on your pool and will never go elsewhere. How dumb could you be? For a visual - stop by any zoo or park and look at the ponds to see layer upon layer of poop. And let me tell you - if you have a pool service - they will not stick around long under those conditions.

1 answer

America blockaded japan of trade because japan was invading china and for some reason America got involved [yet again] America had a large naval force while japan had very little matching America with something like 10-1. Japanese military advisors suggested an unexpected air assault on pearl harber to destroy something like 75% of American naval forces stationed at pearl harbour. after the assault the blockade was lifted, shortly after atom bombs were dropped onjapan.

fact: did you know that there was 16000000 American military personel during early world war 2 [this was before the assault on pearl harbour and enlistment] weird right?- why that many for saying America had no intetnion to help allied forces before the attack of pearl harbour. more to the story?

fact: did you know that America committed an act of war to intice japan?

fact: did you know that African Americans have had great enlistment numbers during many of Americas wars?

fact: did you know modern amerca has a large enough nuclear arsenal to destroy earth 10 times over.

1 answer

Yes, a shy guy does like me.

If your qusetion was How do you know if a shy guy likes you?

This is the answer

This is the sigh's

. You looks at you if you start to intice he stars somewere else. ( if he knows you he looks in your eyes).

. he never talks to you.

. He burshes when he is around you.

Thats not all. hope you love your shy guy :)

2 answers

Well, yes, because Christmas is Jesus's birthday, whom is talked about in the New Testament! Another opinion Christmas as a word is not in the Bible. The celebration of Christmas started with the Roman Catholic church. The word Christmas comes from "Christ Mass," a mass celebrated in the Catholic church celebrating the birth of Christ. Early Christians did not celebrate the birth of Christ.

8 answers