The English meaning of the French word "gilets" is vest or waistcoat. It refers to the article of clothing that one would wear with a suit or when trying to dress formal.
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Many places sell gilets for men such as ASOS, Competitive Cyclist, Jack Jones, The Hut, Tennis Point, Price Machine, Country Attire, and Gilet-Men Store.
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You can get information about Joules Gilet from the Joules website. Once on the page, hover over "Women" and click on "Gilets" to bring up the product listings and information.
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Men's gilets, or armless "jackets," can be purchased online from any outwear clothing retailer. Popular sites are Amazon, North Face, or Style Compare.
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Voi Jeans specialize in denim jeans, however, they also sell a wide range of casual clothes including hoodies, T-Shirts, gilets, jackets and sweatshirts.
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Scotch and Soda sells clothes for all ages. They make and sell accessories, bags & handbags, belts, blazers, chinos, jeans, dresses, gilets, jackets, knits, pants, shirts, shorts, sweaters and more.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -IL-TS. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter L and 5th letter T and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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A body warmer is a type of clothing item designed to provide warmth to the body, typically by trapping heat close to the body. It is often sleeveless and can be worn under or over other clothing for added insulation.
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The Northface clothing can be obviously bought at TheNorthFace online store. They are also sold at Sports Authority, Rei, and can be purchased at a discounted price on Amazon.
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Several means of poaching: setting traps - snares, trap nets, pitfalls; waiting my watering holes (ambushing), stocking, using dogs. Poaching is a lucrative business. Selling of the body parts for alternative medicines, pelts, meat for exotic food, and live animals for pets.
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