Chickpeas are propagated from seeds. "Seed is broadcast or (more often) drilled in rows 25-60 cm apart, spaced at 10 cm between seeds, at a depth of 2-12 cm with soil well pressed down. Soil is worked into a rough tilth, clods broken and field-leveled. Seed is sown in spring (late March-mid April in Turkey, United States; February-March-April around the Mediterranean) when the ground has warmed or when the rains recede (mid-September to November, rarely later in India and Pakistan; September-January or April, Ethiopia) depending on the region" (Smithson et al., 1985). Seeding rates vary from 25-40 kg/ha to 80-120 kg/ha, depending on the area and seed type (Smithson et al., 1985). Chickpea may be cultivated as a sole crop, or mixed with barley, lathyrus (grasspea), linseed, mustard, peas, corn, coffee, safflower, potato, sweet potato, sorghum, or wheat. In rotation it often follows wheat, barley, rice, or tef (van der Maesen, 1972). "In India, chickpeas are also grown as a catch crop in sugarcane fields and often as a second crop after rice. Although usually considered a dry-land crop, chickpeas develop well on rice lands.
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