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After his guilt for the murder of Dr. Robinson is revealed by Tom Sayer, he chases after him. In a cave, he is confronted by Huck Finn, who challenges him to a duel. Injun Joe wins, but he ends up falling into a chasm inside the cave.

3 answers

Reel Injun was created on 2009-09-10.

1 answer

When Injun Joe stepped up stairs the stair broke and Injun Joe landed on the ground on the pile of rotten wood

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Injun Trouble - 1969 is rated/received certificates of:


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the word "Injun" is Offensive and is a Racist remark."Injun" directs separation, - maybe even 'segregation, from others.

"Injun" stands out as bright as the "N" word for Black / African People.

"Injun" stands out as bright as the "H" word for White European People.

We, the Native / Indigenous peoples are not "Indians", a 500 year old mistake,

but "Injun" is usually quoted in a derogatory name for the Native / Indigenous peoples called "Indians", - "America's" 'Indians'.

1 answer

Injun Trouble - 1938 was released on:

USA: 21 May 1938

1 answer

Injun Trouble - 1951 was released on:

USA: 23 May 1951

1 answer

Injun Trouble - 1969 was released on:

USA: 20 September 1969

1 answer

Injun Food - 1927 was released on:

USA: 25 December 1927

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Tom's nights were scary because he was afraid of Injun Joe because Tom told on Injun Joe and he was afraid that Tom was going to die if he slept and Injun Joe caught him.

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The term "injun" is a slang and derogatory term used to refer to Native Americans. It is offensive and not appropriate to use.

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Injun Joe and Dr. Robinson got into a fight, during which Injun Joe killed Dr. Robinson. Muff Potter witnessed the murder but was too frightened to intervene or report what he saw. Injun Joe framed Muff Potter for the murder.

1 answer

The cast of Injun Trouble - 1969 includes: Larry Storch as Cool Cat

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Too Much Injun - 1911 was released on:

USA: 28 November 1911

1 answer

No, the bad guy in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is Injun Joe, not Indian Joe. Injun Joe is a menacing character in the novel who plays a significant role in the story.

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No, Injun Joe is not a Spaniard. In the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, Injun Joe is described as a Native American character associated with the fictional town of St. Petersburg.

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Injun Joe's most prized possessions are the treasure and his bowy knife.

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Injun Joe died in starvation inside the cave.

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The gunfight between the Welchman and Injun Joe in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" was sparked by Injun Joe's attempted murder of Widow Douglas. The Welchman intervened, leading to a confrontation where shots were fired. This incident played a significant role in the storyline, revealing Injun Joe's villainous nature.

3 answers

Independent Lens - 1999 Reel Injun was released on:

USA: 2 November 2010

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Injun Joe murdered Dr. Robinson because 5 years before that night when Injun Joe came to Dr. Robinsons' house begging for food and Robinson wouldn't give him any. Then Robinson's dad had Injun Joe thrown in jail as a vagrant.

4 answers

Tom discovers Injun Joe in the cave, hiding out after committing a crime. He overhears Injun Joe confess to his crimes, and Tom is able to use this information to help clear Muff Potter's name.

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Before her husband died, Judge Douglass (involved in court) was "rough" with Injun Joe, and arrested Injun Joe and humiliated him. Therefore, Injun Joe wanted to slit the Widow's face to make her ugly and suffer, as revenge.

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Widow Douglas is saved by Huckleberry Finn from Injun Joe .

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Injun Joe murdered Dr. Robinson at McDougal's Cave in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.

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Tom and Huck are amazed that Injun Joe's version of events in the graveyard does not align with what they witnessed and know to be true. They are surprised by the lies and deceit in Injun Joe's story.

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The meaning of the term, 'injen', is often misspelled for the word, "injun". Injun is a racist term that someone uses in reference to an Native American Indian.

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Mickey - 1964 Honest Injun 1-10 was released on:

USA: 25 November 1964

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Injun Joe is a fictional character created by Mark Twain in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." His age is not explicitly mentioned in the book.

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Saddle Up with Dick Wrangler and Injun Joe - 2009 is rated/received certificates of:


1 answer

he was in a cave and couldn't get out so he dead from starvation ..

3 answers

he was the one to murder Dr. Robinson


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The "Deaf and Dumb" Spaniard is really Injun Joe. Huck just wanted to protect Injun Joe's identity so the Welshman wouldn't know.

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Saddle Up with Dick Wrangler and Injun Joe - 2009 was released on:

USA: 28 August 2009

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F Troop - 1965 Honest Injun 1-12 was released on:

USA: 30 November 1965

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Guestward Ho - 1960 Injun Bill 1-14 was released on:

USA: 5 January 1961

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Tom Sawyer keeps Injun Joe's tick as a memento in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." He keeps it as a reminder of the dangerous encounter he had with Injun Joe in the cave.

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The cast of Koko Gottum Injun Trouble - 1962 includes: Norma MacMillan as Kokette Larry Storch as Koko the Clown

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Injun Joe was sleeping in there

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In the book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, Injun Joe dies in the cave where he had hidden the treasure. He gets trapped and starves to death in the cave, ultimately meeting his demise there.

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The cast of Honest Injun - 1999 includes: Cris Mancuso Danny Molina Ricardo Molina Mark Pellegrino Stephen Sorrentino as Johnny Tratta

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Yes, Injun Joe was punished by being publicly horse-whipped in the town square at the end of the book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.

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The new would spread quickly and since Huck knew the ragged man (Injun Joe) from before, Injun Joe would kill Huck for telling everyone.

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Injun Joe was trying to kill Tom Sawyer for knowing too much about his crimes.

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Mark Twain wants us to feel empathy for Injun Joe. This is demonstrated when he states that the town felt bad for Injun Joe and forgave him for his wrongs at his funeral especially after his terrible death.

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Injun Joe's target of revenge is mainly Tom Sawyer, as he blames Tom for his imprisonment in a cave. He also seeks revenge on other members of the community who have mistreated him in the past.

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In "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," the only character who dies is Injun Joe. He dies in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," which is a separate novel by Mark Twain.

3 answers

Bozo The World's Most Famous Clown - 1958 Injun Fun 2-36 was released on:

USA: 1959

1 answer