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it is infamously known as the denominator

1 answer

Not properly. Not in that order consecutively. "He was starring as Hitler, infamously portraying him as a popular hero."

Possibly one might say, "He was starring infamously in a questionable depiction of Hitler as a hero." But that's not quite correct.

"He starred in the infamous role..." would be better.


Some other Hollywood references :

"Richard Widmark debuted in the 1947 film Kiss of Death, starring infamously as a deranged psychopath who giggled as he pushed his wheelchair-bound victim down the stairs."

"Kim Novak suffered a downturn in popularity after starring infamously in the box office disaster Moll Flanders."

1 answer

Bad, horrible, known to be horrible and bad. eg: Infamously bad

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magnify glass

Donald Neilson, a convicted multi murderer.

Known infamously as the Black Panther.

Please see the related Answers.com link.

1 answer

This refers to smegma - a build up of a white or yellowish substance made from natural oils from glands on the penis. It is infamously known for its cheesy smell.

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creampuffs, departures, dreadfully, enraptured, infamously, parachuted, parachutes, recaptured, recaptures, runarounds, tarantulas, triangular, unlawfully

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Jacob Kevorkian was a doctor who was famously (or infamously) imprisioned for illegally euthanizing patients.

He died at age 83 on June 3, 2011 (unrelated)

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The trenches were infamously overrun with rats - some were killed and cooked to supplement poor rations.

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67 (and 15 losses), which they did in the 2006-2007 season. That was the year they infamously lost to the eighth seed Golden State Warriors in the first round of the playoffs.

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yes they could comitt suicide and go to heaven


there were some escapees, most infamously Wexler and Vrba who told the word what was happening... and no one believed them.

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In the year 2011, Oklahoma experienced extreme heat and drought. Oklahoma summers are usually just that: hot and dry. Although, you can expect a breeze to help beat the heat from the infamously windy state.

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John Forte became famous from his Grammy win for working with the Fugees. He is more infamously known for his involvement in criminal drug activity, leading him to be sentenced to fourteen years in federal prison.

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No, his location was in a school, where he famously, and simultaneously infamously, decided to finish reading a book to school children once he heard what had occurred. Not kidding check wikipedia dot org for more

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Brad Womack, in Season 11 of The Bachelor, infamously decided not to choose either woman in the finale. Brad came back for a redo in Season 15, where he chose Emily Maynard. The couple broke up not long after the finale.

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Cannabis (if you are referring to the flower/bud) is produced by the female plant - it grows naturally in many countries such as Jamaica and Afghanistan. But, it is infamously known for its illegal cultivation in countries such as the USA and the UK.

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Many fans have felt that the localization (translating) of Sonic X by 4Kids was mishandled, as with most anime they localize, most infamously One Piece. One can see the comparison of Sonic X by searching online and watching the original Japanese episodes with English subtitles, and then watching the 4Kids version.

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The coaches and sportswriters vote for the teams that play in the title game. Infamously, Boise State University went 12-0, 10-2, 12-0, and 13-0 in consecutive years and was left out of the title game each year for a team with a worse record.

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It was Rapper Kanye West.

Kanye West infamously took the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards as Swift was about to accept the award for "Best Female Video" and said that the award should have gone to Beyonce. It was a classless move that had even President Obama weighing in, calling West "A Jackass":

1 answer

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain went to Munich to meet with Hitler, bringing back the famous, and infamously naive, promise that Hitler wanted no more territory and thus "peace in our time" had been achieved. This is a key incident of appeasement in the lead-up to World War II.

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No. But Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro won Oscars in different categories for their performances as Don Vito Corleone. Brando won (but infamously declined) the 1972 Best Actor award for "The Godfather." De Niro won the 1974 Best Supporting Actor award for "The Godfather Part II."

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It means 'pure', 'good', 'worthy'. One of the problems you will find when "googling" Hindi and Sanskrit words is that spellings vary. I have found various sites with the spelling 'satavic', 'sattvic' and so on. --- Swastik is a Hindi pronunciation of the sanskrit word swastika. This is a holy and auspicious symbol, and is often used in decoration of temples, etc. The swastika was infamously misused by the Nazis under Hitler.

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They infamously didn't get along. John Wayne represented the old school ways of masculinity, and Montgomery Clift was beginning to usher in a new era to look at human nature and men. Wayne often scoffed at his lack of posture (Wayne was 6'4" and muscular, Clift was 5'11" and wiry). Wayne's indifference infuriated Clift according to many of the people who worked on Red River with them.

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I believe that the grade point average necessary to achieve and in order to be awarded the distinctions with honors is at LEAST a 3.7. There is nothing wrong with a lower GPA of 3.7 but to have very high honors you should have better grades then somebody of lower expectations, such as Usman Alam, infamously known for being one of Tyler Perry's many lovers.

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Yes indeed he was a Liverpool ship owner, who infamously owned with others, the schooner Zong. In 1781 the captain of this slave trader threw 133 slaves into the mid Atlantic in order to claim the insurance money for the ship owners rather than the 'cargo' being reported dead on arrival with no claim possible. The case was central to highlighting the inhumanity of the slave trade and greatly helped in it's abolition in 1807.

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George Herman "Babe" Ruth played for three major league teams. He played for the Boston Red Sox, as a pitcher, and was infamously traded to the New York Yankees so that the owner of the Red Sox had money to finance a Broadway play. The Yankees, seeing his power hitting, converted him to an outfielder so that he could play everyday. At the end of his career he was sold to the Boston Braves, hoping he would someday be named the manager.

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Takin' Care of Business was a Brahma bull that infamously was known for turning on and injuring Lane Frost at the 1990 National Finals Rodeo. The bull hit Frost in the side, breaking several of his ribs. Frost then fell to the ground and the broken bones pierced his heart and lungs, leading to his death.

Eventually Takin' Care of Business was retired and spent the last few years of his life as a stud. He died in 1999.

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The 12 apostles of Jesus were Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot. Each apostle played a role in spreading Jesus' teachings by traveling to different regions to preach the gospel, perform miracles, and establish Christian communities. Peter was considered the leader of the apostles, while Judas Iscariot infamously betrayed Jesus.

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Jenny Geddes lived from about 1600 to about 1660. She was an Edinburgh street-seller who famously, or infamously, threw her stool at the head of the Dean in St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh on Sunday 23 July 1637, and sparked a riot that led directly to the Wars of the Covenant; the Wars of the Three Kingdoms; the English Civil War; the execution of Charles I; and Cromwell's occupation of Scotland: 23 years of wide-ranging conflict that did not really end until the restoration of Charles II in 1660.

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1. The disillusioned student thought that by writing in an overly verbose manner, his essay would be better.

2. The paper was too verbose to fit the 500 word limit.

3. During debates, politicians have to make an effort to not be verbose; they only have one minute to explain their positions.

4. Patent applications are infamously verbose in their claims.

3 answers

Yes, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney presided over the Dred Scott v. Sandford case. Dred Scott was the slave who sued for his freedom in this landmark 1857 Supreme Court decision. Taney’s ruling infamously declared that African Americans, whether free or enslaved, were not U.S. citizens and could not sue in federal court.

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Well, computers run on a few standard, changeable operating systems, so their software issues can be fixed day-to-day and problems are usually identified and fixed quickly due to the wide user base.

Printers, however, have about a million* different softwares internally and for drivers, with a fraction of the time put into development, which are complex or impossible to change, and which don't have enough users per software type to properly crowd source fixes.

*That's an exaggeration.

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Because of the horror of the Holocaust which occurred there... perhaps as well as the inscription on the gates: "Arbeit macht frei"

*****The inscription on the gate to Auschwitz is like that of many other camps. "Arbeit macht frei" is a German phrase meaning "labour makes (you) free". The slogan is known for having been placed over the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps during World War II, including most infamously Auschwitz I, where it was made by prisoners with metalwork skills and erected by order of the Nazis in June 1940. (Taken from Wikipedia)*****

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Mauna Loa on Hawaii which is a shield volcano (and is the largest volcano on earth in terms of volume), The Yellowstone caldera whose volcanism is a result of a mantle hotspot and Mount St. Helens in Washington state which is an active composite/stratovolcano (which infamously erupted in 1980 causing 57 deaths).

Lassen Peak in California is also worthy of mention here as one of only two volcanoes in the Contiguous United States to erupt in the 20th century (the other was Mt. St. Helens mentioned above) and also as one of the largest lava domes on Earth.

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According to the Royal Mail a standard letter shouldn't take more than 10 days to arrive, but that doesn't take into account the postal service on the other side. Turkish postal service is a lot slower than that in the UK so although your letter may arrive in the country within 10 days it could take an additional 7-14 days before it arrives at the location (depending on how remote the address is.)

However, the Turkish postal service is infamously unreliable and a large proportion of airmail will never make it to the recipient. This is more common with boxed packages than with letters.

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=The "baddest rubbish" in the world is the one which is commonly known as the "heaping pile of rubbished ruble". This possesses a much greater degree of "badness" than the mere "pile of junk" and certainly more than the, nearly resale worthy, previously owned, "mountain of garbage" & "clutter of trash".==Indeed, when the world's foremost authorities & scholarly experts of "undesirably discarded waste" converge upon the exclusively prestigious, annual summit "Mountain of Mired Muck" meeting & the "Compilation of Contaminated Corruption Convention", they unanimously agree that the infamously renowned "heaping pile of rubbished ruble" is indisputably the world's "baddest rubbish".==Don't Mention It.=

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Oh, yes, and it was an infamously devoted marriage. George Burns (January 20, 1896 - March 9, 1996), born Nathan Birnbaum married the love of his life, Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie "Gracie" Allen (July 26, 1895 - August 27, 1964), in Cleveland, Ohio on January 7, 1926. George had been married previously to Hannah Siegal, one of his vaudeville dance partners. It was a marriage of convenience because her family would not let her go on tour if she was not married. The marriage lasted 26 weeks. He did not have any female partners after Gracie's death.

3 answers

In the 1986 World Cup Quarter final against England, Maradona used his hand to score from a cross, the goal is infamously known as 'The Hand of God' goal. The goal is well remembered by England fans as they till date criticise Diego Maradona.

But just four minutes later he scored the goal which is known as the greatest World Cup goal of all time, he started a run inside his own half and beat 5 England players before he put it past Peter Shilton the England keeper.

Argentina won 2-1 and went on to win the World Cup.

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ask yourself why anyone would risk their life, their status/livelyhood, their family's lives for people that they did not know, with the knowlegde that what they were doing was unlikely to make a difference.

The Jews became victims not because ordinary people didn't stand up for them; Himmler infamously said that everyone knew a 'good Jew who was not like the rest', but they could not start making exceptions.

They were victims because no government, no statesman, no nation stood up for them. It was shown to them by the fact that there was no trade embargo, no diplomatic protests, nothing was said about the mis-treatment of Jews before the war. The Nazis knew that they could do what they wanted and any ordinary people could not stop them.

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Theodore Roosevelt advocated intervention in Cuba, to support the Cuban people and their desire for independence and to promote the Monroe Doctrine. The US couldn't really take possession of a country as an imperialist if they just freed them from another imperialist. It was the beginning of the "international police" identity that would unite the nation against the evil imperialists of the world.

Yet, the US wouldn't help other nations without getting something in return. The U.S. imposed various restrictions on the new government, including prohibiting alliances with other countries, and reserved the right to intervene. The U.S. also established a perpetual lease of Guantánamo Bay, which is still infamously used today.

1 answer

Theodore Roosevelt advocated intervention in Cuba, to support the Cuban people and their desire for independence and to promote the Monroe Doctrine. The US couldn't really take possession of a country as an imperialist if they just freed them from another imperialist. It was the beginning of the "international police" identity that would unite the nation against the evil imperialists of the world.

Yet, the US wouldn't help other nations without getting something in return. The U.S. imposed various restrictions on the new government, including prohibiting alliances with other countries, and reserved the right to intervene. The U.S. also established a perpetual lease of Guantánamo Bay, which is still infamously used today.

1 answer

Theodore Roosevelt advocated intervention in Cuba, to support the Cuban people and their desire for independence and to promote the Monroe Doctrine. The US couldn't really take possession of a country as an imperialist if they just freed them from another imperialist. It was the beginning of the "international police" identity that would unite the nation against the evil imperialists of the world.

Yet, the US wouldn't help other nations without getting something in return. The U.S. imposed various restrictions on the new government, including prohibiting alliances with other countries, and reserved the right to intervene. The U.S. also established a perpetual lease of Guantánamo Bay, which is still infamously used today.

1 answer

Theodore Roosevelt advocated intervention in Cuba, to support the Cuban people and their desire for independence and to promote the Monroe Doctrine. The US couldn't really take possession of a country as an imperialist if they just freed them from another imperialist. It was the beginning of the "international police" identity that would unite the nation against the evil imperialists of the world.

Yet, the US wouldn't help other nations without getting something in return. The U.S. imposed various restrictions on the new government, including prohibiting alliances with other countries, and reserved the right to intervene. The U.S. also established a perpetual lease of Guantánamo Bay, which is still infamously used today.

1 answer

Theodore Roosevelt advocated intervention in Cuba, to support the Cuban people and their desire for independence and to promote the Monroe Doctrine. The US couldn't really take possession of a country as an imperialist if they just freed them from another imperialist. It was the beginning of the "international police" identity that would unite the nation against the evil imperialists of the world.

Yet, the US wouldn't help other nations without getting something in return. The U.S. imposed various restrictions on the new government, including prohibiting alliances with other countries, and reserved the right to intervene. The U.S. also established a perpetual lease of Guantánamo Bay, which is still infamously used today.

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There are many different varieties of black-and-red-striped snakes; most infamously, the Coral snake vs. the Milk snake. Though they look nearly identical at first glance, one is deadly, and one is harmless. There is a little poem to help you remember the difference between the two.

To determine whether the snake is poisonous or not, simply look and the stripes and think of this poem:

Red on black? You're okay, Jack.

Red on yellow? They'll kill a fellow.

5 answers

In answer to this question Rocky boxed against his brother Sonny Marciano on many occasions, but never in official fights, only in sparring and infamously on an exhibition tour, where his brother illegally took on the identity of another amateur fighters, for this Rocky served a one month suspension in all states except NY where he had most early fights.

Rocky Marciano's true amateur record was/is 9-4 (8KO's), never 8-0, 30-0 (according to Sullivan's badly written book), 8-4 .

The confusion over 9-4 vs 8-4 is extra fight not included in his record because fighter Ralph did not show so naturally Rocky won by DQ!

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  1. Space - Book keeping is infamously space consuming, filing cabinets full of paper can be condensed into a single file on a laptop.
  2. Speed - Book keeping normally features calculations which a spreadsheet when set up with the correct functions can do them automatically as data is entered.
  3. Accuracy - Because the calculations are copied and automated, there would be no user input, and thus no chance of someone forgetting to carry a 1 in the calculations.
  4. Statistics - Having the data all in one place makes it far easier than scrolling through a filing cabinet to find out what the most commonly sold item in your company is.
  5. Backup - Backing up a file to a secondary location is as simple as two clicks, try doing that with an office fill of paper files.

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Desperate to offset their rapidly burgeoning population, and intent on getting hold of many valuable resources, Japan infamously conquered the north-east Chinese region of Manchuria prior to WW2. This could be seen by many historians as the end of the League of Nations, and the true start of the war.

4 answers