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the 20 pack foohy gooshy pencil grips costy 3.49 the 20 pack foohy gooshy pencil grips costy 3.49

1 answer

Hard and gooshy

1 answer

The cereal gets mushy and gooshy

1 answer

Try writing it a poem form or make jokes and then be serious some girls like the juicie mooshy gooshy things then others like to joke around foind out her type

1 answer

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magnify glass

Soil is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms that forms the top layer of Earth's surface. It provides nutrients and support for plants to grow. Soil composition and texture can vary depending on factors like climate, vegetation, and geological processes.

2 answers

because some people just aren't ready to go all out you know most people relate but but others might just stay away from girls all together because their afraid to get hurt so don't feel bad if your guy avoids you it's just a phase the easiest solution to an on off dating problem is sit down an talk about it and I don't mean like those wierd gooshy movies just get to the point and tell him what's wrong and i f that doesn't work than try again or might just not the right guy :-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 answer

There are heaps of wonderful things and it is impossible to chose the best or most important one!!

Check out www.whytheworldiswonderful.tumblr.com for a massive list of reasons.

If you keep a positive mindset, there is no limit to the wonderful things in the world.

From Wowica, Edit: All the things above are true but don't really go into detail. For instance: Some things are ''wonderful'' to some people, while to others, those same things mean NOTHING. Think about it. What is WONDERFUL and IMPORTANT to you? Compare it with someone else's most wonderful thing. Probably not the same.

And the most wonderful thing to me (and probably to a LOT of people) is love. Plain and simple. Not that mushy gooshy kind but when someone truly cares what happens to you and trys to do what's best. But that's just my option.

1 answer

say things like Scoops Up Faster Than Melting Butter!!

Twirls In Warm summer Breaze!

Whispers In Mushey Gooshy Little Ear I Pik You!

Then say My Iggy Princess!

when they get to your igloo say Scoops Up! Puts On Model Hip! Carries To Room!

then you say Your Room Tinker Bell! Then you say Its Beddy Time Honey Boo

Tip Toes Out Shuts Door Quietly Goes To Bed.

Wakes Up Goes To Kitchen And Makes Elmo Pancakes! Puts On Dora Plate!

and On Tinker Bell High Chair The go to the pookies room and say Uses Warm Soft Hands To Pik Up And Carrie To Tinker Bell High Chair Then say Sweet Heart Wake Up! Then Say Puts On Princess Bib And Feeds Like Train! Choo Choo Then Just Say Lets Go Swimmy Go To The Cove! Then you go to then cove then blah bala bah

1 answer

Yes, you can re-bake cookies that were not fully baked the first time around. However, you will need to lower the temperature on your oven to ensure that the batch does not become burned. Leave the cookies in for a period of about five to ten minutes before checking them again.

5 answers

If you do love her, tell her that she is your best friend, you put her interests and considerations into your own decisions in life, and that you want to share a future with her. She is the most important person to you. Rather gooshy, but I understand how hard it is to put your feelings in perspective. The above post is wise. Heed it's advice. Love is when you care more about someone else than you care about yourself. So tell her that.

5 answers

Here are some tips:

1) Be respectful to her dad and show you are a true gentleman and you are worth your daughter. -I know it's cheesy but it works!

2) Don't whatever you do kiss, snog or even 'hold' her when he is around. You can hug but only when you are on good terms with her dad.

3) Even if you are an outgoing, loud, cheeky boy make sure you always use your manners.

6 answers