Make vegetable stock by boiling at least one carrot, several bay leaves, and any leftover root vegetables for 45 mins in 6 cups of water. Add the black-eyed peas and simmer about 30 mins. Chop the onion, celery, and the bell pepper. Remove all the celery leaves from the top of the bunch, rinse well, and chop them too. Saute the onion in a little oil. Add the celery, with leaves, and after a few mins., the bell pepper. Sprinkle generous amounts of the spices in the pan, and saute another minute. Remove the carrot, vegetable pieces, and the bay leaves from the stock. Add the onion mixture and chopped tomatoes to the stock, and stir well, adding more water if necessary. Let simmer about 10 mins. Chop the okra and stir in with the frozen corn; simmer another 10 mins. Adjust the spices to taste, and serve, ideally with cornbread.
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No, no no! Many people put okra in their gumbo, but it is definitely not always an ingredient. The only ingredients that are part of any gumbo...or should be if it's true gumbo...are onion, celery, bell peppers and roux.
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The most popular varieties of seafood gumbo are Cajun Seafood Gumbo, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Shrimp & Crab Gumbo, Mardi Gras Gumbo and Creole Gumbo.
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A suitable substitute for gumbo file in a traditional Cajun gumbo recipe is okra. Okra can provide a similar thickening effect and flavor profile to gumbo file in the dish.
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Louisiana is most likely where gumbo originated, but you can find excellent gumbo outside of Louisiana. I live in Houston, and there's some great gumbo here. Check out www.wantsumeauxgumbeaux.com.
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Gumbo recipes can be found on the sites All Recipes, the Food Network and Southern Food. Alternatively, the book 'The Little Gumbo Book' by Gwen McKee provides twenty seven different recipes for gumbo.
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The official food site has recipes for foods such as chicken gumbo. Group recipes site has a recipe for Louisiana chicken gumbo and the cooks site also has a great recipe for Chicken Gumbo.
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Gumbo Television - 2001 was released on:
USA: 2001
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My personal taste has me sprinkling file over the top of my gumbo...not cooking with it.
The sassafras (file) does it's work as the Gumbo cools, so add after cooking. 1/2 tsp per quart should be sufficient to thicken and flavor gumbo or soup.
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There is not a proper antonym for gumbo, but since it is a thick and heavy soup, broth would be a type of opposite.
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Tamales and Gumbo - 2008 was released on:
USA: 3 January 2008
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Ground sassafras leaves can be used as a substitute for gumbo file in a recipe.
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The cast of Gumbo Television - 2001 includes: Ishmel Sahid as Various
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Gumbo Cake - 2011 SUSPENDED is rated/received certificates of:
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Gumbo is the word for "okra" in several African languages - quite fitting as okra is a key ingredient in the dish, Gumbo. It is used as a thickener in this stew and is thought to hgave been brought over by creole and African slaves.
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The gumbo limbo tree is from south eastern usa. It survies best in well drained places.
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They received Gumbo in 1967 as a gift when the Saints themselves joined the league as an expansion team.
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Randall and the Gumbo Hut - 2011 was released on:
USA: 5 October 2011
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Gumbo is in the form of a Saint Bernard dog and wears the number 00.
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Gombo is a French equivalent of the English word "gumbo." The masculine singular noun serves as a synonym for okra in both languages. The pronunciation will be "gom-bo" in French.
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To make a traditional gumbo dish, you will need ingredients such as onions, bell peppers, celery, okra, tomatoes, and a protein like chicken, sausage, or seafood. You can access gumbo recipes online on cooking websites, in cookbooks, or by asking friends or family for their recipes.
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Yes, there are many recipes that include soy sauce. On Food Network, the Savannah Seafood Gumbo recipe and Nana's Chicken Seafood Gumbo both have soy sauce in their recipes.
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The cast of Gumbo - 2010 includes: Veleeta Dacosta as Tandy Victoria Gabrielle Platt as Kendra
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The web address of the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center is: http://www.gumbolimbo.org
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The cast of Randall and the Gumbo Hut - 2011 includes: Alex Mebane as Jimbo Grubbs
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The cast of Les enfants du Gumbo - 1982 includes: Madeleine Arsenault as Narrator
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Jambalaya is cooked by incorporating the rice into the stock (similar to paella). Gumbo is served over a bed of rice, with the rice cooked separately.
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its the gasses in the gumbo i wouldn't recommend eating it cold, put it in the microwave.
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