Hemp fabric is made from fibers from the hemp plant. Hemp is a high growing variety of the Cannabis plant.
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It all depends on the type of hemp.
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Yes, hemp hearts and hemp seeds are the same thing. They are the inner part of the hemp seed without the outer shell, and are a nutritious source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
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sorry but i do not know what you mean by "show you hemp rope?" i might be able to answer it if it was "how to braid a hemp rope"
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Hemp Flower plant and marijuana plant both are same species.
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Hemp means fibre of a plant which is used to make ropes.
" I buy a large stock of hemp "
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No. Flax is a completely different plant from Hemp. Flax seeds do not contain Hemp oil.
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The duration of Hemp for Victory is 960.0 seconds.
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YesDoesn't it come from the cannibas plant?
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Hemp hearts are the inner part of the hemp seed without the outer shell, while hemp seeds include the whole seed with the shell intact. Hemp hearts are softer and have a nutty flavor, while hemp seeds are crunchier and have a slightly grassy taste. Both are nutritious and rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients.
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It was quiet usual to burn hemp at that time, especially for enlightening properties. As anointing traditionally involved the burning of hemp and Jesus was also called the anointed, it is almost certain that jesus burned hemp.
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Hemp is made of a type of Cannabis Sativa, aka the marijuana plant. Most Hemp is made from a type of this plant that is not drug related.
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Hemp is the burnt leftovers of a weed plant and made into a special material
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Hemp is the strongest natural fiber in the world, so yes, they are.
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Hemp is not man-made. Hemp is a naturally grown plant, that requires sunlight and water just like every other plant. However, we can make many man-made things from hemp.
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In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper.
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hemp is the leaf of marijuana and the THC is in the buds of the marijuana
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Indian Hemp Drugs Commission was created in 1894.
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Yes, paper can be made of many different fibers, wood, cotton, hemp, cloth, and recycled paper. So paper made from hemp can be recycled.
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What kind of items do you mean? I know that my cat's collar is made of hemp and I bought it from a company that sells hemp dog and cat toys, collars, and leashes? You can check it out if you want http://www.w4petproducts.com.
Good luck
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Hemp oil is the oil taken out of the male marijuana plant known as hemp.
Hemp is not marijuana and you can not get high from it. Hemp oil and hemp seed oil are very good for cooking and have many health benefits.
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One notable quote attributed to George Washington about hemp is: "Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere." This quote highlights Washington's belief in the importance of cultivating hemp for its various uses.
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You can go to a store that sells hemp products (also online) and there should already be pre-made hemp string. You can use the string for making lots of jewlery.
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The significance of hemp lies in its versatility for various uses, making it stand out as a unique and valuable resource.
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