The cast of Gold Finger - 1997 includes: Yurika Misato
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Gold does not do that but copper does. Brass looks like gold and also makes the finger dark green.
If that ring was given to you as a gold ring you got conned!
there is alot of acid in your body when your finger turns green from your ring!
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it is not gold, it could be gold plated or brass
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no , but if it turns your finger purple you have AIDS
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because gold is a soft metal and can easily be bent or shaped so after time it will hav made itself fit to your finger.
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Sam Champion wears a gold band on his right ring finger as a sign of his relationship with his boyfriend.
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Sam Champion wears a gold band on his right ring finger as a sign of his relationship with his boyfriend.
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The Egyptians covered their fingernails and toenails with gold.
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Yes, it is fine to wear gold on one hand and sterling silver on the other hand.
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gold plate isn't durable at all it depends how you look after it as well..., as the sweat on your finger damages the ring removing the colour and leaving a horrible black or green finger ive had many gold plated rings myself !!
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In the story of Rumpelstiltskin, he pricked his finger on a spinning wheel while trying to turn straw into gold for the miller's daughter.
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It means that it's cheap, not real gold or that the gold plating is so thin that it's wearing off.
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Gold, Ancient Egyptian royalty were practically swimming in gold. The pharaohs were so rich that they could cover their nails in gold when they died.
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because your ring is probably dirty- and you get your finger dirty- its probably not silver or gold its probably fake
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Stay Gold is a quote from the famous book "The Outsiders". This could be the reason, but it is not confirmed.
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It depends on how it fits for you. If a guy looks tall, handsome, and fair complexion. You can wear a maximum of 5 rings.
Right hand:
Ring Finger : A gem stone/diamond ring
Little Finger : A small black gem stone suits best of that
Index Finger : A gold ring
Left Hand:
Ring Finger : A royal golden ring
Middle Finger: A gold ring.
Unless you are royal ,this will not fits you. Cheers
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I really do not know people im just trying to figure that out
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shove your finger up your butt, lick it, stick it in the air, fondle it, eat it, love it. Cherish it love it hold it forever and give that gold out of your butt to your ugly girlfriend
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gold finger I believe
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Jewelry with a gold overlay can possibly turn your skin green. This is determined by if you have a skin allergy to the metal under the overlay.
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Cheap base metal. Not Silver or Gold.
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You may want to have that ring checked by a reputable jeweler. It sounds like you have a copper ring plated in white gold and the plating has worn off the underside and is oxidizing from the moisture on your finger. White gold is Regular gold mixed with a white metal like nickel to change its color.
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(Apex) He has the Monkey King's name carved into his finger.
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You can test the authenticity of 14k gold jewelry using a gold testing kit which typically includes acid and a testing stone. By scratching the jewelry on the stone and applying the testing acid, the reaction color will indicate whether the gold is genuine. Additionally, you can also take the jewelry to a professional jeweler who can conduct more advanced tests.
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IDK, but he is now wearing a plain gold band on the ring finger of his left hand.
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It looks like a finger claw weapon of some sort.
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In many cases, a ring symbolizes the love and commitment to fidelity between two people. Engagement and wedding rings, often gold or silver, are traditionally worn on the fourth finger of the left hand because it was once believed that a vein connected this finger directly to the heart
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If this is happening to you, take it off now. It means the tissue in your finger is dieing and will need to be amputated (cut off) if blood flow isn't restored. If you leave the dead finger on, it will develope gangrene and you will die yourself. Good luck.
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shove your finger up your butt, lick it, stick it in the air, fondle it, eat it, love it. Cherish it love it hold it forever and give that gold out of your butt to your ugly girlfriend
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You're probably thinking of Oddjob, who is Goldfinger's henchman in the film of the same name.
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i think its beacase in ancient times it was bad for men to were and thing gold i think is beacase of a greek said it was bad or banned
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Sounds like it is a metal other than gold or silver. Might be gold or silver plate over a base metal. The gold or silver (if it was plated) could have worn down revealing the base metal, or you might just be having a reaction to whatever metal it is made of...usually will contain copper or nickel, which is why your finger is turning green.
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I like sterling coils that have a cyberpunk inspired look. Taking on the index finger and 1/2 of the middle finger. Also, anything that represents orobouros or coiled snake in gold or sterling.
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Yes, he has it is red eagle gold ring. Very large finger. Picture will follow soon.
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She wore a band of gold on her finger.
The band is playing tonight at the theater.
I need a rubber band, do you have one?
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I have found that, any time gold turns my skin black/dark green, I am low in iron. I take one iron pill and the black/dark green goes away, until I become low again.
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I'm just guessing here. But i read on the coloured gold page of P3M Refining that an alloy of 79 per cent gold and aluminum has a purple color. So maybe your hand came in contact with aluminum.
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Maybe because either it is not real silver (in which case the ring would start to turn a coppery colour after a while) or because you are allergic to the metal. Or it could be that it's too tight. My gold ring (I am not allergic to gold) is starting to leave a blue mark on my finger, but I think it's just because the ring is a bit too tight.
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Your thumb is finger 1, your index finger is finger 2, your middle finger is finger 3, your ring finger is finger 4, and your pinky is finger 5
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Gold is typically retrieved through either open-pit mining or underground mining. In open-pit mining, equipment is used to extract ore deposits from the ground, while underground mining involves digging tunnels to access deeper deposits. Once the ore is obtained, it is processed to extract the gold using methods such as cyanide leaching or smelting.
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I can only think it might be the finger size
It sounds more like a hallmark stamp of the maker/company.
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Men cannot wear gold jewelery, only women can. Doing it during Ramadan is even worst.
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