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Gauze is one of those words that we don't make plural. May I have some gauze? May I have five pieces of gauze. There is a lot of gauze on the floor.

1 answer

Gauze is made of cottan

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He wrapped his injury in gauze. The gauze curtains blew in the breeze.

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The gauze kept the flies off of the meat.

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The word "gauze" has one syllable.

1 answer

Dipped is the past participle as well as the simple past tense of dip.

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dipped lights? What is dipped lights?

1 answer

a sterile gauze pad is a pease of fabric that contanes no bacterea or viruses.

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The gauze helps to distribute the heat evenly across the object being heated by diffusing the flame's heat. This prevents the object from overheating or burning due to direct contact with the flame. Additionally, it helps to create a more controlled heating process.

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Gauze is commonly used to clot and clean open wounds.

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The doctor has forgotten to remove the gauze from the patients stomach.

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a sterile gauze pad is a pease of fabric that contanes no bacterea or viruses.

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The doctor might tell you to put new gauze on.

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Unroll the gauze and pack it in the wound while applying direct pressure.

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Gauze was traditionally woven in Palestine. Though members of religious orders in Europe were forbidden to wear it, the fabric won a place for itself and emerged into modern life as gauze. The fabric, gauze, is more tightly bound than medical gauze but the fabric is still as airy.

Medical gauze is used to clean up cuts, bug bites, etc. Sterile gauze is used to cover wounds.

Medical gauze is slightly scratchy. It has the appearance of graph paper with tiny, square or rectangular open blocks that are interwoven. Air can easily pass through the small open blocks. In wounds that ooze fluid, gauze sticks as it is intended to do, in order to debride the wound.

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Generally it is used with a ring stand and a ring. The wire gauze is placed on the rind, a beaker or flask is placed on the gauze, and heat is applied by a Bunsen burner.

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For one, He wasn't "Dipped in immortal" he was dipped in the river called Styx. Also he was being held by his ankle, therefore his ankle wasn't dipped in the River.

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Unroll gauze, pack it into the wound and simultaneously apply direct pressure.

1 answer

Unroll the gauze and pack it in the wound while applying direct pressure.

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The primary purpose of a wire gauze mat is to support a container (such as a beaker or an Erlenmeyer flask) while it is being heated. The gauze mat also helps with an even distribution of heat as the Bunsen burner flame passes through the gauze to the container.

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Take any sterile gauze, and apply any type of unscented petroleum jelly to it.

Only really safe to use on wounds if the jelly is clean and the gauze is sterile.

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When Bunsen gauze gets hot, you generally see the metal mesh glowing red or even white hot, emitting heat and light. This indicates that the gauze is reaching high temperatures, which is important for conducting certain laboratory experiments properly.

3 answers

it prevents the heat of the apparatus directly.

the circle thing on the wire gauze ensures that the heat is spread everywhere

4 answers

Yes you do get dipped in holy water

1 answer

Achilles was dipped into the River Styx.

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Copper is an element. As copper gauze is usually made of 100% copper, it would be considered an element. If it has impurities or other elements, then it would be a metallic compound, not an element.

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Gauze is used to cover and protect open wounds. It serves as a barrier between someone's underlying tissue at the atmosphere. Gauze is important for fighting infections in open wounds.

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Gauze is used to pack wounds, and also for debridement and wicking. It is especially desirable for packing deep wounds.

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The cast of Gauze - 2000 includes: Lisa Benner Becky Johnson as Sam

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A flame is not extinguished when a wire gauze is placed on top of it because the flame is still exposed to oxygen. The gauze has holes, through which oxygen can flow. Additionally, oxygen can reach the flame from under the gauze. Consequently, the flame is not extinguished.

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To properly tape gauze for effective wound care, first clean and dry the wound. Place the gauze over the wound and secure it with medical tape, making sure not to wrap it too tightly. Change the gauze regularly and monitor the wound for signs of infection.

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Gauze is the most transparent among wool, gauze, and denim. Transparency in textiles is determined by the weave structure and fiber composition. Gauze is typically made with a loose, open weave using fine yarns, allowing more light to pass through compared to the denser weaves of wool and denim. Wool and denim are thicker and have tighter weaves, making them less transparent than gauze.

3 answers

Wool is known for its insulating properties and thickness, making it less transparent than gauze or denim. Gauze is a thin, sheer fabric made of loosely woven fibers, offering a higher level of transparency compared to wool. Denim is a tightly woven cotton fabric known for its durability and opacity, making it less transparent than both wool and gauze.

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Yes, gauze can absorb oil to some extent. However, gauze may not be as effective as materials specifically designed to absorb oil, such as oil-absorbent pads or materials like kitty litter.

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Wow! Soaking a wound in saline (preferably sterile saline) for one hour should be sufficient to remove the gauze attached to the wound. If, after soaking this length or time, and the gauze is still adhered, then be very careful. If this is still an open wound, then pulling the gauze off forcefully could restart bleeding or pull away healing tissue. Slowly pull the very outer edges of the gauze while continuing to allow the wound to soak in the saline would be the best thing to do next. If you are still not successful in removing the gauze you may want to seek assistance at your health care provider's office. How long has the gauze been on the wound? If gauze has been on an open would for even 36 - 48 hours, the skin of the healing wound may actually have begun growing into the gauze. You definitely need to have you doctor remove the gauze and assess the wound.

4 answers

in spoken Arabic you say "ara-gauze" the second part spelt exactly like in "gauze" ..

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just had my molars removed how often do i change the gauze an for how long

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A Gauze is used to hold a beaker on top of a tripod (not a space ship). So it doesn't go through the tripod

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Unroll the gauze, and pack it directly into the wound while simultaneously applying direct pressure.

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Asbestos was commonly used in wire gauze as a fireproofing material in the past. Types of asbestos that may be found in wire gauze include chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite. However, it is important to note that the use of asbestos in products like wire gauze has significantly decreased due to health concerns.

2 answers

At first, the air above the gauze is cold and heavy therefore, it cannot be ignite. After sometime, the hair above gets heated and becomes light hence can be ignited thus the flame burns above the gauze.

Guys rate my answer please 😉💫

1 answer

Yes, chocolate dipped Lay's have been discontinued.

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If you're asking what mother dipped her son in the River Styx, the answer is: Thetis.

If you're asking who got dipped in the River Styx by his mother, the answer is:


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