mine under ground and eventually u will fynd it
keep on trying till u find it
happy i cood hlp
1 answer
A real bargain = Ett riktigt kap
A real bargain = Ett riktigt fynd
bargain (haggle) = pruta
1 answer
The word for 'used to go' in Welsh is "roedd solau'n mynd".
2 answers
look 4 sumona ull fynd er there coz she luvz meh im er wiifey lol i luv yew riidz (radz) mwah xx
1 answer
oh dam that's a hard one. i lookd errrywhere nd cudnt fynd it but i thnk tha answer is December 31st 1980
2 answers
It means "to be able (can)"
Rydw i'n gallu siarad Cymraeg - I can speak Welsh
A further example (talking about yourself, in the conditional):
Gallwn i fynd i'r siop - I could go to the shop
1 answer
5 answers
I finish my GCSE exams at the end of year 11
> Rydw i'n gorffen fy arholodiau TGAU ac mlwyddyn unarddeg
I am going out on Sunday afternoon to go swimming do you want to come also
> Rydw i'n mynd allan ar prynhawn dydd Sul i fynd nofia, wyt ti'n hoffi fynd gyda fi?
These aren't perfect translations. On the first one I missed "at the end of" and on the last one it says "would you like to come with me?". They're both contextually correct though.
2 answers
gad i ni...
gad i ni fynd* : let's go
gad i ni ganu* : let's sing
gad i ni siarad am rywbeth arall : let's talk about something else
* from mynd (go) / canu (sing): gad i ni causes soft mutation
gadewch i ni... if addressing more than one person, or showing polite respect
gadewch i ni siarad Cymraeg : let's speak Welsh
gadewch i ni fod yn glir : let's be clear
1 answer
You need there account ID then send a message The system is set up at the message area of PS3 and you need to be logged on
4 answers
technically when they estimate your due date they go by your last period until they do an ultrasound to determine exact day of conception. So by going by last period week 2 is when the sperm and egg unite and the egg makes its way to your uterus to embed itself.
7 answers
well...if any 1 dus fynd out post it plz!!! All I have managed to find out so far is the following, and it is very disjointed: The style is like speech It uses a lot of metaphorical language such as "wickedness tried to kill greatness" The mood is inspirational/uplifting/positive The form lacks rhythm and rhymn and is of blank verse. The stanza sections are formal language. The vocabularly shows it is South African with words such as"white tyrants" Repitition is used "wickedness tried to kill greatness" with a link to the mood being a turning point "These words are for greatness. or that Biko could be called greatness which is also being used as a chant effect. Shift in stanza two "as they siffered the illusion of the God coplex" is a turning point from white supremacy There is a biblical reference to psalm 23 "shadow of death" showing perhaps a christ figure, a sacricial Biko, Biko like Christ giving confidence to challenge the oppresion despite personal sacrifice. That is all I have got at the moment A focus on stanza three. Freedom fighters languaage. People becomming political.
1 answer