Hypocrisy, hypophysis, hypoallergenic, hypostyle, hyponymy.
1 answer
a hyponymy is a word or (sign) (in sign language) meaning its a word or sign that you know what the word or sign means like the word or sign BLUE we know that to be a color and we will quickly understand what it is but the actual word Color is more hard to explain because it is more expanded than a simple name of an actual color. as are acronyms we know what ASL, LDS, FBI, CIA all represent but each letter also represents a word...
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The three relationships defined by a syntactic meaning are synonymy (words with similar meanings), antonymy (words with opposite meanings), and hyponymy (words that are more specific versions of a general term).
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Lexical relations refer to the relationships between words in terms of their meanings. These can include synonymy (words with similar meanings), antonymy (words with opposite meanings), hyponymy (words that are more specific or less general), and meronymy (words that represent parts of a whole). Understanding these relations helps in building vocabulary and understanding how words are related to each other.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern --P--Y-Y. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter P and 6th letter Y and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern --PO--MY. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter P and 4th letter O and 7th letter M and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -YP-N-M-. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter Y and 3rd letter P and 5th letter N and 7th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern HY---Y-Y. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter H and 2nd letter Y and 6th letter Y and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern --PONY--. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter P and 4th letter O and 5th letter N and 6th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
WordNet is a lexical database of English words grouped into sets of synonyms, called synsets, and organized into hierarchies. It links words based on their semantic relationships, such as synonymy, hypernymy (is-a relationships), and hyponymy (part-whole relationships), allowing for a rich understanding of word meanings and associations in natural language processing tasks. The structured data in WordNet can be used to perform tasks such as semantic similarity measurements, information retrieval, and word sense disambiguation.
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern --PO-Y-Y. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter P and 4th letter O and 6th letter Y and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
Some examples of classifications of word associations include semantic relationships (e.g. synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy), psychological associations (e.g. similarity, contiguity, contrast), and associative memory (e.g. priming, free association, clustering). These classifications help researchers understand how words are related in meaning, cognition, and memory processes.
2 answers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern H-P-NYM-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter H and 3rd letter P and 5th letter N and 6th letter Y and 7th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern --PONY-Y. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter P and 4th letter O and 5th letter N and 6th letter Y and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 24 words with the pattern ---ONYM-. That is, eight letter words with 4th letter O and 5th letter N and 6th letter Y and 7th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 60 words with the pattern --P----Y. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter P and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
abdomens, abdomina, abhorred, abhorrer, abnormal, abrogate, abrosias, absolute, absolved, absolver, absolves, absonant, absorbed, absorber, accolade, accorded, accorder, accosted, accounts, accouter, accoutre, acholias, acrobats, acrodont, acrogens, acrolein, acrolith, acromial, acromion, acronyms, acrosome, acrostic, acrotism, actorish, adjoined, adjoints, adjourns, admonish, adroiter, adroitly, adsorbed, advocacy, advocate, advowson, aerobats, aerobics, aerobium, aeroduct, aerodyne, aerofoil, aerogels, aerogram, aerolite, aerolith, aerology, aeronaut, aeronomy, aerosats, aerosols, aerostat, afforded, afforest, agiotage, agnomens, agnomina, agnosias, agnostic, agrology, agronomy, alcohols, aldolase, alforjas, algology, algorism, allobars, allocate, allodial, allodium, allogamy, allonges, allonyms, allopath, allosaur, allotted, allottee, allotter, allotype, allotypy, allovers, allowing, alloxans, alloying, almoners, altoists, amboinas, amboynas, ammocete, ammonals, ammoniac, ammonias, ammonify, ammonite, ammonium, ammonoid, ampoules, anconeal, anconoid, annotate, announce, annoyers, annoying, anoopsia, antonyms, antonymy, apholate, aphonias, aphonics, aphorise, aphorism, aphorist, aphorize, apiology, appoints, apposers, apposing, apposite, aproning, arboreal, arboreta, arborist, arborize, arborous, arboured, areolate, areology, argonaut, argosies, armoires, armonica, armorers, armorial, armories, armoring, armoured, armourer, arnottos, arrogant, arrogate, arrowing, arsonist, arsonous, ascocarp, ascorbic, assoiled, assonant, assorted, assorter, astomous, astonied, astonies, astonish, astounds, athodyds, atrocity, atrophia, atrophic, atropine, atropins, atropism, attorned, attorney, aurorean, autobahn, autocade, autocoid, autocrat, autodyne, autogamy, autogeny, autogiro, autogyro, autoharp, autolyze, automata, automate, automats, autonomy, autonyms, autopens, autopsic, autosome, autotomy, autotype, autotypy, avionics, axiology, baloneys, barogram, baronage, baroness, baronets, baronial, baronies, baronnes, baroques, barosaur, barouche, basophil, bayonets, bazookas, bebopper, becoming, becoward, bedotted, bedouins, befogged, befooled, befouled, befouler, begonias, begorrah, begotten, beholden, beholder, behooved, behooves, behoving, behowled, belonged, beloveds, bemoaned, bemocked, benomyls, berouged, besoothe, besotted, besought, betokens, betonies, bevomits, bewormed, bicolors, bicolour, biconvex, bicornes, bifocals, biforate, biforked, biformed, bihourly, bilobate, bimorphs, binocles, binomial, bivouacs, bloodfin, bloodied, bloodier, bloodies, bloodily, blooding, bloodred, bloomers, bloomery, bloomier, blooming, bloopers, blooping, bobolink, bolognas, boloneys, boroughs, bosoming, botonnee, brioches, brionies, brooches, brooders, broodier, broodily, brooding, brooking, brookite, brooklet, broomier, brooming, bryology, bryonies, bryozoan, bucolics, buxomest, caboched, cabochon, cabombas, caboodle, cabooses, caboshed, cabotage, cacodyls, cacomixl, caconyms, caconymy, cajolers, cajolery, cajoling, calomels, calorics, calories, calorize, calottes, caloyers, camomile, camorras, canoeing, canoeist, canoness, canonise, canonist, canonize, canoodle, canopied, canopies, canorous, capoeira, caponata, caponier, caponize, caporals, caroches, carolers, caroling, carolled, caroller, caroming, carotene, carotids, carotins, carousal, caroused, carousel, carouser, carouses, cavorted, cavorter, celomata, celosias, cenobite, cenotaph, cenozoic, cerotype, cetology, chloasma, chlorals, chlorate, chlordan, chloride, chlorids, chlorine, chlorins, chlorite, chlorous, choosers, choosier, choosing, chromate, chromide, chromier, chroming, chromite, chromium, chromize, chromous, chromyls, chronaxy, chronics, chronons, ciborium, ciboules, cicorees, cipolins, cocoanut, cocobola, cocobolo, cocomats, coconuts, cocooned, cocoplum, cocottes, cofounds, cohobate, coholder, cohoshes, cohosted, cojoined, coloboma, colocate, cologned, colognes, colonels, colonial, colonics, colonies, colonise, colonist, colonize, colophon, colorado, colorant, colorers, colorful, coloring, colorism, colorist, colorway, colossal, colossus, colotomy, coloured, colourer, comorbid, conodont, conoidal, corodies, corollas, coronach, coronals, coronary, coronels, coroners, coronets, coronoid, corotate, coworker, creodont, creosols, creosote, criollos, crookery, crookest, crooking, crooners, crooning, cryobank, cryogens, cryogeny, cryolite, cryonics, cryostat, cryotron, cuboidal, culottes, cupolaed, cutovers, cymogene, cymosely, cynosure, cytogeny, cytology, cytosine, cytosols, damosels, damozels, debonair, deboners, deboning, debouche, decocted, decoders, decoding, decolors, decolour, decorate, decorous, decorums, decouple, decoyers, decoying, defoamed, defoamer, defogged, defogger, deforced, deforcer, deforces, deforest, deformed, deformer, dehorned, dehorner, dehorted, deionize, deloused, delouser, delouses, demobbed, democrat, demolish, demoness, demoniac, demonian, demonise, demonism, demonist, demonize, demotics, demoting, demotion, demotist, demounts, denoting, denotive, denounce, depolish, deponent, deponing, deported, deportee, deporter, deposals, deposers, deposing, deposits, derogate, desolate, desorbed, detonate, detoured, detoxify, detoxing, devoiced, devoices, devolved, devolves, devonian, devotees, devoting, devotion, devoured, devourer, devouter, devoutly, dewooled, dewormed, dhoolies, dhooties, dicotyls, digoxins, dimorphs, dinosaur, dipodies, disobeys, disorder, disowned, divorced, divorcee, divorcer, divorces, dodoisms, dolomite, doloroso, dolorous, doxology, droolier, drooling, droopier, droopily, drooping, dubonnet, ecbolics, echogram, echoisms, echoless, eclogite, eclogues, eclosion, ectoderm, ectomere, ectopias, ectosarc, ectozoan, ectozoon, eidolons, elbowing, embodied, embodier, embodies, embolden, embolies, embolism, emborder, embosked, embosoms, embossed, embosser, embosses, embowels, embowers, embowing, empoison, emporium, empowers, encoders, encoding, encomium, encoring, endocarp, endocast, endoderm, endogamy, endogens, endogeny, endopods, endorsed, endorsee, endorser, endorses, endorsor, endosarc, endosmos, endosome, endostea, endowers, endowing, endozoic, enfolded, enfolder, enforced, enforcer, enforces, engorged, engorges, enjoined, enjoiner, enjoyers, enjoying, ennobled, ennobler, ennobles, enrobers, enrobing, enrolled, enrollee, enroller, enrooted, ensorcel, ensouled, entoderm, entoiled, entombed, entozoal, entozoan, entozoic, entozoon, enwombed, enzootic, eolopile, ephorate, ergotism, escolars, escorted, escoting, espousal, espoused, espouser, espouses, essonite, estopped, estoppel, estovers, ethogram, ethology, ethoxies, ethoxyls, etiolate, etiology, eulogiae, eulogias, eulogies, eulogise, eulogist, eulogium, eulogize, eurokies, eurokous, europium, eusocial, exhorted, exhorter, exponent, exported, exporter, exposals, exposers, exposing, exposits, exposure, expounds, extolled, extoller, extorted, extorter, fagoters, fagoting, famously, farolito, farouche, favonian, favorers, favoring, favorite, favoured, favourer, felonies, ferocity, fetology, finochio, flooders, flooding, floodlit, floodway, floorage, floorers, flooring, floosies, floozies, fluorene, fluoride, fluorids, fluorine, fluorins, fluorite, flyovers, fucoidal, galopade, galoping, galoshed, galoshes, gamodeme, garoting, garotted, garotter, garottes, gasogene, gasohols, gasolene, gasolier, gasoline, gavotted, gavottes, gazogene, gemology, genocide, genogram, genoises, genomics, genotype, gerontic, girolles, girosols, gliomata, gloomful, gloomier, gloomily, glooming, goloshes, gonocyte, gonopore, groomers, grooming, groovers, groovier, grooving, gulosity, gynoecia, gyroidal, gyrostat, halogens, halolike, havocked, havocker, hedonics, hedonism, hedonist, helotage, helotism, hemocoel, hemocyte, hemolyze, hemostat, heroical, heroines, heroisms, heroized, heroizes, hexosans, hoboisms, holocene, hologamy, hologram, hologyny, holotype, holozoic, homogamy, homogeny, homogony, homologs, homology, homonyms, homonymy, honorand, honorary, honorees, honorers, honoring, honoured, honourer, horologe, horology, humorful, humoring, humorist, humorous, humoured, hylozoic, hypoacid, hypoderm, hypogeal, hypogean, hypogene, hypogeum, hypogyny, hyponeas, hyponoia, hyponyms, hyponymy, hypopnea, hypopyon, hypothec, hypoxias, ichorous, ideogram, ideology, idiocies, idiolect, idiotism, idiotype, ignominy, ignorant, ignorers, ignoring, illogics, imbodied, imbodies, imbolden, imbosoms, imbowers, immobile, immodest, immolate, immortal, immotile, impolicy, impolite, imponing, imporous, imported, importer, imposers, imposing, imposted, imposter, impostor, impotent, impounds, impowers, inboards, inbounds, incomers, incoming, inconnus, incorpse, indocile, indolent, indorsed, indorsee, indorser, indorses, indorsor, indowing, indoxyls, infobahn, infolded, infolder, informal, informed, informer, infought, ingoting, inholder, innocent, innovate, inpoured, insolate, insolent, insomnia, insomuch, insouled, intombed, intonate, intoners, intoning, intorted, invocate, invoiced, invoices, invokers, invoking, involute, involved, involver, involves, iodoform, iodophor, iodopsin, ionogens, ionomers, jacobins, jaconets, jalopies, jalousie, japonica, jarosite, jarovize, jeroboam, jocosely, jocosity, joyously, judoists, karosses, keloidal, kenotron, kerogens, kerosene, kerosine, kiboshed, kiboshes, kilobars, kilobaud, kilobits, kilobyte, kilogram, kilomole, kilorads, kilotons, kilovolt, kilowatt, kimonoed, komondor, kotowers, kotowing, kryolite, kryolith, kymogram, laborers, laboring, laborite, laboured, labourer, laconism, lagoonal, lanoline, lanolins, lanosity, latosols, layovers, lemonade, lemonish, leporids, leporine, levodopa, levogyre, licorice, limonene, limonite, linocuts, linoleum, linotype, lipocyte, lipoidal, lipomata, liposome, lobotomy, locofoco, locoisms, locomote, locoweed, logogram, logomach, logotype, logotypy, lycopene, lycopods, lysogens, lysogeny, lysosome, lysozyme, madonnas, mahogany, mahonias, maiolica, majolica, majoring, majority, malodors, manorial, marooned, masoning, masonite, mayoress, mazourka, meconium, melodeon, melodias, melodica, melodies, melodise, melodist, melodize, memorial, memories, memorize, menology, menorahs, meropias, mesocarp, mesoderm, mesoglea, mesomere, mesophyl, mesosome, mesotron, mesozoan, mesozoic, metonyms, metonymy, metopons, miaouing, miaowing, minorcas, minoring, minority, misogamy, misogyny, misology, misorder, mitogens, mixology, mobocrat, monoacid, monocarp, monocled, monocles, monocots, monocrat, monocyte, monodies, monodist, monofils, monofuel, monogamy, monogeny, monogerm, monoglot, monogram, monogyny, monokine, monolith, monologs, monology, monomers, monomial, monopode, monopods, monopody, monopole, monopoly, monorail, monosome, monosomy, monotint, monotone, monotony, monotype, monoxide, moroccos, moronism, moronity, morosely, morosity, motorbus, motorcar, motordom, motoring, motorise, motorist, motorize, motorman, motormen, motorway, mucoidal, mucosity, mycology, mylonite, myxocyte, myxomata, nabobery, nabobess, nabobish, nabobism, naloxone, nanogram, nanotech, nanotube, nanowatt, napoleon, nepotism, nepotist, nicotine, nicotins, nobodies, nodosity, nomogram, nomology, nonobese, nonohmic, nonowner, nosology, notornis, oblongly, obsolete, obvolute, octonary, octopods, octoroon, odiously, oecology, oenology, oenomels, oinology, oinomels, oncogene, oncology, oncoming, ondogram, onloaded, onlooker, ontogeny, ontology, oogonial, oogonium, oologies, oologist, opponent, opposers, opposing, opposite, opsonify, opsonins, opsonize, oreodont, ortolans, osmosing, ostomate, ostomies, otiosely, otiosity, ottomans, oxtongue, pahoehoe, palomino, palookas, panochas, panoches, panoptic, panorama, papooses, parodied, parodies, parodist, parolees, paroling, paronyms, paroquet, parosmia, parotids, parotoid, paroxysm, patootie, pavonine, pecorini, pecorino, pedocals, pedology, pelorian, pelorias, pelotons, pemoline, penoches, penology, penoncel, peponida, peponium, peroneal, perorate, peroxide, peroxids, picogram, picoline, picolins, picomole, picotees, picoting, picowave, pilosity, pilotage, piloting, pinochle, pinocles, pirogies, pirogues, piroques, piroshki, pirozhki, pirozhok, pisolite, pisolith, pivoting, pivotman, pivotmen, pleonasm, pleopods, pliocene, pliofilm, pliotron, pocosens, pocosins, pocosons, podocarp, podomere, pogonias, pogonips, poloists, polonium, pomology, popovers, porosity, porously, posology, preorder, preowned, priorate, prioress, priories, priority, proofers, proofing, pyrogens, pyrology, pyrolyze, pyronine, pyrostat, pyroxene, ragouted, ramosely, ramosity, rasorial, ratooned, ratooner, razoring, reboards, rebodied, rebodies, reboiled, rebooked, reboring, rebottle, rebought, rebounds, recoaled, recoated, recocked, recodify, recoding, recoiled, recoiler, recoined, recolors, recombed, recommit, reconfer, reconned, reconvey, recooked, recopied, recopies, recorded, recorder, recorked, recounts, recouped, recouple, recourse, recovers, recovery, redocked, redolent, redonned, redouble, redoubts, redounds, refolded, reforest, reforged, reforges, reformat, reformed, reformer, refought, refounds, regolith, regorged, regorges, regosols, rehoboam, rehoused, rehouses, rejoiced, rejoicer, rejoices, rejoined, reloaded, reloader, reloaned, relocate, relocked, remodels, remodify, remolade, remolded, remorses, remotely, remotest, remotion, remounts, removals, removers, removing, renogram, renotify, renounce, renovate, renowned, repolish, repolled, reported, reporter, reposals, reposers, reposing, reposits, repotted, repoured, repousse, repowers, rerolled, reroller, reroofed, rerouted, reroutes, resoaked, resodded, resoften, resojets, resolder, resoling, resolute, resolved, resolver, resolves, resonant, resonate, resorbed, resorcin, resorted, resorter, resought, resounds, resource, resowing, retooled, retorted, retorter, retotals, revoiced, revoices, revokers, revoking, revolted, revolter, revolute, revolved, revolver, revolves, revoting, reworded, reworked, rezoning, rheobase, rheology, rheophil, rheostat, rhyolite, ribosome, ribozyme, ricochet, ricottas, ridottos, rigorism, rigorist, rigorous, rimosely, rimosity, riposted, ripostes, risottos, roborant, robotics, robotism, robotize, rosolios, rototill, rugosely, rugosity, rumoring, rumoured, runovers, sabotage, saboteur, samovars, samoyeds, saponify, saponine, saponins, saponite, saporous, sarodist, savorers, savorier, savories, savorily, savoring, savorous, savoured, savourer, saxonies, sayonara, scholars, scholium, schooled, schooner, sciolism, sciolist, scooched, scooches, scoopers, scoopful, scooping, scooters, scooting, scrofula, scrolled, scrooges, scrooped, scrootch, scrotums, scrouged, scrouges, scrounge, scroungy, seconals, seconded, seconder, secondes, secondly, semolina, senopias, senorita, serology, serosity, serotine, serotiny, serotype, serovars, sexology, shmoozed, shmoozes, shnorrer, shooling, shooters, shooting, shootout, shroffed, shrouded, siloxane, simoleon, simoniac, simonies, simonist, simonize, sinology, sinopias, siroccos, sitology, skioring, smooched, smoocher, smooches, smooshed, smooshes, smoothed, smoothen, smoother, smoothie, smoothly, snooding, snookers, snooking, snooling, snoopers, snoopier, snoopily, snooping, snootier, snootily, snooting, snoozers, snoozier, snoozing, snoozled, snoozles, sodomies, sodomite, sodomize, sojourns, soloists, solonets, solonetz, sonobuoy, sonogram, sonorant, sonority, sonorous, soroches, sororate, sorority, splodged, splodges, sploshed, sploshes, splotchy, spoofers, spoofery, spoofing, spookery, spookier, spookily, spooking, spookish, spoolers, spooling, spooneys, spoonful, spoonier, spoonies, spoonily, spooning, spooring, sprocket, sprouted, squooshy, stooging, stookers, stooking, stoolies, stooling, stoopers, stooping, strobila, strobile, strobili, strobils, strokers, stroking, strolled, stroller, stromata, stronger, strongly, strongyl, strontia, strontic, strophes, strophic, stropped, stropper, strowing, stroyers, stroying, subocean, suboptic, suborder, suborned, suborner, subovate, suboxide, sumoists, swooners, swoonier, swooning, swoopers, swoopier, swooping, swooshed, swooshes, sycomore, syconium, synonyme, synonyms, synonymy, synopses, synopsis, synoptic, synovial, synovias, tabooing, tabooley, taborers, taborets, taborine, taboring, taborins, tabouleh, taboulis, taboured, tabourer, tabouret, taconite, talookas, tatouays, taxonomy, telomere, tenoners, tenoning, tenorist, tenorite, tenotomy, tetotums, theocrat, theodicy, theogony, theologs, theology, theonomy, theorbos, theorems, theories, theorise, theorist, theorize, thionate, thionine, thionins, thionyls, thiophen, thiotepa, thiourea, throated, throbbed, throbber, thrombin, thrombus, thronged, throning, throstle, throttle, throwers, throwing, timorous, toboggan, tocology, tokology, tokomaks, tokonoma, tomogram, tomorrow, topology, toponyms, toponymy, topotype, toroidal, torosity, triolets, trioxide, trioxids, troopers, troopial, trooping, tumorous, tutorage, tutoress, tutorial, tutoring, tutoyers, twoonies, tylosins, typology, tyrosine, umbonate, unbobbed, unbodied, unboiled, unbolted, unbonded, unbonnet, unbooted, unbosoms, unbottle, unbought, unbouncy, unbowing, unboxing, uncoated, uncocked, uncoffin, uncoiled, uncoined, uncombed, uncomely, uncommon, uncooked, uncooled, uncorked, uncouple, uncovers, undoable, undocile, undocked, undoings, undotted, undouble, unfoiled, unfolded, unfolder, unforced, unforged, unforgot, unforked, unformed, unfought, ungotten, ungowned, unholier, unholily, unhooded, unhooked, unhorsed, unhorses, unhoused, unhouses, unionise, unionism, unionist, unionize, unjoined, unjoints, unjoyful, unkosher, unloaded, unloader, unlocked, unloosed, unloosen, unlooses, unlovely, unloving, unmodish, unmolded, unmolten, unmoored, unmoving, unpoetic, unpoised, unpolite, unpolled, unposted, unpotted, unrobing, unrolled, unroofed, unrooted, unrounds, unsoaked, unsocial, unsoiled, unsolder, unsolved, unsonsie, unsorted, unsought, unsoured, untoward, unvoiced, unvoices, unwonted, unwooded, unworked, unworthy, unyoking, upboiled, upcoiled, upcoming, upfolded, uphoards, upholder, uprootal, uprooted, uprooter, uproused, uprouses, upsoared, uptossed, uptosses, uptowner, vagotomy, valonias, valorise, valorize, valorous, vamoosed, vamooses, vamosing, vaporers, vaporing, vaporise, vaporish, vaporize, vaporous, vapoured, vapourer, varoomed, vasotomy, velocity, veloutes, venogram, venology, venomers, venoming, venomous, venosity, venously, veronica, vicomtes, vigorish, vigoroso, vigorous, vinosity, vinously, virology, visoring, vizoring, vocoders, vrooming, wagonage, wagoners, wagoning, whoofing, whoopees, whoopers, whoopies, whooping, whooplas, whooshed, whooshes, wicopies, widowers, widowing, xenogamy, xenogeny, xenolith, xerosere, xylocarp, xylotomy, yahooism, yokozuna, zygomata, zygosity, zygotene, zymogene, zymogens, zymogram, zymology, zymosans
1912 words found.
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