the diamond ring was glimmering on the brides finger.
1 answer
Yes, the word 'glimmering' is the present participle of the verb 'to glimmer'; the present participle is also an adjective and a gerund, a verbal noun. Examples:
Verb: The full moon was glimmering on the water of the swamp.
Adjective: Her glimmering performance brought the audience to their feet.
Noun: The glimmering is what caught my eye when I found your ring.
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The mans new watch was glimmering in the sunlight.
Glimmering: to emit a dim light; A trace of light
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The cast of Glimmering Gone - 2010 includes: Daniel Kopec as Narrator
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Glimmering Gone - 2010 TV is rated/received certificates of:
USA:TV-14 (original rating)
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Charles Laing Warr has written:
'The glimmering landscape'
1 answer
Peaceful Bay, Guarded Shores, Glimmering Shoals
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dimmer, glimmer, grimmer, primer, simmer, skimmer, slimmer, swimmer, trimmer
3 answers
Gleaming, bright, shining, radiant, luminous, incandescent, glimmering, sparkling, beaming, dazzling, lustrous.
1 answer
You can say :bright, exquisite, glimmering, hurts your eyes, Radiant, gold, silver, glowing, (ETC).
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Francis Okely has written:
'Dawnings of the everlasting gospel-light, glimmering out of a private hearts epistolary correspondence'
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Sept 16 4am: Spectacular left facing crecent moon framing a glimmering Venus right next to it.
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While the etymology of the word cretin remains uncertain, the glimpse of trust glimmering in his eye reflected my warm smile.
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"Luster" is a term used to characterize a mineral(Reflection of a light).
Sulfur Lustre or luster is Adamantine on on crystal faces,glimmering on fracture surfaces!
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The suffix 'ing' can be added to verbs and adjitives to show that the word is in the present tense. For example:
The athlete RAN.
The athlete was RUNNING
The metal gleamed.
The metal is GLIMMERING
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2 syllables:
brimmer, dimmer, glimmer, grimmer, kimmer, klimer, limmer, nimmer, primmer, rimmer, schwimmer, shimmer, skimmer, slimmer, swimmer, timmer, trimmer, wimmer, zimmer 3 syllables:
excimer, hedge trimmer 4 syllables:
window trimmer
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Stainless steel cabinets will need to be cleaned every so often as they are prone to collecting oil from fingerprints. Many retail stores such as Walmart or Target carry stainless steel spray which will return the cabinets to a glimmering shine.
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Brilliant, radiant, scintillating, sparkling, illuminating, reflecting, refracting, lustre or luster, glimmering, shining, gleaming, glistening, gorgeous, exquisite, marvelous, magnificent, dazzling, pulchritudeinous, resplendent, radiant, sublime, glowing, twinkling.
Oh, and also expensive, costly, etc.
2 answers
Yes they do. They follow it by using the wet trail the mama turtle made and the glimmering light of the moon bouncing off of the water and ocean. So if it is dark it will follow the light of the moon on the ground.
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Faceted glass beads are specially designed and cut so as get a desired shape and shine on them when worn. Faceted glass beads produce a glimmering and a sparkling shine especially when light falls on them and enhance the overall appearance of the wearer.
For more information visit:http://the-beadshop.co.uk/index.php/beads/special-offers.html
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The amount of light reflected by a material is called its reflectance index. Marble has a higher incidence of reflection, especially when it is polished.
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it was in the war of 1812 and a man named Mr. Key saw the last battle and wrote a poem on it and it was adopted as America's national anthem. Mr. Key was looking at the land from a ship and wondering which side was victorious and in the early dawn he could see the stars glimmering from the American banner and he knew that we were victorious.
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The spirit; the soul of man., The disembodied soul; the soul or spirit of a deceased person; a spirit appearing after death; an apparition; a specter., Any faint shadowy semblance; an unsubstantial image; a phantom; a glimmering; as, not a ghost of a chance; the ghost of an idea., A false image formed in a telescope by reflection from the surfaces of one or more lenses., To die; to expire., To appear to or haunt in the form of an apparition.
1 answer
The spirit; the soul of man., The disembodied soul; the soul or spirit of a deceased person; a spirit appearing after death; an apparition; a specter., Any faint shadowy semblance; an unsubstantial image; a phantom; a glimmering; as, not a ghost of a chance; the ghost of an idea., A false image formed in a telescope by reflection from the surfaces of one or more lenses., To die; to expire., To appear to or haunt in the form of an apparition.
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Hermione screamed. Glass filled the air as shattered bulbs from the chandelier rained down on them; Ron lunged forward at Bellatrix, who was trying to blast through the mess with Pettigrew's wand. "STUPEFY!" Harry bellowed, pointing his wand at her. Hermione gasped as she fell backwards, glimmering glass thunked to the carpet. "Well, that went well," Ron breathed, pulling Hermione up from the floor. Harry grinned.
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No, alliteration is when words begin with the same initial letter, such as Jamie Jones jumped Jack's jalopy.
This sentence would be classified as a metaphor. A metaphor describes something in an abstract manner - in this case a ray of gold is not literally touching the hills, but the author paints the picture of a ray of light glimmering like gold.
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Daniel Kopec has: Played Narrator in "Olympic National Park" in 2009. Played Narrator in "Ideas" in 2009. Played Narrator in "Fallen Hero" in 2009. Played Narrator in "Glimmering Gone" in 2010. Played Narrator in "The 303rd" in 2010. Played Narrator in "Portraits of Fallen Heroes" in 2010. Played Narrator in "Welcome Joy" in 2010. Played Narrator in "Purdy" in 2011. Played Narrator in "Desolation Adventure" in 2012.
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to make yourself look fair u need to put lemon juice onto your body (in the shower!)
then wash it off and then u should get any kind of soap (preferebly white.) and scrub it all over your body and face.
then u should keep on drinking ALOT of water and milk to make you fair and get rid of any pimples.
if u r in the teens drink miklk and water daily, if u r 24+ drink milk daily.
keep on repeating this and u will be glimmering!
1 answer
Avon and Mark products and this is what they have right now, Avon Light & Luminous Face Highlighter - Brush on shades alone or together to add a wisp of shimmer anywhere. Sheer brilliance for any skin tone. or Mark's: Mark Crystal Shimmer Luminous Loose Powder - Introducing a sheer, all-over shimmer powder for the face! Create glimmering effects with an all-over loose, sheer shimmer powder. Slim vial includes a sifter and built-in sponge applicator.
1 answer
Shimmering, glimmering, blissening on the wind
that's the golden lady
Time after time I know I needed you
Not a dream, you were right in view
You feasted for me so desperately
Now that I find that you're one of a kind
I've got you on my mind all the time
You make it seem like I'm living in a dream
But reality tells me that you're the Golden Lady
Soft whispered words in the dark of the night
Start to excite and ignite with such delight
You melted to me with love so free, tenderly
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agleam, aglitter, aglow, ardent, auspicious, beadlike, beady, beaming, beamy, blazing, blinding, blinking, bright as a new penny, brightly, brilliant, brilliantly, burnished, buttonlike, buttony, clear, colorful, colourful, dazzling, effulgent, flashing, fulgent, fulgid, glaring, glary, gleaming, glimmering, glimmery, glinting, glistening, glistering, glittering, glittery, glorious, glossy, glowing, happy, intelligent, iridescent, lambent, lucent, luminous, lurid, lustrous, nacreous, nitid, noctilucent, opalescent, opaline, pearlescent, polished, promising, radiant, refulgent, reverberant, ringing, scintillant, scintillating, sheeny, shimmering, shimmery, shining, shiny, silver, silvern, silvery, smart, sparkling, sparkly, sunny, sunshiny, twinkling, undimmed, vivid
from: rhymezone.com
1 answer
Merrill Joan Gerber has written:
'Chattering man'
'Name a star for me' -- subject(s): Fiction, Mothers and daughters, Farm life
'An antique man'
'This is a voice from your past' -- subject(s): Fiction, Suburban life, Middle class
'Handsome As Anything (Point)'
'Glimmering girls' -- subject(s): Nineteen fifties, Fiction
'The summer of my Indian prince'
'Even Pretty Girls Cry at Night (Crosswinds)'
'Anna in chains' -- subject(s): Fiction, Jewish women, Older women
'The lady with the moving parts' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY
'Please don't kiss me now' -- subject(s): Fiction, Divorce, Single-parent families, Mothers and daughters
'The Victory Gardens of Brooklyn (Library of Modern Jewish Literature)'
1 answer
According to most sources, King Arthur was born of King Uther Pendragon and Igraine, who was wife of the Duke of Cornwall before she married Pendragon. Uther, consumed with obsession/love/lust (whatever you believe), rallied his army and attacked Cornwall. In the course of the battle, Cornwall was killed, and Igraine and Pendragon married, bearing Arthur. However, threat of Saxon attack moved Pendragon to foster out his child. Arthur grew up never knowing of his royal birth. Until, of course, he first laid eyes on glimmering Excalibur.
4 answers
No. Sulfur is a yellow, non-lustrous non-metal. It forms large yellow crystals, which can easily be broken down into yellow powder. When combined with oxygen, especially during combustion, it forms sulfur dioxide. Sulfur often smells like rotten eggs, as do its thiol (sulfur-hydrogen) compounds, which are often formed when bacteria break down sulfur-contain substances, such as proteins.
7 answers
"And the beauty of the pearl, winking and glimmering in the light of the little candle."
4 answers
Go, guess, generate , grin, giggle, gag, gamble, google, gabble, gab, gad, gain, garble, galvanize, gainsay, gallivant, gambol, gait, gargle, garner, garnish, garnishee, gasp, gather, gawk, gaze, gape, generalize, genuflect, germinate, gerrymander, gesticulate, get, gibber, gibe, gild, gird, give, gladden, gesture, glamorize, glance, glare, glean, glide, glimmering, glimmer, glissade, glisten, glittered, gloat, glorify, glow, glower, glut, gnash, gnaw, gobble, guzzle, golf, gorge, gore, govern, grab, graduate, graft, grant, granulate, grasp, grate, gratify, gravitate, graze, grease, greet, grew, grow, grieve, grind, gripe, grizzle, groan, grope, ground, grout, grovel, growl, grub, grumble, grunt, guarantee, guard, ,gubba, gulp, gooify, gurgle, gush, gut, gyp, gyrate, to name a few
1 answer
Gold can indeed be found in sandstone, as it can be deposited in sedimentary rocks like sandstone through various geological processes. Gold is often found in quartz veins within sandstone, where it has been concentrated over time. Geologists use various methods such as prospecting, mapping, and geochemical analysis to locate and extract gold from sandstone deposits.
4 answers
The form of the gate of the temple stood for a long time and looked wonderful as brass.
This is a metaphor for your life, before you incarnated, and you were looking around for the perfect conditions, you saw your life. The gate of the temple to your body. It was very shiny and magnificent, just like gold, or finely polished brass. You had assumed it was gold, as shiny and glimmering... But soon, it became apparent, it was not gold, but only brass. And so you entered this life, attempting at every step to rejuvinate the brass to gold, only to end up polishing and striving some more. What a cosmic joke has been played upon us! Upon ourselves! But, maybe... just maybe... under that brass surface, there really is gold? What if just a little more self discovery, and we would uncover the gold, that is us inside? What if we had set this all up in order to experience the magnanamity of the whole? Of the absolute horribleness that we have seen, and the super-conciousness of the absolute hieght of what it means to live in this universe?
Just some items to consider!
- Chris
1 answer
According to most sources, King Arthur was born of King Uther Pendragon and Igraine, who was wife of the Duke of Cornwall before she married Pendragon. Uther, consumed with obsession/love/lust (whatever you believe), rallied his army and attacked Cornwall. In the course of the battle, Cornwall was killed, and Igraine and Pendragon married, bearing Arthur. However, threat of Saxon attack moved Pendragon to foster out his child. Arthur grew up never knowing of his royal birth. Until, of course, he first laid eyes on glimmering Excalibur.
Another legend has it that Uther (who was indeed Igraine's lover) asked Merlin (a wizard) to cast a spell and make him look like Cornwall so he could consummate his relationship with Igraine. She had been banished to Tintagel (a 5th C Harbour/Castle) by Cornwall, who was jealous of Igraine's possible infidelity. The deal between Merlin and Uther was that any children resulting from the union were to go to Merlin. Well, the deed was done and a child was conceived. Arthur. This version goes a long way to explain the relationship between young Arthur and Merlin.
2 answers
Year after year, men's favorite costumes for women have included mermaids. There's something taboo and dangerously alluring about mermaids, no matter how human they look. If you've never dressed as a mermaid for Halloween, it is something you must do at least once, so why not give it a try this year?
A mermaid costume always includes long, flowing hair, so if you don't have long hair, you will need a wig. You can curl or style your wig to make it seem more natural, and even pin seashell themed barrettes into it if you like. You should also wear dramatic false lashes, and consider playing up one of your features, like your cheekbones or your lips, with beautiful, deep blue makeup. Since a mermaid is a fantasy creature, you can also embellish the costume any way that you like. Try drawing a few glimmering scales at the tops of your shoulders and forearms, and decorate yourself with beautiful shell jewelry.
For the top of your costume, you can wear a bikini, or if you are feeling creative, create two shell shapes out of paper mache and then affix these to your bikini or bra top. If you think you might feel cold or too exposed, make a shawl or a boa out of fabric which either appears to be seaweed, seafoam, or netting.
The best part of any mermaid costume is the tail, of course. Your mermaid skirt should be slinky and glimmering, with a fishtail hem. The hem can be designed to actually look like a tail, or it can be more of a kickpleat, and in this instance you may want to make it appear to look more like ocean foam. In any case it should be floor length, and you should wear blue or silver shoes-- either glamorous platform heels, go-go boots, or ballerina flats. If your shoes are not the appropriate color, you can easily match them to your skirt by mixing mod-podge with glitter in the appropriate color. This will seem milky at first, but as you let each layer of color dry, you will find that the mod-podge dries completely clear on your shoes, so that the color you are applying shoes up beautifully. After three or four successive layers of mod-podge and glitter your shoes will look perfect for Halloween. And when you step out in this easy, sexy costume, you'll look perfect too.
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John Keats is a poet of 'passion for beauty'. He makes his readers visualize the images he paints with his glimmering words. He has often been claimed of being sensuous in his poetry, the charge, however, is right to an extent. John Keats is often caught making images of luxurious 'weaker sex' images in his verses. For an instance, take these anthologized lines:
"Light feet, dark violet eyes, and parted hair;
Soft dimpled hands, white neck, and creamy breast,
Are things on which the dazzled senses rest
Till the fond, fixed eyes, forget they stare. "
You can have a conspicuous sensuous imagery here.
2 answers
Yes. Viggo Mortensen sang two songs in the Lord of the Rings.
The first was when Aragorn and the hobbits were in the marshes, and Frodo hears Aragorn singing "Luthien's Lay", the story of an elf maiden who loved a mortal man.
Here is the elvish translation, as well as the English:
Tinúviel elvanui
Elleth alfirin edhelhael
O hon ring finnil fuinui
A renc gelebrin thiliol...
Tinúviel [the] elven-fair,
Immortal maiden elven-wise,
About him cast [her] night-dark hair,
And arms [like] silver glimmering...
The second time is at Aragorn's coronation.
Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien
Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta
Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come.
In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.
6 answers
That really depends on how you define dreams.
Art has many definitions, the most basic of which is:
art: something which evokes emotion.
Attempting to define art beyond this simple precept and you fall into varying versions of opinions that all pretty much stem from "something which evokes emotion".
As for "the dream world" .... Technically no. Dreams are merely the brain moving images from short term memory to long term memory done during our sleep cycle, the images we "remember" are the few glimmering shreds passing through our conscious mind while we wake up. The reality of dreams are influenced by whatever we have viewed recently and where or what our brain has decided to attach it to in our long term memory.
Unless you are talking about the more ephemeral concept of a dream world, or the story version of a dream world in which case I would call the dream world itself a form of art rather than the other way around. But this of course would be opinion.
I suppose it really comes down to whether you are using dream world to refer to the actual reality of what a dream is, or if you are using dream world to refer to some other metaphysical construct or fictional concept.
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