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Flash Hiders happened in 1995.

1 answer

Flash Hiders was created on 1995-05-19.

1 answer

Does the A and K Airsoft Masada has a 14mm negative thread for flash hiders.

1 answer

Yes, they all died.

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

Anne frank Schindler and Mem Geir

2 answers

All the world is a closet, And all the men and women merely hiders. Each have their exits and their entrances. (adapted from Shakepeare's As You LIke it)

2 answers

one person is the finder and the rest are hiders the tigger counts to 30 then yells ready or not here i come and the first person to be found is the next tigger

1 answer

It's the groves on the barrel where a barrel extension may be added to the gun.

Barrel extensions include flash-hiders & mock silencers.

1 answer

Amazon.com has a massive section devoted to the bathroom and it's organization. There you will find everything from under the sink organizers to decorative toilet paper hiders to corner shelves and more.

1 answer

This is a very tricky answer. One of the main were Jews. Other hiders of Jews and helping them escape. Some were people who tried to fight anyone pro holocaust. Some twins were taken for experimental reasons

1 answer

They were first sent to Westerbork Transit Camp, where they were for about three and a half weeks. Then they were sent to Auschwitz. Edith died there, Otto survived. Anne and Margot were sent to Bergen-Belsen where they died of typhus in early March, 1945


After all of the hiders were found, they were sent first to a transit camp called Westerbork in Drenthe, Northern Holland, There were eight hiders: Anne Frank, Margot Frank. Edith Frank, Otto Frank, Mr. Van Pels, Mrs. Van Pels, Peter Van Pels, and Dr. Pffefer- a dentist. There were fed very little food there- and worked very hard each day. All 8 hiders were then sent to Auschwitz. Anne and Margot were later sent to Bergen-Belsen, in Germany, and they both caught typhus. Margot died first of this disease, and then Anne did a few days later. Only Anne Frank's father survived and he died of old age in 1980.

5 answers

Nobody in the hiding place gets pregnant in the "Diary of Anne Frank". Remember that the diary is actually a real dairy, telling the story of Anne Frank, her fellow hiders and family before they died in the Nazi concentration camps (apart from her father). It is not a novel, or just a film or play.

1 answer

It is their best means of protection. They hide whenever they feel threatened because they are too small to run. That is also why they have spots and have the coloring they have, to blend in with fields and forest and long grass.

2 answers

Meip brought the hiders:





* and for Anne especially: ....PAPER

2 answers

In the children's game of "hide and seek" (and other analogous games), the call of "olly olly oxen free" signals the hiding team that the positions are being switched, i.e. the hiders come in out of hiding and become the seekers. It is thought to derive from a phrase such as "all ye, all ye, outs in free."

1 answer

Peacocks are not the best hiders. There color makes them stand out, however they are very strong and can fly to get away from predators. If they were to hide, they would fly into a tree and hide there.

4 answers

Peter Van Pels was caught by the Nazis during the Holocaust when he and his family were discovered hiding in the secret annex in Amsterdam, where they had been living in hiding with Anne Frank and her family. Their hiding place was betrayed to the authorities, leading to their arrest and deportation to concentration camps.

2 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern HIDE--. That is, six letter words with 1st letter H and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter D and 4th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern HID-R-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter H and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter D and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

To effectively hide TV wires and create a cleaner living space, you can use cable management solutions such as cable raceways, cord covers, or wall-mounted cable hiders. These products can help conceal wires along walls or behind furniture, creating a more organized look in your living space.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern HI-ER-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter H and 2nd letter I and 4th letter E and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:





1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 8 words with the pattern -IDER-. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter D and 4th letter E and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:









1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern HIDER-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter H and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter D and 4th letter E and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern HI-E-S. That is, six letter words with 1st letter H and 2nd letter I and 4th letter E and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:







1 answer

There a several that I have played with friends that are entertaining enough but I guess it depends on how many people are playing.

  • Cops and Robbers is an obvious one, assigning people to be police officers and others to be the robbers. The aim is to make it to a certain destination without being captured. However, no one is allowed to use weapons it's all about the PIT maneuver to take the criminals down and skillful driving to escape.
  • Car chases. Similar to the above but mix it up however you like it. Maybe set the majority of players to try and escape in one vehicle as another set of people chase. Use weapons as much or little as you like or even go all out and get a skilled pilot to try and take down those on the run. There is a huge variation of chases you can do just let your imagination go nuts.
  • Racing. Again another obvious one. However, rather than racing the best cars try using vehicles such as buses and trucks. Set a course that's circular. In my experience the airport is perfect for races.
  • Hide and seek. This one requires a specific setup. Turn of all radar blips, set the map to a specific area that is playable. The hiders can only go on foot and have a specific time to find a hiding place as with normal hide and seek. The seeker can use any vehicle they like to hunt down the hiders. The hiders cannot go into buildings and must remain on foot at all times. The seeker can ask for clues from the hiders who can make them as easy or as cryptic as they like. The hiders cannot shoot, punch, kick, knife or completely destroy the finder, only the seeker can do this when he finds a hider.
  • Foot chases. Agreed it does sound pretty dull considering the vehicles you can get but hear me out. Set one person as a chaser, this chaser can choose any road vehicle he/she likes. The rest have to escape on foot and only on foot. The chaser can only use his/her vehicle to kill the escapees. The escapees cannot shoot at the chaser but instead must use their cunning to duck into alleyways. The winner is either the last one alive or the person who makes it to a certain point first.
  • Lockdown. This one can be pretty awesome if you go all out on it. Find a building that you can enter such as the Tw@ cafe's. Go on a hunt for weapons and stock up well. If you've got enough people assign one of them to be a pilot to watch over you. The remaining people on the ground then have to get the computer controlled police on them and seek refuge in the building. The helicopter pilot can be called in to clear any unwanted police officers or SWAT teams as well as a rescuer if ammo is running low. The aim is to hold out for as long as possible.

1 answer

Mr. Van Daan was a friend of the Franks and he hid with them during the Holocaust. He went through a large transformation during the play/story of Anne Frank. As the time progressed, he became more and more worried about himself. He was a large man so he was always worried about not having enough food and he ended up stealing food from the stash that Mrs. Frank had to serve the rest of the hiders. If I had to describe him in one word, it would selfish.

3 answers

Mountain cats, also known as cougars or mountain lions, can typically be found in mountainous regions of North and South America. They prefer habitats with dense cover for hunting and are known to be elusive and solitary animals.

2 answers

She decided that when she grew up after the war, she would become an author, and write a book called 'The Secret Annexe' based on her experience during hiding. Unfortunately, she never got out of the annexe, because her and her fellow 'hiders' were found, and sent to concentration camps. The last camp Anne was sent to, Bergen-Belsen, is where she died of typhus, shortly before her sixteenth birthday, and shortly after the death of her sister Margot, who also died of typhus.

2 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern H-DERS. That is, six letter words with 1st letter H and 3rd letter D and 4th letter E and 5th letter R and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

The Franks, The Van Daans and Albert had been hiding for two years. It was August 4, 1944. The day was Friday, and it was morning. One of the worst possible things happened that day. The hiders were discovered! They weren't quite sure how it happened, but it was guessed that someone who had been helping them had spilled their secret and told the police. But no matter how it happened, it did happen. They were under arrest. The Franks, the Van Daans and Albert all became prisoners. They were taken away. No one knew what would happen next.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern -IDERS. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter D and 4th letter E and 5th letter R and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:








1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 22 words with the pattern --DERS. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter D and 4th letter E and 5th letter R and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:























1 answer

I dont know what kind of roaches you have...but the ones I know about go ANYWHERE and go into anything where there is food. It could be because the entrance of trash cans are generally high off of the ground and usually not touching any other object that would serve as a bridge. Also the awareness level of roaches is not that high. Roaches certainly go into trash cans. It also could be that roaches are excellent hiders and it may seem as though there not in there but they are actually in there hiding under and behind various items of garbage. Roaches are very sensitive to vibrations and light so by the time you turn on the light and walk to the kithcen they already sensed you coming and hide before you can see them. Roaches are amazing creatures.

1 answer

The platy(ies) have from 1-10 babies each period of time the give birth.the babies are called fry,they are very gentle. the mothers will eat the eggs so id recommend buying the net breeder.it has three-four small trees that you can ajust and you can put extra lightweight foliage in there.And some baby hiders floating above it.also you canput some light weight marbles in their if ur just breeding danios.the danios will breed the next morning and lay eggs after you remove the male for the night.then in the morning immediately after you turn on the light then u insert the male into the net breeder,he fertilizes the eggs after they drop,for that it is most recommended for using marbles.

1 answer

People in hiding with Anne FrankOtto Frank

Edith Frank

Margot Frank

Hermann van Pels (born March 31, 1898)

Auguste van Pels (born September 9, 1900)

Peter van Pels (born November 8, 1926)

Fritz Pfeffer (born April 30, 1889)

7 answers

An ollie is a basic jump, the basis for most flips or pops. Its where the skater pops down on the tail with there back foot. As the front of the board pops up, the skate moves their foot up the deck, and rises their back foot. So that the board levels out in the air. The legs then push the board back to the ground. Youtube it.

3 answers

.yes they will eat baby birds if they come across them, they eat snails and other things that are small meat crawlers , but by nature they are a vegitaian, rabbit food and all kinds of fruits and vegetation is their favorite foos

feeding baby ground hogs is wonderful but takes some time here is a clip from a lady who feeds babies

you have to stimulate baby woodchucks, buy a milk replacer for puppies not cats./

and use a sringe 4cc till 5 weeks old

then use rabbit feed or vegitables and fruit try bananas feed every 5 hrs morning and night, they are hiders and do not bark, they like to chew on bark ,

use corncob beddding for your bedding add a little over it and then throw out great fertilizer around trees , they make nice pets but are very secluded

2 answers

"a compensator is a piece fitted to the end of the barrel of a gun. typically its a tube with holes in the top. its purpose is to limit the upward verticle travel of the muzzle when the weapon is fired. the purpose of this is to increase the accuracy of the following shots."

Some times it is fitted to reduce recoil in large cal. weapons like the Barretta M107, with such a large cal. (50 cal.) the recoil can just break your bones.

This type of compensator has T ITS side vents that are tilted backwards to redirect exhaust gases backwards pulling the gun away from shooter therefore balancing forces and keeping an accurate shot and no broken bones :)

3 answers

On Jan 6, 1945 Edith Frank-Höllander died of starvation in Auschwitz.

In March of 1945, Margot died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen.

In April of 1945 Anne died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen.

Otto Frank survived the death camps and died on August 19, 1980 in Birsfelden, Switzerland.

Hermann van Pels (Mr. van Daan) died at Auschwitz, date unknown.

Auguste van Pels-Röttgen (Mrs. van Daan) died in the Spring of 1945 in Theresienstadt.

Peter van Pels (Peter van Daan) died on May 5, 1945 in Mauthausen.

Fritz Pfeffer (Alfred Dussel) died on December 20, 1944 in Neuengamme.

2 answers

To put it simply, you can not. If you want a rifle that looks/functions like an M-16/M-4, but is semi-automatic, then it must have been an AR-15 imported into California and registered before the "California Assault Weapons Ban" took place - and you must have been the owner of it at the time as registration, as California made all so-called assault rifles non-transferable to any resident of the state.

If you want a civilian semi auto "M4gerY', you must either use a bullet button magazine release, or else have a completely featureless rifle (no pistol grip, no adjustable buttstocks, no flash suppressor, etc).

In California, it is nigh-impossible to obtain a fully automatic firearm.

An additional note, it is not an "Assault Carbine", it is a "Carbine, 5.56mm, M4". "Assault Weapon" is a BS term used by ignorant fear-mongerers, used to ban cosmetic features like pistol grips, bayonet lugs, and flash hiders.

1 answer

He either acted in or directed 23 episodes:

  1. "Wishbone" (1966) - Travers
  2. "Prime of Life" (1966) - Joe Smith
  3. "Saturday Night" (1967) - C.K. Ross
  4. "Vengeance: Part 1" (1967) - Eben Luken
  5. "Vengeance: Part 2" (1967) - Eben Luken
  6. "Major Glory" (1967) - Sgt. Spear
  7. "Hill Girl" (1968) - Roland
  8. "Uncle Finney" (1968) - Roland Daniel
  9. "O'Quillian" (1968) - Clay Tynan
  10. "Waco" (1968) - Waco Thompson
  11. "Kiowa" (1970) - Ed Vail
  12. "Trafton" (1971) - Trafton
  13. "Blind Man's Buff" (1972) - Jed Frazer
  14. "The Drummer" (1972) - Daniel Shay
  15. "This Golden Land" (1973) - Rouse Ruxton
  16. "Matt's Love Story" (1973) - Les Dean
  17. "Matt Dillon Must Die" (1974) - Director
  18. "The Wiving" (1974) - Director
  19. "The Tarnished Badge" (1974) - Sheriff Bo Harker
  20. "The Hiders" (1975) - Director
  21. "The Fires of Ignorance" (1975) - Director
  22. "Brides and Grooms" (1975) - Director
  23. "The Sharecroppers" (1975) - Dibble Pugh

2 answers

She died March 1945, in the concentration camp bergen-belsen she had entered in 1944 of typhus fever. She died March 1945, in the concentration camp bergen-belsen she had entered in 1944 of typhus fever.

10 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 93 words with the pattern -I--RS. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 5th letter R and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:






























































































1 answer

It's called "caching" (cashing). Foxes do it when they see a good opportunity to catch a meal, but they aren't hungry at the time, so they save it for later by burying the food underground so that other animals won't get it. Dogs don't have dirt to bury it under when inside the house, so they use blankets, rugs, toys, and anything else that is movable to cover it up.

8 answers

It depends which Peter you are referring to.

Before she went into hiding, she dated another boy called Peter Schiff who she called her "one true love".

In hiding, Peter van Pels (referred to as Peter van Daan in her diary) was one of the other hiders in the Annex. At first, Anne thought he was a lazy and annoying boy, but she soon starts to become infatuated with him. She goes to his room to talk, and their relationship becomes more romantic.

5 answers

2-letter words

de, ef, eh, er, es, he, hi, id, if, is, pe, pi, re, sh, si

3-letter words

dei, des, die, dip, edh, efs, ers, fed, feh, fer, fid, fie, fir, heh, hep, her, hes, hid, hie, hip, his, ids, ifs, ire, ped, peh, per, pes, phi, pie, pis, psi, red, ref, rei, rep, res, rid, rif, rip, sei, ser, she, shh, sip, sir, sri

4-letter words

defi, dies, dips, dire, dish, drip, edhs, feds, fehs, fids, fire, firs, fish, hehs, heir, herd, hers, hide, hied, hies, hips, hire, ides, ired, ires, irid, iris, peds, pehs, peri, phis, pied, pier, pies, pish, reds, refs, reif, reis, reps, resh, ride, rids, rife, rifs, ripe, rips, rise, seif, serf, shed, ship, shri, side, sipe, sire, sped

5-letter words

defis, dries, drips, fired, fires, fresh, fried, fries, frise, heirs, herds, hider, hides, hired, hires, irids, peris, piers, pride, pried, pries, prise, redip, reifs, resid, rides, riped, ripes, rishi, serif, sherd, shied, shier, shire, shred, siped, sired, speir, spied, spier, spire

6-letter words

fished, fisher, heishi, hiders, hispid, irides, irised, perish, pished, prides, prised, redips, reship, sherif, spider, spired

7-letter words

dishier, fishier, redfish

8-letter words


180 words found.

1 answer

Olly olly oxen free (and variants: ollie ollie umphrey, olly-olly-ee, outtie outtie lets be free, all-y all-y all set free, Ollie Ollie in come free, ally alley ocean free, etc.) is a catchphrase used in such children's games as hide and seek to indicate that players who are hiding can come out into the open without losing the game, that the position of the sides in a game has changed (as in which side is in the field or which side is at bat or "up" in baseball or kickball), or, alternatively, that the game is entirely over. It is thought to derive from the phrase "All ye, all ye 'outs' in free,","All the outs in free" or possibly "Calling all the 'outs' in free;" in other words: all who are "out" may come in without penalty. Various calls used for such purposes have gone by the collective name of "ollyoxalls" in some places.

There is also some speculation that the phrase originates from the German phrase "alle alle auch sind frei", which loosely translated means "everyone is also free". Mispronunciation of this by non-German children resulted in the current "olly olly oxen free".

The phrase can also be used to coordinate hidden players in the game kick the can, in which a group of people hide within a given radius and a "seeker" is left to guard a can filled with rocks. The seeker has to try to find the "hiders" without allowing them to sneak in and kick the can. In many areas the phrase used is "All-y all-y in come free", to tell the remaining hidden players it is time to regroup in order to restart the game. The phrase is announced by a hider who successfully sneaks in and kicks the can.All-y all-y in come free is phonetically very similar to the Dutch phrase " Alle Alle inkom vrij" (Everyone is allowed in free/ all free entrance)

An old version of the phrase is "all ye, all ye, all come free."[

1 answer

Here are 224 words in alphabetical order : Def Den Dens

Die Dies Din Dine Diner Diners Dines Dins Dip Dips Dire Dis Dish

Dries Drip Drips

Ed Eds Eh En End Ends Ens

Fed Feds Fen Fend Fends Fens Fern Ferns

Fie Fiend Fiendish Fiends Fin Find Finder Finders Finds Fine Fined Finer Fines

Finis Finish Finished Finisher Fins Fir Fire Fired Fires Firs Fish Fished Fisher Fishier

Fresh Fried Friend Friends Fries Frise

He Heir Heirs Hen Hens Hep Her Herd Herds Hers Hes

Hi Hid Hide Hider Hiders Hides Hie Hied Hies Hind Hinder Hinders Hinds

Hip Hips Hire Hired Hires His

I Id Ides Ids If Ifs In Infer Infers Ins Inside Insider Inspire Inspired

Ire Ires Irides Iris Irised Irish Is

Nerd Nerds Nip Nips Nisei

Pen Pend Pends Penis Pens Per Perish Phi Phis

Pi Pie Pied Pier Piers Pies Pin Pine Pined Pines Pinier Pins Pis Pise

Pride Prides Pried Pries Prise Prised Psi

Re Red Reds Ref Refinish Refs Rein Reins Rend Rends

Rep Reps Res Reship Resin

Rid Ride Rides Rids Rife Rind Rinds Rinse Rinsed

Rip Ripe Ripen Ripens Rips Rise Risen

Send Serf Serif She Shed Sherd Shied Shier Shin Shine Shined Shiner Shinier

Ship Shire

Shred Shrine

Side Sin Sine Sip Sir Sire Sired Siren Snide Snider Snip Snipe Sniped Sniper

Sped Spend Spider Spied Spin Spine Spined Spinier Spire

1 answer

2-letter words

be, bi, by, de, eh, er, es, he, hi, id, is, re, sh, si, uh, us, ye

3-letter words

bed, bey, bid, bis, bud, bur, bus, buy, bye, bys, deb, dei, des, dey, dib, die, dry, dub, due, dui, dye, edh, ers, heh, her, hes, hey, hid, hie, his, hub, hue, huh, ids, ire, reb, red, rei, res, rib, rid, rub, rue, rye, sei, ser, she, shh, shy, sib, sir, sri, sub, sue, urb, urd, use, yeh, yes

4-letter words

beds, beys, bide, bids, bier, bird, bise, bred, brie, bris, buds, buhr, burd, burs, bury, bush, busy, buys, byes, byre, debs, deys, dibs, dies, dire, dish, drib, drub, drys, dubs, dues, dure, dyer, dyes, edhs, hehs, heir, herb, herd, hers, hide, hied, hies, hire, hubs, hued, hues, hush, ibis, ides, ired, ires, irid, iris, rebs, reds, reis, resh, rhus, ribs, ride, rids, rise, rube, rubs, ruby, rude, rued, rues, ruse, rush, ryes, shed, shri, side, sire, sued, suer, surd, sure, urbs, urds, used, user, yird

5-letter words

bider, bides, biers, birds, birse, bride, bries, brush, buhrs, burds, burse, bused, bushy, buyer, byres, derby, dishy, dribs, dries, drubs, druse, dures, dyers, heirs, herbs, herby, herds, hider, hides, hired, hires, hurds, irids, rebid, rebus, rebuy, redub, resid, ribes, rides, rishi, rubes, rushy, sherd, shied, shier, shire, shred, shrub, shyer, sieur, sired, suber, usher, yirds

6-letter words

biders, birdie, brides, bruise, brushy, burdie, buried, buries, bushed, busher, busied, busier, buyers, debris, dryish, heishi, hiders, hubris, hushed, hybrid, hybris, irides, irised, rebids, rebuys, redubs, rubied, rubies, rushed

7-letter words

birdies, bruised, brushed, burdies, bushier, dishier, hurdies, hybrids, rudesby

254 words found.

1 answer

The M16 is a lot older as it was brought out during the Vietnam War. However it's longevity proves what an effective weapon it is. The SA80 is newer but has had a troubled history with manufacturer upgrades needed to make it reliable in the world theatre.

Basically there is one significant difference. The SA80 is a bullpup design which means it's internal workings form the shoulder butt of the rifle. This makes it more compact for a wide variety of uses. The M16 has a fixed butt in line with the barrel which allows for the user to look directly down the entire length of the weapon for better targeting. However, different version of the M16 exist which are either shorter or have a collapsible butt. Both weapons use the 5.56mm round.

Having held both weapons I would say that the M16 is the better balanced when acquiring a target, but the compactness of the SA80 makes it generally more useful. The real test would be what the British SAS use in operations since they are the only part of the British Army that can select their own weapons for each mission.


The NEW British L85A2 is often considered to be the most accurate assault rifle in the world with its X4 optical scope. Being reliable the new L85A2 will fire off 30,000 rounds per fail which gives it top respect from across the globe. It can be fitted with an array of different scopes, an under slung grenade launcher, as well as flash hiders for select units. It is also one of the most expensive assault rifles in the world by far beating the American M16 overall!

If you are familiar of the L86A1 LSW (light support weapon) it is important to know that nearly all parts on the L85A2 and L86A1 are interchangeable thus giving the two a greater ease of service as it cuts out the need for a variety of different parts for two different weapons.

Adding to this -

They are both designs which have had their fair share of teething troubles when first introduced. The same man - Eugene Stoner - is essentially behind both designs, at least to some extent.

The AR-15 family of rifles was designed with the intent that a different type of powder be used than what the military opted to go with. This - along perhaps with an overestimation of the rifle's abilities - created fowling problems with the rifle, due to the direct impingement gas system. These were later worked out, cleaning kits were issued, the chamber was chrome lined, and the rifle went on to have a much more prosperous service life than it was initially fated for.

The action of the SA80 uses a short stroke gas piston system. This was taken from the Armalite AR-18 - also designed by Eugene Stoner, and to which the licence to manufacture was held by Sterling Armaments. However, for some inexplicable reason, they weakened the mechanism. This, coupled with poorly manufactured magazines (designed to be expendable, and not intended to be used repeatedly) created several problems for the SA80, to the point where the Ministry of Defence was actually considering purchasing M16s and M4s (Diemaco C7s and C8s) off the shelf to replace it in the late 90s. However, then-British-owned Heckler & Koch came in, and reworked the design, resulting in the much improved L85A2.

1 answer