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If computers can be given true artificial intelligence, then yes, they could experience intentionality like humans do because they could interact with objects on a purposeful level.

1 answer

The quality or state of being intentional; purpose; design.

2 answers

Steven W. Horst is a philosopher who has written extensively on philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. Some of his notable works include "The Computational Brain" and "Symbols, Computation, and Intentionality."

2 answers

Wolfgang Haberzettl has written:

'Sensomotorisches Tun' -- subject(s): Act (Philosophy), Intentionality (Philosophy), Movement (Philosophy)

1 answer

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William E. Lyons is an author who has written several books on leadership, management, and personal development. Some of his notable works include "The Secret of Staying Power" and "Leadership Secrets of the 10%.".

2 answers

Pinella Travaglia has written:

'Una cosmologia ermetica ='

'Magic, causality, and intentionality' -- subject(s): Arab Philosophy, Cosmology, Early works to 1800, Metaphysics

1 answer

"Conscious needs" refer to the desires, requirements, or preferences that a person is aware of and actively seeks to satisfy. It involves a level of awareness and intentionality in recognizing and addressing one's needs.

1 answer

Alan Montefiore has written:

'Philosophy and Personal Relations an Anglo'

'Goals, No-Goals and Own Goals' -- subject(s): Action theory, Agent (Philosophy), Intentionality (Philosophy)

1 answer

Yes. Killing children is an immoral act under any circumstances.

Whether or not that should be used to tar an entire armed forces or government of a country should be connected to intentionality. There is an important distinction between actuality and intentionality. Actuality is what occurs, regardless of desires and intentionality is purpose and rationale. There is certainly an actuality that the Israeli Army has been responsible for the death of Palestinian Children and there is also certainly an actuality that Palestinian Militant and Terror Organizations have caused the death of Palestinian children. It is very important to note, however, that there is no intention in the Israeli Army, no memorandum, and no unofficial desire to kill Palestinian non-combatants (which includes children). The deaths of Palestinian children are regrettable and if the violence were to cease on both sides, Palestinian children would not have to worry about being embroiled in a conflict where both their country and another could end them.

1 answer

Carl Ginet has written:

'Knowledge, perception, and memory' -- subject(s): Memory, Perception, Theory of Knowledge

'On action' -- subject(s): Act (Philosophy), Free will and determinism, Intentionality (Philosophy)

1 answer

Examples of conscious behavior include making deliberate decisions, engaging in problem-solving activities, reflecting on past experiences, and empathizing with others. These behaviors involve awareness, intentionality, and the ability to process information.

2 answers

No, the dead cannot pray for themselves. Prayer is an act of communication between the living and the divine, and it requires conscious thought and intentionality. Once a person has died, they have transitioned to a state where they are no longer able to actively participate in the prayers or actions of the living.

2 answers

There is an important distinction between actuality and intentionality. Actuality is what occurs, regardless of desires and intentionality is purpose and rationale. There is certainly an actuality that the Israeli Army has been responsible for the death of Palestinian Children and there is also certainly an actuality that Palestinian Militant and Terror Organizations have caused the death of Palestinian children. It is very important to note, however, that there is no intention in the Israeli Army, no memorandum, and no unofficial desire to kill Palestinian non-combatants (which includes children). The deaths of Palestinian children are regrettable and if the violence were to cease on both sides, Palestinian children would not have to worry about being embroiled in a conflict where both their country and another could end them.

1 answer

Answer 1

Unlike the terrorists, Israel does not target civilians.

Answer 2

There is an important distinction between actuality and intentionality. Actuality is what occurs, regardless of desires and intentionality is purpose and rationale. There is certainly an actuality that the Israeli Army has been responsible for the death of Palestinian Children and there is also certainly an actuality that Palestinian Militant and Terror Organizations have caused the death of Palestinian children. It is very important to note, however, that there is no intention in the Israeli Army, no memorandum, and no unofficial desire to kill Palestinian non-combatants (which includes children). The deaths of Palestinian children are regrettable and if the violence were to cease on both sides, Palestinian children would not have to worry about being embroiled in a conflict where both their country and another could end them.

1 answer

No, it is not true that a dog in the USA dialed 911 and saved a man's life. While there are cases where pets have alerted their owners to emergencies, calling 911 requires a level of human understanding and intentionality that is beyond an animal's capability.

2 answers

A phenomenological model focuses on understanding human experiences through key components such as intentionality, consciousness, and lived experiences. These components help researchers explore how individuals perceive and interpret the world around them, leading to a deeper understanding of subjective experiences and the meaning individuals attach to them.

1 answer

Keeping the third commandment, which is to not take the name of the Lord in vain, can be challenging as it requires mindfulness and intentionality in our speech and actions. It involves respecting and honoring God's name and avoiding using it in a disrespectful or irreverent way. Awareness and practice can help in cultivating a habit of honoring God's name in our daily lives.

2 answers

In religious beliefs, the phrase "let us make man" is often interpreted as a reference to the involvement of a higher power or deity in the creation of humanity. This phrase is seen as indicating a collaborative effort between divine beings, emphasizing the significance and intentionality of human creation.

1 answer

There are two major misconceptions inherent in the wording of this question.

  1. Jews do not derive any pleasure from nor have any desire to inflict pain of the smallest measure on other human beings. There is no intentionality on the Israeli or Jewish part to hurt or kill Palestinians.
  2. What is going on between the Israelis and Palestinians is a conflict since both sides perpetrate violent activities, both have claims that they desire to acquire (and are using violence to achieve them), and both sides have suffered fatalities inflicted by the other side. The inequality of casualties alone does not justify the terms "extermination" or "genocide". Please read the Related Question below for more information on this.

As for issue (1), since Jewish Israelis do kill Palestinians:

There is an important distinction between actuality and intentionality. Actuality is what occurs, regardless of desires and intentionality is purpose and rationale. There is certainly an actuality that the Israeli Army has been responsible for the death of Palestinians and there is also certainly an actuality that Palestinian Militant and Terror Organizations have caused the death of fellow Palestinians. It is very important to note, however, that there is no intention in the Israeli Army, no memorandum, and no unofficial desire to kill Palestinian non-combatants. The deaths of Palestinians are regrettable and if the violence were to cease on both sides, Palestinians would not have to worry about being embroiled in a conflict where both their country and another could end them.

1 answer

Phenomenology emphasizes the study of conscious experiences from the first-person perspective, focusing on describing and analyzing phenomena exactly as they appear. Key tenets include bracketing presuppositions to focus on the phenomenon itself, the role of intentionality in consciousness, and the importance of understanding subjective experiences in their own right. Overall, phenomenology seeks to uncover the structures of consciousness and the ways in which we experience the world.

1 answer

Examples of conscious behavior include making deliberate choices, being aware of one's surroundings, reflecting on past experiences, and managing emotions. This type of behavior involves a high level of awareness, intentionality, and decision-making.

4 answers

One weakness of speech act theory is that it can be overly simplified and may not capture the complexities of communication in all contexts. Additionally, it may not account for the cultural or social differences that can shape the interpretation of speech acts. Finally, some critics argue that speech act theory places too much emphasis on intentionality and not enough on the actual effects of communication.

2 answers

John R. Searle has written:

'Sprechakte. Ein sprachphilosophischer Essay'

'The mystery of consciousness' -- subject(s): Mind and body, Consciousness

'Les actes de langage ; essai de philosophie du langage'

'Rationality in action' -- subject(s): Reasoning

'Expression and meaning' -- subject(s): Speech acts (Linguistics), Actes de parole

'Mind Language and Society Philosophy In Th (MasterMinds)'

'The construction of social reality'

'Foundations of illocutionary logic' -- subject(s): Speech acts (Linguistics), Logic

'Mind, language and society' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Language and languages, Philosophy of mind

'The construction of social reality'

'The rediscovery of the mind' -- subject(s): Philosophy of mind, Consciousness, Intentionality (Philosophy)

'Geist, Sprache und Gesellschaft. Philosophie in der wirklichen Welt'

'The philosophy of language'

'Ausdruck und Bedeutung. Untersuchungen zur Sprechakttheorie'

'Speech acts: an essay in the philosophy of language' -- subject(s): Semantics (Philosophy), Philosophy, Language and languages, Speech acts (Linguistics)

'Philosophy in a new century' -- subject(s): Philosophy

'Mind, language, and society' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Language and languages, Sociology, Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of mind..

'Intentionality, an essay in the philosophy of mind' -- subject(s): Intentionality (Philosophy), Philosophy of mind

'Libertad Y Neurobiologia'

'Expressions and meaning'

'Minds, brains and programs'

1 answer

Foster argues that writers use craft and intentionality in their work, drawing on their knowledge of literary traditions and techniques to include symbols, allusions, and patterns. He suggests that these elements are deliberate choices made by writers to enhance their storytelling and convey deeper meanings to readers, rather than accidental or unconscious creations.

1 answer

Phenomenology is a branch of philosophy that focuses on studying the structures of conscious experience. It seeks to understand the world from a first-person perspective, emphasizing the importance of subjective reality and the intentionality of consciousness. Key figures in phenomenology include Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger.

2 answers

The most significant characteristics of human communication are language, non-verbal cues, and the ability to convey abstract ideas and emotions. These characteristics allow humans to express complex thoughts, share knowledge, build relationships, and cooperate effectively. Our capacity for empathy and shared intentionality further enhance our communication abilities.

2 answers

There are several key indicators - numbers we take seriously - to indicate "how we're doing." Cholesterol levels, salary, and IQ score, for example. And now the concept of a "Dunbar number" is being tossed around. Briefly, the term is used to suggest that we can only manage, cognitively, a limited number of relationships. The average, suggested in anthropologist Robin Dunbar's research, is just under 150. That's the average, so there are folks who could handle more than that, or fewer than that.

As a neuropsychologist, what's really interesting to me about Dunbar's research is his group's finding of a relationship between the size of a region of the human frontal lobe and subjects' performance on a measure of "intentionality."

In "Theory of Mind," intentionality refers to our ability to understand the intentions of other people. That is, as we grow up we become increasingly aware that there are people outside of us whose brains are thinking different thoughts, whose hearts are beating with different passions. Just like "working memory" requires the mental juggling of bits of data, "intentionality" requires the ability to recognize our own knowledge and motivation but to also mentally represent the knowledge and motivation of other people.

If you're a committed vegan but can see how other people might ethically arrive at a meat-based diet, that flexibility takes cognitive activity that we believe takes place in certain regions of the prefrontal cortex. If you're a strong supporter of the Republican candidate but can imagine or visualize how someone else might arrive at a choice to support the other guy, that takes some crafty and mature manipulation of information. What Dunbar's group calls a firm grasp of "intention."

And Dunbar's research suggests that the variability of intentionality is related to volumetric difference in the orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex. So what's interesting about Dunbar's number may not be the superficial head-count of Facebook friends, but the cognitive abilities which underlie social functioning. One way of measuring cognitive abilities such as "intentionality" is the Imposing Memory Task. (Specific training and background is required to interpret and make sense of tests like these).

And cognitive skills like "intentionality" are directly related to other executive functions which make it easier for us to manage academic, vocational, and self-management tasks. Functions like:

  • delaying gratification
  • planning ahead
  • thinking before acting
  • thinking before speaking
  • inhibiting off-task behavior
  • sticking with important tasks that aren't fun or interesting or easy

In his hilarious response to the Tiger Mother brouhaha, David Brooks observes that "Practicing a piece of music for four hours requires focused attention, but it is nowhere near as cognitively demanding as a sleepover with 14-year-old girls." Sounding like a developmental neuropsychologist (or a really observant parent), he suggests that "managing status rivalries, negotiating group dynamics, understanding social norms, (and) navigating the distinction between self and group..." are at least as demanding as academics, and perhaps more crucial to long term adjustment.

As teachers or therapists think about their students or clients Dunbar's research sheds important light on the inter-relatedness of executive functions. About the role of clinicians and parents who work with autistic spectrum or ADHD students whose social and executive skills are less adequate than their same-age peers.

At very least, these new data give neurodevelopmental context, and heft, to the observation that "She plays well with others"!

1 answer

Daniel Clement Dennett has written:

'The Mind's I'

'Content and consciousness' -- subject(s): Mind and body, Consciousness

'Elbow Room : The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting'

'Consciousness explained' -- subject(s): Consciousness

'Elbow room' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Free will and determinism

'Darwin's Dangerous Idea'

'The intentional stance' -- subject(s): Intentionality (Philosophy)

'The philosophical lexicon'

'Freedom Evolves' -- subject(s): Decision making, Free will and determinism

'Brainchildren' -- subject(s): Artificial intelligence, Philosophy of mind, Animal intelligence

'La Evolucion De La Libertad'

'La Conciencia Explicada'

'Spielarten des Geistes'

'La Actitud Intencional'

'Breaking the Spell' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Nonfiction, Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality, Science

'Content and consciousness' -- subject(s): Consciousness, Mind and body

'Consciousness Explained' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Nonfiction, Philosophy, Psychology

'Kinds of minds' -- subject(s): Consciousness, Intentionality (Philosophy), Thought and thinking, Consciousness in animals, Philosophy of mind

1 answer

Pfaff vom Kalenberg was a pen name used by the author Johann Werner Schmidt. He mostly wrote humorous and satirical stories, including "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen."

4 answers

Phenomenology is a philosophical approach that focuses on the description and interpretation of human consciousness and lived experiences. It seeks to understand how we perceive and make sense of the world around us without imposing preconceived beliefs or assumptions. Phenomenology emphasizes the importance of exploring first-hand experiences to uncover the essence of phenomena.

2 answers

Birds of prey such as hawks, owls, and falcons are known to eat sparrows. Other potential predators include domestic cats and snakes.

5 answers

Edmund Husserl is considered the founder of phenomenology, a philosophical method for studying subjective human experiences. His key contribution was developing the concept of "phenomenological reduction," which involves suspending assumptions and judgments to focus on the pure essence of subjective experiences. This approach laid the foundation for a deeper understanding of consciousness, perception, and intentionality.

2 answers

Answer 1

Your question is one-sided. Israel is defending itself from terrorism. Did you forget that? I have friends in the Israeli army and they list for me every day the rock-throwing incidents, the bombs defused, the suicide-bombers detained, etc.

Israel goes to great lengths to try to avoid collateral casualties.

Answer 2

First, while the Israeli army and individual Israelis may be Jews, it is important to note that the actual two parties are Israelis and Palestinians, not Jews and Arabs. There are many Jews who do not fight in the Israeli military because of religious obligations or health reasons, and there are many Arabs who do fight in the Israeli Army either by choice or by conscription.

As concerns Israelis killing Palestinians, there is an important distinction between actuality and intentionality. Actuality is what occurs, regardless of desires; and intentionality is purpose and rationale. There is certainly an actuality that the Israeli Army has been responsible for the death of Palestinian civilians and militants and there is also certainly an actuality that Palestinian Militant and Terror Organizations have caused the death of Palestinian civilians or militants, as well as having killed many Israeli citizens and soldiers. It is very important to note, however, that there is no intention in the Israeli Army, no memorandum, and no official or unofficial desire to kill Palestinian non-combatants. The deaths of Palestinian civilians are regrettable and if the violence were to cease on both sides, Palestinian civilians would not have to worry about being embroiled in a conflict where both their country and another could end them. As for militants, Israel has a duty to protect its own citizens and does not apologize for engaging its violent adversaries.

1 answer

To the Greeks, love was bound to intentionality and a priori in their purpose was finding the good to do in life, and doing it. The idea of "excellence" to the Greek, was more than philosophical, it was fundamentally structured within the ethos of their society.

Love, in the Greek mind was not purely the expression of the senses or emotion. Those were seen for what they in fact truly are in nature, a perception of well being that comes from well doing! The Greeks perceived that "love" is more about, what I do than what I feel. Moreover, what I feel is an outcome of what I do. It's not difficult then to understand why the Greek word for love is multifaceted.. To a Greek, the word could be used to relate 3 fundamental ideas of their intentionality :

(érōs) A love that relates the idea of physicality, passion and sexuality.

(philía) A love that relates the idea of the familial

(agápē) A love that is deeply devotional, loyal, and seeks nothing of itself

It is the highest expression of love for a Greek, a love that is unrelenting

it cannot-will not fail even at the expense of his own life.

The Greeks lived purposefully, and gave themselves to excellence in whatsoever they put their hands to... It formed their intentionality and governed their every step in live.

8 answers

Roderick Milton Chisholm was an American philosopher known for his work in epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. Some of his notable works include "Perceiving: A Philosophical Study" and "The First Person: An Essay on Reference and Intentionality."

5 answers

John T. Shawcross is a literary critic and author who has written extensively on Victorian literature, including books such as "The Arms of the Infinite" and "The Unity of "The Rape of the Lock." He has also edited several critical editions of works by authors such as Alexander Pope and Charles Dickens.

2 answers

E O'H is known for writing books that center on self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. Their works often combine practical advice with spiritual insights to help readers navigate life's challenges and find inner peace. O'H's writing style is engaging and relatable, making their books popular among a wide audience.

6 answers

When there becomes an actual plot to make a movie about or if somebody feels that it is worth making a movie about. As far as I am aware, nobody is interested in the subject.

As it currently exists in the public sphere, Israeli planes en route to bomb the Egyptian airfields saw a boat and assumed it was Egyptian. Therefore they bombed the boat and were aggrieved to learn later that it was American. Israel and America conducted a joint investigation and found no intentionality. That does not make for a good movie since there is harm with no real "bad guy".

This is profoundly different than, say Pearl Harbor, where American ships were bombed expressly because they were American without warning from the Japanese who claimed responsibility for the attacks immediately and (until war's end) were quite proud of them. In such an instance, there is a clear "bad guy" and even a plot concerning the resistance that American soldiers performed to protect themselves (such as the cook who manned a battleship forward gun).

It should be noted that several films and documentaries have been made about the Six Day War which mention the USS Liberty disaster, but the above was discussing a movie where the USS Liberty disaster would be the primary plot piece.

1 answer

The probability that Earth was created by itself is extremely low, as scientific evidence points towards Earth being formed through a process called accretion within the solar system. Various natural phenomena, such as gravity, collision of space debris, and chemical processes, contributed to the formation of Earth as a part of the development of our solar system.

3 answers

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and can have consequences in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. If a student is found to have plagiarized in their extended essay, the specific consequences will depend on the policies and procedures of the student's school and the decisions made by the IB.

Typically, when plagiarism is detected in the extended essay, the following actions may be taken:

Investigation: The school will conduct an investigation to determine the extent of plagiarism and gather evidence.

Academic Penalties: The student may receive academic penalties, which can vary depending on the severity of the plagiarism. These penalties may include receiving a lower grade for the extended essay, receiving a failing grade (such as a D or an N), or disqualification from the entire IB Diploma Programme.

Disciplinary Measures: The school may also impose additional disciplinary measures as per their policies, such as academic probation, suspension, or other consequences outlined in their academic integrity policy.

Reporting to the IB: The school is required to report cases of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, to the IB. The IB will review the case and may take further action, which can include disqualifying the student from receiving the IB Diploma.

It's important to note that the specific consequences can vary between schools and may depend on the severity and intentionality of the plagiarism. It's always advisable to familiarize oneself with the academic integrity policies and guidelines set forth by the IB and the student's school to avoid any issues related to plagiarism.

2 answers

brutality, duality, fatality, finality, formality, frugality, legality, lethality, locality, mentality, modality, morality, mortality, neutrality, normality, tonality, totality, vitality, abnormality, actuality, commonality, criticality, generality, geniality, hospitality, liberality, musicality, nationality, partiality, practicality, sense modality, sensuality, sexuality, touch modality, triviality, unreality, with formality, as a formality, bisexuality, congeniality, dimensionality, impersonality, infant mortality, irrationality, municipality, spirituality, theatricality, universality, without formality, confidentiality, homosexuality, sexual morality, visual modality, auditory modality, genetic abnormality, olfactory modality, congenital abnormality, extraterritoriality

Nationality actuality.


4 syllables: ethereality immateriality materiality corporeality extraterritoriality incorporeality territoriality axiality bestiality commerciality connubiality impartiality joviality mercuriality partiality provinciality sociality spatiality speciality unreality artificiality superficiality conviviality triviality cordiality primordiality

3 syllables: brutality carnality causality centrality coevality commensality communality dextrality feudality finality (high) fidelity horizontality immortality infidelity integrality lethality magistrality mortality nasality neutrality ovality prodigality rascality spectrality totality universality venality vitality asexuality bisexuality heterosexuality homosexuality intersexuality sexuality unisexuality effectuality ineffectuality intellectuality eventuality confidentiality consequentiality essentiality inconsequentiality potentiality sequentiality tangentiality conventionality extensionality intentionality unconventionality sensuality fundamentality instrumentality mentality sacramentality sentimentality ephemerality generality illiberality liberality literality eternality externality infernality internality nocturnality aboriginality originality classicality criticality cylindricality equivocality ethicality fantasticality farcicality illogicality impracticality inimicality musicality nonsensicality practicality pragmaticality reciprocality technicality theatricality logicality typicality unpracticality veridicality verticality animality whimsicality commonality conditionality constitutionality criminality directionality emotionality impersonality marginality multiple/split/ personality proportionality unconstitutionality municipality principality corporality immorality morality temporality unmorality hospitality inhospitality modality sodality locality vocality atonality polytonality tonality conjugality frugality plurality rurality duality individuality mutuality punctuality spirituality virtuality topicality tropicality amorality

(a mere) formality abnormality informality (mental) subnormality normality supernormality

2 answers

Answer 1 In the name of Allah (swt) the most merciful

Yes it is a Muslim's faith to believe in Allah (Swt) that everything in the universe is created by him.

A true muslim neither rapes nor he can murder

one cannot judge a worth of a good car through the driver who does not know how to drive.

There are proper punishments for those who conduct these crimes

Answer 2

Part 1 of the Question: Yes, Muslims believe that God is responsible for the creation of all mankind.

Part 2 of the Question: There is no justification in Islam, but these are complicated issues, see below.

This is where the conflict between Islam as a religion of precepts and the Pre-Muslim culture that existed in many places where Islam arrived come to head. No Qur'anic Scholar of renown has ever claimed that Muslims have the right or duty to either rape or murder and, in fact, strongly condemn these actions. However, Islam developed without any unifying religious authority since the Caliphs of the Umayyad and Abbassid Dynasties were seen as generally impious people. As a result, Islamic Legal Application was developed region by region and scholar by scholar. In some cases, such as concerns polytheism, these scholars were very quick to repudiate local un-Islamic practices. As concerns raping and honor-killings, they were less inclined to fight public pre-Islamic opinion. (A likely reason was probably to avoid offending people and maintain political/religious control: pick your battles.) A number of Muslims in these jurisdictions believe that these pre-Islamic customs are actually Islamic and follow them religiously without grounding.

Specifically as concerns responsibility for being raped, Islamic scholars fault the man for the act of rape and the woman for the failure to be modestly dressed. This goes against the Western sensibility that only the rapist is guilty, but the Islamic position does not absolve the man of guilt. It is these pre-Islamic cultural customs that allow the men to get off scott free.

As concerns murdering, a distinction must first be made between "murder" and "killing". "Killing" is one person taking the life of another person or living organism. "Murder" is specifically killing a person with intentionality during peacetime. Murder is explicitly prohibited in Islam, whereas killing may occur under strict requirements. (This is quite similar to other non-pacifist religions.) "Jihad", when it concerns open warfare, does proscribe killing, but not murder. In a case where one must struggle to prevent oppression or defend one's rights, one has an obligation in Islam to fight and take lives if that is requisite. However, those lives must be enemy combatants. Terrorism is a distortion of the traditional doctrines of jihad. Jihad also separately means emotional struggles and debates during which the killing of somebody is not possible or permitted.

1 answer

The semester is finally underway. You have your syllabi, your books and maybe your first assignments. Consider this the perfect stage of the game to shape your mindset as well as schedule for the term. In order to succeed, you need to do more than keep up. In order to perform your best in each facet of your courses, you need to go beyond simply following the assignment sheet each day. Will you take a simply “responsive” approach to your work or a proactive one? Consider settling into a workable groove before the larger projects and tests come up in the semester. Now is the time to plan it out.

In addition to keeping a daily task list and a semester map of larger projects, it’s helpful to work with a schedule template to lay out what each week looks like in terms of commitments and study time. Although filling in a template sheet each week only takes about ten minutes, the process will allow you to begin your week with intentionality and can make you work more efficiently throughout the week’s time.








5:00 a.m.







12:00 p.m.












12:00 a.m.


2:00-5:00 a.m.

Begin by filling in your weekly commitments (including travel time) – the classes, work hours and appointments you must attend. These are the academic/professional non-negotiable elements of your week. Next, fill in other necessary but more personal obligations like family responsibilities, activities, sleep, meals, etc. Suddenly, the previously empty sheet looks considerably more limited. What you’re left with, of course, is so-called “free” time, much of which will become your study time. The old rule of thumb teachers and advisers suggest is two hours of study time for every hour in class. Although your sparser weeks might appear to require less than this, be sure to take into account the large amount of studying and research/writing work that goes into large projects and exams. The two hour rule is an average. Add up what the rule means for your schedule. If you’re in class eight hours a week, how can you work in sixteen hours of study time? Can you – without forgoing a decent night’s sleep? You might find yourself reprioritizing a few activities and tasks to make more room for studying.

Use the sheet as a guidepost for each week, and stick to it as closely as you can. Remember, even if you’re having a lighter week and don’t need every hour that’s set aside, the schedule gives you an opportunity to work ahead on larger projects to avoid a bottleneck of study obligations later. Use the template as a productivity tool that helps you assess your studying needs and how they evolve throughout the term.

1 answer

In Judaism, the theory of creation is based on the belief in one God, who created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh day, known as Shabbat. This is described in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. The creation story emphasizes God's sovereignty, creativity, and intentionality in forming the world and all living beings.

6 answers

The first creation story in Genesis emphasizes the power and intentionality of God in creating the universe. It also highlights the goodness of creation and the hierarchy of creation, with humans being made in God's image as the pinnacle. Additionally, it teaches us about the importance of rest and Sabbath as a part of God's design for the world.

3 answers

iatrogenically, ichthyological, ichthyologists, ichthyophagous, ichthyosaurian, iconographical, idealistically, identification, idiopathically, idiosyncrasies, idolatrousness, ignitabilities, ignorantnesses, illegalization, illegibilities, illegitimacies, illegitimately, illiberalities, illimitability, illiterateness, illogicalities, illuminatingly, illusivenesses, illusorinesses, illustrational, illustratively, imaginableness, immaterialisms, immaterialists, immaterialized, immaterializes, immethodically, immobilization, immoderateness, immovabilities, immunoblotting, immunochemical, immunochemists, immunogenetics, immunogenicity, immunoglobulin, immunoreactive, immunosorbents, immunosuppress, immutabilities, impartialities, impassableness, imperativeness, impercipiences, impermanencies, impermeability, impersonalized, impersonalizes, impersonations, impertinencies, imperviousness, implausibility, implementation, implicitnesses, impolitenesses, impossibleness, impoverishment, impracticality, impregnability, impressibility, impressionable, impressionisms, impressionists, impressiveness, impropernesses, improvisations, improvisatores, imputabilities, inadequateness, inadvertencies, inadvisability, inalienability, inalterability, inappositeness, inappreciative, inapproachable, inarticulacies, inarticulately, inartistically, inaudibilities, inauspiciously, inauthenticity, incandescences, incandescently, incapabilities, incapacitating, incapacitation, incarcerations, incardinations, incautiousness, incestuousness, inchoatenesses, incisivenesses, incombustibles, incommensurate, incommodiously, incommunicable, incommunicably, incompetencies, incompleteness, incompressible, inconcinnities, inconclusively, inconformities, inconsequences, inconsequently, inconsiderable, inconsiderably, inconsistences, inconsistently, incontinencies, incontrollable, inconvenienced, inconveniences, inconveniently, incoordination, incorporations, incorporeities, incorruptibles, incredibleness, incrementalism, incrementalist, incriminations, indebtednesses, indecipherable, indecisiveness, indecomposable, indecorousness, indefinability, indefiniteness, indelibilities, indelicateness, indemonstrable, indemonstrably, independencies, indestructible, indestructibly, indeterminable, indeterminably, indeterminisms, indeterminists, indifferencies, indifferentism, indifferentist, indigenization, indigenousness, indirectnesses, indiscoverable, indiscreetness, indiscriminate, indispensables, indispositions, indistinctness, individualised, individualises, individualisms, individualists, individualized, individualizes, individuations, indivisibility, indoctrinating, indoctrination, indoctrinators, indomitability, indubitability, inducibilities, industrialised, industrialises, industrialisms, industrialists, industrialized, industrializes, ineffabilities, ineffectuality, inefficiencies, inelasticities, ineluctability, inevitableness, inexorableness, inexpediencies, inexpertnesses, inexpressively, infectiousness, infelicitously, infinitenesses, infinitesimals, inflammability, inflammatorily, inflectionally, inflexibleness, inflorescences, infrangibility, infrastructure, infusibilities, ingloriousness, ingratiatingly, ingressiveness, ingurgitations, inharmoniously, inheritability, inimitableness, iniquitousness, initialization, innovativeness, inordinateness, insatiableness, inscrutability, insecticidally, insecurenesses, insensibleness, inseparability, insignificance, insignificancy, insolubilities, insolubilizing, inspectorships, instantiations, instructorship, instructresses, instrumentally, insubordinates, insufficiently, insuppressible, insurabilities, insurmountable, insurmountably, insurrectional, intangibleness, integrationist, intellectively, intellectually, intelligencers, intelligential, intelligentsia, intensionality, intentionality, interanimation, interbehaviors, intercalations, intercessional, intercommunion, intercommunity, intercomparing, interconnected, interconverted, intercorporate, intercorrelate, interdependent, interdepending, interdialectal, interdiffusing, interdiffusion, interdigitated, interdigitates, interelectrode, interfaculties, interferential, interferograms, interferometer, interferometry, interfertility, intergradation, interinfluence, interinvolving, interjectional, interlacements, interlineation, intermarriages, intermediacies, intermediaries, intermediately, intermediating, intermediation, intermenstrual, intermetallics, intermittences, intermittently, intermolecular, internationals, internucleonic, interobservers, interoperative, interparochial, interpellating, interpellation, interpellators, interpenetrate, interpermeated, interpermeates, interplanetary, interpolations, interpositions, interpretation, interpretative, interpretively, interpupillary, interrelatedly, interrelations, interreligious, interrogations, interrogatives, intersectional, intersegmental, intersexuality, interspersions, intersterility, interstitially, intertwinement, intervalometer, intervertebral, intimatenesses, intimidatingly, intolerability, intolerantness, intracardially, intracranially, intractability, intracutaneous, intramolecular, intransigeance, intransigeants, intransigences, intransigently, intransitively, intransitivity, intrepidnesses, introductorily, introgressants, introgressions, introspections, introversively, intussuscepted, invaluableness, invasivenesses, investigations, invigoratingly, invincibleness, inviolableness, invisibilities, irascibilities, ironicalnesses, irrationalisms, irrationalists, irreconcilable, irreconcilably, irreducibility, irrefutability, irregularities, irreligionists, irremovability, irreproachable, irreproachably, irreproducible, irresoluteness, irresponsibles, irrevocability, irritabilities, isentropically, isoagglutinins, isoalloxazines, isocarboxazids, isochromosomes, isomerizations, isomorphically, isoproterenols, italicizations

1 answer

The first creation story in Genesis reveals that God is the ultimate creator of the universe and all living things. It emphasizes God's power, authority, and intentionality in bringing order out of chaos. The story also highlights the goodness and beauty of creation, and the special role of humans as stewards over the earth.

4 answers

I have come into terms with life with the understanding that whatever amount of time you wasted, it will NEVER forgive until it exact it revenge on you.

For me, it started at 24 years old, yours might be earlier or later. And today, I want to share with YOU on Embracing Life’s Urgency: Coping with the Realization of Time Running out you.

Life is often seen as an open road with endless possibilities. However, for some individuals, this age can mark the beginning of a profound realization — the ticking clock of time. It’s a juncture where the carefree days of youth collide with the looming specter of adulthood’s responsibilities. Ever since till this very moment of my life, no day passes by without me always wondering and asking myself “Have I successfully been able to embrace my true life calling?” And of course, some of us may have already figured theirs out, others still trying to figure it out, some don’t bother or never made effort and the most saddest part is — some may neither never get to figure it out nor embrace it.

Only a man who believes that his very existence based on purpose. And that eventual becomes clear with time. Time is precious, and who we spend it with matters greatly. When you become very conscious of your time, sometimes you will become more afraid of being available to everyone. “*Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life.” — Ziad K. Abdelnour

How to navigate this transitional period with purpose and resilience.

Understanding the Significance

Turning 24yrs can trigger a range of emotions, from excitement about the future to a sense of urgency. It’s an age where societal expectations often begin to weigh heavily on individuals. The pressure to establish a career, find a life partner, or pursue higher education can intensify as the realization dawns that time is not infinite.

Embracing the Reality

Acknowledging that time is finite can be daunting, but it can also be empowering. Instead of viewing it as a constraint, consider it a catalyst for action. Embrace the urgency to pursue your passions, cultivate meaningful relationships, and set achievable goals. Use this awareness as fuel to live each day with purpose and intentionality.

Navigating Career and Education

For many at 24, career choices and educational pursuits become increasingly significant. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the multitude of options and the pressure to make the “right” decisions. Instead of succumbing to analysis paralysis, focus on exploring your interests, gaining experience through internships or part-time jobs, and seeking mentorship from professionals in your field of interest. Remember, it’s okay to pivot and evolve as you discover what truly fulfills you.

Finding Balance

While striving towards career and educational goals, it’s essential not to neglect other aspects of life. Cultivate a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes physical and mental well-being, nurtures personal relationships, and allows for moments of joy and relaxation. Remember, success is not solely defined by professional achievements but also by the quality of life you lead.

Building Relationships

Navigating relationships in your mid-twenties can be complex. Whether it’s friendships, romantic partnerships, or familial bonds, invest time and effort into cultivating meaningful connections. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift and inspire you. Remember, genuine connections are built on mutual respect, trust, and open communication.

Embracing Growth and Resilience

At 24, you’re still evolving and learning about yourself. Embrace this period of growth with curiosity and resilience. Embrace failures as opportunities for growth, and celebrate successes, no matter how small. Trust in your abilities to overcome challenges and adapt to change. Remember, life’s journey is not a race but a marathon, and each step forward is a victory in itself.


Signing off, realizing that time is running out at the age of 24 can be a transformative moment in one’s life. It’s a juncture where the urgency of time converges with the boundless potential of youth. Embrace this realization as a catalyst for action, and approach life with purpose, resilience, and a sense of adventure. Remember, the journey of self-discovery and personal growth is ongoing, and every moment is an opportunity to create the life you envision.

Thank you for reading!

Stay calm,

Stay hungry,

Stay focus,

Stay fixated on the price,

— Abraham

1 answer

Text refers to written or spoken language in a specific form, such as a book, article, or speech. Discourse, on the other hand, encompasses not only the text itself but also the social context, interactions, and implications that surround it. Discourse considers how language is used to convey meaning within a particular cultural or social setting.

2 answers

Israel does not murder Palestinians. However, while protecting its citizens and defending its borders, many Palestinians both armed and unarmed have died. I often wonder what the reaction of the US might be if 60,000 unguided rockets had been lobbed from Tijuana into San Diego over the past 5 years. And how long the US would show 'restraint'. And whether the US would worry a lot about 'proportionate' response. Just musing.

3 answers