James Thomas Grein has written:
'Dramatic criticism'
1 answer
The country code and area code of Grein, Austria is 43, (0)7268.
1 answer
C. W. M. Grein has written:
'Dichtungen der Angelsachsen' -- subject(s): English poetry, German poetry, Translations from Anglo-Saxon, Translations into German
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God Given Power...this is correct..I know her! (:
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God Given Power
I believe She wrote "Covenant Woman" and Kenneth recorded it as "Covenant Man".
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A lump in the groin area could be due to various causes such as swollen lymph nodes, hernia, cysts, or infections. It is important to have it evaluated by a healthcare provider to determine the cause and proper treatment.
2 answers
The cast of The Falling Man - 2010 includes: Dabig Daddyg as Coyote Marita De La Torre as Maria Heather Grein as Veronica Craig Nigh as Border Patrol 2 Jorge Poenza as Juan Mike Rembis as Border Patrol 1 Xiomara Santiago as Patricia
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern --EIN. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter E and 4th letter I and 5th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern -RE-N. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter E and 5th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern GREI-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter R and 3rd letter E and 4th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern GR-IN. That is, five letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter R and 4th letter I and 5th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern GR--N. That is, five letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter R and 5th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 17 words with the pattern GRE--. That is, five letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter R and 3rd letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
The cast of Broken Promise - 2008 includes: Eric Alamia as Drug Dealer Cesar Anderson as Jaime Toby Beau as Mentor David Cid as Jimmy Carina Garcia as Maggie Heather Grein as Margie Carlos Guzman as Casimiro Lorin Hartwell as Sheila Guillermo Melendez as Fernando Erin Moran as Mrs. Watkins Sonny Ozuna as Preacher Francesco Quinn as Santos Augustin Ramirez as Druglord Rick Rosales as Wally Shannon Sauceda as Angela Isaac Serna as Ciro Christina Trevino as Yolie Sara Verner as Carmen Doc Whitzel as Mr. Copeland
1 answer
The cast of Sugar Cain - 1996 includes: Susan Armstrong as Monica Russ Cassell as Donovan Corrine Dyer as Courtney Andy Dyer as John Ryan Ferguson as Vince Bryan Flora Aimee Frasor as Jeanette Mark Grein Mike Hanna Michael Hester as Kyle Johnathan Hollingsworth Mikey Kern as Hitchhiker Mitchell Laskowitz as Bill Murray Bob Leach as The Inspector Brandon Mack Tim Neal Aaron Neal Dennis Parent as Andy Peter Peach as Cain Paul Peach as Joey Roger Rhoades Paul Rude Ricky Shaw John Song Kynn Tribble as Benny Becky Tribble as Waitress Kipp Tribble as Zeke
3 answers
aine, ayn, bain, baine, bane, bayne, blain, blaine, blane, blayne, brain, cain, caine, cane, cayne, chain, cheyne, crain, craine, crane, crayne, dain, dane, dayne, drain, draine, drane, duan, duane, dwayne, fain, fane, fayne, feign, fein, frain, fraine, frane, frayn, frayne, frein, freyne, gain, grain, grein, hahne, hain, hane, hayn, hayne, heyn, heyne, jain, jane, jayne, kain, kaine, kane, kayne, krain, krane, krein, lain, laine, lane, layne, ln, main, maine, mane, mayne, meyn, paign, pain, paine, pane, payne, plain, plane, quain, rain, raine, rayne, reign, rein, reine, sain, saine, sane, shain, shaine, shane, shayne, slain, slaine, slane, spain, splain, splaine, sprain, stain, strain, swain, swaine, swayne, thain, thaine, thane, thayne, train, trane, twain, vain, vane, vein, veyne, vrain, wain, wane, wayne, zane, abstain, again, ahlen, alain, alaine, alane, alayne, allain, arcane, arraign, attain, bahrain, beauchaine, biscayne, brattain, buntain, butane, campaign, catain, champagne, champaign, champlain, charlayne, charmain, charmaine, chastain, cocaine, complain, constrain, contain, costain, courchaine, dahrain, decrane, defrain, delaine, demain, deschaine, despain, detain, devane, dewayne, disdain, domain, domaine, duchaine, dufrane, dumaine, duquesne, dushane, duwayne, elaine, elane, elayne, explain, fontaine, fountaine, galane, germain, germaine, germane, helane, hossain, humane, hussain, hussein, iain, inane, insane, jermaine, jyishane, laraine, lehane, lennane, lorain, loraine, lorraine, maclaine, maclean, maintain, mcbain, mcbane, mccain, mccane, mcclain, mcclaine, mcclane, mcgrain, mcgrane, mcguane, mckain, mckane, mclain, mclane, mclean, mcquain, mcshane, mcswain, mcwain, morain, moraine, mundane, mustain, obtain, ordain, partain, pertain, profane, refrain, regain, remain, restrain, retain, retrain, rogaine, romain, romaine, ruane, sartain, serbaine, spokane, sustain, sylvain, terrain, tirane, torain, tremaine, tulane, ukraine, uptain, urbain, urbane, yeargain, aquitaine, ascertain, inhumane, kahane, lafountain, lafountaine, lamontagne, overtrain, preordain, legerdemain
5 answers
Nelly Frijda has: Played Caroline Tulipe in "Moutarde van Sonaansee" in 1958. Played Zingt uit de musical Oliver in "Hedenavond: voorstelling" in 1963. Performed in "Maigret" in 1964. Played Anne in "Elke dag is er een" in 1970. Played Harenwaster in "Keetje Tippel" in 1975. Performed in "Cha-Cha" in 1979. Performed in "Ons goed recht" in 1979. Performed in "De beslagen spiegel" in 1980. Performed in "De Lemmings" in 1981. Played herself in "TROS TV Show" in 1981. Played Annie in "De stilte rond Christine M." in 1982. Played Mevrouw van Daan in "Het dagboek van Anne Frank" in 1985. Played Bejaardenhulp in "Het bloed kruipt" in 1985. Played Tanta cor in "Zondag weet je alles" in 1985. Played Hoer in "Als in een roes..." in 1986. Played Ma Flodder in "Flodder" in 1986. Played herself in "De Nachtshow" in 1986. Played Mevrouw de directrice in "Laat maar Zitten" in 1988. Performed in "Leven in de Gouden Eeuw" in 1988. Played Mevrouw de directeur in "Laat maar Zitten" in 1988. Played Mevrouw Nienhuis in "De wandelaar" in 1989. Played herself in "Barend en Van Dorp" in 1990. Played Moeder in "Han de Wit" in 1990. Played Mevrouw Verstraeten in "Eline Vere" in 1991. Played Lerares Duits in "Uit de school geklapt" in 1992. Played Tante van Peter in "De Johnsons" in 1992. Performed in "Dagboek van een zwakke yogi" in 1993. Played Ma Flodder in "Flodder" in 1993. Performed in "Just Friends" in 1993. Performed in "Lolamoviola: All Quiet" in 1994. Played Trees in "Ik ben je moeder niet" in 1995. Played Ma Flodder in "Flodder 3" in 1995. Played Burgemeester in "Mijn franse tante Gazeuse" in 1996. Performed in "Eine kleine Nachtmerrie" in 1996. Played Tante Melia in "Otje" in 1998. Played Prijsuitreiking Gouden Kalf in "Nederlands Filmfestival 1998" in 1998. Played Landlord in "Farewell Pavel" in 1999. Played Anna in "Verkeerd verbonden" in 2000. Played Mevr. Dekkers in "De aanklacht" in 2000. Played herself in "RTL Boulevard" in 2001. Played herself in "Goedemorgen Nederland" in 2002. Performed in "Kwade reuk" in 2002. Played herself in "PaPaul" in 2003. Played Neighbour in "Glimlach van een kind" in 2003. Played Opoe in "Kees de jongen" in 2003. Played Moeder Ellis in "Ellis in Glamourland" in 2004. Played Elly de Mol in "Kinderen geen bezwaar" in 2004. Played herself in "Spuiten en slikken" in 2005. Played Hadewych in "Samen" in 2005. Played Notaris in "Het zwijgen" in 2006. Played Mw. Loven in "Dood spoor" in 2006. Played Dr. Grein in "Sinterklaas en het uur van de waarheid" in 2006. Played Mother Irma in "Spion van Oranje" in 2009. Played Dieuwer in "Annie MG" in 2010. Played Til in "Misschien Later" in 2010. Played ex-vrouw David in "Hochmut" in 2012. Played Mevrouw Liekens in "Malaika" in 2013.
1 answer
This is where the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated.
Franz Ferdinand was assisinated in sarajevo , tho bosnian capitol. However , there was also a war in bosnia in the early 90's and the factions from the war continue to fight in small numbers despite a un peacekeeping force being present there even today.
Actually the reason for the war is terrotoria; rasons )))))
4 answers
The cast of Sinterklaas en het uur van de waarheid - 2006 includes: Arthur Bostrom as Brother of Insp. Crabtree Frederik de Groot as Inspecteur Jankers Richard de Ruijter as Boris Jeffrey Erens as Postpiet Nelly Frijda as Dr. Grein Angela Groothuizen as De Rechter Hetty Heyting as Tante Til Ricardo Husson as Jongen op tandem Frans Mulder as van Brummelen Dick Rienstra as Commissaris Boudewijn Schrik as Seikos Roleksos Joep Sertons as Govert Glinster Harry Slinger as Machinist Pamela Teves as Dr. Brein Frans van Deursen as Advocaat Brein Wieteke van Dort as Hare Majesteit Martijn van Nellestijn as Joris Martine van Os as Pieta
5 answers
Willi Gerk has: Played Sergej Bukowski in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Kaspar Feistner in "Der Landarzt" in 1987. Played Jonas in "Alphateam - Die Lebensretter im OP" in 1997. Played Alexander in "Der Ermittler" in 2001. Played Sven Ladewig in "Die Hollies" in 2003. Played Kevin Bahnsen in "SOKO Wismar" in 2004. Played Max Reischke in "Max und Moritz Reloaded" in 2005. Played Andreas Posche in "Der Dicke" in 2005. Played Sebastian Vorwinkel in "Der Kriminalist" in 2006. Played Linus in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007. Played Robert Morell in "Der andere Junge" in 2007. Played Zlatko Tesic in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007. Played Leo in "Die Weihnachtswette" in 2007. Performed in "Picco" in 2010. Performed in "Die Kinder von Blankenese" in 2010. Played Tom in "Homevideo" in 2011.
7 answers
It also rhymes with insane, and fain, and lain, and pain, feign(fake), faint, plain, restrain, stain, cocaine, cane, complain, plane,and maim?
Crane, drain, refrain, train, strain, grain.
1 syllable:
aine, ane, ayn, bain, baine, bane, bayne, blain, blaine, blane, blayne, cain, caine, cane, cayne, chain, cheyne, crain, craine, crane, crayne, dain, dane, dayne, deign, drain, draine, drane, duan, duane, dwayne, fain, fane, fayne, feign, fein, frain, fraine, frane, frayn, frayne, frein, freyne, gain, grain, grein, hahne, hain, hane, hayn, hayne, heyn, heyne, jain, jane, jayne, kain, kaine, kane, kayne, krain, krane, krein, lain, laine, lane, layne, ln, main, maine, mane, mayne, meyn, paign, pain, paine, pane, payne, plain, plane, quain, rain, raine, rayne, reign, rein, reine, sain, saine, sane, shain, shaine, shane, shayne, skein, slain, slaine, slane, spain, splain, splaine, sprain, stain, strain, swain, swaine, swayne, thain, thaine, thane, thayne, train, trane, twain, vain, vane, vein, veyne, vrain, wain, wane, wayne, zane
2 syllables:
abstain, again, ahlen, air lane, alain, alaine, alane, alayne, allain, arcane, arraign, attain, aven, bahrain, beauchaine, beauchene, biscayne, block plane, boat train, brain drain, branched chain, brattain, buntain, butane, campaign, car train, catain, champagne, champaign, champlain, charlayne, charmain, charmaine, chastain, chest pain, chow mein, closed chain, cocaine, complain, constrain, contain, costain, courchaine, dahrain, decrane, defrain, delaine, demain, deschaine, despain, detain, devane, dewayne, disdain, domain, domaine, draw rein, duchaine, dufrane, dumaine, dumb cane, duquesne, dushane, duwayne, elaine, elane, elayne, explain, fast lane, feed grain, fontaine, food chain, food grain, fore plane, fort wayne, fountaine, free rein, freight train, galane, gas main, germain, germaine, germane, great dane, helane, horse grain, hossain, humane, hussain, hussein, iain, inane, insane, in vain, jack plane, jermaine, jet plane, jyishane, laraine, lehane, lennane, long plane, lorain, loraine, lorraine, maclaine, maclean, mail train, maintain, match plane, mcbain, mcbane, mccain, mccane, mcclain, mcclaine, mcclane, mcgrain, mcgrane, mcguane, mckain, mckane, mclain, mclane, mclean, mcquain, mcshane, mcswain, mcwain, morain, moraine, mud stain, mundane, mustain, obtain, oil stain, okane, o'kane, ordain, partain, pertain, petain, profane, pull chain, refrain, regain, remain, restrain, retain, retrain, rogaine, romain, romaine, rowaine, ruane, sartain, scrub plane, sea lane, seed grain, serbaine, slow lane, small cane, smooth plane, spokane, straight chain, sustain, switch cane, sword cane, sylvain, terrain, tirane, torain, tremaine, tulane, ukraine, uptain, urbain, urbane, watch chain, wave train, wind vane, wolf's bane, yeargain
3 syllables:
acid rain, ad campaign, anchor chain, aquitaine, ascertain, ball and chain, basal vein, bearing rein, candy cane, charles's wain, coastal plain, compass plane, cotton strain, coup de main, cystic vein, dado plane, daisy chain, discount chain, dovetail plane, entertain, express train, facet plane, facial vein, flower chain, gastric vein, giant cane, golden chain, golden rain, gravy train, inclined plane, inhumane, in the main, kahane, lafountain, lafountaine, lamontagne, lawyer cane, leading rein, liner train, london plane, lumbar vein, mark of cain, mary jane, mental strain, metric grain, mountain chain, nervous strain, noble cane, open chain, overtrain, picture plane, pontoon plane, portal vein, power train, preordain, quiche lorraine, railroad train, rattan cane, rectal vein, renal vein, retail chain, sales campaign, sewer main, smoothing plane, spinal vein, splenic vein, st germain, st germaine, subway train, sugar cane, take in vain, tangent plane, thyroid vein, traffic lane, vortex vein, wagon train, water main, weather vane, whooping crane
4 syllables:
angular vein, apparel chain, bronchial vein, capital gain, cardinal vein, carpenter's plane, castle in spain, cerebral vein, cervical vein, chemical chain, circular plane, commuter train, cross of lorraine, digital vein, electric main, engineer's chain, femoral vein, financial gain, hepatic vein, hospital train, jugular vein, knowledge domain, left gastric vein, legerdemain, malacca cane, mineral vein, nautical chain, naval campaign, ophthalmic vein, orbital plane, palatine vein, passenger train, pectoral vein, propeller plane, public domain, radial vein, restaurant chain, right gastric vein, senate campaign, temporal vein, thoracic vein, tracheal vein, tympanic vein, uterine vein, vertebral vein, woodworking plane
5 syllables:
alpine golden chain, american plane, capillary vein, capital of maine, capital of spain, combination plane, common facial vein, deep cervical vein, deep temporal vein, eminent domain, emissary vein, frankfurt on the main, great cerebral vein, innominate vein, labyrinthine vein, laryngeal vein, mesenteric vein, metacarpal vein, middle thyroid vein, occipital vein, oriental plane, ovarian vein, pancreatic vein, petersburg campaign, poinsettia strain, pulmonary vein, testicular vein, umbilical vein, whispering campaign, wilderness campaign
6 syllables:
accompanying vein, advertising campaign, capital of bahrain, common cardinal vein, external nasal vein, hepatic portal vein, middle cerebral vein, middle temporal vein, military campaign, okinawa campaign, political campaign
7 syllables:
anterior facial vein, capital of the ukraine, deep middle cerebral vein, external jugular vein, inferior thyroid vein, internal cerebral vein, internal jugular vein, posterior facial vein, superior thyroid vein
8 syllables:
accessory vertebral vein, anterior cardinal vein, anterior cerebral vein, anterior jugular vein, anterior vertebral vein, inferior cerebral vein, inferior ophthalmic vein, internal auditory vein, posterior cardinal vein, superficial temporal vein, superior cerebral vein, superior ophthalmic vein
9 syllables:
inferior pulmonary vein, superior pulmonary vein
2 answers
gain, grain, main, rain, sprain, train, ..
dane, lane, mane, sane, vane, wane, ..
1 syllable:
aine, ayn, bain, baine, bane, bayne, blain, blaine, blane, blayne, brain, cain, caine, cane, cayne, chain, cheyne, crain, craine, crane, crayne, dain, dane, dayne, drain, draine, drane, duan, duane, dwayne, fain, fane, fayne, feign, fein, frain, fraine, frane, frayn, frayne, frein, freyne, gain, grain, grein, hahne, hain, hane, hayn, hayne, heyn, heyne, jain, jane, jayne, kain, kaine, kane, kayne, krain, krane, krein, lain, laine, lane, layne, ln, main, maine, mane, mayne, meyn, paign, pain, paine, pane, payne, plain, plane, quain, rain, raine, rayne, reign, rein, reine, sain, saine, sane, shain, shaine, shane, shayne, slain, slaine, slane, spain, splain, splaine, sprain, stain, strain, swain, swaine, swayne, thain, thaine, thane, thayne, train, trane, twain, vane, vein, veyne, vrain, wain, wane, wayne, zane
2 syllables:
abstain, again, ahlen, air lane, alain, alaine, alane, alayne, allain, arcane, arraign, attain, bahrain, beauchaine, biscayne, block plane, boat train, brain drain, branched chain, brattain, buntain, butane, calf's brain, campaign, car train, catain, champagne, champaign, champlain, charlayne, charmain, charmaine, chastain, chest pain, chow mein, closed chain, cocaine, complain, constrain, contain, costain, courchaine, dahrain, decrane, defrain, delaine, demain, deschaine, despain, detain, devane, dewayne, disdain, domain, domaine, draw rein, duchaine, dufrane, dumaine, dumb cane, duquesne, dushane, duwayne, elaine, elane, elayne, explain, fast lane, feed grain, fontaine, food chain, food grain, fore plane, fort wayne, fountaine, free rein, freight train, galane, gas main, germain, germaine, germane, great dane, helane, horse grain, hossain, humane, hussain, hussein, iain, inane, insane, jack plane, jermaine, jet plane, jyishane, laraine, left brain, lehane, lennane, long plane, lorain, loraine, lorraine, maclaine, maclean, mail train, maintain, match plane, mcbain, mcbane, mccain, mccane, mcclain, mcclaine, mcclane, mcgrain, mcgrane, mcguane, mckain, mckane, mclain, mclane, mclean, mcquain, mcshane, mcswain, mcwain, morain, moraine, mud stain, mundane, mustain, obtain, oil stain, ordain, partain, pertain, profane, pull chain, refrain, regain, remain, restrain, retain, retrain, right brain, rogaine, romain, romaine, ruane, sartain, scrub plane, sea lane, seed grain, serbaine, slow lane, small cane, smooth plane, spokane, straight chain, sustain, switch cane, sword cane, sylvain, terrain, tirane, torain, tremaine, tulane, ukraine, uptain, urbain, urbane, watch chain, wave train, wind vane, wolf's bane, yeargain
3 syllables:
acid rain, ad campaign, anchor chain, aquitaine, ascertain, ball and chain, basal vein, bearing rein, candy cane, charles's wain, coastal plain, compass plane, cotton strain, coup de main, cystic vein, dado plane, daisy chain, discount chain, dovetail plane, entertain, express train, facet plane, facial vein, flower chain, gastric vein, giant cane, golden chain, golden rain, gravy train, inclined plane, inhumane, in the main, kahane, lafountain, lafountaine, lamontagne, lawyer cane, leading rein, liner train, london plane, lumbar vein, mark of cain, mary jane, mental strain, metric grain, mountain chain, nervous strain, noble cane, open chain, overtrain, picture plane, pontoon plane, portal vein, power train, preordain, quiche lorraine, railroad train, rattan cane, rectal vein, renal vein, retail chain, sales campaign, sewer main, smoothing plane, spinal vein, splenic vein, st germain, st germaine, subway train, sugar cane, tangent plane, thyroid vein, traffic lane, vortex vein, wagon train, water main, weather vane, whooping crane
4 syllables:
angular vein, apparel chain, bronchial vein, capital gain, cardinal vein, carpenter's plane, castle in spain, cerebral vein, cervical vein, chemical chain, circular plane, commuter train, cross of lorraine, digital vein, electric main, engineer's chain, femoral vein, financial gain, hepatic vein, hospital train, jugular vein, knowledge domain, left gastric vein, legerdemain, malacca cane, mineral vein, nautical chain, naval campaign, ophthalmic vein, orbital plane, palatine vein, passenger train, pectoral vein, propeller plane, public domain, radial vein, restaurant chain, right gastric vein, senate campaign, temporal vein, thoracic vein, tracheal vein, tympanic vein, uterine vein, vertebral vein, visceral brain, woodworking plane
5 syllables:
alpine golden chain, american plane, capillary vein, capital of maine, capital of spain, combination plane, common facial vein, deep cervical vein, deep temporal vein, eminent domain, emissary vein, frankfurt on the main, great cerebral vein, innominate vein, labyrinthine vein, laryngeal vein, mesenteric vein, metacarpal vein, middle thyroid vein, occipital vein, oriental plane, ovarian vein, pancreatic vein, petersburg campaign, poinsettia strain, pulmonary vein, testicular vein, umbilical vein, whispering campaign, wilderness campaign
6 syllables:
accompanying vein, advertising campaign, capital of bahrain, common cardinal vein, external nasal vein, hepatic portal vein, middle cerebral vein, middle temporal vein, military campaign, okinawa campaign, political campaign
7 syllables:
anterior facial vein, capital of the ukraine, deep middle cerebral vein, external jugular vein, inferior thyroid vein, internal cerebral vein, internal jugular vein, posterior facial vein, superior thyroid vein
8 syllables:
accessory vertebral vein, anterior cardinal vein, anterior cerebral vein, anterior jugular vein, anterior vertebral vein, inferior cerebral vein, inferior ophthalmic vein, internal auditory vein, posterior cardinal vein, superficial temporal vein, superior cerebral vein, superior ophthalmic vein
9 syllables:
inferior pulmonary vein, superior pulmonary vein
10 syllables:
superficial middle cerebral vein
2 answers