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Reitmann has written:

'Zur Ichthyol-Behandlung von Frauenkrankheiten' -- subject(s): Therapeutic use, Women, Ichthyol, Treatment, Diseases

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Ichthyology is the branch of zoology that specifically focuses on the study of fish, including their anatomy, behavior, physiology, and distribution in both freshwater and marine environments.

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ichthyology is the study of fish...everywhere....including the galapagos islands

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i have no freaking idea (sorry)

Ichthyologist study marine life, particularly fish. (Ichthy- is the Greek root for fish) They study life science.

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marine Biology and limnology. It is occasionally referred to as "fishiology". but mostly fish.

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Even the areolas have hair follicles. Just like anywhere else on your body, you can have an ingrown hair on the areola. If it is truly pus (one s), the bump could be reddened, slightly swollen under the skin, and even form a white head on the pimple. Soak a washcloth in as hot of water you can stand on your hands. Fold the cloth and hold against the spot on the areola. Lift if it feels too hot. Use the warm compress for 10-15 minutes. You can buy a tube of Ichthyol cream at the drugstore-- put one dot onto the spot but do not rub it in (it is NOT like a hand cream). COVER the area with a tissue, piece of paper towel folded up, or 2x2 gauze pad, because the brown cream will stain clothing. This cream is a drawing salve, to draw out pus and help the infection drain.

3 answers