Ilish means the same as the name Elizabeth.
And awesomenesss :D
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there are many. my favourite is ilish-khichhuri
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Icefish, iconnu, inanga, ilish and ide are fish. They begin with the letter i.
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The provincial fish of East Bengal is Ilish, now nationalised by Bangla-desh.
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a lot of people started singing before Justin Bieber.
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The cast of These Four Walls - 2013 includes: Ilish Karson as Sam Steven Stapledon as Father
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Salmon will be called salmon in Bengali since its not very popular in Bengal and we don;t have an another name for it.
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Ilish Karson has: Played The Fire Pirate in "Cornwyth" in 2010. Played Poem Clouds in "Walking with My Left Hand" in 2012. Played Female Elf in "Cornwyth: Halloween Special" in 2012. Played Student in "Fugitive at 17" in 2012. Played Sam in "These Four Walls" in 2013. Played Zombie in "The Last Mile" in 2013. Played Party Girl in "Rulers of Darkness" in 2013. Played Fye in "Cornwyth: Halloween Special" in 2013. Played Student in "Guilty at 17" in 2014.
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Yes, American singer/songwriter Billie Eilish has a TikTok account. Her account is @billieeilish.
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The cast of The Last Mile - 2013 includes: Martine Berthiaume as Zombie William Berthiaume as Zombie Glena Chao as Zombie Chantal Despatie as Zombie Kent Goranson as Zombie Penny Goranson as Zombie Richard Groen as Car driver Aileigh Karson as Zombie Ilish Karson as Zombie Catherine Mary Clark as Zombie Francis Perron as Car passenger Anik Rompre as Car passenger Kidist Tadesse as Girl
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Said Mahran is a fictional character from the novel "The Thief and the Dogs" by Naguib Mahfouz. He is a criminal who seeks revenge after being betrayed by his former friends and collaborators. Mahran's story explores themes of betrayal, alienation, and the search for justice in a gritty urban setting.
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The cast of Cornwyth - 2010 includes: Morgan Blackbyrne as Alaric Greyhem Julianne Carioto as Bink Michel Danis as Brother Randel Kendrick de Lepper as Background Performer Kendrick de Lepper as Brom the Peddler Kendrick de Lepper as The Ghost Mike Dunitz as Redgar the Dwarf Stephanie Essig as Burial Ground Ghost Stephanie Essig as Sister Selina Stephanie Forgues as Background Performer Leo Frost as Beargal Thoose Leo Frost as Beargal Thoose Thane Hallie Green as Elliwyk the Halfling Thief Kristin Groulx as Temora the Sorceress Mel Guibz as The Black Witch Rachel Hauraney as Spirit of the Forest Rachel Hauraney as Spirit of the Staff Rachel Hauraney as Voice of the Forest Ilish Karson as The Fire Pirate Aileigh Karson as The Mermaid Lise Lillian as Serving Wench Lise Lillian as Villager Christophe Lombardi as Traveller at Bar Luvy Mann as The Guarding Pirate Karine Martel as Caitlin the Elf Vicki Mavraganis as Sister Fiona Angela McIvor as Zeraphine the Store Owner Raliat Monoh as Leather the Thief Anik Rompre as Ylva, the Roping Pirate Dan Seguin as The Red Pirate Catherine Spooner as The White Witch Laszlo Szijarto as Gareth Dranger Laszlo Szijarto as Merlyn Dee Taonax as Magdalene the Seer Dee Taonax as The First Mate Meaghan Thew as The Dying Pirate Pete van den Elzen as Ghost of the Druid
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