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answer is galp!
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1 answer
Kesar Singh Kesar has written:
'Warg snagharsh te galp-sahit'
1 answer
During the light independent stage, some GALP (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate) molecules exit the chloroplast. They can be converted into glucose in the plant cell cytoplasm.
1 answer
During the light independent stage, some GALP (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate) molecules exit the chloroplast. They can be converted into glucose in the plant cell cytoplasm.
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PGAL molecules made in the Calvin cycle can be used to regenerate RuBP (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate) for further carbon fixation, or they can be converted into glucose and other carbohydrates through a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. These carbohydrates can be used for energy production, stored as starch, or converted into other biomolecules needed by the plant.
3 answers
It uses ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent reactions so that it can produce high-energy sugars
3 answers
The glucose produced by photosynthesis isn't stored; it is sent down the phloem to the roots and the other parts of the plant to be transformed into ATP (energy), which is used by the plant to perform various life functions (one of the most important being growth).
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