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haemo-, hemo-, and hemato- are all prefixes that mean "of or relating to blood" and that originate from the greek word haima which means "blood." Examples include haemoglobin (hemoglobin), haemagglutinate (hemagglutinate), and hematoma.

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anaemia is a blood coundction in wich the haemo golobin is a folown bellow what is a normal porsean it may be due to the thear being loos haemogoblion

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energy 35kcals/kg for <60 yrs

30kcals/kg for>60yrs

protein 1.2g/kg(50% from high biological value)

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energy 35kcals/kg for <60 yrs

30kcals/kg for>60yrs

protein 1.2g/kg(50% from high biological value)

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if its not full vampirism just the poryphic haemo thing then a cure common disease potion or imperial shrine will work if it is full blown vampirism its incurable

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Arteries are the vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

2 answers

Hemopoietic means pertaining to Hematogenesis or hematopoiesis, which mean blood cell formation.

3 answers

Haematophagous arthropods are arthropods that feed on blood (not nessecarily human blood, also bird, cow etc). Haemo = blood, phagus = eater. Includes mosquitos, fleas, lice and some hemipterans, but also the jumping spider Evarcha culcivora, which feeds on blood-gorged mosquitos!

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Numerous bilateral retinal hemorrhages is common to patients with cerebral malaria. These, together with high parasitaemia, has high risk of leading to death if not attended to and treated immediately.

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Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and transports carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. In animals, hemoglobin is crucial for the respiratory system to function properly and maintain homeostasis by ensuring proper oxygen delivery. The structure of hemoglobin allows it to bind to oxygen in the lungs and release it in tissues where it is needed for energy production.

2 answers

In percentage of what in what species, or objects. It is 0% in water!

The percentage will depend on what the denominator is. there will be a huge difference between haemoglobin as a percentage of total blood or percentage of total body mass.

Also it will vary: people living at high altitudes tend to have higher concentrations.

1 answer

  1. Gram negative coccobacilli 2) Common flora of respiratory tract. 3) "blood loving" 4) Require hematin & NAD found in blood. 5) Haemophilus influenzae = respiratory infections, ear infections, meningitis in children 6) Haemophilus ducreyi - STD chancroid

1 answer

"Haemoserous Exudate" is medical terminology used when referring to the fluid being exuded from the body from a severe wound such as from an accident or surgery.

It refers to the excretion and means that it is blood stained with small amounts of blood mixed in with the fluid.

*"Haemoserous" means stained with blood

*"Exudate" means the fluid that is exuded/leaking/expelled from the wound

I became aware of this term being used on my medical records in regards to wound treatment after a surgical procedure.

Haemoserous is a liquid that comes out of wounds Haemo - meaning blood, serous is actually a clearish looking fluid. so haemoserous is serous with a small amount of blood present. It helps with wounds to heal better.

1 answer

Blood appears bright red when it is rich in oxygen because of the presence of oxygenated hemoglobin, which gives it a red color. This oxygenated blood is typically found in the arteries that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

5 answers