Yes, there are guys who will generally be upset when one of their girlfriends cry for them.
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No, not at all. Most guys even consider it a plus.
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well most guys don't like girls taller than them cause it makes them feel un manly and weak but hey, not all guys are like that so don't panick if ur a tall girl/woman
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That's a hard one to answer because it depends on who u ask different guys will have different answers u can ask what do most guys like with if u ask me is light eyed blonds
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No way!!! Girls do need to wear spandex; it increases their range of motion and shorts will get in their way. But guys? They should wear short shorts; not spandex!!!
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A tickle on the balls feels great if you have good timing and some guys like to be licked there too.
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Do you have a question about this? Yes. I would like to know how guys go about it? Where are the classes held and what it's like for the guy who's doing it etc.
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Some guys just like to flirt. So if he's talking to a outgoing girl, he is going to flirt with her because it is easier. Guys will talk to almost any girl, they just tend to talk to the more outgoing ones.
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somin then english!!!!! i have geography next, you have history
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For a while guys didnt like me. I've never had anyone ask me out or even tell me that they liked me until this year. It takes time. Just be yourself and wait for the right one to come along.
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Please resubmit your question as it is not clear what your question is. Thank you.
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source: http://www.cebuanas.com
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Guys like it when girls aren't to open to being kissed. They like it when girls give them challenges. On the couch is good for any guy. Legs closed usually, if they're open, it could be more of an invitation to more then just kissing. Guys do like roaming their hands, but like it even more girls don't like being touched too much. Guys liek their hands around the waist, back, neck.
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dont call him
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The probally do think that you are cute if they are looking at you and smiling.
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people with different cultural backgrounds have their own ways of showing caring / friendliness to one another. It depends where and how the guy is touching another guy, as long as the guy being touched doesn't feel offended then it should be fine.
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i like it
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I have the horse right here, his names Paul Revere
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You don't always get an answer to a question. as for registering that's up to you.
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All you can do is make the best of what you have. If you're good-looking you can establish contact with guys easier, so you can just get to know all kinds of guys. See what kind of person they are and some time you will find one that will love you for who you are and not only what you look like. You can't really get a guy who is shallow to notice the person behind your looks. You have to find one who does it by himself.
You could try to stop the shallow guys from noticing you too much by wearing clothes that don't stress your figure much, not using makeup (the guys who find you beautiful without makeup are more likely to love the person you are as you are) and leaving out the whole extra treatment for your hair besides washing. Plus night clubs aren't the most likely place to find a caring romantic.
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Unless he is a trans-gender the male does not get pregnancy symptoms. Just the woman.
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Both , but it depends on the girl. Probally more on the Snotty side
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guys like girls who are themselves and confident. Being funny, nice and compassionate are all pluses. girls who don't wear to much makeup but take time for themselves and have good hygiene are good ways to make a guy like you.
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That's not a question.
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