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Glimmers real name is GLIMMER!!

1 answer

She got a Bow and Arrow.

1 answer

i dont think she had one

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

She gets a bow and arrow and this is important because those weapons are the ones she is the best at using.

1 answer

No, the filmmakers try to avoid most blood so the movie can be pg13. Glimmers death (a tribute) is a little disgusting.

1 answer

trembles, stumbles, harmless, formless, chemists, eremites, glimmers, plumbers, shambles, thimbles

1 answer

Sidney Lanier in _Hymns of the Marshes_. The full text is posted here: http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/lanier01.html

1 answer

THey fire the cannon every time someone dies

2 answers

That is her real name. District 1, who's manufacturing product is luxurious items, give their kids pretty darn weird names, according to Katniss in the book

1 answer

Frank Borden Hanes has written:

'Abel Anders'

'Soon or late' -- subject(s): Poetry, American poetry

'Glimmers in the gloaming' -- subject(s): Awards

'The fleet rabble'

1 answer

Jewellery glimmers and gleams, adding allure to daily scenes. It's an art of refined grace, adorning us in a radiant embrace. From rings to brooches, a treasure trove, timeless elegance, and love it behoves.

2 answers

Gemstones often symbolize important events such as engagements or marriage. Some people also believe they have healing powers or influence over the mood of any location.

3 answers

correction: greens are our forests blue is our indigo oceans black is the night that comes alive with dancing lights red, the rich rusty red - the heart land of flame gold - the sun, that glimmers and gleams. not just in our land, but in our hearts - wil all the colours of our dreams =)

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern G-I-M---. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter G and 3rd letter I and 5th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:





1 answer

"and on his way he would see the cottages and homes with their dark windows, and it was not unequal to walking through a graveyard where only the faintest glimmers of light appeared in flicker behind the windows."

3 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern GLI----S. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter L and 3rd letter I and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:










1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern GLIM---S. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter L and 3rd letter I and 4th letter M and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern G--MM--S. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter G and 4th letter M and 5th letter M and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:






1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern GL--MER-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter L and 5th letter M and 6th letter E and 7th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

Yes, you are absolutely correct. Before the battle King Arthur and Mordred decide to settle for a truce. But, before they met, each ordered their armies that if any soldier from the opposite camp draws his sword then they should not hesitate to start the battle. Just as everything was going well, an adder slithers amidst the soldiers (I think Mordred's soldiers) and someone draws his sword to kill it. The sword glimmers under the sun and the battle begins.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 13 words with the pattern --IMM--S. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter I and 4th letter M and 5th letter M and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:














1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 12 words with the pattern -L--ME-S. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter L and 5th letter M and 6th letter E and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:













1 answer

Requires an answer that for me, must be answered in the first person. I liked Franklin Roosevelt and like a lot of US Citizens I felt that I knew him because of the Fire Side Chats. I believe I liked Harry Truman because He always took responsibility for his actions. He was a stand-up kind of a guy and I liked his slogan of The Buck Stops Here. I have lived under the administration of twelve Presidents, and tolerated all of them since Truman, some were better then others, a rare few have dissapointed me, and some showed glimmers of greatness. I always vote, and I haven't always picked the winner.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 37 words with the pattern -LI---RS. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter L and 3rd letter I and 7th letter R and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:






































1 answer

a sun set is full of bright and lovely colors to brighten up the day they are usually formed during twilight

The sun, like a large, grandeur orange fireball in the distance was partially cloaked by the hanging clouds, which were all splashed with the random colours of hot pinks, reds and even hints of purples and blues.

The scarlet sky was spread out across the sky like crimson blood smeared smoothly over a large canvass, as the golden sun slowly sank behind the epic landscape. Glimmers of light reflected off the still water, sending slithers of rose coloured shafts of light through the forest below. Eventually the dimming sun was tucked away behind the rolling hills which rolled on endlessly. The clouds floated by in soft cotton like puffs of pink and the sky became darker.

It gets dark.

1 answer

Cocaine usually appears as a white powder, while heroin typically appears as a brown or white powder. Cocaine produces a stimulating effect, while heroin produces a more sedative effect. It is always recommended to use drug testing kits and seek professional help if you suspect substance abuse.

2 answers




NOT where the sober sisters, grave as willows,

Walk like old twilights by the jasper sea,

Nor where the plump hunt of cherubs holly-hilloes

Chasing their ruddy fox, the sun, you'll be!

Not with the stained-glass prophets, bearded grimly,

Not with the fledgling saved, meek Wisdom's lot,

Kissing a silver book that glimmers dimly,

For acolytes are mild and you are not.

They'll give you a curled tuba, tall as Rumor,

They'll sit you on a puff of Autumn cloud,

Gilded-fantastic as your scorn and humor

And let you blow that tuba much too loud.

Against the unceasing chant to sinless Zion,

Three impudent seraph notes, three starry coals,

Sweet as wild grass and happy as a lion

And all the saints will throw you aureoles

1 answer

Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen has elements of all three. : What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? : Only the monstrous anger of the guns. : Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle : Can patter out their hasty orisons. : No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; : Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, - : The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; : And bugles calling for them from sad shires. : What candles may be held to speed them all? : Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes : Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. : The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; : Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, : And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.

Hyperbole in phrases like monstrous anger and demented choirs. Use of extreme language to make a point. Metaphor in phrases like shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells. The sound of shells is compared to a singing choir. Onomatapoeia in phrases like stuttering rifles' rapid rattle which mimics the sound of a machine gun or rifle volley.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 87 words with the pattern ----ME-S. That is, eight letter words with 5th letter M and 6th letter E and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
























































































1 answer

I think the poem you're referring to is "Moonlight". ..Here are the words: " As a pale phantom with a lamp .Ascends some ruin's haunted stair, So glides the moon along the damp.Mysterious chambers of the air. Now hidden in cloud, And now revealed, As if this phantom, full of pain, Were by the crumbling walls concealed, And at the windows seen again. Until at last, serene and proud.In all the splendor of her light, She walks the terraces of cloud, Supreme as Empress of the Night. I look, but recognize no more. Objects familiar to my view; The very pathway to my door. Is an enchanted avenue. All things are changed, One mass of shade, The elm - trees drop their curtains down; By palace, park, or colonnade. I walk as in a foreign town. The very ground beneath my feet. Is clothed with a deviner air; While marble paves the silent street. And glimmers in the empty square. Illusion! Underneaththere lies. The common life of every day; Only the spirit glorifies. With its own tints the sober gray. In vain we look, in vain uplift. Our eyes to heaven, if we are blind; We see but what we have the gift. Of seeing; what we bring we find."..(ends) - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

1 answer

The death of a tribute.

on page 192 the first paragraph, is an example of the cannon firing , because of Glimmers death.

8 answers

I believe Macbeth feels threatened of Banquo.

During act 4, Banquo is astonished of how the prophecy's about Macbeth have come true, and wonders if what the 3 ugly sisters (3 witches) predicted for him, will also come true - that his sons will become king. Macbeth is threatended by, this is because he wants to be king for a long as possible and then wants the position as king to pass down through generation in his family. Therefore because of this, Banquo and his son fleance is in his way/ path of what he wants and so he decides to plan h is murder.

8 answers

Katniss Everdeen is pretty much the main character and the narrorator.

Katniss stepped up to take her sister Primrose(Prim)'s place in the games Their mother names arent mentioned.


Gale Hawthorn is Katniss' best friend

Madga is The mayor's daugter who wishes Katniss luck.

Haymich is a former Victor from district 12.

Effie Trinket is a snobby helper of the games for district 12.

Peeta Mellark is the male tribute for district 12 also.


Cinnia is Katniss' Fasion desiner you could call him.

Flavis, Octavia, and Venia help out Cinnia as the prep crew.

Portia is Peeta's Fasion Designer(HER)

The Avox's are people who have commited crimes so the Capitol cut their toungs and made them servants.

The Tributes:

Rue- a small female child from district 11 who makes an allience with Katniss

Thresh- a large male tribute from district 11 who spares Katniss her life because she tried to help Rue

The Career Tributes:

Cato- A male tribute who is content on using Peeta to track down Katniss and then kill them both.

Clove- Cato's female alliance from the same district but Katniss has killed her with dropping a tracker jacker nest atop her

Glimmer- a female carrer who tries also hard to kill Katniss with the Carrer group

Then there is Glimmers male tribute whose name i dont know

Then Foxface- a sly girl who gets to a far point in the game because her priority is stealing from everyone

1 answer

Oh, isn't that just wonderful? That bright point of light in the eastern sky at night is likely Venus, our glowing sister planet in the Solar System. Just imagine how it glimmers like a guiding light, adding a touch of magic to the evening sky. How special it is to witness such beauty in nature's own celestial symphony.

5 answers

No matter how careful you are in picking your new home's neighborhood, installing smoke detectors, and even paying for a home security monitoring system, the unfortunate day may come when you need to flee your home. It could be the kitchen fire that gets out of control, or the home invader that you need to escape. There are many reasons to ensure that your home has as many points of egress as possible for you and your family.

While some older homes include basement doors, those doors are often difficult to unlatch, and are typically too heavy for children to open themselves to escape an encroaching fire or home burglar. Your basement, however, may be the only accessible door when fire is blocking your path. Egress window wells are an easy way to remedy this safety issue, without doing major renovations to your home.

Egress window wells are put in where your home's basement windows are already occurring. Instead of a high window that provides glimmers of sunlight, and little else, your basement is given a door into a well, underground. The well is kept in place with a metal or plastic wall, and a ladder lets you and your family exit the basement, and climb to safety.

This is a great option for single women, families with children, and anyone else concerned about their safety. As strong as you may be, no one is immune to a house fire. Egress wells are easily concealed by plants and bushes, so your escape will go unseen by home invaders. Egress wells are as secure as any other door in your home, with a lock on the inside.

To get the most value out of your new egress well, make certain that not only do your family members know that it has been installed, but that everyone living in your home knows how it works. Though your older children may crack jokes, a family fire drill is a safety must to ensure that every family member knows how to operate the egress well, and is physically able to climb to safety from it. Mention it, and how it works, to house guests as well.

1 answer

the waiting princess:

a long time ago there was a princess who would stand on the caves of love looking pas the ocean. she would wait there for days that soon become months that turned into years. she would wait, She never moved from that spot her love cave. it was sad to see her look out into the ocean, drowning in sorrow, She waited for no one, she had no one one to wait for all she did was wait, it looked like she'd lost something and couldn't find it what she lost.

she would just stare and look with a blank stare into the ocean you'd see her with the sunlight in her hair a silky caress to the wind, her black hair wildly playing with the sunlight caressing through it, her dark eye's deeply searching through the see waves, like searching for something she'd lost in it. people would come near and ask of her why would she be so in love with the ocean?

why would she not leave her love cave? and they received not answer, her soft inviting lips would not murmur a sound, and her eyes would not depart, the joy of searching through the ocean's wave, Some of her faithful servant would create their own stories as to why she stare into the ocean and not depart from it, they would say she lost her love to the ocean, he would never return and she knew this and her only hope was the glimmers of the ocean in the hope to see her beloved, on the shining surface of the ocean wave.

other would say she was a wondering spirit, who would still through the year searching for her beloved in the ocean wave that had taken him away, and no one could save her from her destiny, and that her love for the ocean was to great for her to be set apart from it.

but one day the sunlight came and the princess had sail away, to the amazement of all the villager, she was never seen again, and they all told stories as to how one day she come to find her beloved, that they together sail away into the distance of a brighter future where the two could finally be together above the ocean wave and past the valley of death, to a place where true love is allowed, and the sunlight play with her hair, that caresses the wind, as he lovingly glimm up on her eyes where he find the glimpse of the ocean wave, brightly shining in her eyes and he'll forever stare into her eye's that he so longed to have near him, while she softly smile and murmur the words he'd so long had waited to hear from her lips, the sounds it made were soft like a melody, that spoke of all that surrenders from the ocean's deep secretes, and so these stories where told forever and always among the villagers of the now empty love cave.

1 answer

Things to note:

  • · 7 short stanzas that are linked by either a run on line or a continuation of a thought or image - perhaps a written representation of the speed of the signing being used by the children the writer is observing. He refers to this signing as 'thoughts that dance on (other) finger-tips' (line12) and 'fire-flies of gesture' (line 22)
  • · The writer stands apart from the children - observing them rather than being amoung them. His separateness is both literal and figurative as he has no means of understanding the way in which they communicate with each other and the nuns who watch over them as they play. He remarks on some of the sounds they make and the way they use sign language, but says that he finds these sounds "sad, irrelevant, absurd" (line 7). Silence "is their element" and yet, when observing them, he is totally out of his.
  • · The image of the black tarmac is strongly contrasted with the whiteness of the statue of the Virgin watching over these children at play - this contrast is repeated in the last line of the poem creating a tableau reminiscent of the old silent black and white movies where, although there was plenty of interaction amoung the actors (laughing, running and animated dialogue), there were no actual words for the audience to follow. He also describes the "muted children" as jerking and scuffling across the scene of the playground - perhaps another reference to the interrupted gestures so typical of the characters in the black and white movies from the early days of cinema?
  • · He looks upon a small boy who is leaning from a bench, clearly fascinated by something another child is signing to him - he describes the scene as having a "soundless quality of (a) painting" (line 10) and this image is reinforced by his referring to the world these children live in as being framed by glass - just as an image in a painting might be. The reference to glass may also imply a fragility to these children; somehow 'weakened', or more vulnerable because of their inability to speak or hear.
  • · The writer seems intrigued by this scene taking place on the playground; he is captivated by the "communication (that) glimmers" between these children; rapid signing, cries; the 'mimicry and mummers' he refers to in line 19 - although it is very clear to the writer that these children are 'talking' and enjoying their play time as much as hearing and speaking children would be, he is also aware that the best he can hope for is a glimpse through this 'window' into their world. The "minds that make their signs and mouth their cries" are only of meaning to those that belong in this silent world he is observing - to an outsider, like himself, this dream-like play he is witnessing makes very little sense
  • · There is a sensitivity to the way in which the writer has recorded his observations of these children; although some of the terminology used in the poem may seem politically incorrect or insensitive in 2012, there is no sense that he is mocking or ridiculing these children - instead he seems intrigued, fascinated and a little sad that he is unable to interpret the 'muffled out-cries' he can hear. By referring to the children as "songless planets signalling through space" he imbues them with a certain majestic quality - as beings not of this earth

2 answers

Galaxies in the universe have different names based on their shape and structure. Some common types of galaxies include spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies. Each type has its own unique characteristics and features.

5 answers

Ofcourse a poem may consist of a hyperbole. In fact, many authors include hyperbole's in their poems to make the reader more interested in the poem and to express the poet's feelings. Basically, it is an exaggeration in the poem, for an example:

"And the skin on her face was thin and drawn tight like the skin on an onion and her eyes were gray and sharp like the points of two ice picks."

Note: this may also occur in proses.

13 answers

Not every father is a good father. A father is a good father if he dedicatedly and consistently performs his roles and responsibilities toward his children and wife, as will be explained in this document. Good fathers are pillars of strength and sources of inspiration, offering guidance and support to their children throughout their lives. As mentioned earlier, there are fathers and there are good fathers. The ordinary definition of a father is a male who contributed biologically to the conception of a child. However, a father is not limited to a biological relationship; it also includes adoptive fathers, stepfathers, or any male figure who plays the role of a father in the life of a child. Now, let's define what we mean by a good father: A good father is a loving, present, responsible, and sacrificial individual who actively engages in the lives of his children, providing them with guidance, support, and a positive and inspirational role model.

A good father prioritizes his family's well-being, both physically and spiritually, and strives to create a nurturing environment where his children can flourish. He exemplifies qualities such as patience, wisdom, and integrity, and endeavors to build a strong bond with his children based on trust, respect, and open communication. A good father understands the importance of discipline and correction, always exercising them in a loving and constructive manner. He is present in his children's lives, actively participating in their growth, milestones, and challenges. Ultimately, a good father strives to reflect the unconditional love and grace of our heavenly Father, leaving a lasting legacy of love, faith, commitment and character in the lives of his children forever.

What are the critical roles and responsibilities of a good father? Some important responsibilities of a good father include the following:

  1. Disciplinarian

  2. Leading the children with Love

  3. Spiritual Leadership

  4. Emotional Support of the children and wife

  5. Provide and protect his children

  6. Teach his children ethical and moral values

A father’s responsibilities are profound and far-reaching. By fulfilling these, a father contributes to a stronger, more compassionate society. A good father must strive to leave a legacy of faith, wisdom, love, integrity, and perseverance to his children. This legacy is rooted in a deep relationship with God and a commitment to living according to His Word. A father’s teachings, example, and the spiritual heritage he passes down have the power to influence his children for the rest of their lives and also have imparts on future generations. By leaving a godly legacy, a father ensures that his influence will endure, guiding his descendants in the ways of the Lord and securing blessings that extend far beyond his own and his children lifetime.

The challenges of fatherhood are immense and overwhelming in today's world. We see absentee fathers, abusive fathers, and fathers who have abandoned their responsibilities. This situation has resulted in millions of single mothers raising children without a father figure. Yet, amidst the brokenness, there are glimmers of hope. There are still men who are rising to the challenges, embracing the sacred calling of fatherhood with humility and determination. These men understand that fatherhood is not a burden, but a privilege and a chance to change the world forever. They understand that fatherhood is a God-given opportunity to shape lives, to leave a lasting legacy, and to reflect the very heart of God.

For a full description of the roles and responsibilities of a good father, Click on the link below :


2 answers

Once, along time ago, in the valley of Pinak in Central Luzon, one of the islands in the Philippines. There was a deep large lake rich with fish. There, the people of Pinak fished for their food, and always, there was plenty for all. Then suddenly, the big river dried up. In the shallow mud, there wasn't a fish to catch. For months, there were no rains. Out in the fields, the land turned dry. The rice-stalks slowly withered. Everywhere in Pinak, there was hunger. Night after night, the people of Pinak prayed hard. "Dear Bathala," they would recite together in their small and poorly-built chapel, " send us rains, give us food to eat. For the people are starving, and there is want among us!" Then one black and starless night, the good Bathala answered the prayers of the faithful people of Pinak. For suddenly up in the dark skies appeared a blaze of gold! A beautiful chariot of gold was zooming thru the sky. The people started to panic but a big booming voice came from the chariot soothing them with words. " I am Bula-hari, and I have come with my wife, Bitu-in. We are sent to the heavens to rule Pinak from now on. We have come to give you good life!" As Bulan-hari spoke, the black skies burst open. The rain fell in torrents. Soon the dry fields bloomed again. The large lake rose and once again was filled with fish. The people were happy once more under the rulership of Bulan-hari. Soon Bulan-hari and Bitu-in had a daughter. She grew up to be a beautiful maiden. Such long dark hair! Such lovely eyes under long curling lashes! Her nose was chiselled fine. Her lips like rosebuds. Her skin was soft and fair like cream. They named her Alitaptap for on her forehead was a bright sparkling star. All the young, brave handsome men of Pinak fell in love with Alitaptap. They worshipped her beauty. They sang songs of love beneath her windows. They all sought to win her heart. But alas! the heart of Alitaptap wasn't human. She was the daughter of Bulan-hari and Bitu-in, who burst from the sky and were not of the earth. She had a heart of stone, as cold and as hard as the sparkling star on her forehead. Alitaptap would never know love. Then one day, an old woman arrived at the palace. Her hair long and dirty. her clothing tattered and soiled. Before the king Bulan-hari, Balo-na, the old, wise woman whined in her sharp voice... that she had come from her dwelling in the mountains to bear the king sad news. The news being that she saw the future in a dream and it betold of their fate... the warriors of La-ut are coming with their mighty swords to conquer the land, the only solution is to have a marriage between Alitaptap and one of the young men, so as to have a heir to win the war. At once Bulan-hari pleaded with his daughter to choose one of the young men in their village. But how could the beautiful maiden understand? Alitaptap's heart of stone merely stood in silence. Bulan-hari gripped his sword in despair... " Alitapatap!" he bellowed in the quiet palace, "You will follow me, or you will lay dead this very minute!" But nothing could stir the lovely young woman's heart. Bulan-hari blind with anger and fear of the dark future finally drew his sword. Clang! the steel of his sword's blade rang in the silence of the big palace. It hit the star on Alitaptap's lovely forehead! The star burst! Darkness was everywhere! Until a thousand chips of glitter and light flew around the hall. Only the shattered pieces of the star on Alitaptap's forehead lighted the great hall, flickering as though they were stars with tiny wings. Alitaptap, the lovely daughter from the heavens lay dead. And soon, Balo-na's prediction had come true. Riding in stamping wild horses, the warriors of La-ut came like the rumble and clashes of lightning and thunder. They killed the people of Pinak, ruined crops, poisoned the lake. They spread sorrow and destruction everywhere. When it all ended, the beautiful, peaceful valley of Pinak had turned into an empty and shallow swamp. At night, there was nothing but darkness. But soon, tiny sparkles of light would flicker and lend glimmers of brightness in the starless night. And so, the fireflies came about. Once, a long time ago, they were fragments from the star on the forehead of Bulan-hari's daughter, the beautiful Alitaptap. The End.

1 answer

Fireflies!Lovely little creatures, glittering, sparkling, throwing fragments of light in the dark night skies. How did the fireflies come about?Once, along time ago, in the valley of Pinak in Central Luzon, one of the islands in the Philippines. There was a deep large lake rich with fish. There, the people of Pinak fished for their food, and always, there was plenty for all. Then suddenly, the big river dried up. In the shallow mud, there wasn't a fish to catch. For months, there were no rains. Out in the fields, the land turned dry. The rice-stalks slowly withered. Everywhere in Pinak, there was hunger. Night after night, the people of Pinak prayed hard."Dear Bathala," they would recite together in their small and poorly-built chapel, " send us rains, give us food to eat. For the people are starving, and there is want among us!"Then one black and starless night, the good Bathala answered the prayers of the faithful people of Pinak. For suddenly up in the dark skies appeared ablaze of gold! A beautiful chariot of gold was zooming Tue the sky. The people started to panic but a big booming voice came from the chariot soothing them with words." I am Bula-hari, and I have come with my wife, Bitu-in. We are sent to the heavens to rule Pinak from now on. We have come to give you good life!" As Bulan-hari spoke, the black skies burst open. The rain fell in torrents. Soon the dry fields bloomed again. The large lake rose and once again was filled with fish. The people were happy once more under the rulership of Bulan-hari.Soon Bulan-hari and Bitu-in had a daughter. She grew up to be a beautiful maiden. Such long dark hair! Such lovely eyes under long curling lashes! Her nose was chiselled fine. Her lips like rosebuds. Her skin was soft and fair like cream. They named her Alitaptap for on her forehead was a bright sparkling star.All the young, brave handsome men of Pinak fell in love with Alitaptap. They worshipped her beauty. They sang songs of love beneath her windows. They all sought to win her heart.But alas! the heart of Alitaptap wasn't human. She was the daughter of Bulan-hari and Bitu-in, who burst from the sky and were not of the earth. She had a heart of stone, as cold and as hard as the sparkling star on her forehead. Alitaptap would never know love.Then one day, an old woman arrived at the palace. Her hair long and dirty. her clothing tattered and soiled. Before the king Bulan-hari, Balo-na, the old, wise woman whined in her sharp voice... that she had come from her dwelling in the mountains to bear the king sad news. The news being that she saw the future in a dream and it betold of their fate... the warriors of La-ut are coming with their mighty swords to conquer the land, the only solution is to have a marriage between Alitaptap and one of the young men, so as to have a heir to win the war.At once Bulan-hari pleaded with his daughter to choose one of the young men in their village. But how could the beautiful maiden understand? Alitaptap's heart of stone merely stood in silence. Bulan-hari gripped his sword in despair... " Alitapatap!" he bellowed in the quiet palace, "You will follow me, or you will lay dead this very minute!"But nothing could stir the lovely young woman's heart. Bulan-hari blind with anger and fear of the dark future finally drew his sword. Clang! the steel of his sword's blade rang in the silence of the big palace. It hit the star on Alitaptap's lovely forehead!The star burst! Darkness was everywhere! Until a thousand chips of glitter and light flew around the hall. Only the shattered pieces of the star on Alitaptap's forehead lighted the great hall, flickering as though they were stars with tiny wings.Alitaptap, the lovely daughter from the heavens lay dead.And soon, Balo-na's prediction had come true. Riding in stamping wild horses, the warriors of La-ut came like the rumble and clashes of lightning and thunder. They killed the people of Pinak, ruined crops, poisoned the lake. They spread sorrow and destruction everywhere.When it all ended, the beautiful, peaceful valley of Pinak had turned into an empty and shallow swamp. At night, there was nothing but darkness. But soon, tiny sparkles of light would flicker and lend glimmers of brightness in the starless night.And so, the fireflies came about. Once, a long time ago, they were fragments from the star on the forehead of Bulan-hari's daughter, the beautiful Alitaptap.

2 answers

3-letter words

hmm, umm

4-letter words

ammo, immy, mumm

5-letter words

ammos, comma, commy, dummy, emmer, emmet, femme, gamma, gammy, gemma, gemmy, gimme, gumma, gummy, hammy, immix, jemmy, jimmy, lemma, mamma, mammy, momma, mommy, mumms, mummy, rammy, rummy, summa, tammy, tommy, tummy, yummy

6-letter words

ammine, ammino, ammono, bammed, bummed, bummer, chammy, chummy, clammy, commas, commie, commit, commix, common, crummy, cummer, cummin, dammar, dammed, dammer, dimmed, dimmer, emmers, emmets, femmes, gammas, gammed, gammer, gammon, gemmae, gemmed, gimmal, gimmie, gramme, gremmy, gummas, gummed, gummer, hammal, hammed, hammer, hemmed, hemmer, hommos, hummed, hummer, hummus, immane, immesh, immies, immune, immure, jammed, jammer, kummel, lammed, lemmas, limmer, lummox, mammae, mammal, mammas, mammee, mammer, mammet, mammey, mammie, mammon, mommas, mummed, mummer, nimmed, plummy, pommee, pommel, pummel, rammed, rammer, rimmed, rimmer, rummer, scummy, shammy, shimmy, simmer, slummy, stemma, stemmy, summae, summas, summed, summer, summit, summon, swimmy, tammie, wammus, whammo, whammy, yammer

7-letter words

ammeter, ammines, ammonal, ammonia, ammonic, bamming, brimmed, brimmer, bummers, bummest, bumming, chummed, clammed, clammer, command, commata, commend, comment, commies, commits, commixt, commode, commons, commove, commune, commute, crammed, crammer, crimmer, crummie, cummers, cummins, dammars, dammers, damming, digamma, dilemma, dimmers, dimmest, dimming, drammed, drummed, drummer, dummied, dummies, flammed, flummox, gammers, gammier, gamming, gammons, gemmate, gemmier, gemmily, gemming, gemmule, gimmals, gimmick, gimmies, glimmer, glommed, glummer, grammar, grammes, gremmie, grimmer, grommet, grummer, grummet, gummata, gummers, gummier, gumming, gummite, gummose, gummous, hammada, hammals, hammers, hammier, hammily, hamming, hammock, hemmers, hemming, hommock, hummers, humming, hummock, immense, immerge, immerse, immixed, immixes, immoral, immunes, immured, immures, jammers, jamming, jemmied, jemmies, jimmied, jimmies, jimminy, krimmer, kummels, lamming, lemmata, lemming, limmers, mammals, mammary, mammate, mammati, mammees, mammers, mammets, mammeys, mammies, mammock, mammons, mammoth, maremma, maremme, mommies, mummers, mummery, mummied, mummies, mummify, mumming, nimming, nummary, plummet, pommels, primmed, primmer, psammon, pummels, rammers, rammier, ramming, rammish, rimmers, rimming, rummage, rummers, rummest, rummier, rummies, scammed, scummed, scummer, shammas, shammed, shammer, shammes, shammos, shimmed, shimmer, simmers, skimmed, skimmer, slammed, slammer, slimmed, slimmer, slummed, slummer, stammel, stammer, stemmas, stemmed, stemmer, stummed, summand, summary, summate, summers, summery, summing, summits, summons, swimmer, tammies, thrummy, tommies, trammed, trammel, trimmed, trimmer, trommel, tsimmes, tummies, tummler, tzimmes, whammed, wommera, yammers, yummier, yummies

8-letter words

aglimmer, ammeters, ammocete, ammonals, ammoniac, ammonias, ammonify, ammonite, ammonium, ammonoid, analemma, bedimmed, brimmers, brimming, chammied, chammies, chummier, chummily, chumming, clammers, clammier, clammily, clamming, commando, commands, commence, commends, comments, commerce, commixed, commixes, commodes, commoner, commonly, commoved, commoves, communal, communed, communes, commuted, commuter, commutes, consomme, crammers, cramming, crimmers, crummier, crummies, degummed, digammas, dilemmas, dilemmic, dimmable, dramming, drammock, drummers, drumming, dummkopf, dummying, engramme, flamming, flummery, gammadia, gammiest, gammoned, gammoner, gemmated, gemmates, gemmiest, gemmules, gimmicks, gimmicky, glimmers, glomming, glummest, grammars, gremmies, grimmest, grommets, grummest, grummets, gummiest, gummites, gummoses, gummosis, hammadas, hammered, hammerer, hammiest, hammocks, hommocks, hommoses, hummable, hummocks, hummocky, hummuses, immanent, immature, immenser, immerged, immerges, immersed, immerses, immeshed, immeshes, imminent, immingle, immixing, immobile, immodest, immolate, immortal, immotile, immunise, immunity, immunize, immuring, jemmying, jimmying, krimmers, lemmings, lummoxes, mammatus, mammered, mammilla, mammitis, mammocks, mammoths, mummying, nummular, ohmmeter, pemmican, plummets, plummier, pommeled, primmest, primming, psammite, psammons, pummeled, rammiest, recommit, rehammer, rehemmed, resummon, roommate, rummaged, rummager, rummages, rummiest, scamming, scammony, scrammed, scrummed, scummers, scummier, scumming, shammash, shammers, shammied, shammies, shamming, shimmers, shimmery, shimmied, shimmies, shimming, simmered, skimmers, skimming, slammers, slamming, slimmest, slimming, slummers, slummier, slumming, stammels, stammers, stemmata, stemmers, stemmery, stemmier, stemming, strummed, strummer, stumming, summable, summands, summated, summates, summered, summerly, summital, summitry, summoned, summoner, swimmers, swimmier, swimmily, swimming, symmetry, teammate, thrummed, thrummer, tommyrot, trammels, tramming, trimmers, trimmest, trimming, trommels, tummlers, uncommon, undimmed, wammuses, whammies, whamming, wommeras, yammered, yammerer, yummiest

1 answer

To list a few:

mockery. mastery. machine. mystery. magical. magnify. mailbox. majesty. manacle. manager. manhood. mankind. manlike. massage. massive. mawkish. maximum. medical. mercury. mermaid. message. mestizo. microbe. midwife. migrant. migrate. miracle. mistake. mixture. modesty. mollify. monarch. mortify. movable. musical.

2 answers

4-letter words

glad, gled, glee, gleg, glen, gley, glia, glib, glim, glob, glom, glop, glow, glue, glug, glum, glut

5-letter words

glace, glade, glads, glady, glair, gland, glans, glare, glary, glass, glaze, glazy, gleam, glean, gleba, glebe, glede, gleds, gleed, gleek, glees, gleet, glens, gleys, glial, glias, glide, gliff, glime, glims, glint, glitz, gloam, gloat, globe, globs, glogg, gloms, gloom, glops, glory, gloss, glost, glout, glove, glows, gloze, glued, gluer, glues, gluey, glugs, glume, gluon, gluts, glyph

6-letter words

glaces, glacis, glades, gladly, glaire, glairs, glairy, glaive, glamor, glance, glands, glared, glares, glassy, glazed, glazer, glazes, gleams, gleamy, gleans, glebae, glebes, gledes, gleeds, gleeks, gleets, gleety, glegly, glibly, glided, glider, glides, gliffs, glimed, glimes, glints, glioma, glitch, glitzy, gloams, gloats, global, globby, globed, globes, globin, gloggs, glomus, glooms, gloomy, gloppy, gloria, glossa, glossy, glosts, glouts, gloved, glover, gloves, glowed, glower, glozed, glozes, gluers, gluier, gluily, gluing, glumes, glumly, glumpy, glunch, gluons, glutei, gluten, glycan, glycin, glycol, glycyl, glyphs

7-letter words

glaceed, glacial, glacier, gladded, gladden, gladder, gladier, glaiket, glaikit, glaired, glaires, glaived, glaives, glamors, glamour, glanced, glancer, glances, glandes, glarier, glaring, glassed, glasses, glassie, glazers, glazier, glazing, gleamed, gleamer, gleaned, gleaner, gleeful, gleeked, gleeman, gleemen, gleeted, glenoid, gliadin, glibber, gliders, gliding, gliming, glimmer, glimpse, glinted, gliomas, glisten, glister, glitchy, glitter, glitzes, gloated, gloater, globate, globing, globins, globoid, globose, globous, globule, glochid, glomera, glommed, glonoin, gloomed, glopped, glorias, gloried, glories, glorify, glossae, glossal, glossas, glossed, glosser, glosses, glottal, glottic, glottis, glouted, glovers, gloving, glowers, glowfly, glowing, glozing, glucose, glueing, gluepot, glugged, gluiest, glummer, gluteal, glutens, gluteus, glutted, glutton, glycans, glycine, glycins, glycols, glycyls, glyphic, glyptic

8-letter words

glabella, glabrate, glabrous, glaceing, glaciate, glaciers, glacises, gladdens, gladdest, gladding, gladiate, gladiest, gladiola, gladioli, gladlier, gladness, gladsome, glairier, glairing, glamours, glancers, glancing, glanders, glandule, glariest, glassful, glassier, glassies, glassily, glassine, glassing, glassman, glassmen, glaucoma, glaucous, glaziers, glaziery, glaziest, glazings, gleamers, gleamier, gleaming, gleaners, gleaning, gleeking, gleesome, gleetier, gleeting, glegness, glenlike, gliadine, gliadins, glibbest, glibness, glimmers, glimpsed, glimpser, glimpses, glinting, gliomata, glissade, glistens, glisters, glitches, glitters, glittery, glitzier, gloaming, gloaters, gloating, globally, globated, globbier, globoids, globular, globules, globulin, glochids, glomming, glonoins, gloomful, gloomier, gloomily, glooming, glopping, gloriole, glorious, glorying, glossary, glosseme, glossers, glossier, glossies, glossily, glossina, glossing, glouting, glowered, glowworm, gloxinia, glucagon, glucinic, glucinum, glucoses, glucosic, gluelike, gluepots, glugging, glummest, glumness, glumpier, glumpily, glunched, glunches, glutelin, glutting, gluttons, gluttony, glyceric, glycerin, glycerol, glyceryl, glycines, glycogen, glycolic, glyconic, glycosyl, glyptics

9-letter words

glabellae, glabellar, glacially, glaciated, glaciates, gladdened, gladiator, gladiolas, gladiolus, gladliest, gladsomer, gladstone, glairiest, glamorise, glamorize, glamorous, glamoured, glandered, glandless, glandular, glandules, glaringly, glasnosts, glassfuls, glassiest, glassines, glassless, glassware, glasswork, glasswort, glaucomas, gleamiest, gleanable, gleanings, gleefully, gleetiest, glengarry, gliadines, glimmered, glimpsers, glimpsing, glissaded, glissader, glissades, glissandi, glissando, glistened, glistered, glittered, glitziest, gloamings, globalise, globalism, globalist, globalize, globbiest, globefish, globulins, glochidia, glomerule, glomeruli, gloomiest, gloomings, glorified, glorifier, glorifies, glorioles, glossator, glossemes, glossiest, glossinas, glossitis, glottides, glottises, glowering, glowflies, glowingly, glowworms, gloxinias, glucagons, glucinums, gluconate, glucoside, glumpiest, glunching, glutamate, glutamine, glutelins, glutenous, glutinous, glyceride, glycerine, glycerins, glycerols, glyceryls, glycogens, glyconics, glycoside, glycosyls

10-letter words

glaciating, glaciation, glaciology, gladdening, gladiators, gladnesses, gladsomely, gladsomest, gladstones, glamorised, glamorises, glamorized, glamorizer, glamorizes, glamouring, glamourize, glamourous, glancingly, glasshouse, glassiness, glassmaker, glasspaper, glasswares, glassworks, glassworts, glauconite, glazieries, glegnesses, gleization, glibnesses, glimmering, glissaders, glissading, glissandos, glistening, glistering, glitterati, glittering, gloatingly, globalised, globalises, globalisms, globalists, globalized, globalizes, glochidium, glomerular, glomerules, glomerulus, gloominess, glorifiers, glorifying, gloriously, glossarial, glossaries, glossarist, glossators, glossiness, gluconates, glucosides, glucosidic, glumnesses, glutamates, glutamines, gluttonies, gluttonous, glycerides, glyceridic, glycerines, glycolipid, glycolyses, glycolysis, glycolytic, glycosides, glycosidic, glycosuria

11-letter words

glabrescent, glaciations, gladioluses, glamorising, glamorizers, glamorizing, glamorously, glamourized, glamourizes, glamourless, glandularly, glaringness, glassblower, glasshouses, glassmakers, glassmaking, glasspapers, glassworker, glauconites, glauconitic, gleefulness, gleizations, glengarries, glimmerings, globalising, globalizing, globefishes, globeflower, glossarists, glossitises, glossolalia, glucokinase, glucosamine, glucosidase, glucuronide, glutaminase, glutathione, glutinously, glycerinate, glycolipids, glycosidase, glycosurias, glycosylate

12-letter words

glaciologies, glaciologist, gladiatorial, gladsomeness, glamourizing, glassblowers, glassblowing, glassinesses, glassmakings, glasspapered, glassworkers, glaucousness, glioblastoma, glitteringly, globeflowers, glockenspiel, gloominesses, gloriousness, glossinesses, glossolalias, glossolalist, glucokinases, glucosamines, glucosidases, glucuronides, glutaminases, glutathiones, glutethimide, gluttonously, glycerinated, glycerinates, glycogeneses, glycogenesis, glycopeptide, glycoprotein, glycosidases, glycosylated, glycosylates

13-letter words

glaciological, glaciologists, glamorization, glamorousness, glaringnesses, glassblowings, glasspapering, gleefulnesses, glioblastomas, globalization, glockenspiels, glorification, glossographer, glossolalists, glucuronidase, glutethimides, glycerinating, glycopeptides, glycoproteins, glycosylating, glycosylation

14-letter words

gladsomenesses, glamorizations, glaucousnesses, glioblastomata, globalizations, glorifications, gloriousnesses, glossographers, glucocorticoid, glucuronidases, glutaraldehyde, gluttonousness, glyceraldehyde, glycogenolyses, glycogenolysis, glycogenolytic, glycosidically, glycosylations

15-letter words

glamorousnesses, glucocorticoids, gluconeogeneses, gluconeogenesis, glutaraldehydes, glyceraldehydes

16-letter words

glossopharyngeal, glottochronology, gluttonousnesses

17-letter words

glossopharyngeals, glycosaminoglycan

18-letter words

glomerulonephritis, glottochronologies, glycosaminoglycans

19-letter words


20-letter words


695 words found.

2 answers

abdomens, abdomina, abelmosk, abetment, abutment, acrimony, acromial, acromion, adeeming, aglimmer, agnomens, agnomina, agrimony, alarming, alarmism, alarmist, albumens, albumins, albumose, almemars, anaemias, anosmias, antimale, antimask, antimere, antimine, antimony, argument, armament, assemble, assembly, assumers, assuming, astomous, atremble, attemper, attempts, automata, automate, automats, autumnal, averment, backmost, bailment, bakemeat, bandmate, basement, bathmats, becoming, bedamned, bedimmed, bedimple, bedumbed, behemoth, bejumble, benaming, benomyls, benumbed, bepimple, berimbau, beriming, bevomits, bigamies, bigamist, bigamous, bigeminy, binomial, biramose, biramous, bitumens, bloomers, bloomery, bloomier, blooming, bodement, boehmite, bohemian, bohemias, bondmaid, bonemeal, bookmark, bosoming, breaming, bregmata, bregmate, brimmers, brimming, broomier, brooming, bulimiac, bulimias, bunkmate, buxomest, cabombas, cacomixl, calamari, calamars, calamary, calamata, calamine, calamint, calamite, calamity, calomels, calumets, camomile, caramels, caroming, casemate, casement, cashmere, casimere, casimire, catamite, cellmate, celomata, ceramals, ceramics, ceramide, ceramist, cerement, ceremony, cerumens, chammied, chammies, charmers, charming, chipmuck, chipmunk, chirming, chromate, chromide, chromier, chroming, chromite, chromium, chromize, chromous, chromyls, chummier, chummily, chumming, claimant, claimers, claiming, clammers, clammier, clammily, clamming, claymore, coadmire, coadmits, cocomats, coinmate, columbic, columels, columnal, columnar, columnea, columned, copemate, coremium, cornmeal, corymbed, costmary, crabmeat, crammers, cramming, creamers, creamery, creamier, creamily, creaming, crimmers, crummier, crummies, cucumber, decamped, decemvir, decimals, decimate, defamers, defaming, degummed, deliming, delimits, dicambas, didymium, didymous, digamies, digamist, digammas, digamous, dilemmas, dilemmic, diriment, document, dolomite, doormats, dopamine, dramming, drammock, dreamers, dreamful, dreamier, dreamily, dreaming, drummers, drumming, duramens, dynamics, dynamism, dynamist, dynamite, easement, ectomere, encamped, encomium, encumber, endamage, endameba, endemial, endemics, endemism, enigmata, enjambed, enormity, enormous, ensample, ensemble, entameba, entombed, enwombed, ephemera, estimate, eudemons, evermore, excimers, exhumers, exhuming, exosmose, facemask, filament, finnmark, fishmeal, flamming, flehmens, flummery, folkmoot, folkmote, folkmots, footmark, foramens, foramina, foremast, foremilk, foremost, fragment, galumphs, ganymede, gazumped, gazumper, genomics, gleamers, gleamier, gleaming, glimmers, gliomata, gloaming, glomming, gloomful, gloomier, gloomily, glooming, glummest, gourmand, gourmets, grammars, graymail, gremmies, grimmest, grommets, groomers, grooming, grummest, grummets, gunsmith, hallmark, handmade, handmaid, hanumans, harumphs, haulmier, hawkmoth, headmost, hegemons, hegemony, hegumene, hegumens, hegumeny, helpmate, helpmeet, hexamine, hindmost, homemade, hoodmold, ignominy, illumine, illuming, inarming, inchmeal, incomers, incoming, incumber, indamine, indamins, infamies, infamous, inhumane, inhumers, inhuming, insomnia, insomuch, intimacy, intimate, intimist, intombed, ionomers, isthmian, isthmoid, jacamars, jeremiad, judgment, kakemono, kalamata, kalimbas, kashmirs, keramics, ketamine, kilomole, klezmers, krimmers, landmark, landmass, leftmost, legumins, ligament, liniment, lipomata, locomote, lodgment, logomach, lorimers, mahimahi, mainmast, makimono, malamute, malemiut, malemute, manumits, marimbas, maximals, maximins, maximise, maximite, maximize, maximums, melamdim, melamine, mesomere, messmate, metamere, metamers, miasmata, milkmaid, minimals, minimise, minimize, minimums, mishmash, mishmosh, modeming, monomers, monomial, monument, mortmain, movement, muniment, myxameba, myxomata, nelumbos, nizamate, nonempty, nonimage, oedemata, oenomels, oghamist, oinomels, ointment, omnimode, oncoming, oogamete, oogamies, oogamous, opiumism, optimise, optimism, optimist, optimize, optimums, ornament, orpiment, ostomate, ostomies, ottomans, outsmart, outsmell, outsmelt, outsmile, outsmoke, overmans, overmany, overmeek, overmelt, overmild, overmilk, overmine, overmuch, pajamaed, palimony, palomino, parament, paramour, pashmina, patamars, pavement, pearmain, pediment, pellmell, penumbra, pharmacy, pharming, phasmids, picomole, piedmont, plasmids, plasmins, plasmoid, plasmons, playmate, plummest, plummets, plummier, pockmark, podomere, polemics, polemist, polemize, polymath, polymers, postmark, preamble, preemies, preempts, primmest, primming, prismoid, proemial, psalming, psalmist, psalmody, psammite, psammons, pullmans, putamina, pyaemias, pyramids, quagmire, quagmiry, qualmier, qualmish, racemate, racemism, racemize, racemoid, racemose, racemous, readmits, rearmice, rearming, rearmost, recamier, recement, recombed, recommit, redamage, redemand, regimens, regiment, rehammer, rehemmed, relumine, reluming, remember, renaming, renumber, repumped, reremice, reremind, resample, resemble, resumers, resuming, resummon, retemper, retiming, revamped, revamper, rheumier, rifampin, rolamite, rollmops, roommate, rosemary, rudiment, sagamore, scammers, scamming, scammony, schemata, schemers, scheming, scramble, scramjet, scrammed, scrimped, scrimper, scrimpit, scrummed, scummers, scummier, scummily, scumming, seatmate, sediment, seismism, selamlik, semimatt, semimild, semimute, sesamoid, shammash, shammers, shammied, shammies, shamming, shimmers, shimmery, shimmied, shimmies, shimming, shipmate, shipment, shlemiel, shlumped, shrimped, shrimper, sitzmark, skimmers, skimming, skirmish, slammers, slamming, slimmest, slimming, slummers, slummier, slumming, smarmier, snowmelt, snowmold, sodamide, sodomies, sodomite, sodomize, solemner, solemnly, soulmate, spammers, spamming, spasming, spermary, spermine, spermous, squamate, squamose, squamous, stammels, stammers, staumrel, steamers, steamier, steamily, steaming, stemmata, stemmers, stemmery, stemmier, stemming, stigmata, stormier, stormily, storming, stramash, stramony, stromata, strummed, strummer, strumose, strumous, strumpet, stumming, swarmers, swarming, swimmers, swimmier, swimmily, swimming, sycamine, sycamore, sycomore, teammate, tegument, tegumina, telemark, telomere, tenement, thermals, thermels, thermion, thermite, thermits, thiamine, thiamins, thrombin, thrombus, thrummed, thrummer, tidemark, tinamous, tinsmith, tokamaks, tokomaks, totemism, totemist, totemite, toxemias, trammels, tramming, traumata, trimmers, trimmest, trimming, triumphs, triumvir, trommels, tyramine, ultimacy, ultimata, ultimate, unarming, uncombed, uncomely, uncommon, undamped, undimmed, unfamous, unjammed, unlimber, untimely, upcoming, uptempos, uraemias, vehement, velamina, venomers, venoming, venomous, vestment, vicomtes, viremias, vitamers, vitamine, vitamins, voluming, vrooming, weldment, westmost, whammies, whamming, whelming, windmill, workmate, yashmacs, yashmaks, yohimbes, yokemate, zygomata

1 answer

Im going through the same thing you are. I know it sux, but im finally over him! I just took up writing all my problems down and just went over everything he has ever said to me and i finally relized that everything was just bull crap to him i did'NT mean nothing to him. My problem and most girls as well they all think that they did something wrong and "if i only treated him better i would still be with him" But i did'NT do any thing wrong. And im sure you didnt either. All they are in it for is fun and just thank god that your not with him anymore because now you can start over and make a new life for youself a way better one too. Just stay strong and just remember that you could'NT have done any thing to make this happen! And try to find a better honest sweet guy there are some of them out there still just have hope and be aware of the ppl you get involved with and think to yourself "do i really need to put myself through this again" cuz you and me both diserve better than that. See ths is how i see it hes gunna be doing this forever while your happy and have moved on to bigger and better things. I just feel sorry for the next victim. Love, Peace and chicken grease! :)

AnswerA simple answer to the questions is this: The Narcissist has no feelings of their own, but they need feelings from others to survive, like emotional vampires. One way to get this supply is to 'push the right buttons'. They instantly seek out week points and while charming at times they make you feel that any problem is YOUR fault. They create a vicious cricle of dependence, little by little crushing your self-esteem and confidence so that any fight is all but driven from you. A good analogy would be heroine, a first people take it to feel good but it has such a devestating effect on the body that once withdrawal sets in they need to take it to stop feeling 'bad'. A relationship with a Narcissist/Psychopath can be like this, at first it feels good, the praise, the kindness etc but suddenly it all turns and it is your fault. So for the rest of the realtionship you are on tip toes in order to stop him feeling bad and hurting you. Going cold turkey may seem hard to do and often the craving for the old relationship is still there, however do it, get away, run away and soon you will realise you are missing nothing positive, it was not your fault, and you are not responsible for other peoples problems. Wishing you well. Keep looking on the web, there is a great yahoo group called Nacissists I don't have the link to hand but if you search I am sure you will find it easily.You are well rid. AnswerAfter 10 years living with a female narcissist, believe me, 'it ain't easy'! She was the perfect trophy woman...5ft 2in, blue eyes, hourglass figure (uh huh!), light brown hair with blond highlights... and I thought she loved me, or so she told me... I have been separated from her for about 2 months, and I have had no contact with her. She told me has "moved on with her life" and has completely isolated me from her and her family... I did have an occasion to cross paths with her, and it was nerv racking! My heart was racing, my stomach was churning, and I was shaking... Gee, think I still had feelings for her? even when she was seen kissing and hanging on her boss in public 4 or 5 days after I moved out... Hmmmmm I think she lied to me about her love for me? even after she told me her boss was a no good womanizer, and she would never get involved with him... Gosh, when I stopped by the house about 10 days later, i found clothes and shoes belonging to him in her closet??? and a photo of the two of them together on the wall... (in the ten years we spent together, she never hung or displayed a photo of us anywhere in the house we bought together)... Now that I am away from her, I begin to see how subtle and devious her abuse was. She teased me with her body just enough to keep my interest, and she paid just enough attention to me to keep me believing that she was still interested in "us"... while all the time she was flirting and teasing every male that she came in contact with. When I would begin to voice my protest, she had a VERY practical answer, and somehow made me feel guilty I was feeling jealous!... multiply this with the 10 years I spent under her 'thumb'(she was extremely adept at making all her arguments sound resonable and pracical) and I eventually would never argue or cross her... After all, I Love her, right? Yes I stil do love her, but I don't like her very much any more. I am not been happy with my physical raction to coming in contact with her, but time is the ony cure for the abuse I was put through. I may not have been bruising physical abuse, but it was definitely abuse non the less... She is a master at manipulation, and verbal judo. she could practically control everything I did, and she drained me emotionally... and the longer I stay away from her, the more I se what kind of control she had over me... I was no more than a paycheck and ranch hand, to keep the perfect home and property up for looks. Money and looks, the most important things in her life. thet is why she forced me to move out, I did not fit into her ideal life, I am a woman....Not a professional opinion, this is just an observation from someone who experienced it first hand....

4 answers

4-letter words

agly, glad, gled, glee, gleg, glen, gley, glia, glib, glim, glob, glom, glop, glow, glue, glug, glum, glut, iglu, ogle, ugly

5-letter words

aglee, aglet, agley, aglow, angle, argle, bigly, bogle, bugle, eagle, fugle, glace, glade, glads, glady, glair, gland, glans, glare, glary, glass, glaze, glazy, gleam, glean, gleba, glebe, glede, gleds, gleed, gleek, glees, gleet, glens, gleys, glial, glias, glide, gliff, glime, glims, glint, glitz, gloam, gloat, globe, globs, glogg, gloms, gloom, glops, glory, gloss, glost, glout, glove, glows, gloze, glued, gluer, glues, gluey, glugs, glume, gluon, gluts, glyph, igloo, iglus, ingle, ogled, ogler, ogles

6-letter words

aglare, agleam, aglets, aiglet, angled, angler, angles, argled, argles, bangle, beagle, beglad, boggle, bogles, bugled, bugler, bugles, bungle, burgle, daggle, dangle, diglot, dingle, dogleg, eagles, eaglet, englut, fugled, fugles, gaggle, gangly, gargle, giggle, giggly, giglet, giglot, glaces, glacis, glades, gladly, glaire, glairs, glairy, glaive, glamor, glance, glands, glared, glares, glassy, glazed, glazer, glazes, gleams, gleamy, gleans, glebae, glebes, gledes, gleeds, gleeks, gleets, gleety, glegly, glibly, glided, glider, glides, gliffs, glimed, glimes, glints, glioma, glitch, glitzy, gloams, gloats, global, globby, globed, globes, globin, gloggs, glomus, glooms, gloomy, gloppy, gloria, glossa, glossy, glosts, glouts, gloved, glover, gloves, glowed, glower, glozed, glozes, gluers, gluier, gluily, gluing, glumes, glumly, glumpy, glunch, gluons, glutei, gluten, glycan, glycin, glycol, glycyl, glyphs, goggle, goggly, goglet, googly, guggle, guglet, gurgle, haggle, higgle, igloos, ingles, jangle, jiggle, jiggly, jingle, jingly, joggle, juggle, jungle, jungly, kegler, kingly, longly, maglev, mangle, miggle, mingle, niggle, oglers, ogling, piglet, pungle, raggle, raglan, reglet, reglow, reglue, sigloi, siglos, single, singly, smugly, snugly, tangle, tangly, tiglon, tingle, tingly, toggle, trigly, uglier, uglies, uglify, uglily, unglue, waggle, waggly, wangle, wiggle, wiggly, wiglet

7-letter words

aglycon, aiglets, airglow, anglers, anglice, angling, argling, atingle, bangles, beagles, beglads, begloom, boggled, boggler, boggles, buglers, bugling, bugloss, bungled, bungler, bungles, burglar, burgled, burgles, cringle, daggled, daggles, daglock, dangled, dangler, dangles, dayglow, deglaze, diglots, dingles, doglegs, doglike, draggle, eaglets, eggless, english, engluts, euglena, fenagle, finagle, fogless, fugling, gaggled, gaggles, ganglia, gargled, gargler, gargles, giggled, giggler, giggles, giglets, giglots, glaceed, glacial, glacier, gladded, gladden, gladder, gladier, glaiket, glaikit, glaired, glaires, glaived, glaives, glamors, glamour, glanced, glancer, glances, glandes, glarier, glaring, glassed, glasses, glassie, glazers, glazier, glazing, gleamed, gleamer, gleaned, gleaner, gleeful, gleeked, gleeman, gleemen, gleeted, glenoid, gliadin, glibber, gliders, gliding, gliming, glimmer, glimpse, glinted, gliomas, glisten, glister, glitchy, glitter, glitzes, gloated, gloater, globate, globing, globins, globoid, globose, globous, globule, glochid, glomera, glommed, glonoin, gloomed, glopped, glorias, gloried, glories, glorify, glossae, glossal, glossas, glossed, glosser, glosses, glottal, glottic, glottis, glouted, glovers, gloving, glowers, glowfly, glowing, glozing, glucose, glueing, gluepot, glugged, gluiest, glummer, gluteal, glutens, gluteus, glutted, glutton, glycans, glycine, glycins, glycols, glycyls, glyphic, glyptic, goggled, goggler, goggles, goglets, guggled, guggles, guglets, gurgled, gurgles, gurglet, haggled, haggler, haggles, higgled, higgler, higgles, hoglike, intagli, jagless, jangled, jangler, jangles, jiggled, jiggles, jingled, jingler, jingles, joggled, joggler, joggles, juggled, juggler, juggles, jungles, keglers, kegling, kinglet, kleagle, langley, legless, leglike, lyingly, mangled, mangler, mangles, miggles, mingled, mingler, mingles, neglect, neglige, niggled, niggler, niggles, outglow, pegless, peglike, piglets, pungled, pungles, raggles, raglans, reglaze, reglets, regloss, reglows, reglued, reglues, ringlet, ruglike, shingle, shingly, singled, singles, singlet, smuggle, sniggle, snuggle, spangle, spangly, sunglow, swingle, taglike, tangled, tangler, tangles, tiglons, tingled, tingler, tingles, toggled, toggler, toggles, tugless, twangle, ugliest, unglove, unglued, unglues, verglas, vyingly, waggled, waggles, wangled, wangler, wangles, wiggled, wiggler, wiggles, wigless, wiglets, wiglike, winglet, wrangle, wriggle, wriggly, wrongly, zooglea

8-letter words

achingly, aglimmer, aglitter, aglycone, aglycons, airglows, anaglyph, anglepod, anglings, beglooms, bemingle, bitingly, bodingly, bogglers, boggling, boringly, bowingly, bunglers, bungling, burglars, burglary, burgling, comingle, conglobe, cooingly, cringles, cryingly, daggling, daglocks, danglers, dangling, daringly, dayglows, deglazed, deglazes, dotingly, draggled, draggles, dragline, eglatere, entangle, erringly, espiegle, euglenas, eyeglass, fangless, fanglike, fenagled, fenagles, finagled, finagler, finagles, flagless, foxglove, froglike, fugleman, fuglemen, fumingly, gaggling, gangland, ganglial, gangliar, ganglier, gangling, ganglion, gapingly, garglers, gargling, gibingly, gigglers, gigglier, giggling, glabella, glabrate, glabrous, glaceing, glaciate, glaciers, glacises, gladdens, gladdest, gladding, gladiate, gladiest, gladiola, gladioli, gladlier, gladness, gladsome, glairier, glairing, glamours, glancers, glancing, glanders, glandule, glariest, glassful, glassier, glassies, glassily, glassine, glassing, glassman, glassmen, glaucoma, glaucous, glaziers, glaziery, glaziest, glazings, gleamers, gleamier, gleaming, gleaners, gleaning, gleeking, gleesome, gleetier, gleeting, glegness, glenlike, gliadine, gliadins, glibbest, glibness, glimmers, glimpsed, glimpser, glimpses, glinting, gliomata, glissade, glistens, glisters, glitches, glitters, glittery, glitzier, gloaming, gloaters, gloating, globally, globated, globbier, globoids, globular, globules, globulin, glochids, glomming, glonoins, gloomful, gloomier, gloomily, glooming, glopping, gloriole, glorious, glorying, glossary, glosseme, glossers, glossier, glossies, glossily, glossina, glossing, glouting, glowered, glowworm, gloxinia, glucagon, glucinic, glucinum, glucoses, glucosic, gluelike, gluepots, glugging, glummest, glumness, glumpier, glumpily, glunched, glunches, glutelin, glutting, gluttons, gluttony, glyceric, glycerin, glycerol, glyceryl, glycines, glycogen, glycolic, glyconic, glycosyl, glyptics, gogglers, gogglier, goggling, gonglike, googlies, guggling, gurglets, gurgling, hagglers, haggling, higglers, higgling, immingle, intaglio, inveigle, isogloss, janglers, jangling, japingly, jibingly, jigglier, jiggling, jinglers, jinglier, jingling, jogglers, joggling, jokingly, jongleur, jugglers, jugglery, juggling, junglier, keglings, kingless, kinglets, kinglier, kinglike, kleagles, langlauf, langleys, livingly, longleaf, longline, losingly, lovingly, manglers, mangling, mesoglea, minglers, mingling, monoglot, mopingly, movingly, musingly, neglects, negligee, negliges, nigglers, niggling, nonglare, oblongly, octangle, outglare, outglows, overglad, pipingly, plugless, plugugly, plyingly, polyglot, posingly, pryingly, pulingly, pungling, ragingly, ravingly, reglazed, reglazes, reglowed, regluing, rejuggle, ridgling, ringlets, ringlike, rovingly, rungless, savingly, scraggly, seraglio, shingled, shingler, shingles, singlets, singling, smogless, smuggled, smuggler, smuggles, snaglike, sniggled, sniggler, sniggles, snuggled, snuggles, songless, songlike, spangled, spangles, spyglass, squiggle, squiggly, straggle, straggly, strangle, strongly, struggle, sunglass, sunglows, swingled, swingles, taiglach, takingly, tanglers, tanglier, tangling, taxingly, teiglach, tinglers, tinglier, tingling, togglers, toggling, triangle, triglyph, tryingly, twangled, twangler, twangles, twigless, twiglike, uglified, uglifier, uglifies, ugliness, unglazed, ungloved, ungloves, ungluing, unkingly, unmingle, untangle, urgingly, vexingly, waggling, wanglers, wangling, wigglers, wigglier, wiggling, wingless, winglets, winglike, wooingly, wrangled, wrangler, wrangles, wriggled, wriggler, wriggles, zoogleae, zoogleal, zoogleas, zoogloea

1 answer