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Hispid Hare was created in 1839.

1 answer

Uroplata girardi, lantana hispid Beetle

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Some of their predators include but are not limited to: snakes, owls, and hawks.

1 answer

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Chaetodipus hispidus.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern H---ID. That is, six letter words with 1st letter H and 5th letter I and 6th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:








1 answer

To use all of the letters the word would be Friendship. The other words that can be made are fireship, fiendish, finished, pinfish, finisher, refinish, redfish, fished, fishier, sheriff, hispid, finish, shrined, pisher, and fresh just to name a few words.

2 answers

10. Red Wolf

9. Iberian Lynx

8. Dwarf Water Buffalo

7. Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

6. Hispid Hare

5. Javan Rhino

4. Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat

3. Vancouver Island Marmot

2. Yangtze River Dolphin

1. Pinta Island Tortoise

3 answers

Bat, Gray

Bat, Little Brown

Bat, Red

Bear, Black



Chipmunk, Eastern

Cottontail, Eastern


Deer, Fallow

Deer, White-tailed

Fox, GrayFox, Red


Mole, Eastern

Mouse, Deer

Mouse, House

Mouse, White-footed



Otter, River


Rat, Hispid Cotton

Rat, NorwayShrew, Short-tailed

Skunk, Eastern-spotted

Skunk, Striped

Squirrel, Eastern Gray

Squirrel, Fox

Squirrel, Southern Flying

Vole, Pine

Vole, Prairie

Weasel, Long-tailed


Woodrat, Eastern

1 answer

Bat, Gray

Bat, Little Brown

Bat, Red

Bear, Black



Chipmunk, Eastern

Cottontail, Eastern


Deer, Fallow

Deer, White-tailed

Fox, GrayFox, Red


Mole, Eastern

Mouse, Deer

Mouse, House

Mouse, White-footed



Otter, River


Rat, Hispid Cotton

Rat, NorwayShrew, Short-tailed

Skunk, Eastern-spotted

Skunk, Striped

Squirrel, Eastern Gray

Squirrel, Fox

Squirrel, Southern Flying

Vole, Pine

Vole, Prairie

Weasel, Long-tailed


Woodrat, Eastern

1 answer

There are more than one animal that eats arctic hare:

  • Arctic foxes
  • Snow owls
  • Arctic wolves

These are the three top predators of the arctic hare.

7 answers

There are several reasons why the rufous hare wallaby is endangered.

Habitat loss due to livestock grazing is a significant cause of the endangerment of this small wallaby. The fact that it has only ever been found in a limited geographical area has not helped its survival. Its habitat has also been degraded due to the introduction of non-native invasive plants, which have pushed out native vegetation, and the fact that introduced species sucha s rabbits also compete for food. As with many native species, it has also been affected by changed fire regimes since the indigenous population has been dispersed.

5 answers

While there are many other species that are native to Nepal, the following are the ones that are threatened:

Critically Endangered:

    • Pygmy Hog(Sus salvanius).
  • Endangered:
    • Asian Elephant(Elephas maximus).
    • Chiru (Tibetan Antelope)(Pantholops hodgsonii).
    • Ganges River Dolphin(Platanista gangetica gangetica).
    • Hispid Hare(Caprolagus hispidus).
    • Indian Rhinoceros(Rhinoceros unicornis).
    • Particolored Flying Squirrel(Hylopetes alboniger).
    • Red Panda(Lesser Panda)(Ailurus fulgens).
    • Snow Leopard(Uncia uncia).
    • Tiger(Panthera tigris).
    • Wild Water Buffalo(Bubalus bubalis).
  • Vulnerable:
    • Argali(Ovis ammon).
    • Asiatic Golden Cat(Catopuma temminckii).
    • Assamese Macaque(Macaca assamensis).
    • Barasingha(Cervus duvauceli).
    • Blackbuck(Antilope cervicapra).
    • Clouded Leopard(Neofelis nebulosa).
    • Dhole(Cuon alpinus).
    • Eurasian Otter(Lutra lutra).
    • Fishing Cat(Prionailurus viverrinus).
    • Four-horned Antelope(Tetracerus quadricornis).
    • Gaur(Bos frontalis).
    • Himalayan Black Bear(Ursus thibetanus).
    • Himalayan Tahr(Hemitragus jemlahicus).
    • Irrawaddy Squirrel(Callosciurus pygerythrus).
    • Mainland Serow(Capricornis sumatraensis).
    • Malayan Porcupine(Hystrix brachyura).
    • Mandelli's Mouse-eared Bat(Myotis sicarius).
    • Marbled Cat(Pardofelis marmorata).
    • Sikkim Rat(Rattus sikkimensis).
    • Sloth Bear(Melursus ursinus).
    • Smooth-coated Otter(Lutra perspicillata).
    • Wild Yak(Bos grunniens).

2 answers

Kentucky has many wild animals:

· Bald Eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus)

· Beaver

· Black Bears

· Bobcat

· Coyote

· Elk

Deer Mouse

· Gray Bat (myotis grisescens)

· Gray Fox

· Gray Wolf (canis lupuis)

· Eastern Chipmunk

· Eastern Cottontail

· Eastern Gray Squirrel

· Easter Mole

· Eastern Puma also know and cougar (puma concolor coungar)

· Eastern-spotted Skunk

· Eastern Woodrat

· Fallow Deer

· Fox Squirrel

· Hispid Cotton Rat

· House Mouse

Indiana Bat (myotis sodalis)

· Little Brown Bat

· Long-tailed Weasel

· Mink

· Muskrat

· Norway Rat

· Opossum

· Pine Vole

· Prairie Vole

· Raccoon

· Red Bat

· Red Fox

· River Otter

· Short-tailed Shrew

· Southern Flying Squirrel

· Striped Skunk

Virginia big-eared Bat (corynorhinus townsendii virginanus)

· White-footed Mouse

· White-tailed Deer

· Whooping Crane (grus american)

· Woodchuck

Also Kentucky has many birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates, crayfish, and mussels.

4 answers

2-letter words

de, ef, eh, er, es, he, hi, id, if, is, pe, pi, re, sh, si

3-letter words

dei, des, die, dip, edh, efs, ers, fed, feh, fer, fid, fie, fir, heh, hep, her, hes, hid, hie, hip, his, ids, ifs, ire, ped, peh, per, pes, phi, pie, pis, psi, red, ref, rei, rep, res, rid, rif, rip, sei, ser, she, shh, sip, sir, sri

4-letter words

defi, dies, dips, dire, dish, drip, edhs, feds, fehs, fids, fire, firs, fish, hehs, heir, herd, hers, hide, hied, hies, hips, hire, ides, ired, ires, irid, iris, peds, pehs, peri, phis, pied, pier, pies, pish, reds, refs, reif, reis, reps, resh, ride, rids, rife, rifs, ripe, rips, rise, seif, serf, shed, ship, shri, side, sipe, sire, sped

5-letter words

defis, dries, drips, fired, fires, fresh, fried, fries, frise, heirs, herds, hider, hides, hired, hires, irids, peris, piers, pride, pried, pries, prise, redip, reifs, resid, rides, riped, ripes, rishi, serif, sherd, shied, shier, shire, shred, siped, sired, speir, spied, spier, spire

6-letter words

fished, fisher, heishi, hiders, hispid, irides, irised, perish, pished, prides, prised, redips, reship, sherif, spider, spired

7-letter words

dishier, fishier, redfish

8-letter words


180 words found.

1 answer

These are just a few of the breeds: New Zealand White Argente Brun New Zealand Blue Polish Magpie Rex Netherland Dwarf White German White Lop Cashmere Lop Seal Point Blue Angoras Gold Angoras Dutch Himalayan Californian Chinchilla Rex Orange Rex Rex Dalmation Rex Tortoiseshell Rex English Answer:http://exoticpets.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=exoticpets&cdn=homegarden&tm=43&gps=547_1160_1276_631&f=00&su=p284.9.336.ip_p504.1.336.ip_&tt=2&bt=1&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.arba.net/Breeds.htm Thats a lsit of arba accepted rabbits only. There are many other breeds; lionhead, continental giant, harlequin, etc

5 answers

There is more than one wild rabbit species native to America and each species has its own scientific name. Examples include :

- Marsh Rabbit: Sylvilagus palustris

- Pygmy rabbit: Brachylagus idahoensis

- Brush Rabbit: Sylvilagus bachmani

- Swamp Rabbit: Sylvilagus aquaticus

- Eastern Cottontail: Sylvilagus floridanus

- New England Cottontail: Sylvilagus transitionalis

- Appalachian Cottontail: Sylvilagus obscurus

Pet rabbits, no matter where they are in the world, are part of the European Rabbit species and their scientific name is Oryctolagus cuniculus.

9 answers

(1912) described this species as omnicarnivorous. Its diet includes mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, snakes, small turtles and small alligators. Cannibalism has also been reported. Normally, though, the bulk of its diet consists of fish and frogs. On occasion, juvenile specimens feed on invertebrates.[5] Catfish are often eaten, although the sharp spines sometimes cause injuries. Toads of the genus Bufo are apparently avoided.[3] A. p. piscivorus, light-colored adult.

Many authors have described the prey items taken under natural circumstances. Although fish and frogs are their most common prey, they will eat almost any small vertebrate. Campbell and Lamar (2004) provide an exhaustive list of species that have reportedly been preyed upon by A. piscivorus, including cicadas, caterpillars, land snails (Euglandina rosea), catfish (Ictalurus furcatus), pike (Esox ssp.), sunfishes (Lepomis ssp.), bass (Micropterus ssp.), sirens (Siren sp.), eastern newts (Notophthalmus viridescens), brook salamanders (Eurycea sp.), Ouachita dusky salamanders (Desmognathus brimleyorum), spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus), eastern narrowmouth toads (Gastrophryne carolinensis), northern cricket frogs (Acris crepitans), West Indian treefrogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis), treefrogs (Hyla sp.), true frogs (Rana sp.), green anoles (Anolis carolinensis), skinks (Eumeces sp.), eastern glass lizards (Ophisaurus ventralis), ground skinks (Scincella lateralis), mudsnakes (Farancia abacura), hog-nosed snakes (Heterodon platirhinos), kingsnakes (Lampropeltis sp.), watersnakes (Nerodia sp.), crayfish snakes (Regina sp.), brown snakes (Storeria dekayi), gartersnakes and ribbonsnakes (Thamnophis sp.), other cottonmouths (A. piscivorus), rattlesnakes (Crotalus sp.), common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina), mud turtles (Kinosternon sp.), common musk turtles (Sternotherus odoratus), Florida cooters (Pseudemys floridana), sliders (Trachemys scripta), eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina), Florida softshell turtles (Apalone ferox), baby American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis), wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina), chickadees (Parus sp.), cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), unidentified passerines, small ducks, juvenile anhingas (Anhinga anhinga), common egrets (Ardea alba), egrets, glossy ibises and their eggs (Plegadis falcinellus), tricolor herons (Egretta tricolor), herons and their eggs, pied-billed grebes (Podilymbus podiceps), short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda), least shrews (Cryptotis parva), southeastern shrews (Sorex longirostris), eastern moles (Scalopus aquaticus), muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus), rice rats (Oryzomys palustris), hispid pocket mice (Perognathus hispidus), black rats (Rattus rattus), squirrels (Sciurus sp.), rabbits (Sylvilagus sp.) and bats.[3] Fish are captured by cornering them in shallow water, usually against the bank or under logs. They take advantage when bodies of water begin to dry up in the summer or early fall and gorge themselves on the resulting high concentrations of fish and tadpoles. A study by Savitsky (1992) found that they were surprisingly unsuccessful at seizing either live or dead fish underwater.[3] They are opportunistic feeders and will sometimes eat carrion. Campbell and Lamar (2004) describe having seen them feeding on fish heads and viscera that had been thrown into the water from a dock. Heinrich and Studenroth (1996) report an occasion in which an individual was seen feeding on the butchered remains of a wild hog (Sus scrofa) that had been thrown into Cypress Creek.[3] Conant (1929) gives a detailed account of the feeding behavior of a captive specimen from South Carolina. When prey was introduced, the snake quickly became attentive and made an attack. Frogs and small birds were seized and held until movement stopped. Larger prey was approached in a more cautious manner; a rapid strike was executed after which the snake would withdraw. In 2.5 years the snake had accepted three species of frogs, including a large bullfrog, a spotted salamander, water snakes, garter snakes, sparrows, young rats and three species of mice.[5] Brimley (1944) described a captive specimen that ate copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix), as well as members of its own species, keeping its fangs embedded in its victims until they had been immobilized.[5] Young individuals have yellowish or greening tail tips and engage in caudal luring. The tail tip is wriggled to lure prey, such as frogs and lizards, within striking distance. Wharton (1960) observed captive specimens exhibiting this behavior between 07:20 and 19:40 hours, which suggests that it is a daytime activity.[3] - Adapted from wikipedia

-from Cj

1 answer

All living organism's (that is flora and fauna) are connected with one food web. so conservation necessary to flora and fauna.

Every plant that is provenant to your area plays an important role in your ecosystem. Some of the most important roles are played by living organisms that are hard if not impossible to observe without knowing what to look for. Mosses, fungus, lichens and molds do the majority of the work cleaning up the place while feeding the mosquitos, flies wasps and bees that do alot of the pollinating plants(that's grasses, plants and trees)and are food for the Birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians that do everything else like disperse the seeds of the plants etc etc etc. You take away one link of the chain and the whole thing might collapse.

A successful species is one that interacts in harmony and not at the expense of its environment.

9 answers

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4 answers

Agouti - Black agouti, Central American agouti, Red acouchi, Green acouchi

Amazonian manatee

Amazonian hog-nosed skunk

Andean bear

Andean tapir

American manatee

Armadillo - Giant armadillo, Northern naked-tailed armadillo, Greater long-nosed armadillo,

Common long-nosed armadillo, Llanos long-nosed armadilloBaird's tapir

Bald uakari

Bats - Lesser dog-like bat. Orange nectar bat, Mexican funnel-eared bat, Parnell's mustached bat, Pale-faced bat, Thomas's nectar bat, Wagner's mustached bat, Common vampire bat, Pale spear-nosed bat, Tomes's sword-nosed bat, White-winged vampire bat, Lesser spear-nosed bat, Marinkelle's sword-nosed bat, Northern ghost bat, Greater spear-nosed bat, Orinoco sword-nosed bat, Aratathomas's yellow0shouldered bat, Lesser bulldog bat, Greater ghost bat, Tent-maiking bat, Guianan spear-nosed bat, Silky short-tailed bat, Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat, Greater bulldog bat, Isabelle's ghost bat, Striped hairy-nosed bat, Brown tent-making bat, White-lined bat, Chestnut short-tailed bat, Long-legged bat, Bogota yellow-shouldered bat, Peale's free-tailed bat, Hairy little fruit bat, Bedentate yellow-eared bat, Eldorado broad-nosed bat, Seba's short-tailed bat, Hairy yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-eared bat, Fischer's little fruit bat, Hairy-legged vampire bat, Brock's yellow-eared bat, Short-headed broad-nosed bat, Little yellow-shouldered bat, Big free-tailed bat, Mato grosso dog-faced bat, Melissa's yellow-eared bat, Choco broad-nosed bat, Highland yellow-shouldered bat, Handley's tailless bat, Small big-eared brown bat, Striped yellow-eared bat, Thomas's broad-nosed bat, Shaggy bat, Louis's yellow-shouldered bat,

Geoffroy's tailless bat, Dwarf dog-faced bat, Little yellow-eared bat, Heller's broad-nosed bat, Wrinkle-faced bat, Greater yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-toothed tailless bat, Black mastiff bat,

Great stripe-faced bat, Buffy broad-nosed bat, Talamancan yellow-shouldered bat, Tiny yellow bat, Bonda mastiff bat, Spectral bat, Shadowy broad-nosed bat, Tilda yellow-shouldered bat,

Large fruit-eating bat, Chestnut sac-winged bat, Proboscis bat, White bat, Pallas's mastiff bat, Greater broad-nosed bat, Brazilian free-tailed bat, Andesen's fruit-eating bat, Greater sac-winged bat, Miller's mastiff bat, Salvin's big-eyed bat, Brown fruit-eating bat, Frosted sac-winged bat, Brazilian brown bat, Sinaloan mastiff bat, Little big-eyed bat, Silver fruit-eating bat, Lesser sac-winged bat, Argentine brown bat, Hairy big-eyed bat, Macconnell's bat, Big brown bat, Ghost-faced bat, Hawaiian hoary bat, Black bonneted bat, Godman's long-tailed bat, Jamaican fruit-eating bat, Dwarf bonneted bat, Intermediate long-tailed bat, Great fruit-eating bat, Tacarcuna bat, Big bonneted bat, Lesser long-tailed bat, Dark fruit-eating bat, Southern yellow bat, Wagner's bonneted bat, Greater long-tailed bat, Pygmy fruit-eating bat, Big red bat, Sanborn's bonneted bat, Silver-tipped myotis, Big-eared wooly bat, Flat-faced fruit-eating bat, Toltec fruit-eating bat, Ega long-tongued bat, Western bonneted bat, Hairy-legged myotis, Curacao myotis, Short-eared bat, Hairy big-eared bat, Thumbless bat, Black myotis, Little big-eared bat, Peter's disk-winged bat, , Ecuadorian sac-winged bat, Southern long-nosed bat, Commissaris's long-tongued bat, Montane myotis, White-bellied big-eared bat, Spix's disk-winged bat, Dark long-tongued bat, Miller's long-tongued bat, Riparian myotis, Chestnut long-tongued bat, Pallas's long-tongued bat, Velvety myotis, Big crested mastiff bat, Greater dog-like bat, Handley's nectar bat, Visored bat, Davy's naked-backed bat, Schmidts's big-eared bat, Fringe-lipped bat, White-winged dog-like bat, Goldman's nectar bat, Big naked-backed bat

Black-mantled tamarin

Black uacari

Brazilian guinea pig

Brazilian tapir

Brown brocket

Bush dog

Bushy-tailed olingo




Caribbean monk seal


Common fox

Common squirrel monkey

Collared peccary

Colombian night monkey

Colombian weasel

Cotton-headed tamarin


Crab-eating raccoon

Dolphins - Amazon river dolphin, Atlantic spinner dolphin, Atlantic dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, Long-beaked dolphin, Rough-toothed dolphin, Fraser's dolphin, Estuarine dolphin


Eastern cottontail

Eyra cat

Forest rabbit

Geoffroy's monk saki

Geoffroy's tamarin

Giant Brazilian otter

Goeldi's marmoset

Golden-mantled howling monkey

Gray fox

Greater grison

Guinea pig



La plata otter

Little coati

Little red brocket deer

Little spotted cat

Long-haired spider monkey

Long-tailed weasel


Opossum - Murine mouse opossum, Robinson's mouse opossum, Brown four-eyed opossum, Western woolly opossum, Long-furred woolly mouse opossum, Central American woolly opossum, Short-furred woolly mouse opossum, Sepia short-tailed opossum, Black four-eyed opossum, Little rufous mouse opossum, Dryland mouse opossum, Gray-bellied slender mouse opossum, Handley's slender mouse opossum, Andean slender mouse opossum, Delicate slender mouse opossum, Water opossum, Alston's woolly mouse opossum, Pale-bellied woolly mouse opossum, White-eared opossum, Wood sprite gracile mouse opossum, Common opossum, Northern gracile mouse opossum, Lutrine opossum, Blackish shrew opossum, Silky shrew opossum

Ma's night monkey


Mottle-face tamarin

Mouse - Snow-footed oldfield mouse, Unicolored oldfield mouse, Woodland oldfield mouse, Ashy-bellied oldfield mouse, Silky oldfield mouse, Bristly mouse, Hummelinck's vesper mouse, Dusky montane mouse, Narrow-footed bristly mouse, Trinidad spiny pocket mouse, Southern spiny pocket mouse, Colombian grass mouse, Mexican harvest mouse, Bogota grass mouse, Northern grass mouse, Cauca climbing mouse, Desmarest's spiny pocket mouse, Coues's climbing mouse, Chibchan water mouse, Short-tailed cane mouse, Colombian forest mouse, Brown cane mouse, Golden oldfield mouse, Buff-bellied climbing mouse. Venezuelan climbing mouse, Broad-footed climbing mouse

Night monkey

Northern pudu

Paca - Spotted paca, Mountain paca


Porcupine - Brown hairy dwarf porcupine, Bicolor-spined porcupine. Stump-tailed porcupine

Rat - Talamancan rice rat, Simon's spiny rat, Colombian rice rat, Hispid cotton rat, Napo spiny rat, Amazon bamboo rat, Macconnell's rice rat, Alfaro's rice water rat, Tome's spiny rat, Gorgas's rice rat, Alston's cotton rat, Gray-footed spiny rat, Bolivar rice rat, Coues's rice rat, O'connell's spiny rat, Hendee's spiny rat, Tomes's rice rat, Magdalena spiny rat, Alfaro's rice rat, Minca spiny rat, Gorgona spiny rat, Highland small rice rat, Forest small rice rat, South American water rat, Mira climbing rat, Montane fish-eating rat, Armored spiny rat, Arboreal soft-furred spiny rat,

Bicolored arboreal rice rat, Rufous tree rat, Unicolored arboreal rice rat, Marsh rat, Dusky rice , rat, White-tailed olalla rat, Yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat, Huallaga spiny rat, Spiny tree rat, Greedy olalla rat, Colombian spiny rat, Destructive pygmy rice rat, Cayenne spiny rat, Fulvous pygmy rice rat, Boyaca spiny rat, Red crested tree rat, Armored rat, Speckled tree rat, Yellow arboreal rice rat, Arboreal rice rat, Crab-eating rat, Trinidad arboreal rice rat, Grayish pygmy rice rat

Red brocket

Red howler monkey

Short-eared dog

Silvery-brown bare-face tamarin

South American coati

Squirrel - Northern Amazon red squirrel, Southern amazon red squirrel, Andean squirrel, Red-tailed squirrel, Central American dwarf squirrel, Amazon dwarf squirrel, Western dwarf squirrel, Santander dwarf squirrel,


Thaeler's pocket gopher

Tropical weasel

Whale - Blainville's beaked whale, Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Lesser beaked whale, Pygmy killer whale, Common minke whale

White-faced capuchin

White-lipped peccary

White-tailed deer

White-fronted capuchin

1 answer


Agouti - Black agouti, Central American agouti, Red acouchi, Green acouchi

Amazonian manatee

Amazonian hog-nosed skunk

Andean bear

Andean tapir

American manatee

Armadillo - Giant armadillo, Northern naked-tailed armadillo, Greater long-nosed armadillo,

Common long-nosed armadillo, Llanos long-nosed armadilloBaird's tapir

Bald uakari

Bats - Lesser dog-like bat. Orange nectar bat, Mexican funnel-eared bat, Parnell's mustached bat, Pale-faced bat, Thomas's nectar bat, Wagner's mustached bat, Common vampire bat, Pale spear-nosed bat, Tomes's sword-nosed bat, White-winged vampire bat, Lesser spear-nosed bat, Marinkelle's sword-nosed bat, Northern ghost bat, Greater spear-nosed bat, Orinoco sword-nosed bat, Aratathomas's yellow0shouldered bat, Lesser bulldog bat, Greater ghost bat, Tent-maiking bat, Guianan spear-nosed bat, Silky short-tailed bat, Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat, Greater bulldog bat, Isabelle's ghost bat, Striped hairy-nosed bat, Brown tent-making bat, White-lined bat, Chestnut short-tailed bat, Long-legged bat, Bogota yellow-shouldered bat, Peale's free-tailed bat, Hairy little fruit bat, Bedentate yellow-eared bat, Eldorado broad-nosed bat, Seba's short-tailed bat, Hairy yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-eared bat, Fischer's little fruit bat, Hairy-legged vampire bat, Brock's yellow-eared bat, Short-headed broad-nosed bat, Little yellow-shouldered bat, Big free-tailed bat, Mato grosso dog-faced bat, Melissa's yellow-eared bat, Choco broad-nosed bat, Highland yellow-shouldered bat, Handley's tailless bat, Small big-eared brown bat, Striped yellow-eared bat, Thomas's broad-nosed bat, Shaggy bat, Louis's yellow-shouldered bat,

Geoffroy's tailless bat, Dwarf dog-faced bat, Little yellow-eared bat, Heller's broad-nosed bat, Wrinkle-faced bat, Greater yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-toothed tailless bat, Black mastiff bat,

Great stripe-faced bat, Buffy broad-nosed bat, Talamancan yellow-shouldered bat, Tiny yellow bat, Bonda mastiff bat, Spectral bat, Shadowy broad-nosed bat, Tilda yellow-shouldered bat,

Large fruit-eating bat, Chestnut sac-winged bat, Proboscis bat, White bat, Pallas's mastiff bat, Greater broad-nosed bat, Brazilian free-tailed bat, Andesen's fruit-eating bat, Greater sac-winged bat, Miller's mastiff bat, Salvin's big-eyed bat, Brown fruit-eating bat, Frosted sac-winged bat, Brazilian brown bat, Sinaloan mastiff bat, Little big-eyed bat, Silver fruit-eating bat, Lesser sac-winged bat, Argentine brown bat, Hairy big-eyed bat, Macconnell's bat, Big brown bat, Ghost-faced bat, Hawaiian hoary bat, Black bonneted bat, Godman's long-tailed bat, Jamaican fruit-eating bat, Dwarf bonneted bat, Intermediate long-tailed bat, Great fruit-eating bat, Tacarcuna bat, Big bonneted bat, Lesser long-tailed bat, Dark fruit-eating bat, Southern yellow bat, Wagner's bonneted bat, Greater long-tailed bat, Pygmy fruit-eating bat, Big red bat, Sanborn's bonneted bat, Silver-tipped myotis, Big-eared wooly bat, Flat-faced fruit-eating bat, Toltec fruit-eating bat, Ega long-tongued bat, Western bonneted bat, Hairy-legged myotis, Curacao myotis, Short-eared bat, Hairy big-eared bat, Thumbless bat, Black myotis, Little big-eared bat, Peter's disk-winged bat, , Ecuadorian sac-winged bat, Southern long-nosed bat, Commissaris's long-tongued bat, Montane myotis, White-bellied big-eared bat, Spix's disk-winged bat, Dark long-tongued bat, Miller's long-tongued bat, Riparian myotis, Chestnut long-tongued bat, Pallas's long-tongued bat, Velvety myotis, Big crested mastiff bat, Greater dog-like bat, Handley's nectar bat, Visored bat, Davy's naked-backed bat, Schmidts's big-eared bat, Fringe-lipped bat, White-winged dog-like bat, Goldman's nectar bat, Big naked-backed bat

Black-mantled tamarin

Black uacari

Brazilian guinea pig

Brazilian tapir

Brown brocket

Bush dog

Bushy-tailed olingo




Caribbean monk seal


Common fox

Common squirrel monkey

Collared peccary

Colombian night monkey

Colombian weasel

Cotton-headed tamarin


Crab-eating raccoon

Dolphins - Amazon river dolphin, Atlantic spinner dolphin, Atlantic dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, Long-beaked dolphin, Rough-toothed dolphin, Fraser's dolphin, Estuarine dolphin


Eastern cottontail

Eyra cat

Forest rabbit

Geoffroy's monk saki

Geoffroy's tamarin

Giant Brazilian otter

Goeldi's marmoset

Golden-mantled howling monkey

Gray fox

Greater grison

Guinea pig



La plata otter

Little coati

Little red brocket deer

Little spotted cat

Long-haired spider monkey

Long-tailed weasel


Opossum - Murine mouse opossum, Robinson's mouse opossum, Brown four-eyed opossum, Western woolly opossum, Long-furred woolly mouse opossum, Central American woolly opossum, Short-furred woolly mouse opossum, Sepia short-tailed opossum, Black four-eyed opossum, Little rufous mouse opossum, Dryland mouse opossum, Gray-bellied slender mouse opossum, Handley's slender mouse opossum, Andean slender mouse opossum, Delicate slender mouse opossum, Water opossum, Alston's woolly mouse opossum, Pale-bellied woolly mouse opossum, White-eared opossum, Wood sprite gracile mouse opossum, Common opossum, Northern gracile mouse opossum, Lutrine opossum, Blackish shrew opossum, Silky shrew opossum

Ma's night monkey


Mottle-face tamarin

Mouse - Snow-footed oldfield mouse, Unicolored oldfield mouse, Woodland oldfield mouse, Ashy-bellied oldfield mouse, Silky oldfield mouse, Bristly mouse, Hummelinck's vesper mouse, Dusky montane mouse, Narrow-footed bristly mouse, Trinidad spiny pocket mouse, Southern spiny pocket mouse, Colombian grass mouse, Mexican harvest mouse, Bogota grass mouse, Northern grass mouse, Cauca climbing mouse, Desmarest's spiny pocket mouse, Coues's climbing mouse, Chibchan water mouse, Short-tailed cane mouse, Colombian forest mouse, Brown cane mouse, Golden oldfield mouse, Buff-bellied climbing mouse. Venezuelan climbing mouse, Broad-footed climbing mouse

Night monkey

Northern pudu

Paca - Spotted paca, Mountain paca


Porcupine - Brown hairy dwarf porcupine, Bicolor-spined porcupine. Stump-tailed porcupine

Rat - Talamancan rice rat, Simon's spiny rat, Colombian rice rat, Hispid cotton rat, Napo spiny rat, Amazon bamboo rat, Macconnell's rice rat, Alfaro's rice water rat, Tome's spiny rat, Gorgas's rice rat, Alston's cotton rat, Gray-footed spiny rat, Bolivar rice rat, Coues's rice rat, O'connell's spiny rat, Hendee's spiny rat, Tomes's rice rat, Magdalena spiny rat, Alfaro's rice rat, Minca spiny rat, Gorgona spiny rat, Highland small rice rat, Forest small rice rat, South American water rat, Mira climbing rat, Montane fish-eating rat, Armored spiny rat, Arboreal soft-furred spiny rat,

Bicolored arboreal rice rat, Rufous tree rat, Unicolored arboreal rice rat, Marsh rat, Dusky rice , rat, White-tailed olalla rat, Yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat, Huallaga spiny rat, Spiny tree rat, Greedy olalla rat, Colombian spiny rat, Destructive pygmy rice rat, Cayenne spiny rat, Fulvous pygmy rice rat, Boyaca spiny rat, Red crested tree rat, Armored rat, Speckled tree rat, Yellow arboreal rice rat, Arboreal rice rat, Crab-eating rat, Trinidad arboreal rice rat, Grayish pygmy rice rat

Red brocket

Red howler monkey

Short-eared dog

Silvery-brown bare-face tamarin

South American coati

Squirrel - Northern Amazon red squirrel, Southern amazon red squirrel, Andean squirrel, Red-tailed squirrel, Central American dwarf squirrel, Amazon dwarf squirrel, Western dwarf squirrel, Santander dwarf squirrel,


Thaeler's pocket gopher

Tropical weasel

Whale - Blainville's beaked whale, Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Lesser beaked whale, Pygmy killer whale, Common minke whale

White-faced capuchin

White-lipped peccary

White-tailed deer

White-fronted capuchin

7 answers

Numerous wild animals are found in Colombia. These include weasels, hunting hounds, raccoons, spider monkeys, anacondas, boas, vultures, piranhas, vampire bats, opossums, pumas, jaguars, and many more.

7 answers

3-letter words

aah, aas, aba, ado, ads, aha, aid, air, ais, ait, ape, apt, arb, are, ark, ars, art, ash, ask, asp, ate, baa, bad, bah, bar, bas, bat, bed, bet, bid, bio, bis, bit, boa, bod, bop, bos, bot, bra, dab, dah, dak, dap, deb, dei, des, dib, die, dip, dit, doe, dor, dos, dot, ear, eat, edh, era, ers, eta, eth, had, hae, hao, hap, has, hat, hep, her, hes, het, hid, hie, hip, his, hit, hob, hod, hoe, hop, hot, ids, ire, irk, its, kab, kae, kas, kat, kea, kep, khi, kid, kip, kir, kit, koa, kob, kop, kor, kos, oak, oar, oat, obe, obi, ode, ods, oes, ohs, oka, oke, ope, ops, opt, ora, orb, ore, ors, ort, ose, pad, pah, par, pas, pat, pea, ped, peh, per, pes, pet, phi, pht, pia, pie, pis, pit, pod, poh, poi, pot, pro, psi, rad, rah, rap, ras, rat, reb, red, rei, rep, res, ret, rho, ria, rib, rid, rip, rob, rod, roe, rot, sab, sad, sae, sap, sat, sea, sei, ser, set, sha, she, sib, sip, sir, sit, ska, ski, sob, sod, sop, sot, spa, sri, tab, tad, tae, tao, tap, tar, tas, tea, ted, the, tho, tie, tip, tis, tod, toe, top, tor, tsk

4-letter words

aahs, abas, abed, abet, abri, adit, ados, aero, aide, aids, airs, airt, aits, aped, aper, apes, apod, apse, arak, arbs, area, ares, aria, arid, arks, arts, asea, atap, ates, atop, baas, bade, bads, baht, bait, bake, bard, bare, bark, bars, base, bash, bask, bast, bate, bath, bats, bead, beak, bear, beat, beds, best, beta, beth, bets, bias, bide, bids, bier, bike, bios, bird, birk, bise, bisk, bite, bits, boar, boas, boat, bode, bods, bops, bora, bore, bort, bosh, bosk, bota, both, bots, brad, brae, bras, brat, bred, brie, brio, bris, brit, dabs, dahs, dais, daks, daps, darb, dare, dark, dart, dash, data, date, dato, dear, debs, debt, desk, dhak, dibs, dies, diet, dike, dips, dipt, dire, dirk, dirt, dish, disk, dita, dite, dits, doat, doer, does, doit, dopa, dope, dore, dork, dorp, dors, dose, dost, dote, doth, dots, drab, drat, drek, drib, drip, drop, ears, east, eath, eats, edhs, edit, epha, epos, eras, eros, erst, etas, eths, haar, hade, haed, haes, haet, haik, hair, hake, haps, hard, hare, hark, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, head, heap, hear, heat, heir, herb, herd, hero, hers, hest, hets, hide, hied, hies, hike, hips, hire, hist, hits, hoar, hobs, hods, hoed, hoer, hoes, hoke, hope, hops, hora, hose, host, hots, ibis, idea, ides, iota, ired, ires, irid, iris, irks, isba, kaas, kabs, kadi, kaes, kaka, kaki, kapa, kaph, kart, kats, kbar, keas, keir, kepi, keps, kept, kerb, keto, khat, khet, khis, kibe, kids, kier, kips, kirk, kirs, kist, kite, kith, kits, koas, kobs, koph, kops, kors, kris, oaks, oars, oast, oath, oats, obes, obia, obis, obit, odea, odes, ohed, ohia, okas, okeh, okes, okra, opah, oped, opes, opts, orad, orbs, ores, orts, osar, padi, pads, paid, paik, pair, para, pard, pare, park, pars, part, pase, pash, past, pate, path, pats, peak, pear, peas, peat, peds, pehs, peri, perk, pert, peso, pest, pets, phat, phis, phot, pias, pied, pier, pies, pika, pike, pish, pita, pith, pits, pods, poet, pois, poke, pore, pork, port, pose, posh, post, pots, prao, prat, proa, prod, pros, rads, raia, raid, rake, raki, rape, raps, rapt, rase, rash, rasp, rate, rath, rato, rats, read, reap, rebs, redo, reds, reis, repo, reps, resh, rest, rets, rhea, rhos, rias, ribs, ride, rids, riot, ripe, rips, rise, risk, rite, road, robe, robs, rode, rods, roes, rope, rose, rota, rote, rots, sabe, sade, sadi, said, sake, saki, sard, sari, sark, sate, sati, sear, seat, sept, sera, seta, shad, shea, shed, ship, shod, shoe, shop, shot, shri, side, sike, sipe, sire, site, sith, skat, skep, skid, skip, skit, soak, soap, soar, soda, soke, soph, sora, sorb, sord, sore, sori, sort, soth, spae, spar, spat, sped, spit, spot, stab, star, step, stir, stoa, stob, stop, tabs, tads, tahr, taka, take, taos, tapa, tape, taps, tare, taro, tarp, tars, task, teak, tear, teas, teds, tepa, thae, thio, thir, this, thro, tide, tied, tier, ties, tike, tiki, tipi, tips, tire, tiro, toad, tods, toea, toed, toes, toke, tope, toph, topi, tops, tora, tore, tori, tors, tosh, trad, trap, trek, trio, trip, trod, trop, tsar

5-letter words

aahed, abaka, abase, abash, abate, abets, abhor, abide, abode, abort, abris, adapt, adept, adios, adits, adobe, adopt, adore, ahead, aider, aides, aired, airth, airts, aorta, apart, apeak, apers, aphid, aphis, apish, apods, aport, apres, apter, araks, ardeb, areas, arhat, arias, arise, aroid, arose, ashed, aside, asked, asker, askoi, asper, aster, astir, ataps, atria, atrip, baaed, bahts, baith, baits, baked, baker, bakes, barde, bards, bared, bares, barks, based, baser, baste, bated, bates, bathe, baths, batik, beads, beaks, beard, bears, beast, beats, berth, besot, betas, beths, bider, bides, bidet, biers, biked, biker, bikes, bikie, biota, biped, bipod, birds, birks, birse, birth, biter, bites, board, boars, boart, boast, boats, bodes, bohea, boite, boras, bored, bores, borts, botas, brads, braes, braid, brake, brash, brats, bread, break, bride, bries, brios, brisk, brits, broad, broke, brose, broth, darbs, dares, darks, darts, dashi, dater, dates, datos, deair, dears, deash, death, debar, debit, debts, deist, dekko, depot, depth, derat, dhaks, dhobi, dhoti, diets, diker, dikes, dipso, dirks, dirts, ditas, dites, doats, dobie, dobra, doers, doest, doeth, doits, dopas, doper, dopes, dorks, dorps, dorsa, doser, doter, dotes, drabs, drake, drape, drats, dreks, drest, dribs, dries, drips, dript, droit, drops, dropt, earth, edits, eidos, ephas, ephod, ephor, eskar, estop, ethos, haars, habit, hades, hadst, haets, haika, haiks, hairs, hakes, hards, hared, hares, harks, harps, harts, haste, hated, hater, hates, heads, heaps, heard, hears, heart, heats, heirs, heist, herbs, herds, heros, hider, hides, hiked, hiker, hikes, hired, hires, hoard, hoars, hoers, hoise, hoist, hoked, hokes, hoped, hoper, hopes, horas, horde, horse, horst, hosed, hosta, ideas, idiot, iotas, irade, irate, irids, irked, ither, kabar, kadis, kaiak, kakas, kakis, kapas, kaphs, kapok, karat, karst, karts, kasha, kbars, kebar, keirs, kepis, kerbs, khadi, khaki, khats, kheda, khets, kibei, kibes, kiers, kiosk, kirks, kited, kiter, kites, kithe, kiths, kopek, kophs, korat, krait, oared, oater, oaths, obeah, obias, obits, odist, ohias, oidia, okapi, okehs, okras, opahs, opera, opted, orate, orbed, orbit, oread, oribi, osier, ostia, other, padis, padre, padri, paiks, pairs, paisa, paise, paras, pardi, pards, pared, pares, paris, parka, parks, parse, parts, paseo, pasha, pasta, paste, pated, pater, pates, paths, patio, peaks, pears, peart, peats, pedro, peris, perks, pesto, phase, phots, piers, pieta, pikas, piked, piker, pikes, piste, pitas, piths, podia, poets, poise, poked, poker, pokes, pored, pores, porks, ports, posed, poser, posit, praos, prase, prate, prats, presa, prest, pride, pried, pries, prise, proas, probe, prods, prose, prost, psoae, psoai, rabat, rabid, radii, radio, raias, raids, raise, raked, rakes, rakis, raped, rapes, raphe, rapid, rased, rated, rates, rathe, ratio, ratos, reads, reaps, reata, rebid, rebop, redia, redip, redos, rehab, repos, repot, resid, resod, retia, rheas, riata, ribes, rides, riots, riped, ripes, rishi, rites, roads, roast, robed, robes, roped, ropes, rosed, roset, rotas, rotes, sabed, saber, sabir, sabot, sabra, sabre, sadhe, sahib, saith, saker, sapid, sapor, sarod, sated, sepia, septa, serai, shade, shake, shako, shape, shard, share, shark, sharp, shear, sheik, sherd, shied, shier, shire, shirk, shirt, shoat, shoed, shoer, shore, short, shote, shred, shtik, siker, siped, sired, sitar, sited, skate, skied, skier, skirt, skite, sober, spade, spado, spaed, spahi, spait, spake, spare, spark, spate, speak, spear, speir, spied, spier, spike, spire, spirt, spite, spode, spoke, spore, sport, sprat, sprit, stade, staid, stair, stake, staph, stare, stark, stead, steak, stied, stipe, stirk, stirp, stoae, stoai, stoke, stope, store, stork, strap, strep, stria, strid, strip, strop, taber, tabes, tabid, tabor, tahrs, taker, takes, tapas, taped, taper, tapes, tapir, tapis, tardo, tared, tares, tarok, taros, tarps, tarsi, teaks, tears, teiid, tepas, tepid, terai, their, third, thorp, those, thrip, throb, throe, tiara, tibia, tides, tiers, tikes, tikis, tipis, tired, tires, tiros, toads, toked, toker, tokes, toped, toper, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topis, torah, toras, tores, torii, torse, torsi, torsk, trade, traik, traps, trash, tread, treks, triad, tribe, tried, tries, trike, trios, tripe, trips, troak, trode, trois, troke, trope, tsade, tsadi, tsked

6-letter words

abakas, abased, abaser, abasia, abated, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abhors, abider, abides, aboard, abodes, aborts, abrade, abroad, adapts, adepts, adobes, adopts, adores, adroit, adsorb, ahorse, aiders, aikido, airest, airted, airths, aorist, aortae, aortas, aphids, ardebs, arhats, ariose, ariosi, arista, aristo, arkose, aroids, ashier, ashore, aspire, baited, baiter, bakers, bardes, barest, barhop, barite, barked, bashed, basher, basked, basket, basted, baster, bathed, bather, bathes, bathos, batiks, beards, bertha, berths, bestir, bhakta, bhakti, biased, biders, bidets, bikers, bikies, biotas, bipeds, bipods, birdie, birkie, births, bishop, bister, bistre, bistro, biters, boards, boarts, boated, boater, bodies, boheas, boites, borate, boride, borsht, bosker, bosket, bother, braids, braise, braked, brakes, breads, breaks, breast, breath, brides, broads, broths, daiker, dakoit, dasher, daters, deairs, dearth, deaths, debark, debars, debits, debris, debtor, dehort, dekkos, depart, deport, depots, depths, derats, desorb, despot, dhobis, dhotis, diaper, diapir, dikers, direst, disbar, dither, dobies, dobras, dopers, dopier, dories, doters, dotier, drakes, drapes, driest, droits, earths, editor, ephods, ephori, ephors, esprit, habits, hairdo, haired, harked, harped, hasped, hasted, haters, hatred, hearts, heptad, heriot, hiders, hikers, hispid, histed, hoards, hoarse, hoised, hokier, hopers, hordes, horsed, horste, hosier, hosted, hotbed, idiots, iodate, irades, irides, irised, iritis, isobar, kabaka, kabars, kabiki, kaiaks, kaiser, kakapo, kapoks, karate, karats, kasbah, kasher, kebars, khadis, khakis, khedas, kibeis, kibosh, kishka, kishke, kiters, kithed, kithes, kopeks, korats, kosher, kraits, oaters, obeahs, okapis, operas, ophite, opiate, orated, orates, orbits, oreads, oribis, others, padres, paiked, paired, parade, pardah, pardie, pariah, paries, parish, parkas, parked, parsed, parted, pashed, pasted, paster, pastie, pastor, paters, pathos, patios, patois, pedros, period, perish, petard, petsai, pharos, phased, phobia, phrase, pietas, pikake, pikers, pirate, pished, pithed, pitied, pitier, pities, podite, poised, poiser, pokers, pokier, pokies, ported, posada, posher, posted, poster, potash, pother, potsie, praise, prated, prates, presto, prides, priest, prised, probed, probes, probit, prosed, prosit, protea, protei, rabato, rabats, rabies, radios, radish, raised, rakish, raphae, raphes, raphia, raphis, rapids, rapist, rasped, ratios, reatas, rebait, rebato, rebids, rebops, redias, redips, redipt, redtop, rehabs, repaid, repast, repots, resaid, reship, reshod, reshot, resoak, respot, rhebok, riatas, ribose, rioted, ripest, ripost, risked, roadie, sabred, saithe, sapota, sapote, sarape, sarode, satara, satire, satori, satrap, seraph, serdab, shader, shaird, shaker, shaped, shaper, shared, sherpa, shikar, shored, shriek, shrike, skated, skater, skited, soaked, soaker, soaped, soaper, soared, sobeit, sopite, sorbed, sorbet, sorted, sortie, spader, spared, sparid, spathe, spider, spiked, spiker, spirea, spired, spirit, spited, spoked, spored, spread, sprite, sradha, stadia, staked, stared, stiped, stoked, stoker, stoped, stoper, stored, strake, streak, striae, stride, strike, stripe, strobe, strode, stroke, tabard, tabers, tabors, takahe, takers, tapers, tapirs, taroks, tarsia, tasked, teiids, tephra, terais, teraph, terbia, theirs, thirds, thoria, thorpe, thorps, thread, threap, thrips, throbs, throes, tiaras, tibiae, tibias, tidier, tidies, tirade, tobies, todies, tokers, topers, tophes, torahs, tories, torpid, trades, traiks, trapes, treads, trepid, triads, tribes, trikes, triode, triose, tripes, tripod, tripos, troaks, troika, troked, trokes, tropes

7-letter words

abashed, abaters, abators, abiders, aborted, abrades, abreast, abrosia, adapter, adaptor, adhibit, adipose, adopter, aerobia, aerosat, aikidos, airboat, airdate, airhead, airiest, airpost, airshed, airship, airthed, aphasia, aphides, apteria, arabesk, aridest, aristae, aspired, asteria, astride, atopies, atresia, baiters, baptise, barhops, barites, basidia, bastard, bathers, bearish, bedpost, berthas, bestrid, bhaktas, bhaktis, bhistie, bidarka, birdies, birkies, birthed, bistred, boarish, boasted, boaster, boaters, borated, borates, borides, boskier, bothers, bothies, bothria, braised, breadth, breaths, brisked, brisket, britska, dabster, daikers, dairies, dakoits, darbies, darkest, darkish, dashier, dashiki, dashpot, dearths, debarks, debtors, dehorts, deorbit, departs, deports, deposit, desktop, despair, diabase, diapers, diapirs, diaries, diarist, diaster, diopter, dioptre, diorite, diphase, diptera, dirties, dishier, dispart, disport, disrate, disrobe, dithers, ditsier, dopiest, earshot, editors, esparto, habited, hairdos, hardest, hardies, hardset, hardtop, harpies, harpist, hastier, hatreds, heptads, heriots, hetaira, hipster, histoid, hoisted, hoister, hokiest, hotbeds, iodates, isobare, isobath, kabakas, kabikis, kakapos, karates, kathode, kithara, ophites, opiated, opiates, orbiest, orbited, parades, parados, pardahs, pariahs, parotid, partake, partied, parties, pastier, peakish, peridia, peridot, periods, perkish, petards, phobias, phorate, phrased, piasaba, piaster, piastre, pikakes, pirated, pirates, pithead, pithier, pitiers, podesta, podites, pokiest, porkies, posited, pothead, potherb, pothers, praised, presoak, probate, probits, prostie, proteas, proteid, rabatos, radiate, raphias, raphide, readapt, readopt, rebaits, rebatos, redbait, redtops, reitbok, reposit, rheboks, rikisha, riposte, riptide, roadies, roasted, ropiest, saphead, saprobe, seabird, seaport, shadier, shakier, sharked, sharped, sharpie, shikari, shikker, shirked, shorted, shortia, shortie, sidebar, skirted, soapier, sopited, sorbate, sortied, sparked, sparoid, spathed, spikier, spiraea, spiroid, spirted, sported, staider, steroid, storied, straked, striped, stroked, strophe, tabards, tabored, takahes, tardies, teashop, tephras, terbias, theroid, thorias, thorpes, threads, threaps, tiaraed, tiderip, tidiers, tipsier, tirades, toadies, toadish, topside, torpids, torsade, traiked, traipse, trashed, tribade, triodes, tripods, troaked, troikas

8-letter words

adapters, adaptors, adhibits, adopters, airboats, airdates, airheads, apathies, aphorise, aphorist, apiaries, apiarist, aspirata, aspirate, asteroid, atrophia, baidarka, bakeshop, baptised, baptisia, barathea, barkiest, bidarkas, biparted, birdshot, bishoped, brakiest, breadths, broadest, broadish, daishiki, database, dataries, deorbits, diaspora, diaspore, diatribe, dioptase, diopters, dioptres, diorites, disherit, dispirit, dorkiest, hairiest, hardiest, hardtops, hetairai, hetairas, hoariest, hospitia, kathodes, keratoid, kiboshed, kitharas, oribatid, paradise, parakite, parasite, parities, parodies, parodist, parotids, partakes, pastored, peridots, phorates, piroshki, pitheads, porkiest, potheads, potherbs, potshard, potsherd, presidia, presidio, probated, probates, prohibit, proteids, radiates, raphides, rapidest, readapts, readopts, redbaits, reitboks, rhapsode, riposted, riptides, seaboard, septaria, soapbark, spheroid, spirited, tapadera, tapadero, teaboard, tiderips, topsider, traipsed, tribades, triphase, trophied, trophies

9-letter words

adsorbate, apartheid, aphorised, aridities, aspiratae, aspirated, atrophias, atrophied, atrophies, baidarkas, baratheas, dakoities, diatribes, disparate, oribatids, parakites, praesidia, probities, prohibits, shipboard, tapaderas, tapaderos, teaboards, therapsid, topiaries, tripodies

10-letter words

apartheids, diaphorase, editorship, parasitoid, pasteboard, podiatries, prohibited, rabidities, rapidities, skateboard

17-letter words


1 answer

Some animals that have become extinct include the dodo, tasmanian tiger, passenger pigeon, and quagga. These extinctions were primarily due to habitat loss, hunting, and introduced species. It is important to continue efforts to conserve and protect endangered species to prevent further extinctions.

5 answers

2-letter words

ad, ag, ah, ai, am, an, ar, as, at, da, ha, hi, hm, id, in, is, it, ma, mi, mu, na, nu, pa, pi, sh, si, ta, ti, uh, um, un, up, us, ut

3-letter words

act, add, ads, aid, aim, ain, air, ais, ait, ami, amp, amu, and, ani, ant, apt, arc, arm, ars, art, ash, asp, ass, cad, cam, can, cap, car, cat, chi, cis, cud, cum, cup, cur, cut, dad, dag, dah, dam, dap, did, dig, dim, din, dip, dit, dud, dug, dui, dun, dup, gad, gam, gan, gap, gar, gas, gat, ghi, gid, gin, gip, git, gnu, gum, gun, gut, had, hag, ham, hap, has, hat, hic, hid, him, hin, hip, his, hit, hug, hum, hun, hup, hut, ich, ids, imp, ins, ism, its, mac, mad, mag, man, map, mar, mas, mat, mid, mig, mir, mis, mud, mug, mun, mus, mut, nag, nah, nam, nap, nim, nip, nit, nth, nus, nut, pac, pad, pah, pam, pan, par, pas, pat, phi, pht, pia, pic, pig, pin, pis, pit, piu, psi, pud, pug, pun, pur, pus, put, rad, rag, rah, ram, ran, rap, ras, rat, ria, rid, rig, rim, rin, rip, rug, rum, run, rut, sac, sad, sag, sap, sat, sau, sha, sic, sim, sin, sip, sir, sis, sit, spa, sri, sum, sun, sup, tad, tag, tam, tan, tap, tar, tas, tau, tic, tin, tip, tis, tug, tui, tun, tup, ugh, ump, uns, ups, urd, urn, uta, uts

4-letter words

acid, acts, adds, adit, agin, aids, aims, ains, airn, airs, airt, aits, amid, amin, amir, amis, amps, amus, ands, anis, anti, ants, anus, arch, arcs, arid, arms, arts, arum, asci, asps, aunt, cadi, cads, caid, cain, camp, cams, cans, cant, caph, caps, card, carn, carp, cars, cart, cash, cast, cats, chad, cham, chap, char, chat, chia, chid, chin, chip, chis, chit, chug, chum, cist, crag, cram, crap, cris, crud, crus, cuds, cups, curd, curn, curs, curt, cusp, cuss, cuts, dads, dags, dahs, dais, damn, damp, dams, dang, daps, darn, dart, dash, daut, digs, dims, ding, dins, dint, dips, dipt, dirt, disc, dish, dita, dits, drag, dram, drat, drip, drug, drum, duad, duci, duct, duds, dugs, duit, duma, dump, dung, duns, dunt, dups, dura, durn, dust, gadi, gads, gain, gait, gamp, gams, gaps, gars, gash, gasp, gast, gats, gaud, gaum, gaun, gaur, ghat, ghis, gids, gimp, gins, gips, gird, girn, girt, gist, gnar, gnat, gnus, grad, gram, gran, grat, grid, grim, grin, grip, grit, grum, guan, guar, guid, gums, guns, gush, gust, guts, hags, hair, hams, hand, hang, hant, haps, hard, harm, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hats, haut, hind, hins, hint, hips, hisn, hiss, hist, hits, hugs, huic, hump, hums, hung, huns, hunt, hurt, huts, ichs, imid, impi, imps, inch, inia, inti, irid, iris, isms, itch, mach, macs, mads, magi, mags, maid, main, mair, mans, maps, marc, mars, mart, mash, mass, mast, math, mats, maud, maun, maut, mica, midi, mids, migs, mina, mind, mini, mint, miri, mirs, miss, mist, much, muds, mugs, muns, mura, mush, muss, must, muts, nags, naps, narc, nard, nidi, nigh, nims, nipa, nips, nisi, nits, nurd, nuts, pacs, pact, padi, pads, paid, pain, pair, pams, pang, pans, pant, pard, pars, part, pash, pass, past, path, pats, phat, phis, phut, pian, pias, pica, pics, pigs, pima, pina, ping, pins, pint, pirn, pish, pita, pith, pits, pram, prat, prau, prig, prim, psis, psst, puds, pugh, pugs, puma, puna, pung, puns, punt, puri, purs, push, puss, puts, rads, ragi, rags, raid, rain, rami, ramp, rams, rand, rang, rani, rant, raps, rapt, rash, rasp, rath, rats, rhus, rias, rich, rids, rigs, rims, rind, ring, rins, rips, rudd, ruga, rugs, ruin, rump, rums, rung, runs, runt, rush, rust, ruth, ruts, sacs, sadi, sags, said, sain, samp, sand, sang, sans, saps, sard, sari, sash, sati, scad, scag, scam, scan, scar, scat, scud, scum, scup, scut, shad, shag, sham, shim, shin, ship, shri, shun, shut, sics, sigh, sign, sima, simp, sims, sing, sinh, sins, sips, sirs, sith, sits, smit, smug, smut, snag, snap, snip, snit, snug, span, spar, spas, spat, spin, spit, spud, spun, spur, sris, stag, star, stir, stud, stum, stun, such, sudd, suds, sugh, suit, sump, sums, sung, suns, sups, sura, surd, tach, tads, tags, tahr, tain, tamp, tams, tang, tans, taps, tarn, tarp, tars, tass, taus, than, thin, thir, this, thru, thud, thug, thus, tics, ting, tins, tipi, tips, trad, tram, trap, trig, trim, trip, trug, tsar, tugs, tuis, tump, tuna, tung, tuns, tups, turn, tush, ughs, umps, unai, unci, unit, upas, urds, uric, urns, ursa, utas

5-letter words

acids, acing, acini, acrid, actin, adits, admit, adunc, adust, agism, agist, airns, airth, airts, aitch, amids, amins, amirs, amiss, amnic, angst, animi, antic, antis, aphid, aphis, aping, apish, apsis, arcus, argus, arsis, arums, ascus, asdic, aspic, aspis, astir, atrip, audit, aught, aunts, auric, auris, cadis, caids, cains, caird, cairn, campi, camps, canid, canst, cants, caphs, caput, cards, carns, carpi, carps, carts, casts, casus, chads, chain, chair, champ, chams, chang, chant, chaps, chapt, chard, charm, chars, chart, chasm, chats, chias, chimp, china, chins, chips, chirm, chirp, chits, chugs, chump, chums, churn, cigar, cists, crags, cramp, crams, craps, crash, crass, crimp, crisp, cruds, crump, crush, crust, cuing, cuish, cumin, cupid, curds, curia, curns, curst, cusps, cutin, cutis, damns, damps, dangs, daric, darns, darts, dashi, datum, daunt, dauts, dhuti, dicta, didst, dight, digit, dinar, dings, dints, dirts, disci, discs, ditas, ditch, drags, drain, drams, drats, drips, dript, drugs, druid, drums, duads, ducat, ducts, duits, dumas, dumps, dunam, dunch, dungs, dunts, duras, durns, durst, dusts, dutch, gaddi, gadid, gadis, gains, gaits, gamic, gamin, gamps, gamut, garni, garth, gasps, gasts, gauds, gaums, gaunt, gaurs, gauss, ghast, ghats, ghaut, giant, gimps, girds, girns, girsh, girth, girts, gists, gnars, gnash, gnats, grads, grain, gramp, grams, grand, grans, grant, graph, grasp, grass, grids, grind, grins, grips, gript, grist, grith, grits, grump, grunt, guans, guard, guars, guids, gursh, gusts, hadst, hairs, hands, hangs, hants, hards, harms, harps, harts, hasps, haunt, hinds, hints, hists, human, humic, humid, humps, hunts, hurds, hurst, hurts, icing, ictus, ihram, imids, impis, inapt, inarm, incur, incus, indri, input, intis, irids, iring, machs, magic, magus, maids, mains, mairs, maist, manic, manus, march, marcs, marsh, marts, masts, match, maths, matin, mauds, maund, mauts, micas, micra, midis, midst, might, minas, minds, minis, mints, minus, mirth, mists, mitis, mucid, mucin, mudra, munch, muras, murid, musca, music, musth, musts, mutch, nadir, narcs, nards, naric, naris, natch, nicad, nidus, nighs, night, nipas, nisus, nitid, nucha, nurds, pacts, padis, padri, pains, paint, pairs, pangs, panic, pants, parch, pardi, pards, paris, parts, pasts, patch, paths, patin, phuts, pians, picas, piing, pimas, pinas, pinch, pings, pinta, pints, pirns, pitas, pitch, piths, prahu, prams, prang, prats, praus, prigs, prima, primi, prims, print, prism, priss, pruta, pudic, pumas, punas, punch, pungs, punts, purda, purin, puris, radii, ragis, raids, rains, ramps, ramus, ranch, rands, ranid, ranis, rants, rapid, rasps, ratch, riant, ricin, right, rigid, rinds, rings, rishi, risus, rudds, ruing, ruins, rumps, rungs, runic, runts, rusts, ruths, rutin, sadhu, sadis, sagum, saids, sains, saint, saith, samps, sands, sangh, sapid, sards, sarin, saris, sasin, satin, satis, sauch, saugh, scads, scags, scamp, scams, scans, scant, scarp, scars, scart, scats, scaup, scaur, scrag, scram, scrap, scrim, scrip, scrum, scudi, scuds, scums, scups, scuta, scuts, shads, shags, shams, shard, sharn, sharp, shims, shins, ships, shirt, shist, shris, shrug, shuns, shunt, shuts, sighs, sight, sigma, signs, simar, simas, simps, sings, sinhs, sinus, sirup, sitar, situp, situs, smart, smash, smith, smuts, snags, snaps, snash, snath, snips, snits, snugs, spahi, spait, spang, spans, spars, spasm, spats, spica, spins, spirt, spits, sprag, sprat, sprig, sprit, sprug, spuds, spurn, spurs, spurt, sputa, stags, staid, staig, stain, stair, stamp, stand, stang, staph, stars, stash, stich, sting, stirp, stirs, strap, stria, strid, strip, strum, studs, stump, stums, stung, stuns, stupa, sudds, sugar, sughs, suing, suint, suits, sumac, sumps, supra, surah, suras, surds, sushi, sutra, tachs, tahrs, tains, tamis, tamps, tangs, tapir, tapis, tarns, tarps, tarsi, tharm, thing, thins, third, thrip, thrum, thuds, thugs, thump, timid, tings, tipis, tragi, train, tramp, trams, trans, traps, trash, trass, triac, triad, trigs, trims, trips, trugs, trump, truss, tsadi, tsars, tumid, tumps, tunas, tungs, tunic, turns, turps, umiac, unais, unapt, unarm, uncap, uncia, undid, unhat, unhip, units, unrig, unrip, using

6-letter words

aching, acinus, acting, actins, addict, adding, adduct, adipic, admits, agisms, agists, aguish, aiding, aiming, airing, airths, amidic, amidin, amidst, aminic, angsts, animis, animus, anisic, antics, antrum, anuric, aphids, arcing, aright, arming, armpit, arshin, asdics, ashing, aspics, aspish, assign, atrium, auding, audits, aughts, aurist, autism, caddis, cairds, cairns, campus, candid, canids, canthi, cantus, capris, capsid, caring, carpus, casing, casini, catnip, catsup, caught, chadri, chains, chairs, champs, changs, chants, chards, charms, charts, chasms, chaunt, chiasm, chiaus, chimar, chimps, chinas, chints, chirms, chirps, chitin, chrism, chumps, churns, cigars, cistus, citing, citrin, citrus, cramps, crasis, crimps, crinum, crisis, crisps, crissa, crista, crumps, crusts, cumins, cupids, curagh, curing, cushat, cuspid, cuspis, cutins, danish, darics, daring, dashis, dating, datums, daunts, dhurna, dhutis, diacid, diamin, diapir, dicast, dicing, dictum, didact, dights, digits, dinars, dingus, dipsas, dirdum, dirham, disarm, discus, drachm, drains, druids, ducats, duding, dudish, dunams, duping, durian, during, gaddis, gadids, gainst, gamins, gamuts, garish, garths, ghauts, giants, giddap, girths, gradin, gradus, grains, gramps, grands, grants, granum, graphs, grasps, gratin, gratis, grinds, grists, griths, grumps, grunts, grutch, guards, guitar, hading, hangup, haptic, haring, harmin, harpin, hating, hatpin, haunts, hiatus, hiding, hiring, hispid, humans, hursts, hussar, iatric, icings, ihrams, impact, impair, impart, imping, impish, impugn, inarch, inarms, incurs, indict, indium, indris, induct, inputs, inrush, insist, instar, intima, isatin, ischia, isthmi, macing, magics, maists, manics, manitu, mantic, mantid, mantis, margin, marish, martin, mastic, mating, matins, maunds, midair, midgut, midsts, mights, minish, miring, mirths, misact, misadd, miscut, misdid, mishap, mishit, mucins, mudcap, mudcat, mudras, murids, muring, muscat, muscid, musics, musing, musths, muting, nadirs, nastic, naught, nautch, nicads, nights, nitric, nitrid, nudism, nudist, nutria, pacing, painch, paints, pandit, panics, paring, parish, passim, pastis, patins, paunch, phasic, phasis, phatic, pianic, pidgin, pignus, pignut, pintas, pitman, prahus, prangs, primas, primus, prints, prisms, prutah, ptisan, pundit, punish, purdah, purdas, purins, purism, purist, putrid, putsch, rachis, racing, racism, racist, radish, radium, radius, raisin, rancid, ranids, raphis, rapids, raping, rapist, rasing, rating, ricing, ricins, rictus, riding, rights, riming, riping, rishis, rising, rumina, rupiah, rustic, rutins, sacrum, saddhu, sadhus, sadism, sadist, saimin, saints, samshu, sandhi, sanghs, santir, santur, sarins, sating, satins, sauchs, saughs, scampi, scamps, scants, scarph, scarps, scarts, scaups, scaurs, schism, schist, schuit, scrags, scrams, scraps, scrimp, scrims, scrips, script, scrums, shaird, shairn, shamus, shanti, shards, sharns, sharps, shirts, shnaps, shrimp, shrugs, shunts, siddur, siding, sights, sigmas, simars, simian, siping, siring, sirups, sistra, sitars, siting, situps, smarts, smirch, smiths, smutch, snatch, snaths, snitch, spahis, spaits, sparid, spicas, spirit, spirts, sprags, sprain, sprang, sprats, sprigs, spring, sprint, sprits, sprugs, sprung, spuing, spurns, spurts, staigs, stains, stairs, stamps, stanch, stands, stangs, staphs, starch, stichs, stigma, stings, stirps, strain, strand, strang, straps, string, strips, struma, strums, strung, stumps, stupas, stupid, sugars, suints, sumach, sumacs, surahs, sutras, tahini, taming, taping, tapirs, taring, tarsus, thairm, tharms, things, thiram, thirds, thrips, thrums, thumps, tiding, timing, tiring, tragic, tragus, trains, tramps, triacs, triads, truing, truism, trumps, tsadis, tsuris, tundra, tunica, tunics, turgid, turnip, tussah, tussar, umiacs, umping, unarms, uncaps, ungird, ungirt, unhair, unhats, unpaid, unrigs, unrips, unsaid, unship, untrim, upcast, updart, upgird, upgirt, upstir, uranic, uratic, urchin

7-letter words

actings, addicts, adducts, airings, airship, airting, amidins, amusing, anguish, animist, antrums, arching, arising, armings, armpits, arshins, aspirin, atriums, audings, augitic, aurists, autisms, caddish, camping, candids, canthus, cantrip, capsids, carding, carping, carting, cashing, casings, casting, casuist, catnips, catsups, causing, chagrin, charing, charism, chasing, chaunts, chiasmi, chiasms, chiding, chimars, chiming, chitins, chrisma, chrisms, chuddar, chuting, citrins, crampit, cranium, craping, crating, crinums, crissum, cuirass, cumarin, curaghs, curding, cursing, curtain, cushats, cuspids, cussing, custard, damping, dampish, darings, darting, dashing, daturic, dauphin, dauting, dharmic, dhurnas, diacids, diamins, diapirs, diapsid, diarist, dicasts, dictums, didacts, digraph, dirdums, dirhams, disarms, discant, discard, discing, disdain, disgust, dishing, dishpan, dishrag, dismast, dispart, disrupt, distain, distich, drachms, draping, drastic, draught, druidic, ducting, dumping, dumpish, duncish, dunitic, durians, durmast, dusting, dustman, dustpan, dustrag, garnish, gastric, gastrin, gnathic, gradins, grampus, graphic, gratins, guisard, guitars, gunship, haircut, hairpin, hangups, harming, harmins, harping, harpins, harpist, hasping, hasting, hatpins, hidings, hindgut, hirudin, hissing, histing, humping, hurting, imagist, impacts, impaint, impairs, imparts, impings, imprint, impugns, incrust, indicts, indiums, inducts, indusia, insight, instars, intimas, iracund, isatins, ischium, issuant, issuing, isthmic, isthmus, itching, madding, maddish, maidish, manitus, mantids, mantric, margins, marting, martini, martins, mashing, massing, mastics, masting, matchup, matings, miching, midairs, midguts, midrash, midship, migrant, minicar, minutia, misacts, misadds, miscast, miscuts, mishaps, mishits, mispart, missaid, missing, missuit, misting, mitring, mudcaps, mudcats, mudding, muscats, muscids, mushing, musings, mussing, mustang, mustard, musting, narcism, narcist, natrium, naughts, nitrids, nudisms, nudists, nutrias, pachisi, padding, pagurid, pairing, pandits, panicum, parings, parsing, parting, pashing, passing, pasting, pausing, phasing, phasmid, pianism, pianist, pidgins, pignuts, pinguid, piratic, piscina, pishing, pissant, pithing, pitmans, prating, pricing, priding, priming, prising, prudish, prussic, ptisans, pudding, pundits, puranic, purdahs, purisms, purists, puritan, pursing, pushing, racings, racisms, racists, radding, radiums, raiding, raising, raisins, ramping, rapists, rasping, raspish, ratings, rhamnus, ricinus, ridding, ridings, risings, ruching, runtish, rupiahs, rushing, rustics, rusting, sacring, sacrist, sacrums, saddhus, saimins, sanctum, sandhis, sandpit, santimi, santims, santirs, santurs, sardius, sashimi, sashing, satiric, saucing, scaping, scaring, scarphs, schnaps, schuits, sciurid, scraigh, scrimps, scripts, shading, shairds, shairns, shaming, shantis, shaping, sharing, shiatsu, shindig, shipman, shrimps, shuting, siddurs, sidings, siganid, simians, simitar, sistrum, smashup, smidgin, smiting, spacing, spading, sparids, sparing, spastic, spathic, spicing, spinach, spirant, spiring, spirits, spiting, sprains, sprangs, spright, springs, sprints, spuming, stadium, standup, staring, staunch, stigmas, strains, strands, strings, strumas, stupids, sudsing, suiting, sumachs, sustain, tachism, tahinis, tamping, tarnish, thairms, thiamin, thirams, tidings, tigrish, timings, timpani, tracing, trading, tragics, triacid, triadic, tricing, trismic, trismus, triumph, trucing, truisms, tsarism, tsunami, tundish, tundras, turnips, tushing, ungirds, unhairs, unitard, unsharp, unships, unsight, unsmart, unstrap, untrims, upcasts, updarts, upgirds, upright, upstair, upstand, upstirs, uranism, urchins

8-letter words

actinism, actinium, adducing, admiring, adscript, airships, airthing, amidship, animists, antiship, archings, ascidium, aspiring, aspirins, assuming, assuring, auditing, campings, cantrips, cardings, carditis, carpings, castings, chagrins, chairing, champing, charisms, charming, charting, chasings, chiasmus, chirming, chirping, chuddars, chumping, cramping, crampits, craniums, crashing, crimping, crisping, crudding, cruising, crumping, crushing, crusting, cumarins, curtains, custards, cutgrass, dampings, dauphins, dianthus, diarists, digamist, digraphs, diphasic, discants, discards, disdains, dishpans, dishrags, disparts, dispatch, disrupts, distains, distichs, distrain, disusing, ditching, draughts, druidism, ductings, dumpcart, dumpings, durmasts, dustpans, dustrags, dutchman, gastrins, giantism, granitic, graphics, grumpish, guisards, gunships, gunsmith, haircuts, hairpins, handgrip, harpings, harpists, hindguts, hirudins, histamin, humanist, hustings, imagists, impaints, imprints, imputing, incrusts, insights, isarithm, isthmian, itchings, marching, martinis, matching, matchups, maturing, midnight, midships, migrants, minicars, miscuing, mispaint, misparts, mispatch, misprint, mistrain, misusing, musician, mustangs, mustards, narcisms, narcissi, narcists, natriums, naturism, nightcap, nutgrass, pachisis, paddings, pagurids, pairings, panicums, parching, parchisi, partings, patching, phasmids, phrasing, pianisms, pianists, pingrass, pirating, piscinas, pitching, pitchman, praising, primings, prissing, puddings, puissant, pumicing, punditic, puristic, puritans, pushcart, rachitis, raisings, rightism, ruchings, rushings, sacrings, sadistic, sanctums, sandpits, sandspur, sastrugi, scamping, scampish, scandium, scarping, scarting, scathing, scimitar, sciurids, scraighs, scraping, scrimpit, scudding, shadings, sharping, shindigs, shirting, siddurim, siganids, simitars, sinapism, sinciput, smarting, smashing, smidgins, spacings, sphagnum, sphingid, spirants, spirting, sprights, sprucing, spudding, spurting, stadiums, stamping, standish, stashing, striding, striping, studding, stumping, suitings, tachinid, tachisms, thiamins, thudding, thumping, tissuing, tracings, tramping, trampish, tranship, trashing, triacids, triadics, triadism, trichina, triumphs, trumping, trussing, tsunamic, tsunamis, umpiring, unitards, unsights, unstraps, updating, uprights, uprising, upstairs, upstands, uranisms, uranitic

9-letter words

actinisms, actiniums, addicting, adducting, adscripts, amidships, campusing, capturing, cruisings, crusading, dichasium, digamists, digastric, digraphic, disarming, discasing, disputing, disrating, distrains, druidisms, dumpcarts, giantisms, graphitic, gunsmiths, hamstring, hamstrung, handgrips, hirsutism, hispanism, histamins, humanists, impacting, imparting, impasting, isarithms, isthmians, machinist, midnights, midrashic, misacting, misadding, misdating, mispaints, misprints, misrating, mistrains, musicians, naturisms, nightcaps, parchisis, pasturing, phrasings, picturing, prismatic, pushcarts, rightisms, saintship, saturniid, saturnism, scandiums, scarphing, scimitars, scrapings, scrimping, scripting, shirtings, shrimping, sinciputs, smirching, smutching, sphagnums, sphingids, starching, straphung, stripings, studdings, surmising, suspiring, tachinids, tiramisus, traducing, traipsing, tranships, transship, triadisms, trichinas, tricuspid, upcasting, updarting, upraising, uprisings, upstaring

10-letter words

chastising, cuirassing, discarding, dismasting, disparting, disrupting, dissuading, hamstrings, humanistic, impuissant, machinists, manicurist, manuscript, miscasting, misparsing, misparting, misshaping, misspacing, mistracing, practising, purchasing, puritanism, saturniids, tricuspids, triumphing

11-letter words

dispatching, manicurists, manuscripts, mispatching, puritanisms

2642 words found.

1 answer

The number one endangered species is considered to be the Sumatran rhinoceros. There are estimated to be fewer than 80 individuals left in the wild due to habitat loss and poaching. Conservation efforts are underway to try and protect this species from extinction.

5 answers