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magnify glass


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http://www.tobio.info/passat/howtos/passat_air_filter.html This is for the 2.8L V6 30V

1 answer

For illustrated answer go to http://www.focusfanatics.com/howtos/rearlight/

1 answer

same as 98 and others answered elsewhere in this forum. http://neons.org/howtos/door/

1 answer

There is a good description at the following page,just type in the new address: http://neons.org/howtos/door/

1 answer

Try this web-site: http://www.burdastyle.com/howtos/show/202 It seems pretty easy and looks good too!

1 answer

use wtis link: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/64958-how-install-software-linux.html

1 answer

Vinegar and baking powder volcano. It's always a great surprise for the kids. http://chemistry.about.com/cs/howtos/ht/buildavolcano.htm

1 answer

http://neons.org/howtos/door/ i found this page on how to get a neon's door panel off hope it helps. its the only one that i could find with diagrams

1 answer

Remove the window and door handles, then all of the screws you can find, then the retainers on the sides and bottom of the door. You need a special tool for the retainers and maybe the handles.


1 answer

The question you ask is too involved for a proper answer. You may want to go to a car parts store, or book store, and get a repair manual for your car. They cost about $16.00 Or, go to a Public Library.


1 answer

(iv) 8025 g = 8025 ÷ 1000 = 8 kg 25 g. (v) 15426 g = 15426 ÷ 1000 = 15 kg 426 g. Measurement of Length: Standard Unit of Length · Conversion of Standard ...

1 answer

To contact the Dead Letter Office in the United States Postal Service, you can call 1-800-275-8777. Alternatively, you can visit your local post office and inquire about sending a letter to the Dead Letter Office.

2 answers


fairly easy syntax

good management tool (phpmyadmin)

easy to integrate and use with PHP, Ruby etc.

very common therefore lots of tutorials and howtos



bad or missing RDMS features (like postgreSQL or other systems have)

limited capacities storage-wise

1 answer

1. Many distros will have an official support forum where users can discuss issues for various problems and read / write useful howtos.

2. Many distributions also have an official or semi-official IRC chatroom.

3. Barring these channels, there are also general Linux support forums not directed at particular distros.

1 answer

I don't believe that there is automatic support for this in the 9.10 version BUT if you upgrade to 10.04 they claim to have out of the box support!! if the upgrade is not for you though there are some really good howtos just a Google away.

thanks its logoco i actually found this program called ifuse it works pretty well. plus 10.4 is not stable for a few more days and i can only get it through mailorder but thanks!

1 answer

decent not going to make anyone jump back and start cussing about why the system is soooo loud


go to that site to compare but ya to be dead honest i mean 117 is an ok db doesnt sound like much power though id guess somewhere around the 600(rms) watt range?

1 answer

Although I don't own that kind of car, there are really only three ways these handles are put on:a screw that you can see, a spring clip or a "pin" that is covered by the upholstry. You'll need a putty knife to move back the cardboard backed upholstry to see it ,,but its there.(sometimes its a screw) but don't give up,,,its there.

There is a good description at the following page: http://neons.org/howtos/door/

1 answer

I have a 1999 and the air filter is all the way on the upper left hand side after you open the hood, remove the plastic and the big vacuum looking hose, you can see the housing for the air filter. It is a huge pain, clamps are really tight and you are better off just paying to get it done. It usually costs less than the air filter itself if you bought it yourself.


1 answer

there's a tool you can buy to take off the little white retainer clips on the door that holds it on, there's a srew to be removed behind the door handle and a screw in the container where you grab on to shut the door. once you get all of those off you need to remove a metal rod that runs to the door handle, you need to spin a little white clip around 180 degrees. i have automatic window's so it that's what you have then the switch to make the windows go up or down hould pop right off and back on, other than that there's just a clip that runs to the door locks which you need to remove a clip on either side of it. Off comes the door.


1 answer

Hello: You must first remove the battery. There is a clip on the front side of the battery that holds the bottom rim of the battery down. Unscrew the nut, remove the clip and slide the battery up and out. (First disconnect the cables) Then, there are four clips that hold the lid of the air cleaner compartment to the base. Unsnap these and the top comes off. Careful, the clips can fall off and are hard to reistall. Remove the old filter, and clean out the compartment, remove dust and dirt, and install new filter. Reverse the above steps and you are done.

3 answers

Helpful InfoWhich interior panel? A Door Panel, The Dash, Center Console, etc.? The Haynes or Clifton Repair Manuals from auto parts stores, such as AutoZone are good source of information. They are about $18 and if they do not have it at the store they can order them and they arrive pretty quick at the store. I own the Haynes Repair Manual for the Dodge/Plymouth Neon 2000 thru 2003.


** I have a feeling you are looking to remove your dash panel, as to replace the stereo. There are only two screws holding the panel on, and they are hidden. the two vents above your heater controls should pop out, and behind each one you will find one screw. it is a standard #2 Philips head screw.

now, before tugging on your dash panel, you will want to remove your climate control knobs. if you don't, they will probably become projectiles, or even worse they may break. Finally gently tug on the panel, starting from the top where you rmoved the screws down to the bottom.

With the dash off you will see there are two - four more of the same type of screws holding on your radio.

1 answer

There are 3 screws to remove. One is behind the door handle (the latch you pull to open the door from the inside), one is in the part of the door you pull to close the door, and the other is up near the side mirror (if looking at the interior of the door, it will be the upper right on the driver's door). These three screws are covered by removable tabs that are the same color as your interior. Once you remove the screws, you will need to go around the perimeter of the panel and pop it off (there are many plastic tabs). I use a flat head screwdriver to get underneathe it and start working my way around. (I've had to replace the driver's side lock twice and recently replaced the front 6" speakers).

If you want to totally remove the panel, you will need to remove the door handle latches between the panel and the door. There are two metal "arms" with white plastic connectors on the ends. One arm goes to the door handle on the outside of the door and one goes to the handle on the inside of the door. This was rather difficult since it was hard to get your hands in there. Good luck.


1 answer

Hi! First of all, Is the engine turning over. I have had problem with imobiliser on these cars. You need to see if you are, 1= Getting a spark 2= Getting fuel before you do anything else. Crankshaft sensors are another thing that can fail. You can pick up fault code readers quite cheap nowdays, and some times that is the only way to find some faults. The starter motors have a set of points in them that stop the engine turning over but usually when hot. If you say if it is turning over or not, I should be able to help you more...Den Actually, on all 4th generation Ceicas, there happens to be a notorious starter problem. It stemms from the problem of electrical resistance in the wires leading from the battery to the starter itself. It is suggested that a 12 Volt relay be set up directly between the battery and the Starter. I have a good idea as to how to install, but for specific instructions, go here http://turbotrdcelica.proboards29.com/index.cgi?board=howtos&action=display&thread=1095572611 Hope it helps. But before you go through all that, be sure to check the basics. Battery, alternator, etc.

1 answer

: Remove door panel on 200 DodgeThere are 3 screws to remove. One is behind the door handle (the latch you pull to open the door from the inside), one is in the part of the door you pull to close the door, and the other is up near the side mirror (if looking at the interior of the door, it will be the upper right on the driver's door). These three screws are covered by removable tabs that are the same color as your interior. Once you remove the screws, you will need to go around the perimeter of the panel and pop it off (there are many plastic tabs). I use a flat head screwdriver to get underneathe it and start working my way around. (I've had to replace the driver's side lock twice and recently replaced the front 6" speakers).

If you want to totally remove the panel, you will need to remove the door handle latches between the panel and the door. There are two metal "arms" with white plastic connectors on the ends. One arm goes to the door handle on the outside of the door and one goes to the handle on the inside of the door. This was rather difficult since it was hard to get your hands in there. Good luck.

Also If your car has manual windows their is a small spring clip holding the window crank on. You can remove the clip easily by using a 90 degree pick to hook the clip and pop it off. When you are reinstalling the window crank put the clip on the crank first and simply pop the handle back on.

ive placed the on the same question on the 97 model same gos for all of the above models


(Manual windows)If I'm not mistaken, the 2000 model of the Neon is mostly the same in the door model from 95 till, well now. What you need to do, is take out the small door close handle(inset) with a Philips screw driver (The screw is in the very center of the inset door close handle). Then you want to push the door inward toward the outside of the car around the roller for the window and remove the Jesus clip(make sure and keep the Jesus clip lying somewhere safely because without it, you will not be able to re-assemble the roller and have it stay) and then you should be able to safely pull off the door cover.

(Power Windows)Remove the door close handle(inset) and the whole door cover should come right off with a few tugs in certain spots.(The door is held on by a few snap tight pieces of plastic around the outer edges of the door. Be careful not to tug it off too hard for fear of damaging your power wires to the power window motors. Once you have the door off a few inches, you should be able to unplug the main harness to the power window motor and be able to remove the door cover completely and lay it safely to the side.


1 answer

Ok you put ice in a gallon bag and then pour in rock-salt make sure bag is closed good then shake it up for around 15 30 second make sure its ll mixed up then then in a sandwich bag put milk and vanilla put that bag in the big bag and don't stop shaking till its done and its so good

5 answers

on a manual window you need to pull the door panel off than you can access the window regulator, the glass is bolted to the regulator, you may need to crank the window up or down to get to the bolts, I beleave the glass is attached to the regulator with 2 or 3 bolts, replacing is the reverse.

help with removing the door panel from http://www.neons.org/howtos/door/ The first step to removing the door panel is to remove the window crank. There is a special U clip that holds the window crank unto a groove on the window crank shaft. You must remove this clip before you can do anything else on the panel. This clip can be easily removed as shown with a door handle removal tool, or with a very flat screw driver or piece of metal. Once this clip is removed then the door window crank should come off easily. Next you must remove two other screws. One is in the door pull cup (may look different on other neons, I know mine is facing up not back) and the other is behind the latch release handle. The one in the pull cup requires a screw driver, but the one in the door latch release handle requires a torx bit. Once these three things are removed, then the panel may be removed by pulling the edge of the panel out from the bottom of the door. Work your way around and up. You may then lift the panel slightly to remove it from the top of the door. Next you have to unclip the rod that connects the door latch to the door latch handle. You should now be able to remove the panel completely.

1 answer

The Eee laptop lacks a CD / DVD rive. To install Windows on it, one needs to either plug an external drive into the USB port, or create an image of a hard drive with Windows already installed and use a cloning tool on a bootable USB drive to copy the image bit for bit to the Eee's hard drive.

2 answers

They kinda just pull offDoor panels are held in with clips in the door and 1 or two screws. On the neon doors there are two screws - one in the hand hold cup (it might be covered by a black square piece of plastic - it just pops out) and the other near the front.

Once the screws are removed take a flathead screwdriver and carefully pry the edge of the door far enough away to get your fingers under it. Get both hands under and evenly and firmly pull away from the door (hold the door so it doesn't come flying at you). You should hear popping as the clips release from the metal part of the door. Do this all the way around the edge of the door.

Note: Manual windows - if you have manual windows you need to first remove the manual window cranks. Most auto parts stores sell a 'window crank removal tool' that you use to slide in between the crank and the door and remove the c-clamp that holds the crank in place. A carefully pulled shop rag will accomplish the same by passing it through back and forth and catching the clip, freeing the crank. I do not believe neons have rear power windows.

Note: Door locks - power or manual door locks you have a rod connecting from the door to the door panel to control the door lock button. One of these clips on and swivels, the other just plugs in. Be careful removing these clips. one will pull up, swivel over, and then the metal rod will come out. The other the rod will simply pull out of.

Good luck! I've taken all four doors apart and installed my own power options. It was a pain but worth it in the end! The neon is one of the easier cars to disassemble.


1 answer

Everything has limitations or disadvantages and PHP is no exception. The following are the limitations of PHP (so be WARNED !!) # PHP is NOT 100 % pure Object Oriented scripting language. But in near future PHP may support 100% object oriented scripting (PHP may imitate most of the syntax of Java language). PHP already imitates some features of Java language. (In future PHP language will imitate most features of Java language and Java programmers will love PHP. And PHP will have java keywords like class, extends, interface, implements, public, protected, private etc..). # PHP will NOT give the performance of "C" or "C++" language. Because it is scripting language and is interpreted it will be a bit slower than the optimized "C++" programs. For top performance, you should use "C++" and fast-CGI with database/webserver connection pooling and use C++ compiler optimizer "-O3" options. Zend optimizer in PHP 4 will speed up the performance of PHP and bring it very close to optimized "C" code . # But note a point that PHP was designed for very Rapid Web-Application Development tool. If it takes about 3 months to code a web application in C++, then using PHP you can develop the same web application in just 4 days!! And with zend optimizer, the speed of execution of PHP will be very close to that of equivalent C++ program!! Hence, there is really no advantage in using C/C++ for web development. PHP itself is written in 100% "C" language. On the other hand, PHP has lot of advantages and it's advantages outweigh it's limitations - # You can very rapidly develop web applications in PHP as compile and link is eliminated in PHP scripting language. # PHP applications are very stable and do not depend on the browser technologies unlike Javascript applications which depend on browsers. PHP will give you the freedom to select any server platform. The browser does not know that the HTML page is generated by PHP !! # PHP has excellent database conectivity to all SQL database servers. # PHP has partial support for Object oriented features # PHP has C++, Perl, Javascript like syntax features and has programs like 'ptags/ctags' to navigate the source code # PHP has Zend optimizer which speeds up the performance # PHP runs on all unixes, linux, Windows 95/NT/2000 and is more powerful than ASP, JSP and others. # PHP has a very large user base and developer base.


1 answer

Hey Rich==First take out all of the screws you can find generally at the corners of the panel and remove the door and window cranks. Then remove all of the retainers around the entire panel ,except top. this will require a special tool. GoodluckJoe


i found this page on how to get a neon's door panel off hope it helps. its the only one that i could find with diagrams

First remove the screw in the hand pocket of the door. Then remove the screw inside the inside door handle relese. Then take a rag and slide it in between the window crank and door panel, moving it all the way around the window crank, you will hear the pin release itself then you can pull the window crank off an the door panel just comes off.

I just pulled the front door panels from my 1995 Neon with no special tools, and think I can offer some help for those with manual crank windows.

The first step is to remove the crank arm, which is a bit tricky. There is a clip which must be removed, though it is difficult to see. The easiest way I found was to jam an object in between the crank arm and the thin plastic ring next to it, in order to hold them apart while you get the clip off. You'll see that you can press in on the door panel to give yourself some room, and should be able to jam an object of 1/2 to 3/4 in in between the crank arm and the ring. NOW, the clip is attached to the crank arm, though it is difficult to see because of the way the door is concaved in. Once you see the clip, it will be obvious how to remove it, so I recommend putting a small make-up mirror next to the door so you can see behind the crank. If you still can't see the clip, just feel around underneath the crank until you feel a sharp edge (which is the end of one side of the clip), then use a small flat head screw driver to pry it off. The crank will simply fall off!

Next, remove the screw in the door pull cup as well as the Torx screw underneath the door handle itself. Now you should be able to start popping the door off, starting at the bottom. Pull the door panel until all of the plastic clips come out, but do not remove it yet! You have to disconnect the metal arm which connects the door handle to the latch. To do this, simply rotate the plastic clip away from the metal arm, unclipping it as you go. The rest is history! Good luck.

1 answer

Hey Rich==First take out all of the screws you can find generally at the corners of the panel and remove the door and window cranks. Then remove all of the retainers around the entire panel ,except top. this will require a special tool. GoodluckJoe


i found this page on how to get a neon's door panel off hope it helps. its the only one that i could find with diagrams

First remove the screw in the hand pocket of the door. Then remove the screw inside the inside door handle relese. Then take a rag and slide it in between the window crank and door panel, moving it all the way around the window crank, you will hear the pin release itself then you can pull the window crank off an the door panel just comes off.

I just pulled the front door panels from my 1995 Neon with no special tools, and think I can offer some help for those with manual crank windows.

The first step is to remove the crank arm, which is a bit tricky. There is a clip which must be removed, though it is difficult to see. The easiest way I found was to jam an object in between the crank arm and the thin plastic ring next to it, in order to hold them apart while you get the clip off. You'll see that you can press in on the door panel to give yourself some room, and should be able to jam an object of 1/2 to 3/4 in in between the crank arm and the ring. NOW, the clip is attached to the crank arm, though it is difficult to see because of the way the door is concaved in. Once you see the clip, it will be obvious how to remove it, so I recommend putting a small make-up mirror next to the door so you can see behind the crank. If you still can't see the clip, just feel around underneath the crank until you feel a sharp edge (which is the end of one side of the clip), then use a small flat head screw driver to pry it off. The crank will simply fall off!

Next, remove the screw in the door pull cup as well as the Torx screw underneath the door handle itself. Now you should be able to start popping the door off, starting at the bottom. Pull the door panel until all of the plastic clips come out, but do not remove it yet! You have to disconnect the metal arm which connects the door handle to the latch. To do this, simply rotate the plastic clip away from the metal arm, unclipping it as you go. The rest is history! Good luck.

1 answer

To make your computer recognize larger hard drives, you can sometimes update the computer's BIOS, but more than likely, you will need to use the "drive overlay" software provided by the hard drive manufacturer. You can also purchase a PCI IDE controller for about $20.00 - $50.00 which will allow your computer to recognize the larger hard drives. These can be purchased from CompUSA, Best Buy, Radio Shack, and just about any store carrying computer upgrades.

7 answers

There's no such thing as a cheap realistic tail...

If you want really cheap this is what you do:

take a mermaid mono fin (sold everywhere..use google) and two pairs of leggings...

put the flippers in the corresponding legs in one of the pairs of leggings then put two legs in one of the legs in the other pair put the flippers on (inside the other leggings) and tuck it in and voila!!!! or

Mermaid tail monofins for kids so if you are going to attempt just a fabric one why not get the mermaid mono fin and cover so it looks like its all one? add some decorations and style so it's not just plain colored..same goes for the ones you buy. You can always add your style to them.

for more realistic..like hannah mermaids tail...

Hannah's Tail is completely handmade by her so you can't just order one from the internet. You have to make it yourself.

Things you will need

1.)3 mm wetsuit neoprene material

2.)Mono fin (below there is a link and discount code)

3.)dance fabric or paint(swim fabric) (optional) to cover wetsuit material/decorate it

4.)sequins/shells/diamontes (like circles since they resemble scales)

5.)Rust proof (professional)Zippers (to get in and out of tail) &/or to remove mono fin

6.)Thread & E6000 glue (to attach decorations and seal from water getting in

7.)Needle &/or sewing machine to attach scales(sequines) and zipper

8.)hard plastic like floor mat/ laminating thickness to attach to resemble fins

& creativity

9.For matching top use a bra or swim suit top and use the same fabric, paint &/or sequins you used for the tail to match them

10.) for hair accessories I personally would use bobby pins with shells glued to them. OR go to youtube.com and type in mermaid hair accessories and people have tons of ideas & howtos to try out. I'd stick to simple. The bigger your accessories are the more awkward it is to swim and they break easier... most are made for out of the water use. Stick to simple.

11.) makeup..go for a waterproof makeup & try to buy from companies that are vegan (earth friendly/animal friendly). There's a list of those on the Peta.com website

-Hannah has several tails..each one she makes is better than the last & different in looks. It's best if you do your own thing..if you want sequined hearts then do sequined hearts! If you like clown fish..paint nemo! lol j/k on that last part...well only if you are really that weird and want to then go right ahead. But stick to your own style and use things you want on there... because taking it off is not going to happen... especially with the sewed on details.

-Try making it so it's easy to dry out..I've heard mold and mildew are big issues with all tails. I've heard that the monfins get all nasty and slimy..Thats why i'd try using a zipper to take it in and out..

*I've also heard you can go thru a company like "Flip tails" to do custom fins like hannahs. I believe he did some of the tail fins on hannahs tail. According to his facebook page he did.

Finis also sells a kids mermaid monofin, which is a smaller, cheaper option. The main part of the tail covering is made from 3 mm wetsuit neoprene material. Cut it into the mermaid tail shape by lying on the fabric and tracing your outline while wearing your monofin. It needs to be skin tight so that its not baggy and water doesn't get inside and slow you down when swimming. Cut a zipper line down the back of the tail down to the ankle. Use a very strong, stainless steel (from outside awnings/ furniture manufacturer) type of zipper that wont break or rust in water. Sew the 2 sides of the tail together with the decorated and painted sides facing each other, then turn it right side out. Leave the fin end and the top waist area open. Insert the monofin into the bottom of the wetsuit tail. Hand sew or use E6000 bonding glue to seal the end of the wetsuit tail closed. You can add extra fins onto end of the tail using flexible plastics such as floor matting or curtain fringing material of your choice. Use E6000 glue to adhere. DECORATION: You can use screen printing heat set paint to color the tail with your scale design, and/or sew on any decorations, such as sequins, shells etc. I create the mermaid tops out of bras, and cover them with sequins, shells, diamontes, fake seaweed and netting, and I use stretchy transparent beading string to hold them on while swimming. Creating your own tail is a pretty laborious process with some trial and error. But it's a lot of fun to create your own style. It probably costs about $600- $2000 in materials. (depending on prices in your local area and materials used) Please use your own creativity... I think each tail should be unique and an expression of each persons individuality.


1 answer

For Hannah's actual tail I've done some research and this is what I've found...

Remember to be original & create your own look. Don't copy Hannah's..that would kinda be disrespectful since she shared this information...

Hannah's Tail is completely handmade by her so you can't just order one from the internet. You have to make it yourself.

Things you will need

1.)3 mm wetsuit neoprene material

2.)Mono fin (below there is a link and discount code)

3.)dance fabric or paint(swim fabric) (optional) to cover wetsuit material/decorate it

4.)sequins/shells/diamontes (like circles since they resemble scales)

5.)Rust proof (professional)Zippers (to get in and out of tail) &/or to remove mono fin

6.)Thread & E6000 glue (to attach decorations and seal from water getting in

7.)Needle &/or sewing machine to attach scales(sequines) and zipper

8.)hard plastic like floor mat/ laminating thickness to attach to resemble fins

& creativity

9.For matching top use a bra or swim suit top and use the same fabric, paint &/or sequins you used for the tail to match them

10.) for hair accessories I personally would use bobby pins with shells glued to them. OR go to youtube.com and type in mermaid hair accessories and people have tons of ideas & howtos to try out. I'd stick to simple. The bigger your accessories are the more awkward it is to swim and they break easier... most are made for out of the water use. Stick to simple.

11.) makeup..go for a waterproof makeup & try to buy from companies that are vegan (earth friendly/animal friendly). There's a list of those on the Peta.com website

-Hannah has several tails..each one she makes is better than the last & different in looks. It's best if you do your own thing..if you want sequined hearts then do sequined hearts! If you like clown fish..paint nemo! lol j/k on that last part...well only if you are really that weird and want to then go right ahead! But stick to your own style and use things you want on there... because taking it off is not going to happen... especially with the sewed on details. :P

-Try making it so it's easy to dry out..I've heard mold and mildew are big issues with all tails. I've heard that the monfins get all nasty and slimy..Thats why i'd try using a zipper to take it in and out..

*I've also heard you can go thru a company like "Flip tails" to do custom fins like hannahs. I believe he did some of the tail fins on hannahs tail. According to his facebook page he did.

Here's a quote from Hannahs site Hannahmermaid.com (freq asked questions page)

"How do you make your mermaid tails?

I don't currently make mermaid tails for other people because they are very time consuming, expensive and difficult to fit to the exact dimensions of another person's body shape. At the moment I prefer to be a performance artist than a tail maker, but in the future I may offer specialty tails for sale. Stayed tuned! I am happy to share tips on tail making so you can go through the creative process yourself! I made my tail out of a FINIS COMPETITOR MONOFIN. I can offer you a 10% discount if you use a special code when purchasing : The code is 'Hannah' (partner or affiliate code) http://www.finisinc.com/s.nl/c.1144330/sc.8/category.238/.f You enter the code at checkout. Finis also sells a kids mermaid monofin, which is a smaller, cheaper option. The main part of the tail covering is made from 3 mm wetsuit neoprene material. Cut it into the mermaid tail shape by lying on the fabric and tracing your outline while wearing your monofin. It needs to be skin tight so that its not baggy and water doesn't get inside and slow you down when swimming. Cut a zipper line down the back of the tail down to the ankle. Use a very strong, stainless steel (from outside awnings/ furniture manufacturer) type of zipper that wont break or rust in water. Sew the 2 sides of the tail together with the decorated and painted sides facing each other, then turn it right side out. Leave the fin end and the top waist area open. Insert the monofin into the bottom of the wetsuit tail. Hand sew or use E6000 bonding glue to seal the end of the wetsuit tail closed. You can add extra fins onto end of the tail using flexible plastics such as floor matting or curtain fringing material of your choice. Use E6000 glue to adhere. DECORATION: You can use screen printing heat set paint to color the tail with your scale design, and/or sew on any decorations, such as sequins, shells etc. I create the mermaid tops out of bras, and cover them with sequins, shells, diamontes, fake seaweed and netting, and I use stretchy transparent beading string to hold them on while swimming. Creating your own tail is a pretty laborious process with some trial and error!! But it's a lot of fun to create your own style. It probably costs about $600- $2000 in materials. (depending on prices in your local area and materials used) Please use your own creativity... I think each tail should be unique and an expression of each persons individuality. Please dont copy my colors and designs, but use my tips to help you create your own unique tail. Good luck and happy mermaiding!~ "

If you are budgeted on money and time.. you can just go to http://www.mermaidtails.net/ and buy according to your price range or attempt to make a cheap one like in the video below O.o


*They also make mermaid tail monofins for kids so if you are going to attempt just a fabric one why not get the mermaid mono fin and cover so it looks like its all one? add some decorations and style so it's not just plain colored..same goes for the ones you buy. You can always add your style to them.

PLEASE KNOW HOW TO SWIM BEFORE MAKING ANY TAIL! IF YOU ARE A MINOR CHILD ADULT SUPERVISION IS A MUST...PLEASE DON'T DROWN! Hope all this information helps those wanting to make a tail...if you are serious about making a tail I'd use the directions above..not the video..just my 2cents xoxo -Leesypie

1 answer

There are plenty of ways to draw a mermaid. The best way to learn is to get a how-to-draw book. This is how I draw mermaids. I first draw the head, and chest of a woman. Sometimes I make a small bump showing that the mermaid has a breast. Keep drawing the woman, and once you need to put a belly button, stop. Add the belly button, and then make a heart starting from the waist. Look at a picture of Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and you will see what I am talking about. Or, you can make a zig-zagged line connecting both sides of the waist, at the bottom. Make two curvy lines, and don't make them too far apart, or too close. Slowly connect them; doesn't matter if the end is pretty small. Then, add fish tails/fins. I hope that helps! :)

5 answers

You can get one by being born from a parent with mermaid genes, like me, I have a whole history of having my magical powers being used for evil, nobody edit this answer or you will feel that bad magic! Although I do not use it often I just hate seeing people mock my own kind... Sorry if I offended anyone...

8 answers