that is what you smoke but the strong stuff is not for beginners sorry
1 answer
Insense is something that smells good when burned, and chandra is probably a type of spice
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saheeh(sahih) hadith means authentic hadith ... insense the hadith is considered true and valid
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Light the tip of the insense with a lighter or match, place it on a holder in a safe place, and allow it to burn.
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Yes there is an incense when the body of Christ take a procession toward the monstrance which set the body of Christ.
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There is no person who will trade a Munchlax in Soul Silver.
You have to breed a Snorlax with a Full Insense if you want a Munchlax.
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no Rasta Spice is just a herbal blend. it has no chem spray its just a blend with a brand name on it. its insense
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I read some where it comes out in Japan on January 2010, so we'll have to wait for someone to put it on Youtube or online.
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in Hinduism pooja tray has flowers, rice, sandal and diya, insense sticks. These all items are used to worship God and make him happy.
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its easy leave an azumarril with a marril and make sure azummarril is holding wave insense then in the egg it will be an azurril have fun! sumtimes if u do it rong ur game culd freeze (::)
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Lax incense is an item found in Lost Cave on Six Island you can receive it by going the following directions inside the cave: Right, Down. The item will be in the middle for you to pick up.
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No, but you open yourself up to lawsuits by selling it as a drug which is intended for people to take. A lot of companies will call their product insense or they will have some kind of disclaimer
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yes, my friend actually died from it for 18 seconds. he is lucky to be alive. i've done it before too and trust me; you need to havethe right mind set to do it - no anxiety or panic disorders. because it will screw you over hard if you do
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You can purchase inexpensive facial oil from a cheap oil and insense shop or from a chemist, sometimes they have sales and you can find things like this cheap. You could also try at the Chemist Warehouse online or in the store. Price attack may also stock it
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Well, it depends on what kind of entity we're talking about. You can recite prayers, or cleanse the house with (Holly water), or get a preist to cleanse the house for you if it gets worse. You can buy a insense called sage which also helps. Also Go to the catholic church to get some Holly water.
Hope This Helps!
1 answer
One can smoke just about anything that you can roll or put in a pipe. Once of these can cause a severe spike in temperature and ruin your brain, which will cause you to need life support and the other can kill you with carbon monoxide poisoning. It doesn't matter which will do what. Neither is a good choice.
1 answer
Elementaery my dear watson
can a fly, fly if it can not fly?
Is the summers breeze breezy as my farts?
Can a fish, inject a bee with the insense of a palm tree?
The answer will become once you can suck your own toes, and have answered all of the above, only then can you know
1 answer
im not sure about in emerald... but in ruby and sapphire it is found in mt. pyre on the 5th floor. so u could just try looking there. Improvement: It's in Emerald, just go right to the top of Mt Pyre, drop down a few floors, then you'll find the sea incense and the lax incense.
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Yes there are. All-natural, made with essential oils and Andiroba, a natural repellent.This set of 12 two-foot incense sticks will protect your garden and patio all summer long.Amazon Lights New All-Natural Insect Repellent Outdoor Garden Insense Sticks - Set of 12 With 2.5 HoList Price: $18.99
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Well, I am NOT certain, but apparently you'll hav to get honey and then go to one of the many honey trees and then you put the honey on the tree wait around 12-24 hours then when the tree shakes press A then if your lucky you'll get a muchlax. Also you can go on the GTS in jubilife and trade for one you can also breed snorlaxs with one holding a full insense. -PokéFan Boo
(For more help, visithttp://pokemondiamondandpearladvice.webs.com/)
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Akane comes home with some sweet smelling insense, which piques Happosai's interest. He tries to share some of his special brand with her, but Ranma fans it in his face causing him to pass out. It seemed he had planned to molest Akane while she slept. That night, after he awakens, Happosai sneaks into Ranma's room and mixes the Incense of Spring Sleep intending to cause Ranma to sleep all through spring
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i don't know. go and ask a 7 year old boy who knows. OR you can go get your chip and throw it off a cliff. Ho-Oh should come and catch it.Great answer dude not.The only way to get any of the event pokemon witch means ho-oh,lugia and deoxys is to use cheats unless the movie comes out again but never gonna happen.
4 answers
yo, only way i know off is to migrate it from Sapphire ,ruby or, emerald ,the way you get a wynut in those is in lavabridge town; theres an old lady near the hot springs shell give you an egg walk for a while and BOOM! you got a wynut ...as soon as you migrate.
theres your answer strait from me snake eyes.
9 answers
yup. it fries your brain. and it can kill you. my friend died from it for 18 seconds. and you forget everything. plus if you dont have the right mind set you;ll have the worst trip of your life
3 answers
I am actually her cousin so im pretty lucky to know that yes she did open a store called elves palace in stoughton WI. the store sold games, insense and other cool things. i remember going there and she would give me way more candy than anyone else on halloween. luna now lives in Colorado so i dont get to see her much but you can add her on facebook. also if you want me to prove shes my cousin look up Rikki Christman and Luna lynn frey and itll say we are cousins.
Good luck!
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Particles of matter are constantly moving due to their kinetic energy. This movement can be demonstrated through observations such as Brownian motion, where you can see the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid under a microscope. Additionally, experiments like diffusion show how particles spread out due to their constant movement.
5 answers
It should be high up on a mantle or shelf, and kept a little away from things that aren't used in practice, like books, knick-knacks and clutter. Even if you don't practice Buddhism it is a sign of respect to put it in a special place. Answer: My Buddha statue is on my dresser top... I kind of made a makeshift alter for Him. With two statues of Him, and insense burner and some things that make it a nice looking altar. Answer: Depends on the "for you" and the "for the neighbours " aspects. For you it could be in a special place or an uncommon place where you come across it suddenly - like a visual koan - to give you that little shock out of rational thought processes. Some ultra-conservatives may see having the statue as tantamount to devil worship and be horrified. While this reactionmay be acceptable for door to door evangelicals it might ruin the relations with the next door neighbours.
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Go North of Solaceon Town, not quite reaching Route 210. Go right through a tiny entrance, after reaching this point go far right. Eventually you will reach a small ridge that your able to jump. Jump it, then jump the next, then the next.you should find a cave entrance. If you can't quite reach it, go around and try again. If you've found the cave, enter it. In the back there is UNOWN writing. Translated, it says "TOP RIGHT, LOWER LEFT, TOP RIGHT, TOP LEFT, TOP LEFT, LOWER LEFT." If you correctly follow these directions, you will find 4 Pokeballs, within these hold a Nugget, Rare Candy, Mind Plate, and Odd Insense. Before you see these items you may find more UNOWN writing. Translated it says "FRIENDSHIP, ALL LIVES TOUCH OTHER LIVES AND CREATES SOMETHING ALIVE AND ANEW."
1 answer
Incense has been used throughout history beginning even before ancient times. Incense to ward off ghosts and evil spirits probably make up a good portion of ritual incenses worldwide.
Traditionally sage, or what is known as a smudge stick, has been used with great success by a multitude of cultures and religions.
- Agrimony Ash sprinkled around is supposed to help.
- Blessed salt sprinkled around is believed to create a protective barrier.
- Cedar Incense
- Rue candles or incense
- An herb called Boneset
- Marjoram herb when sprinkled is believed to chase away spirits.
- The Herb Caraway burned or sprinkled
- Some new age or witchcraft stores often sell various banishing incenses
Keep in mind these herbs and incenses are from a long history of folklore and are only as strong as the faith that goes into them. All incenses, potions, and herbs that claim to chase away spirits often require a ritual or magic circle to be cast. Even the Catholic house blessing is a ritual.
If you have no faith in such folklore then very little if anything will work. I am not an expert in magic, ritual, or anything else that uses these techniques, but for some they have been helpful.
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8 answers
Smoochum (psychic, ice) can onle be found when is swarms. Every day talk to Dawn's sister (In the big house in Sandgem) and she will tell you what Pokemon is swarming that day, eventually it will be Smoochum. Smoochum swarms in the long grass north of the lake near Snowpoint. Catch other Pokemon she tells you are swarming as they are usually rare.
9 answers
The cross is symbolic for Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Jesus was put to death at the hand of many people and was sent to die the worst death-sentence ever invented the word "excruciating" comes from out of the cross. Dying on the cross is the most painful way a person can die. So painful they had to invent a word for how bad the pain was. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that we may live and have everlasting life" Before Christ Jews had to make animal sacrifices and burn insense but because of Christ he was the holy lamb that took the blow for all humanity in the most painful way possible.
5 answers
Matthew 2:1-12 records the visit of the wise men. Out of this story, all kinds of popular imagery has developed which actually has nothing to do with Matthew's account.
First: Scripture doesn't say how many wise men there were. The notion that there were three of them arises from the fact that they presented three gifts. There could have been any number of men.
Second: Their mode of transportation is nowhere mentioned. It's very likely they used camels in their travels, but it isn't stated.
Third: The wise men did not visit Jesus in the manger. This is an unfortunate fallacy that people pick up from nativity scenes depicting both the shepherds and the wise men paying homage to the newborn Jesus together. Perhaps that makes for pleasing imagery to some, but it's biblically inaccurate.
According to Luke's gospel, angels announced Christ's arrival to shepherds in the field on the night of His birth, and theyimmediately went and saw a "babe" (Greek brephos - "a new-born child") in the manger (Luke 2:8-15). Luke doesn't tell of the visit of the wise men.
Conversely, Matthew's account doesn't tell of the shepherds' visit; indeed, it says nothing of events on the night of Jesus' birth, and some time elapses between the close of Matthew 1 (the naming of Jesus, which would officially have taken place at His circumcision, when He was eight days old - Luke 2:26) and the beginning of Matthew 2.
When the wise men arrived, Matthew 2:11 says that Jesus was a "young child" (Greek paidion - "a young child, a little boy, a little girl; of a more advanced child"), and that they found Him in a "house" with Mary His mother (not in the manger). By this time, Jesus would have been up to two years old, as evidenced by Herod's subsequent "slaughter of the innocents:" all male children in the region aged two and under (Matthew 2:16).
To summarize the answer to your question:
No, the Bible doesn't say there were "exactly" three wise men.
Matthew's account makes no mention of camels.
The wise men didn't visit the infant Jesus in the manger; they visited Him as a "young child" in a "house."
6 answers
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i can go on man.
5 answers
5 Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God; 6 and before the throne there was something like a sea of glass, like crystal; and in the center and around the throne, four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind. 7 The first creature was like a lion, and the second creature like a calf, and the third creature had a face like that of a man, and the fourth creature was like a flying eagle. This is the description John gives of the vision given to him by Jesus. Apparently John saw the throne of God in heaven. Before the throne was a surface that appeared smooth and reflective. John also notes 4 living creatures. Do a bible search and you will find these same 4 creatures mentioned elsewhere in scripture. Look specifically to Ezekiel 1:5. These are created beings chosen to accompany God. They are a high order of angel.
4 answers