This depends entirely on the puppy. At seven weeks, it is perfectly normal for the dog not to be fully housetrained. My dog went through a phase at about eight months old when he would continually wet his bed, event though by then he was 'housetrained'. In a couple of weeks, the puppy should have grasped the idea that when he sits, or whines by the door, he gets let outside to pee (or poop). Even then, there will still be accidents now and again, but so long as consistent rewards are given when the puppy does go outside, he should be fully housetrained by a the time he is four to five months old.
1 answer
Family Feud answers:
not housetrained
bites people
barks a lot
doesn't obey you
runs away
won't come when called
1 answer
There could be various reasons why a housetrained dog is peeing on the floor, including a medical issue like a urinary tract infection, anxiety or stress, marking territory, or a lack of proper house training. It's important to rule out any medical causes first and then address any behavioral or training issues. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key in resolving this behavior.
6 answers
This is a "housetraining" issue. There are many techniques that can be used. Crate training is a great way. In the end, it's up to the dog owner to pay more attention to the dog's behavior, constantly supervising a dog that isn't housetrained yet. Some simple tips can be found at http://www.thedogclass.com
1 answer
I had my chihuahua housetrained within a couple of weeks. It took time and patience. When she pottied where I wanted her to I praised her and cuddled her. When she pottied where I didn't want her to go I simply cleaned up the mess and went on with life...I didn't yell or scream at her for "being bad". My chihuahua is now 5 years old and has never left me any accidental suprises.
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I think a beagle is as bright as you raise him to be. Ours is incredibly smart, though his sense of smell often overtakes what he knows to be best- he will chase birds or squirrels, or our cat when he knows its best not to do so.
but he has quickly been housetrained, crate trained, and learned our daily routine as well as many words and took to obedience training very easily; contrary to many things i had read about the breed.
1 answer
No monkeys make good pets. They're too clever, too much in need of constant company and occupation. They can't be housetrained. They tend to be very destructive.
The smaller are less dangerous and cost less to feed. That's about it.
3 answers
Absolutely! There are many amazing dogs at the local shelter. And nearly 50% are purebreds. The majority of the dogs in the shelter are not only wonderful dogs but many are also already housetrained. Being with a dog rescue I see many dogs come in and out of the shelter and even though a dog may be terrified while in their kennel, the second they set food outside of the shelter, they become an entirely different dog.
1 answer
No. The goat chews on things because that is the way they explore new things- they explore with there mouths like humans explore with there hands and eyes. The goat could possibly destroy things while exploring them, however, so if you have anything valuable keep it out of its reach. I know several people who own Pygmy goats that live inside and they are housetrained to not eat anything in the house or make messes inside.
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Maltipoos are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, making them excellent companion dogs. They are intelligent, easy to train, and adaptable to various living situations. Maltipoos are also hypoallergenic, which can make them a good choice for individuals with allergies.
2 answers
If the dog is still peeing it is not house trained. Does it pee when it gets really excited or when its behind your back and you can't see, or is it when you yell at him? There are three main reasons for peeing. 1. Not being housetrained, the dog simply doesn't know that he is better off peeing outside then in. 2. Submissive peeing, when you yell at your dog and he pees because he simply doesn't know what else to do, he's scared. 3. Medical conditions such as urinary, bladder or kidney infections, the pee should look different, maybe a little darker or with a bit of blood in it, might smell funny, and the dog will be going more often but less will come out.
1 answer
It's important to rule out any medical issues that could be causing this behavior. If the issue is behavioral, try providing more opportunities for your dog to relieve himself before bed, feeding him earlier in the evening, and making sure he gets enough exercise during the day. Consider consulting a professional trainer or behaviorist for further guidance.
2 answers
A Beta Personally , I would recommend a cat for company since their easier to care for since they don't need to be walked and they will use a litter box ; they keep themselves clean and they are always graceful . Toy poodles are also excellent pets for someone living alone. They do need to see a groomer regularly, but aside from that, they're very low maintenance. They don't shed, don't need to be walked (they can get plenty of exercise indoors), are easily housetrained, and are very reflective of their owner's personality. Most are extremely outgoing and amusing, as they love to please. Of course, the bottom line is that the "perfect pet" for someone would depend on their tastes.
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Could be because of any number of factors.
Has someone or another pet recently been added to the household, or has there been some change in their daily routine?
In some cases, the dog isn't feeling well and isn't able to control their movements.
There might be a nerve pinching issue in the spinal column, causing the animal to mess.
Give it some thought and try to think back to the time that it started. Your friend is trying to tell you something and it might take a trip to the vet to see if there's some type of medical condition causing your animal to lose control.
Generally, a housebroken dog won't go in the house if it can help it, so something is at the root of the problem.
1 answer
He is peeing on the floor because his little bladder cannot hold it that long. If he must be left alone, take away all food and water about 1 hour before you leave. Make sure he eliminates just before you leave. Then, when you get back, give him back his water right away. He is also probably very nervous and this is not helping the problem. Remember, he is a baby. This will get better as he gets older. A good rule of thumb for how long a dog can "hold it" is: one hour for each month they are (6 months old = six hours) + 1 extra hour. That is max. So your dog should be able to "hold it" a total of six hours, MAX.
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Unfortunately, it can be harder to choose a puppy bed than it is to choose a puppy. The key to being happy with your bed choice is to choose a bed that is puppy-practical. Pick something durable, washable, portable, and affordable.
Puppies love to chew and bite as much as they like to play so it's essential to have a bed that will hold up to any kind of rough puppy love. While your puppy is still being housetrained and learning boundaries, the puppy bed needs to be washable. Being able to throw the bed in the wash will keep you from throwing the bed out and buying a new one every time your puppy has an accident. You will also want something that you can easily take wherever you're taking the new member of the family.
If you have a crate for your puppy, the bed needs to fit in the crate and go where the puppy is traveling. And finally, remember to pick something affordable. Resist the urge to pamper the puppy with designer beds if you will be disappointed when it wears out faster than your puppy does. While thick, fluffy beds might look luxurious, it's possible to get something just as comfy that will last through the puppy stages. With a durable, washable, portable, and affordable puppy bed, you and your puppy will both be able to sleep soundly.
1 answer
Definatly not most terrier breeds, like beagles, which like to dig. Other then that, most dogs will do okay as long as you give them the right amount of excersize when you are home, and as long as the individual dog you have or are looking at isn't overprotective or anxious. It should also be housetrained :)
A fellow dog lover.
5 answers
Start by taking him or her out every half hour. Take treats with you and give them whenever the dog eliminates. If he or she goes inside, immediately take the dog outside until they go again. Do not hit the dog or rub his or her nose in it. This doesn't help and only scares the dog into never pooping again. If you take the puppy out often enough, he won't feel the urge to pee or poop inside. Also, getting a male dog neutered will kill his urge to mark his territory.
7 answers
This isn't the easiest question to answer! But very rewarding if you're consistent at working with your dog & being EXTREMELY patient with him.
A lot of dog parents believe crates are a bad thing. But it's not true! (I used to be one of them until I learned first-hand from my baby that it's just the opposite.) Actually, her pet carrier ended up "crate" and she loves to sleep in it during the day. Of course, she's with me at night! The crate is actually a very natural, normal place for a dog, as long it's not associated with punishment. They are den dwellers by nature and, under normal circumstances, they enjoy and will seek out small, safe, warm “bedrooms†in which to rest. If you provide your dog with his own little den (crate), and there’s nothing forceful or punishing about his association with it, he’ll make it his own. But it doesn't need to be big enough for food and water or a place for him to use the bathroom. Just enough to stand up, turn around and lie down. If you’re dead set against crate-training your un-housebroken dog, then your only other option is to tether your pup to you so that no matter where you go, he’s right there with you. The way to do this is to put a clip on the leash, put the leash on your dog, and clip it to your clothing or belt. The leash should be no longer than four feet. But, believe me, this truly is the hard way around. Take your dog out several times doing the day. Always have some kind of treat with you. When he uses the bathroom, immediately praise him with excitement and give him the small treat. The next thing to do is feed your dog on a schedule because if you leave a bowl of food available at all times for him, it will be next to impossible for you to figure out the best time to take him to do his business and he'll be doing his business all day. The best thing to do would be to feed him in the morning and again in the evening. Then about an hour after his breakfast and an hour after his dinner, take him out. Make sure you always use the same wording when talking to him, like, "Go potty" or "Go pee pee" and even try taking him to the same place. As soon as he does it, immediately give him a treat. Once your dog is fully housetrained, you can reduce and eventually eliminate the food treats and offer only verbal praise for her good toilet habits. Never punish your dog for mistakes. Even if you catch him in the act of relieving himself indoors, anger or force are inappropriate reactions. What can happen in that case is your he'll connect "seeing" him eliminate with your anger, and he may just get sneaky about it. In short, you cannot punish or frighten a dog into appropriate behavior. The important thing to remember is by the time your dog is relieving himself on your floor, your opportunity for a successful toileting adventure outside has passed. All you can do is clean the mess, review what you could have done differently to avoid it, and rededicate yourself to the housebreaking process. Just stay consistent, positive, and PATIENT!
1 answer
It is not unusual for a cat to wait to urinate for up to 48 hours if there is not litter box available. If you have a male cat who has not urinated in a day, and has access to a litterbox, it should be checked for a urinary blockage.
9 answers
Take it to a licensed vet immediately, as there could be some issues with the dog's digestive system that need to be checked out by the vet.
Hi, Yes always consult a vet first, but vets do not seem to know everything so consider my experience.
I rescued a very underweight GSD who upon getting her home constantly had bright orange bile coming out of both ends every night. It seemed to happen mostly in the early hours of the morning and occasionally throughout the day. As she slept on the side of my bed, I decided to stay awake and observe her. About 3 in the morning I heard a slurping noise and observed that she was in fact drinking her own pee straight from her bits.
About an hour later again she was puking and messing the bright orange bile out of her system.
I concluded (as a trainer) that this dog had more than one endemic problems. The main one been that she had been brutally housetrained (not by me) to such an extent that she was afraid to pee on the floor and was drinking her own pee. This practice had seriously affected her stomach lining and probably gave her ulcers (was subsequently vets conclusion) and acute acid reflux due to extremely bad nerves (my conclusion).
The solution would come in several forms.
1) I did not show any form of emotion or annoyance at the mess on the floor the next morning and actually stroked her with sympathetic assuring words that everything was going to be ok. (do this every time)
2) From that day on I devised a much more gentle, calm and quiet regime around her.
3) I took her water away from her at 6pm and took her for her final walk at 11pm. (this reduced the amount of pee over night).
4) The aluminum based medicine from the vets only worked while she was taking it, when it ran out the condition returned. I decided to re-educate her stomach by putting her on a diet of one tea cup of plain steamed rice every two hours. This acted like a poultice on her stomach and the condition greatly improved. I kept this regime up for the next ten days. On the eleventh day I introduced a small amount of boiled chicken for the next week and then added small amounts of vegetables and other foods over the subsequent months.
This solved the problem of the ulcers.
5) At the same time I had to deal with the acute acid reflux. I put her on two tablets which she now has every day and will do so for the rest of her life.
The first is vitamin B Complex one a day to address the problem of her nervous (acid reflux) disposition and the second is one dose of Zenprol which contains 10mg omeprazol and is designed to regulate the formation of bile acid at 10pm, an equivalent dose of Zantac is just as good.
(Vets cannot make money out of self medication and do not approve of it, but it works)
Now that the condition is totally under control she can eat just about anything I care to give her with no adverse effects.
It is recommended that you do not feed your dog once a day; the time period between feeds is just too long and will lead to this problem. I recommend separating your dogs food into three portions given every six hour during the day, 8am, 2pm and 8pm.
Regarding the water situation, now my dog has water down all the time and she has learnt to regulate herself.
She was 19 kilos at 13 months of age when I rescued her and very sickly and depressed. Now she is a highly confident and very active and lively four year old weighing 39 kilo and in peak health and condition.
You must remember, her condition is not cured, it is managed very well and if that management stopped for whatever reason, she would deteriorate very quickly.
2 answers
A psychiatric service animal is individually trained to perform tasks that the owner cannot perform because of a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Psychiatric service animals, like all other service animals, assist their disabled handlers by performing these tasks. However, while the owner of an emotional support dog must also be disabled, the emotional support dog is not trained to perform tasks to mitigate the owner's disability.
Therapy animals are sometimes confused with psychiatric service animals or emotional support animals. However, therapy animals are something entirely different. A therapy animal is one that is trained, tested, registered, and insured to visit people in hospitals and nursing homes. A person with a therapy animal has no particular right under the ADA to take their animal anywhere pets are not permitted. If the owner wishes to visit a facility like a hospital or nursing home, they must first seek out and receive the permission of administrators at the facility they wish to visit.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, which regulates and enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
"The Department is proposing new regulatory text in § 36.104 to formalize its position on emotional support or comfort animals, which is that ''[a]nimals whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, therapy, companionship, therapeutic benefits, or promote emotional wellbeing are not service animals.'' The Department wishes to underscore that the exclusion of emotional support animals from ADA coverage does not mean that persons with psychiatric, cognitive, or mental disabilities cannot use service animals. The Department proposes specific regulatory text in § 35.104 to make this clear: ''[t]he term service animal includes individually trained animals that do work or perform tasks for the benefit of individuals with disabilities, including psychiatric, cognitive, and mental disabilities.'' This language simply clarifies the Department's longstanding position." The ADA gives the disabled owner of a service dog the right to be accompanied by his or her service dog to most places where the public are permitted, even if dogs are not generally allowed. However, the owner of an emotional support dog has no particular right to public access and must ask permission of the management to enter with an emotional support animal. Under the Fair Housing Amendments Act, a qualified person with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation in the form of a modification of rules against the keeping of pets in order to keep EITHER a service animal or an emotional support animal. Under the Air Carrier Access Act, a qualified person with a disability may be accompanied in the cabin of an air craft by either a psychiatric service dog or an emotional support animal if they have the proper documentation from their doctor.
2 answers
Crate training is very important. It not only aids tremendously in housetraining but it also provides a safe place for your dog or puppy. Try giving your dog a very special treat, one that they only receive while in their crate. For example, a Kong filled with peanut butter or cottage cheese and rice.
well i always learned to make the crate a positive thing one example would be he gets fed in his crate.
i found this article that helped me.
6 answers
Choose the spot outside where you would like your puppy to go to the toilet.
Do not feed your puppy close to bedtime and take away his water before you go to bed (don't forget to put it back first thing in the morning). You'll need to set your alarm clock to go off once and possibly twice throughout the night. This is an important step, just take your puppy out to the toilet area as usual and then hop back into bed. When your puppy is young it is physically impossible for him to hold on all night, but before long you will both be sleeping peacefully right through the night
First of all, realize that dogs don't make mistakes, people do. If your puppy makes a mistake in the house, DON'T EVER HIT THEM. Keep empty soda cans with coins in them all over your house (tape off the hole on the top) and watch your puppy constantly. When he/she starts sniffing around and seems to be needing a place to go, if she/he starts to squat, shake the can, then go over to pick up the puppy, calmly take them to the same place outdoors, and when they relieve themselves, make a big happy deal about it, praising them, petting them, hugging them and kissing them.
Crate train them. Any dog expert will tell you that making them sleep in a crate at night, and following a schedule (just like human babies) helps them learn so much faster, cos they learn what is expected of them.
First thing in the morning, take them out of their crate, to their "potty place" outside,and WAIT for them. Some puppies take a while to potty. They have to find just the right smells and spot. Again, praise them with hugs and kisses, lots of petting, an excited sounding voice. Soon, they will learn.
Now big dogs are MUCH FASTER with their potty training than little dogs. Little dogs sometimes take forever to learn, and some never learn completley.
Have patience, because your new four-legged 'child' only wants to please you. Never hit your puppy. EVER. Just yelling in a deep voice while shaking the can will get your message across. Learn to think like a dog. It will help you understand your canine buddy, and it will be much easier to train him/her.
I would like to stress that physical violence is not only cruel, but will in no way help you in educating your pup. Dogs aim to please, and seek out assurance and rewards from their masters. Your dog will know from your behavior that you are not thrilled with them soiling the rug or furniture, if you are firm and consistent. There is no need - ever - to hit your dog.
6 answers