Search results

  1. "Buzz" - the sound a bee makes.
  2. "Crash" - the sound of two objects colliding.
  3. "Meow" - the sound a cat makes.
  4. "Sizzle" - the sound of food cooking in a hot pan.
  5. "Boom" - a loud explosive sound.

2 answers

Here is a tutorial on how to make Super Mario 64 DS Action Replay Codes. You can view "Web Link" for the full source and support:

Well first off, code making can be very easy, but sometimes it can get hard and frustrating.

I'm going to tell you the 4 ways used in making codes.

I will start off with the easiest, possibly laziest, and most common way.

1. The Debug Menu:

The Debug menu can be found on many games including this, New Super Mario Bros., Paper Mario, Zelda Ocarina of Time, and Super Smash Bros. Melee.

The Debug menu is a screen that if the game has frozen, will tell the programmers what happened in the game.

Well code makers have used that to there advantage because the coding written code can be made into a code.

First you need to freeze the game using a glitch, I usually just take a code that spawns you in a different level such as:

020988A4 00000006

D2000000 00000000

When you spawn in the map, and pause the game, and Exit Course, the game SHOULD freeze.

When the game has successfully frozen the game, you will need to press the following buttons in the exact sequence:

Hold L+R+Left+A at once. Then let go. Now hold Down and B. Finally, press Start and select at once to go to the Debug Menu.

Then a white or blue screen should pop up and a line of coding should be written on the right side of the screen.

Write down every line straight down on a paper. Then when typing into the Action Replay, After ever line, add a string of zeros: 00000000


Say the Debug menu said:





then you would type it in as:

52456987 00000000

78585441 00000000

12376556 00000000

12346678 00000000

Then you would activate the code and start the game, and fiddle with it and see if if does anything and if it does do something, see if anything can become of it.

2. Replacement Codes (This is the way i usually make my codes.)

Well what i do is take a code designed to replace a certain thing with whatever you want.

Such as this one:

1210443A 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

The code means replace trees with XXX now what you need to do is find what you want to replace the trees with by using Nintendudects values:

0 Freezes

1 Freezes

2 Freezes

3 Freezes

4 Freezes

5 Freezes

6 Freezes

7 Freezes

8 Freezes

9 Freezes

A Blue Coin Switch

B ! Switch

C Star Switch

D Treasure Chest

E Bob-omb Hatch

F Block

10 Large Block

11 Black Block

12 Ice Block

13 Freezes

14 ? Block

15 ! Block

16 ! Block

17 M Block

18 W Block

19 L Block

1A ? Switch

1B Stake

1C Seesaw in Bob-omb Battlefield

1D Updown Platform in Bob-omb Battlefield

1E Updown Platform under the castle

1F Moving Platform in Versus Main

20 Grate Platform

21 Metal Platform in Hazy Maze Cave

22 Invisble Object

23 Water in the Castle Basement

24 Invisible Object in the Castle

25 Invisible Object in the Castle

26 Invisible Object in the Castle

27 Seesaw in Bob-omb Battlefield

28 Gate Piece in Bob-omb Battlefield

29 Chain Chomp Gate

2A Yellow Ball in Whomp's Fortress

2B Bullet Bill Box

2C Upright Plank or Wood in Whomp's Fortress

2D Concrete Block in Whomp's Fortress

2E Small Stone Wall Piece

2F Brick Wall Chip

30 Brick Wall Chip

31 Tower

32 Rotating Grass Platform

33 Rotating Plank of Wood

34 Stone Elevator in Whomp's Fortress

35 Sliding Boulder in Whomp's Fortress

36 Small Sliding Boulder in Whomp's Fortress

37 Sliding Stone Platform

38 Freezes

39 Ship in Jolly Roger Bay

3A Falling Rock Pillar

3B Pointed Rock in Jolly Roger Bay

3C Floating Wood Plank

3D Large Boulder

3E Lowering Water in Jolly Roger Bay Ship

3F Carrier Snowlift

40 Casket

41 Large Mansion Steps

42 Small Concrete Block in Big Boo's Haunt

43 Tall Grate Wall in Hazy Maze Cave

44 Control Pad Platform in Hazy Maze Cave

45 Floating Lava Grate

46 Giant Log

47 Rotating Volcano Platform

48 Tilting Lava Platform

49 Lifting/Lowering Bridge

4A Stone Walkway

4B Quadruple Sinking Platform

4C Long Sinking Platform

4D Long Sinking Platform

4E Bowser Square Piece

4F Invisible Object in Lethal Lava Land

50 Large Rotating Platform in Lethal Lava Land

51 Rotating Flamethrower boulder

52 Wooden Floating Lava Platform

53 invisible Object in Lethal Lava Land

54 Smashing Wall

55 Pyramid Peak

56 Invisible Object in Shifting Sand Land

57 Freezes

58 Caged Platform in Pyramid

59 Sliding Pole in Dire Dire Docks

5A Invisible Object in Dire Dire Docks

5B Invisible Object in Dire Dire Docks

5C Sliding Snow HIlls

5D Sliding Snow HIlls

5E Fast Rotating Stone Platform

5F Floating Square Platform

60 Left/Right Cube Platform

61 Water level Changing Diamond

62 Invisible Object in Wet-Dry World

63 Floating Connected Platform

64 Long Floating Platform

65 Invisible Object in Wet-Dry World

66 Giant Log

67 Caged Star

68 Stone Square in Tiny huge Island-Tiny

69 Invisible Object in Tiny huge Island-Tiny

6A Large Stone Square in Tiny huge Island-Huge

6B Invisible object in Tiny Huge Island-Huge

6C Flipping Cube in Tick Tock Clock

6D Flipping Triangle in Tick Tock Clock

6E Pendulum

6F Treadmill

70 Short Treadmill

71 Spring Push Rectangle

72 Rotating Platform in Tick Tock Clock

73 Rotating Triangle

74 Up/Down Cube in Tick Tock Clock

75 Up/Down Cube in Tick Tock Clock

76 Up/Down Rectangle

77 Clock Hand in Tick Tock Clock

78 Slowly Spinning Platform

79 Flat Gear

7A Flat Gear

7B Rack With Triangles

7C Pink Left/Right Platform

7D Flying Ship Wing

7E Platform That Falls When Stood on

7F Giant Swing in Rainbow Cruise

80 Giant Pink Seesaw

81 Blue Rotating Platform

82 Flying Carpet

83 Yellow Elevator in Rainbow Cruise

84 Rotating Platform with Platforms on the Sides

85 Giant Blue Seesaw

86 Checkered Slope in Bowser Map 1

87 Pointed Sliding Platform in Bowser Map 1

88 Blue Platform in Bowser Map 1

89 Ferris Wheel in Bowser Map 1

8A Push/Pull Platform in Bowser Map 1

8B Rectangles That Fall When Stood on in Bowser Map 2

8C Stone Elevator in Bowser Map 2

8D Tilting Platform in Bowser Map 2

8E Grate Platform With Pole in Bowser Map 2

8F Sideways Stone Seesaw in Bowser Map 2

90 Freezes

91 Sinking Platform in Bowser Map 2

92 Sliding Platform in Bowser Map 2

93 Floating Platform in Bowser Map 2

94 Floating Obstacle in Bowser Map 2

95 Giant Yellow Seesaw in Bowser Map 2

96 Zig Zag Seesaw in Bowser Map 2

97 Checkered Platform in Bowser Map 3

98 Ferris Wheel in Bowser Map 3

99 Checkered Slope in Bowser Map 3

9A Push/Pull Platform in Bowser Map 3

9B Small Push/Pull Platform in Bowser Map 3

9C Large Rotating Platform in Bowser Map 3

9D Freezes

9E Three Book Buttons

9F Rotating Platform in Big Boo's Haunt

A0 Flip Platform in Big Boo's Haunt

A1 Thwomp

A2 Grindel

A3 Spindel

A4 Whomp

A5 Whomp King

A6 Red Object in Bowser Battle 3

A7 Large Triangle Object in Bowser Battle 3

A8 Dorrie

A9 Invisible Object in Hazy Maze Cave

AA Invisible Object in Cheif Chilly Challenge

AB Invisible Object in Cheif Chilly Challenge

AC Invisible Object in Cheif Chilly Challenge

AD Seesaw in Cheif Chilly Map

AE Up/Down Log in Goomboss Map

AF Moving Platform in Goomboss Map

B0 Eyerok

B1 Invisible Object

B2 Star

B3 Silver Star

B4 Vertical Red Coin Star

B5 Bob-omb Buddy

B6 Minigame Dresser(invisible)

B7 Wall Sign

B8 Sign

B9 Toad

BA Peach

BB MIP the Bunny

BC Koopa the Quick

BD Big Bob-omb

BE Chuckya

BF Player

C0 Steel Box

C1 Spring Box Enemy

C2 Small Wooden Box

C3 Invisible Object in King Boo Battle

C4 Invisble Object

C5 Waterfall Mist

C6 Goomboss

C7 Goomboss

C8 Goomba

C9 Micro Goomba

CA Grand Goomba

CB Koopa

CC Tiny koopa

CD Koopa Flagpole

CE Bob-omb

CF Cannon

D0 Water Bomb

D1 Boo

D2 Big Boo

D3 Star Icons on Bottom Screen

D4 Big Boo's Haunt Entrance

D5 Thick Book

D6 Bouncing Lava Bubbles

D7 Bully

D8 Big Bully

D9 Chill Bully

DA Freezes

DB Chain Chomp

DC Giant Cannon Ball

DD Giant Rolling Boulder

DE Bullet Bill

DF Mr. Blizzard

E0 Snowball

E1 Sushi the Shark

E2 Manta

E3 Cheep Cheep

E4 Bubba

E5 Star Key

E6 Skeeter

E7 Fwoosh the Cloud

E8 Fly guy

E9 Snufit Bullet

EA Hoot the Owl(invisible)

EB Lakitu Bro.

EC Snufit

ED Swooper

EE Heave Ho

EF Klepto

F0 Pokey

F1 Freezes

F2 Unagi the Eel

F3 Volcano

F4 Manta Rings

F5 Wind

F6 Freezes

F7 Freezes

F8 Wiggler

F9 Mad Piano

FA Piranha Plant

FB Giant Piranha Plant(appears when approached)

FC Tiny Piranha Plant(appears when approached)

FD Piranha Plant(appears when approached)

FE Fireball

FF Scuttle Bug

100 Tuxie

101 Penguin

102 Bridge Penguin

103 Slide Penguin

104 Spiny

105 Money Bags

106 Mr. I

107 Big Mr. I

108 Plasma Ball

109 Lakitu

10A Amp

10B Ukiki

10C Ukiki

10D Cap

10E Fire Spitting Ball

10F Fireballs

110 Giant Snowman

111 Snowman's Head

112 Snowman's Body

113 Monster Snowman head

114 1-Up

115 Super mushroom

116 Invisible Object in Bowser Map 3

117 Bowser

118 Invisible Object in Bowser Map 3

119 Invisible Object in Bowser Map 3

11A Big Key

11B Last Star

11C Spikeball in Bowser Map 3

11D Koopa Shell

11E Tree

11F Invisible Pole

120 Coin

121 Red Coin

122 Blue Coin

123 Bubble

124 Clock Hand Upstairs

125 Clock Hand Upstairs

126 Pendulum Upstairs

127 Ice Square

128 Seaweed

129 Heart

12A Warp Pipe

12B Big Sign Pointing Left

12C Big Sign Pointing Right

12D Invisible Object in Bowser Map 1

12E Giant Silver Star in Tall Tall Mountain Slide

12F Giant Yellow Star in Tall Tall Mountain Slide

130 Giant Yellow Smiley in Tall Tall Mountain Slide

131 Giant Blue Smiley in Tall Tall Mountain Slide

132 Power Flower

133 Painting

134 Tweester

135 Tox Box

136 Monty Mole

137 Monty's Rock

138 Spin Drift

139 Freezes

13A Cloud in Castle in the Clouds

13B Clam

13C Flame

13D Blue Flame

13E Blue Flamethrower

13F Invisible Object

140 Invisible Object

141 Invisible Object

142 Invisible Object

143 Invisible Object

144 Silver Star Icons on Bottom Screen

145 Invisible Object

146 Chair

147 Bookend

148 Shooting Bookend

149 Invisble "Secrets"

14A Numbers

14B 1-Up Logo

14C Invisible Camera

14D Invisible Object

14E Invisible Object

14F Invisible Object

150 Butterfly

151 Chain Chomp Without a Stake

152 Invisible Object

153 Invisible Object

154 Small Staircase

155 Pole Fence

156 Flag

157 Birds

158 Fish

159 Feather

15A Freezes

15B Warp Point

15C Invisible Object

15D Portal

15E Invisible Object

15F Invisible Object

160 Invisible Object

161 Door

162 Star Door

163 Freezes

164 Snow Slide Piece

165 Invisible Object

166 Invisible Object

167 Invisible Object

DON'T TRY TO GO OVER 168, IT WILL RUIN YOUR GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:

So once you pick what you want to replace it with (It MUST already be in the map), then replace the XXX with that value. I decided to use a tower (031) because it can be used in ALL levels for an unknown reason.

You should have this:

1210443A 00000031

D2000000 00000000

now to pick what level to spawn in:

Use this code:

020988A4 000000XX

D2000000 00000000

Now heres the list of Map Values:

00- Test Map 2

01- Starting Area

02- Castle Foyer

03- Courtyard after getting a star

04- Basement?

05- Upstairs area?

06- Bob-omb Battlefield

07- Whomp's Fortress

08- Jolly Roger Bay

09- Jolly Roger Bay Sunken Ship?

10- Shifting Sand Land?

11- Shifting Sand Land Pyramid?

12- Dire Dire Docks?

13- Snowman's Land?

14- Snowman's Land Igloo?

15- Wet-Dry World?

16- Tall Tall Mountain?

17- Tall Tall Mountain Slide

18- Tiny Huge Island Tiny Island?

19- Tiny Huge Island Big Island

20- Secret Under the Moat?

21- Behind the Waterfall

22- Over the Rainbows?

23- Bowser in the Dark World

24- Bowser in the Dark World Battle Arena?

25- Bowser in the Fire Sea?

26- Bowser in the Fire Sea Battle Arena?

27- Bowser in the Sky?

28- Bowser in the Sky Battle Arena

29- Test Map 1

30- Chief Chilly Challenge

31- Chief Chilly Challenge Battle Arena?

32- Rec Room?

33- Outside the Castle Battle Mode Map?

0a- Cool Cool Mountain?

0b- Cool Cool Mountain Ice Slide?

0c- Big Boo's Haunt

0d- Hazy Maze Cave

?0e- Lethal Lava Land?

0f- Lethal Lava Land Volcano?

1a- Tiny Huge Island Wiggler's Cave?

1b- Tick Tock Clock?

1c- Rainbow Ride?

1d- The Princess's Secret Slide?

1e- The Secret Aquarium?

1f- Tower of the Wing Cap

?2a- The Secret of Battle Fort

?2b- Sunshine Isles

?2c- Goomboss Battle?

2d- Goomboss Battle Battle Arena

?2e- Big Boo Battle

?2f- Big Boo Battle Battle Arena

So i will choose Bobomb Battlefield (06) because it is a classic map.

020988A4 000000XX

D2000000 00000000

Now you add those too together and you have:

1210443A 00000031

D2000000 00000000

020988A4 00000006

D2000000 00000000

And now you have a code that makes you spawn in Bobomb Battlefield and all the trees are big towers.

You can add more with more replacement codes but instead, ill leave you will a list of all the Replace codes:


Replace Coins:

12104432 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Stars:

1210444e 00000031

d2000000 00000000

Replace the flipping platforms of Bob-Omb Battlefield:

121043F6 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Goombas:

12104406 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace 1-Ups:

1210444A 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Bob-ombs:

1210440E 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Big Bob-omb:

12104458 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Trees:

1210443A 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Signs:

12104480 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Hearts:

121044D8 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Chain Chomps:

121043FC 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Cannons:

1210444B 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Stakes:

1210293C 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Black Boulders:

12104402 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Waterbombs:

12104450 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace ! Switches:

1210443E 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Chain Chomp Gates:

1210444E 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Bob-omb Buddies:

12104410 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Mr. Blizzards:

1210445A 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Paintings:

1210443C 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Red Coins:

12104434 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Boos:

1210446E 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Big Boos:

12104470 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Koopas:

12104412 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000


Replace Silver Stars:

12104464 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Whomps:

12104468 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Piranha Plants:

1210445E 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace ? Boxes:

12104424 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Fish:

12104454 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Butterflies:

12104456 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000

Replace Birds:

12104452 00000XXX

D2000000 00000000


3. Editing previously made codes

Not too many people do this but sometimes you can make fun codes.

Heres an Example:

The Drunk Mario code:

02051777 00000000

some people edit to digits in this code and it can make dramatic changes.

Heres what digits to change:

02051777 000XX000

If you change those digits with a number and or number to make a new code.

Try it, you may have some fun results.

4. Randomness

Some people just use 0204 and 0205 codes. They know that codes that start with 0204 or 0205 can have very cool/random effects:

take 0204 or 0205 and put some digits in front of it and MAYBE you might get something cool

such as

0204xxxx 00000000

0205xxxx 00000000

and replace the X's

02045674 00000000


02055648 00000000

I don't know if these work but if they do...have fun.

I have shown you the 4 ways but there is more

Heres another short guide:

How to change the size of your character:

Size and Speed mod defaults:


62094a90 00000000

b2094a90 00000000

10000080 XXXXXXXX

10000084 YYYYYYYY

10000088 ZZZZZZZZ

d2000000 00000000

How to change your speed:

Speed Default

4216e370 0001df00

92096b5c f7ff0800

0216e370 XXXXXXXX

d2000000 00000000

4217f750 0001d000

92096b5c f7ff0800

0217f750 XXXXXXXX

d2000000 00000000

And that's about all you need to know.... Buhbye...

1 answer


3 Musty Fears-an undead trio of a Dry Bones, Big Boo, and Greaper who ask Mario to participate in a "Find the Flag" game, in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.


Air Bag-a purple inflatable creature that inhabits mystery crates, in Yoshi's Story.

Albatoss -a bird that drops Bob-ombs and the player can ride in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Albino Dino -a white Dino Rhino that appears in the puzzle chamber of the Crystal Palace in Paper Mario.

Alley Rat -a rat that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Rat Funk.

Amanita -a mushroom enemy that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Amazee Dayzee -an elusive walking flower that appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Amazing Flying Hammer Brother -airborne Hammer Brothers that ride atop two connected flying blocks in Super Mario World and Super Princess Peach.

Ameboid -an alien creature that multiplies itself if not defeated quickly. Appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Amp -a metal, electric, ball that shocks the character in Super Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros., and the Mario Party series.

Angry Sun -a sun incarnation that lunges itself at Mario in Super Mario Bros. 3; also makes a cameo appearance in the Desert Hills course of Mario Kart DS.

Anti Guy -a gray Shy Guy that's also known as "Deadly Guy", due to the fact his attacks do severe damage. Appears in Shy Guy's Toy Box, and three of them appear at Bowser's Castle in Paper Mario.

Anuboo -A ghost in the shape of an Anubis that are found in Teehee Valley in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Apprentice -Snifit interns that appear in Booster Tower in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Aqua Lakitu -a Lakitu wearing a scuba mask that throws Spinies from the water, in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Arachne -a yellow tarantula-like enemy that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Arantula -a more powerful version of Pider. Appears in the Pit of 100 Trials in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Army Hammer Bro -the most elite of Bowser's Hammer Brother troop, appears as a mini-boss in Super Princess Peach.

Armored Ant -an ant enemy wearing armor that inhabits the deserts of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Armored Harriers -two Iron Clefts, also referred two as the "Iron Adonis Twins", whom Mario battles in the Glitz Pit of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Artichoker -a monster that disguises itself as a plant in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Atomic Boo -a humongous and powerful Boo, made up of many smaller Boos, in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Attacky Sack -A chainless, rainbow-colored Chomp that bounces through areas of Yoshi's Story.

Autobomb -a machine ridden by Shy Guys that shoot fireballs in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Axem Rangers -a group of bosses Mario's party faces after completing the Barrel Volcano in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; a possible parody of the Power Rangers, the Axem Rangers are Red, Black, Pink, Green, and Yellow, with a giant robot head that cumulates the power of the five.


Baby Bowser -a baby version of Bowser that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Story, and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Baby Cheep -Tiny Cheep-Cheeps expelled from the mouth of Big Bertha in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Baby Donkey Kong -a baby version of Donkey Kong that appears in Yoshi's Island 2

Baby Peach -a baby version of Peach that appears in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time and {Yoshi's Island 2]].

Baby Luigi -a baby version of Luigi that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Superstar Baseball and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time..

Baby Mario -a baby version of Mario that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Mario Superstar Baseball, and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Baby Yoshi -Yoshi hatchlings that must consume five enemies to grow into an adult Yoshi, in Super Mario World. A nameless baby Yoshi is also one of Mario's partners in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Badge Bandit -a crook found in the Pit of 100 Trials in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, who steals your badges; palette swap of Bandit.

Bahamutt -a red dragon summoned by Chester and Magikoopa in Bowser's Keep in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, obviously a parody of Bahamut from the Final Fantasy series.

Bald Cleft -a spikeless Cleft that appears in Shhwonk Fortress in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Bandana Blue -a shark lackey of Jonathan Jones in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Bandana Red.

Bandana Red -a shark lackey of Jonathan Jones that resides in the Sunken Ship in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Bandana Blue.

Bandit -masked thief enemies that appear in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, and Mario Party 7.

Bandy Andy (or Big Bandit) -a green Bandit who befriends Mario in the Glitz Pit in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Banzai Bill -a giant version of Bullet Bill that appears in Super Mario World, Super Princess Peach and New Super Mario Bros..

Barney Bubble-a purple critter that, when stepped, emits bubbles, and if Yoshi eats them, he too can spit bubbles; appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (his name might be a parody of Barney Rubble from the Flintstones).

Batadon -a flying stone creature with wings in Super Mario Land.

Battle Beetle-an Atlas Beetle enemy in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Beanie -an enemy bean found in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Beanlet -Five of these tiny beans hide throughout Beanbean Castle Town, and upon return to their owner, Mario is given a Golden Mushroom.

Beanstalk -smiling plants that help Yoshi reach new heights in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Beanstar -this celestial body of lore is known for protecting the Beanbean Kingdom, as well as fueling the chaos brought on by the witch, Cackletta; appears in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Beezo- a spear-wielding, Shy Guy-derivative enemy that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 2 and appeared as "Shy Away" in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Beldam -the leader of the Shadow Sirens in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Belome-a giant carnivorous canine boss that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Big Bertha -a giant fish, and female counterpart to Boss Bass, that spouts small Cheep-Cheeps; appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario 64, and Mario Kart 64. "Big Bertha" is also the name of a Blaster-like cannon enemy in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars which appears as a golden Bullet Bill in the overworld.

Big Blue Boo -a blue Big Boo that appears in Super Mario World.

Big Bomb-Omb-a gigantic Bomb-omb with a crown, moustache, and arms, who is the king of the Bob-ombs. Appears in Super Mario 64, the Mario Party series, Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Mario Superstar Baseball, and Mario Kart DS.

Big Boo -A large Boo ghost that appears in Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64, and Super Princess Peach.

Big Bully -a giant Bully in Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart DS.

Big Lantern Ghost -a large Lantern Ghost that holds Watt hostage in his lantern, in Paper Mario.

Bigger Boo -a Boo that grows bigger and bigger with each hit, until it explodes; boss of World 2 in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Biokinton -a flying cloud boss fought before Tatanga in the Chai Kingdom in Super Mario Land.

Birdo -a dinosaur-like character that appears both as a species and an individual in Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, the Mario Tennis series, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, the Mario Golf series, Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario Party 7, and Super Mario Strikers.

Birdy -a bird-like character that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; a palette swap of Blue Bird.

Blablanadon -a friendly pterodactyl from Hoohoo Mountain in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Blargg -a lava-dwelling dragon that appears in Super Mario World. The same name belongs to a giant lava monster in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story.

Blazing Shroob -a Shroob that runs around on fire inside Thwomp Volcano in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Blizzaurus -an ice dragon, boss of Gleam Glacier in Super Princess Peach. Its true form is an ice fairy.

Blockhopper -a robot enemy that's disguised as common brick blocks or ? Blocks, in New Super Mario Bros..

Blooey -a Blooper, one of Luigi's partners during his "journey" in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Blooper (or Bloober) -an enemy squid that appears in Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., the Mario Party series, and Mario Kart DS.

Blooper Baby -miniature Bloopers that appear in Super Mario Bros. 3 and Paper Mario.

Blow Hard -a cactus enemy that spits Needlenoses at Yoshi, in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Bluebird -a bird-like character that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; a palette swap of Birdy.

Blue Blurp -a gigantic, water-spitting fish that tries to knock Yoshi into the water in order to eat him, in Yoshi's Story.

Blue Goomba -a palette swap of a regular Goomba that pesters Mario in Paper Mario along with his brother Red Goomba.

Blurp -a fish very similar to the Cheep-Cheep that appears in Super Mario World, Yoshi's Story, and Super Princess Peach.

Bobbery -a retired admiral Bomb-omb who allied with Mario in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Bob-omb -a living bomb creature that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, Yoshi's Story, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario Pinball Land, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Mario Superstar Baseball, Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, the Mario Party series, and Mario Kart DS.

Bob-omb Buddy-pink, friendly Bob-ombs that appear in Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, and Mario Party Advance.

Bob-Ulk -the strongest of the Bob-Ombs. Found near the bottom of the Pit of 100 Trials in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Bombette -a pink Bob-Omb that allied with Mario in Paper Mario.

Bombshell Bill-golden -exploding Bullet Bills that appear in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Bone Dragon -an undead, fire-breathing dragon that appears in Yoshi's Story.

Bonetail -a large skeletal dragon that lives in the Pit of 100 Trials in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Bony Beetle -a skeletal turtle-like creature with a spiked shell, which it hides in. Appears in Super Mario World and Paper Mario.

Boo (or "Boo" Diddly or "Boo" Buddy) -a ghost that appears frequently in Mario games, debuting in Super Mario Bros. 3 and appearing in most of the games in the series since.

Boo Balloon -a balloon-like Boo that puffs up when Mario looks at it, but deflates when he looks away from it, in New Super Mario Bros..

Boo Blah -a stretchy, crawling ghost enemy in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Boo Guy -ghostly Shy Guys that appear in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Luigi's Mansion, and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Boo Man Bluff -a blindfolded Boo that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story.

Bookend -a haunted book enemy with teeth that attacks Mario in the Big Boo's Haunt level of Super Mario 64.

Boolossus -a massive, monstrous Boo, made up of many smaller Boos, who appears as a boss in Luigi's Mansion.

Boom Boom -a recurring boss who guards fortresses in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Boomer -a boss and guardian of Exor in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Boomerang Brothers -boomerang throwing versions of the Hammer Brothers in Super Mario Bros. 3, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, New Super Mario Bros., and Mario Superstar Baseball.

Booster -a boss with his own amusement tower in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Bootler -Lady Bow's loyal and admiring Boo butler. He is first seen in Paper Mario, but he makes a cameo appearance in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, along with Lady Bow after Mario and co. defeat the Shadow Queen.

Bopping Toady -a hopping toad that attacks with its tongue in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Border Bros. -these two guard the border of the Mushroom Kingdoom and Beanbean Kingdom with several "border hopping" games, in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Boshi -a blue Yoshi with a bad attitude in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Boss Bass -a giant fish, and male counterpart to Big Bertha, that chases Mario and attempts to swallow him whole; appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and Super Mario 64.

Bow -see Lady Bow

Bowletta -the form Cackletta takes on after possessing Bowser in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Bowling Goonie -an obese and flightless goonie who can't help but roll along in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Bowser -the main villain and usual final boss of the series; debuted in Super Mario Bros. and has appeared in most of Mario's games since (with a few notable exceptions, such as Super Mario Bros. 2). Also known as King Koopa.

Bowser Jr. -Bowser's son that appears in Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Superstar Baseball, and New Super Mario Bros..

Bowyer -an arrow-flinging boss in the woods of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Box Boy -a treasure chest enemy and palette swap of Chester, Hidon, and Pandorite that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Brighton -a sun-like character that appears in Mario Party 6.

Broozer -a ghost enemy that punches with boxing gloves in New Super Mario Bros..

Bub-Ulb -plant-like creatures that appear in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Bubba -a huge Cheep-Cheep that swallows Mario whole in Super Mario 64.

Bubble Dayzee-a Crazee Dayzee that blows bubbles in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Bubbles -an eccentric Beanbean who founded the Chuckola Cola company, in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Bullet Bill -a propelled bullet that charges towards Mario; debuted in Super Mario Bros. and appears in Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario Land, Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, Yoshi's Story, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, Mario Pinball Land, the Mario Party series, Mario Kart DS, and as Bowser's pitch in Mario Superstar Baseball.

Bully -a black, sphere-shaped monster with horns that tries to push Mario off of ledges in Super Mario 64; Bully is also the name of a small bull-like enemy in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Bumpty -penguins that appear in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Paper Mario, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Bunbun -a fly creature that drops spears in Super Mario Land.

Bundt (or Raspberry) -a living cake boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Burt -a bouncy clown-like enemy that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Burt the Bashful-a giant Burt that is a boss in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Buster Beetle -an aggressive counterpart to Buzzy Beetle that hurls boxes at the player; appears in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Buzzar-a vulture boss that resides in Mt. Rugged in Paper Mario.

Buzzer -a bee and palette swap of Stinger; appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Buzzy Beetle -a cave-dwelling, hard-shelled insect that debuted in Super Mario Bros. and has appeared in Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, and New Super Mario Bros..

Bzzap! -a bee enemy that appears in Paper Mario.


Cackletta -the main villainess in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga who attempts to steal Peach's voice.

Cackletta's Ghost -the spirit of Cackletta which is imprisoned inside Bowletta's body in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Carroboscis -a giant carrot enemy that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Cataquack -a large, billed creature that lunges at Mario and launches him skyward; similar to Plungelo, it appears in Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart: Double Dash!!.

Chain Chomp -a furious but restrained enemy that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 3; it has appeared in most of the games in the series since.

Chain Chomplet -a juvenile version of a Chain Chomp that appears in Super Mario Sunshine.

Chargin' Chuck -a football-playing turtle that appears in Super Mario World.

Charlieton -a chubby wandering salesman in Rogueport, who appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Cheep-Cheep (or Blurp, or Goby) -a fish that debuted in Super Mario Bros. and has appeared in most of the games in the series since.

Cheep-Chomp -a giant purple Cheep-Cheep that attempts to swallow Mario in New Super Mario Bros.

Cheepskipper -a giant, monstrous Cheep-Cheep, boss of World 3 in New Super Mario Bros.

Chef Torte -a cake-baking chef that appears as a boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Chef Torte's Apprentice -a boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Chester -a treasure chest enemy and palette swap of Box Boy, Hidon, and Pandorite that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Chet Rippo -a strange bird-like character who raises one of Mario's stats, but lowers the other, in Paper Mario.

Chewy -an aggressive, walking Piranha plant variant that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Chicken -a flying bird that flys at Mario in Super Mario Land.

Chief Chilly -a giant Chill Bully, with an icy moustache, that held Wario captive in Super Mario 64 DS; also appears in Mario Kart DS.

Chikako (Glitter) -a strong floating barrier-like enemy in Super Mario Land.

Chill Bully -an ice version of Big Bully that appears as a boss in Super Mario 64.

Chomp Chomp -a variant of Chain Chomp that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Chow -a mechanical dog that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of K-9.

Chuck Quizmo -an inquisitive game show host worm that appears in Paper Mario.

Chuckleroot -a large, gnarled tree, guarding the Chuckola Cola brewery in Chucklehuck Woods, in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Chuckolator -a living blob of Chuckola Cola with a wooden sword and shield, who is the boss of Chucklehuck Woods in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Chuckya -a large, purple ball-shaped enemy that grabs Mario and tosses him in Super Mario 64.

Clawgrip -a crab-like boss that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Cleft -a stone, spiked creature with a large chin, hence its name; appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Clubba -a mace-wielding turtle that appears in Paper Mario.

Cobrat -a snake creature that spits projectiles while hopping out of jars and the desert sand in Super Mario Bros. 2 and Mario Pinball Land.

Coconutter -a hostile coconut enemy that wields spears in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Commander Shroob -the boss of Star Hill in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Coocoo -a chicken-like bird that flies in the air and drops goo in Super Mario Sunshine.

Cortez -the dead spirit of a pirate who resides on Keelhaul Key with his vast amounts of treasure. Holder of the fifth Crystal Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Crazee Dayzee -a living, walking flower that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Paper Mario, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Croco -a recurring, thieving crocodile boss that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Crook -tiny thieves that steal from Mario's party in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Sackit.

Crowber -a crow enemy in New Super Mario Bros..

Crusty -a crab creature in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Crystal King -a king who lives in the Crystal Palace, guarding the final Star Spirit, Kalmar in Paper Mario.

Culex -a Final Fantasy-style hidden boss that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Czar Dragon -a fiery dragon boss that protects the Barrel Volcano in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.


Dark Bones -a powerful, darkly colored Dry Bones that appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Boo -a purple, more-powerful Boo found in the painting at the Poshley Sanctum in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door; also appears in the Gritzy Caves of Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Dark Bristle -a black, more powerful version of the Bristle that lives in the Pit of 100 Trials. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Craw -an evil spearthrower. Goes under the name Craw-daddy at the Glitz Pit. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Koopa -a purple-shelled Koopa that lives in darkness. Appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Koopatrol -a Koopatrol with blue armor and red eyes. Goes under the name Koopinator in the Glitz Pit. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Lakitu -Lakitus that ride on a dark cloud and throw Sky-Blue Spinies instead of normal ones. Located in the Pit of 100 Trials. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Paratroopa -a Dark Koopa with wings. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Puff -a monochrome Ruff Puff found in the Boggly Woods. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dark Wizzerd -the weakest of the half-organic, half-mechanic creatures. Resides in the Palace of Shadow. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Darkly -an eerie young lad from Twilight Town who resides in Rogueport in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Deep-Cheep -green Cheep-Cheeps, considerably more aggressive than the normal type, in New Super Mario Bros..

Dino Rhino -a rhinoceros-like dinosaur enemy found in Super Mario World.

Dixie Kong- Diddy Kong girl friend, she appeared in a small amount of Mario games, like the Mario baseball, she is a speed, technical type

Dizzy Dandy -flowerlike enemies foun in Yoshi's Island

Dodo -Valentina's dense servant and a boss that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. had to fight one on one with one of Mario two companions in battle

Don Pianta -the Pianta syndicate leader in Rogueport that appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Dolphin -a helpful creature that you can ride in the water in Super Mario World.

Donkey Kong -the main character from the Donkey Kong arcade series; appears in the Mario Kart series, the Mario Tennis series, the Mario Golf series, the Mario Party series, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Mario Superstar Baseball, and Super Mario Strikers.

Donkey Kong Junior -a younger version of Donkey Kong from the Donkey Kong arcade series, appears in Super Mario Kart and Mario's Tennis.

Doogan -a dog-like species introduced in Paper Mario and continued into Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Doopliss -a Duplighost boss that steals Mario's identity and appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. He joined forces with the Shadow Sirens after Vivian joined Mario's team. Until you figure out his name, he appears as "?????"

Dorrie -a friendly Loch Ness Monster-esque dinosaur that appears in Super Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros., and the Mario Party series.

Dr. Freezegood -a snowman enemy that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Dr. Mario -Mario as a physician; protagonist of the Dr Mario series.

Dragonzamasu -a seahorse-like boss in the Muda Kingdom in Super Mario Land.

Dry Bones -a collapsable Koopa Troopa skeleton that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 3 and has appeared in Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario Party 7, and Mario Kart DS.

Dull Bones -a weak Dry Bones that cannot reform itself. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Duplighost -a ghost that can change its shape; appears in Paper Mario.

Doppleganger -Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.


Earth Crystal -one of Culex's crystal bodyguards in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Eeker -a living beaker who fights with fire rods in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Eely-Mouth -an eel boss that pollutes Noki Bay in Super Mario Sunshine.

Eerie -a ghostly dinosaur-like enemy in Super Mario World.

Eggbert -the shell from whence Birdo pops in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Eggplant Man -a strange eggplant-like enemy from Wrecking Crew.

Elder Shrooboid -the boss of Star Shrine in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Electro Blooper -an electrically-charged Blooper found in Toad Town Tunnels in Paper Mario.

Electrokoopa -an electric koopa who patrols mesh areas in Super Mario Sunshine.

Elite Wizzerd -the strongest of the Wizzerds. Located near the bottom of the Pit of 100 Trials. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Elite X-Naut -Highest-ranking X-Naut soldiers that appear in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Unlike the X-Naut Grunt or PhD, this type of X-Naut wears a black uniform.

Ella -one of the two main characters of Mario Golf: Advance Tour.

Enigma -an assortment of clustered pig heads found in the Moleville Mines in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Gorgon.

Exor -the giant sword that crashes into Bowser's Castle in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Eyerok -two giant stone hands, with eyes embedded into their palms, that are a boss in Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart DS.

Enefeld -Donkey Kong


Factory Chief -the operator of the Smithy Factory in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Fang -A bat found in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Super Princess Peach.

Fawful -Cackletta's assistant that appears in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Fighter Fly -A fly in the NES port of Mario Bros.. Also appeared in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario Power Tennis.

Fireball -a blue version of Sparky that appears in the castles of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.(easy to kill)

Fire Brothers -a variant of the Hammer Brothers that spits fire and appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario Superstar Baseball, and New Super Mario Bros..

Fire Chomp -a floating Chomp which spits fire in Super Mario Bros. 3 and New Super Mario Bros..

Fire Snake -a fiery "snake" made up of several Podoboos that appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Mario Kart DS, and New Super Mario Bros..

Fishbone -a skeleton of a dead fish found exclusively in Super Mario World.

Fishin' Boo -a ghostly Lakitu that hangs in a cloud, dangling blue fire from a fishing pole; appears in Super Mario World and Super Princess Peach.

Flamer Guy (or Pyro Guy) -A burning Shy Guy found Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Paper Mario.

FLUDD (or Flash Liquizider Ultra Dousing Device) -a robotic device designed for shooting water that appears in Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Power Tennis.

Flurrie -a cloud spirit who assists Mario in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Flurry -an ice creature that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Fly -a hopping fly in Super Mario Land.

Fly Guy -a Shy Guy with a propeller on its head that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64, Yoshi's Story, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Mario Pinball Land, the Mario Party series, and Mario Power Tennis.

Flying Wiggler (or Flutter) -a butterfly version of Wiggler. He turns a bright red after he gets stepped on, and appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Mario Power Tennis, and the Mario Party series.

Francesca -Don Pianta's daughter who fell in love with one of her father's mobsters in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Frankie -one of Don Pianta's mobsters and Francesca's fiance who appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Frogfucius -a wise old frog and Mallow's adopted father in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; named after Confucius.

Frogog -an anthromorphic frog creature that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Frost Piranha -a Piranha Plant with ice powers. Appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Fryguy -a giant fire boss that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Fuzzbush -A living bush that attacks with Fuzzies in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Fuzzy -a monster that hangs on tracks in Super Mario World; also appears in Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Fwoosh -a cloud enemy that blows strong winds in Super Mario 64.


Game Guy -a gambling Shy Guy who challenges players to special mini-games in Mario Party 3.

Ganchan -a rock that Mario can ride but can still crush him in Super Mario Land.

Gao -a sphinx-like creature that stands still and shoots fireballs in Super Mario Land.

Garf -a member of the Robbo gang in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Geckit -a gecko enemy that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; a palette swap of Gecko.

Gecko -a gecko enemy that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; a palette swap of Geckit.

Geno -a mystical alien spirit inhabiting a toy doll that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

General Guy -a white Shy Guy that commandeers a toy tank in Paper Mario and guards Muskular, the fourth Star Spirit.

Gira -a missile (similar to Bullet Bill) that shoots out of cannons in certain pipes in Super Mario Land.

Gloomba -a dark version of a Goomba that is found underground. Appear in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Gloomtail -Hooktail's brother, one of the dragon siblings. Guards a key in the Palace of Shadow. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Gnarantula -an odd spider-like enemy in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Gold Koopeleon -a defensive Koopeleon that often flees from battle in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Goomba (or Chibibo) -the very first enemy that appears in Super Mario Bros. and has appeared in most of Mario's games since.

Goomba King (or Goomboss) -a giant Goomba boss that appears in Paper Mario, Super Mario 64 DS, and Mario Kart DS.

Goombaria -Goombario's sister in Paper Mario.

Goombario -a young Goomba that appears in Paper Mario.

Goombella -a female Goomba that appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Goomdiver -a Goomba that wears a scuba mask and attack underwater in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Gooper Blooper -a giant Blooper boss that appears in Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Power Tennis, and Super Princess Peach.

Gourmet Guy -an extremely overweight Shy Guy that sports a bib and a spoon and fork in Paper Mario.

Grate Guy -a boss and Casino owner in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Grindel -a mummified Thwomp in Super Mario 64.

Grodus -leader of the X-Nauts. Plans to retrieve the Crystal Stars in order to open the Thousand-Year Door. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Grodus X -a magical protector of Grodus that has the same characteristics as a Mini-Yux, only it's shaped as an X and not a triangle like a normal Mini-Yux. Grodus requires four Grodus Xs to create a barrier around him. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Grubba -the announcer at the Glitz Pit in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Grubby -a spiked slug in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Guardian Shroob -a white Shroob that guards the Shroob Mother Ship in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Guerilla -a giant ape reminiscent of Donkey Kong that chucks rocks at the player in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Gulpit -a fat purple creature that spits rocks at Mario in Paper Mario.

Gunion -an octopus creature that lives in the water and splits into two if it's attacked in Super Mario Land.

Gus -a member of the Robbo gang that blocks the east side of Rogueport and demands tolls of 10 coins in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.


Hammer Brother -a helmeted turtle that throws hammers at Mario; it first appeared in Super Mario Bros. and has also appeared in Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Superstar Baseball, Super Mario Strikers, Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, and the Mario Party series.

Hammerhead Brothers -a duo of rocky beings who can weld new hammers for Mario and Luigi in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Harhall -an artist of the Beanbean Kingdom who appears in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Hawkmouth -a bird head that comes alive after picking up a crystal inside Wart's castle and attacks the character in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Heave-Ho -a mechanical wind-up creature that flings Mario into the air in Super Mario 64.

Heavy Troopa -a fat Koopa Paratroopa that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Heavy Zed -a helpful owl that Mario can ride in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Hermie III -the boss of Gwarhar Lagoon in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Hidon -a treasure chest enemy and palette swap of Box Boy, Chester, and Pandorite that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Hiyoihoi -a Ganchan-throwing stone creature and boss of Easton Kingdom in Super Mario Land.

Honen -the skeleton of a Torion fish that hops vertically at Mario in Super Mario Land.

Hooktail -a large red dragon from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, the boss guarding the first Crystal Star. Hates creatures that "start with Cr- and end with -icket".

Hoopster -a ladybug creature that climbs up and down on vines in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Hoo -a giant owl, boss of the Hoo's Woods world of Super Princess Peach.

Hoohooros -a big live bird statue that appears in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Hoot -a sleepy owl that carries Mario to higher areas. (This character does not have a known official name, but is often referred to as Hoot). Appears in Super Mario 64 and Mario Party Advance.

Hot Foot -a walking flame that usually fall off of candles in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Hothead -a giant Sparky that appears in Super Mario World and Super Princess Peach

Huffin Puffin -a fat, white bird, whose hatchlings can be used as eggs by Yoshi, in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Hoshi -Donkey Kong 3


Ice Puff -a Ruff Puff which appears in frigid regions (for example, Fahr Outpost) of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Ice Snifit -a Snifit that spits ice in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Iggy Koopa -one of Bowser's Koopalings that appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Il Piantissimo -a Pianta imposter that challenges Mario to races in Super Mario Sunshine. If you view his character model without his helmet, he looks like the Running Man from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This is a tiny Easter egg that Nintendo added in, probably known only by the development team.

Incoming Chomp -a Chain Chomp that leaps into the foreground and eats away the floor in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Iron Cleft -a type of Cleft in the Glitz Pit from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door that is invincible to any attack except to another Iron Cleft smashing against its body, like a diamond only being able to break another diamond.

Ishnail -the leader of Rogueport's Robbo gang in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Itsybitsy -Donkey Kong Jungle Fever


Jabbi -enemies of the Punis who inhabit The Great Tree in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Jabit -a green Drill Bit that runs Smithy's production line in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Jagger -an armored Koopa Troopa and apprentice of Jinx in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Jelectro -an electric jellyfish in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Jester -a jester enemy in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Jinx -a martial arts expert in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars who challenges Mario to a few fights.

Jojora -a boss who appeared along side an enemy you got to choose the name for (between three choices) in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Jolene -Grubba's manager who secretly assists Mario in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Jonathan Jones -a shark boss in the sunken ship of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars who befriends Mario after being beaten.

Jr. Troopa -a baby Koopa stuck in his eggshell who would appear six times and fight Mario and his teammates in Paper Mario. He eventually got a horn and some bat wings. He makes a cameo appearance in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Junior Shrooboid -a giant green Shroob that follows E. Gadd's time machine into the present in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.


K-9 -a mechanical dog that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Kab-omb -a Bob-omb-like enemy that is set off once fire touches it, from New Super Mario Bros..

Kaboomba -a walking cannon which fires at the character in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Super Princess Peach.

Kamek -a Magikoopa, the main villain of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island; also appears in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Kammy Koopa -a female Magikoopa that works for Bowser and often accompanies him (Bowser) everywhere he goes. Appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Kent C. Koopa -a giant Koopa Troopa that blocks Pleasant Path in Paper Mario.

King Boo -the head Boo who debuted as the final boss of Luigi's Mansion and appears in Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario Kart DS, and Super Princess Peach.

King Calamari -a giant squid boss that guards the Sunken Ship hold in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

King K -a friendly minor-league fighter from Glitzville in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

King Totomesu -a large sphinx boss of the Birabuto Kingdom that jumps and shoots fireballs in Super Mario Land.

Klamber -a spider-like enemy that climbs on grates and fences in Super Mario Sunshine.

Klepto -a large vulture, notorious for stealing Mario's hat in the Shifting Sand Land level of Super Mario 64. Also appears in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Mario Pinball Land, and the Mario Party series.

Knife Guy -a knife-juggling boss (and later friend of Mario) in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Koopa Clown Car -a mechanical, hovering creature used by Bowser; debuted in Super Mario World and also appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Paper Mario, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Koopa Kids (or Koopalings) -eight unique children of Bowser that appear in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, with the exception of Bowser Jr., who appears in Super Mario Sunshine. Their names are Larry/Cheatsy Koopa, Morton Jr./Big Mouth Koopa, Wendy O./Kootie Pie Koopa, Lemmy/Hip Koopa, Roy/Bully Koopa, Ludwig/Kooky Von Koopa, Iggy/Hop Koopa and Bowser Jr.

Koopa Paratroopa (or Koopa Para-Troopa) -a flying variant of the Koopa Troopa that debuted in Super Mario Bros., and has appeared in most of the games in the series since.

Koopa Troopa -a common, hard-shelled, turtle-like enemy that debuted in Super Mario Bros., and has appeared in most of the games in the series since.

Koopatrol -a powerful, armor clad Koopa who works for Bowser. Appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Mario Pinball Land.

Koopeleon -primeval, chameleon-like Koopas of the Toadwood Forest that appear in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Kooper -a Koopa Troopa from Koopa Village. Allied with Mario in Paper Mario.

Koopie Koo-Koops' girlfriend that resides in Petalburg in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Koops -a green-shelled Koopa Troopa which joins Mario's party in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Kumo -a hopping spider creature that appears in Super Mario Land.

Kylie Koopa -A Pink-Shelled Freelance Photojournalist for the Koopa Khronicle. She helps the Mario Bros. in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

Kanon -Mario Bros.


Lady Bow -a Boo princess that allies with Mario in Paper Mario. She and Bootler take a vacation in Poshley Heights after Mario and his teammates defeat the Shadow Queen in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Lady Lima -castle advisor to Queen Bean in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Lahla -one of the Boo sisters that runs the Pianta Parlor in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Lakipea -the Beanbean Kingdom's version of Lakitu who throws Sharpeas in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Lakilester -a Lakitu that allied with Mario after a fight in Paper Mario. Most people know him by his nickname "Spike", especially Huff N. Puff.

Lakilulu -Lakilester's girlfriend who appears in Paper Mario.

Lakithunder -a shades-wearing Lakitu riding a thunder cloud, boss of World 7 in New Super Mario Bros..

Lakitu -a turtle-like creature that usually hangs in a cloud, often throwing Spinys down at Mario, and which debuted in Super Mario Bros. and has appeared in most of the games in the series since.

Lantern Ghost -a small ghost-like creature that carries a lantern. Appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Mario Party Advance; a giant one appeared in Paper Mario and goes by the name Big Lantern Ghost.

Larry Koopa -one of Bowser's Koopalings who appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Laser Snifit -a Snifit that shoots lasers in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Lava Bud -miniature Piranha Plants that stem from Lava Piranha in Paper Mario.

Lava Lotus -a fire-spewing flower who appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Super Princess Peach.

Lava Piranha -A huge piranha that lies within the confines of Mount Lavalava and guards Misstar, the fifth Star Spirit in Paper Mario.

Lemmy Koopa -one of Bowser's Koopalings who appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Lil' Sparky -a tiny version of Sparky that appears in Super Mario World and Super Princess Peach.

Lord Crump -a high-ranking second-in-command X-Naut that works for Sir Grodus who appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Ludwig Von Koopa -one of Bowser's Koopalings who appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Luigi -Mario's brother, and very often the second player in two player games. He first appeared in Mario Bros. and has been in most Mario games since, with notable exceptions such as Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and Super Mario 64. Luigi is the star of Mario Is Missing! and Luigi's Mansion, in both of which his objective is to find and rescue his brother Mario.


M. Bush -an enemy that disguises itself as a harmless bush in Paper Mario.

Ma Mole -mother of the mole children, Dyna & Mite, in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Macho Grubba -The form of Grubba after being powered up by the third Crystal Star. Chapter 3 Boss in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Mack -a spring boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Mad Piano -a haunted piano with teeth that attacks Mario in the Big Boo's Haunt level of Super Mario 64.

Magikoopa -a robed turtle magician that debuted in Super Mario World and has appeared in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Super Princess Peach, and Mario Superstar Baseball; was slated to appear in Mario Kart 64 but was replaced by Donkey Kong before the final release.

Magmite -a cave creature in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Magnus 2.0 -a souped-up version of Magnus Von Grapple. Holds the seventh Crystal Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Magnus Von Grapple -a large mechanical suit piloted by Lord Crump. Holder of the second Crystal Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Mallow -a marshmallow-like character found early in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Manta -an unnamed manta ray that appears in Super Mario 64 and the Mario Party series.

Marilyn -Beldam and Vivian's sister and the toughest of the Shadow Sirens, judging by her size, in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Her catchprase is "Guh", which is the only word she says all the time.

Mario -the main hero of the series, debuting in Donkey Kong as "Jumpman" and first appearing as "Mario" in Mario Bros.

Mecha Bowser -a giant, mechanical version of Bowser that appears in Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, and Mario Power Tennis. Goes by the name "Bowser???" in Paper Mario.

Mechakoopa -a mechanical toy Koopa used to pelt Bowser's Koopa Clown Car in Super Mario World; also appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, and the Mario Party series.

Megasmilax -a giant Piranha plant boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Mekabon -a robot that attacks with its head in Super Mario Land.

Merlon -a wizard who assists Mario and his partners in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Micro-Goomba -a tiny Goomba, usually found around larger Goombas and in groups; originally from Super Mario Bros. 3, they have also appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, and New Super Mario Bros..

Mini-Fry Guy -one of several creatures that breaks off from the larger Fryguy in Super Mario Bros. 2.

The Mini-Yuxes -The spawn of the Yuxes. They come in three forms: Mini-Yux, Mini-X-Yux, and Mini-Z-Yux. They create a shield around their respective Yux. They only appear in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

MIPS -the armless yellow rabbit that appears in the basement of Peach's Castle in Super Mario 64.

Mom Piranha -A giant Piranha Plant that will hatch out of an egg and fight along side two regular piranha plants in the BeanBean Airport in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Moneybags -an enemy that disguises itself as a coin, but is actually a small frog-like creature, in Super Mario 64 and New Super Mario Bros..

Monstermama -a friendly toadstool creature in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Monty Mole -a mole enemy that appears in Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Pinball Land, Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario Kart DS, and the Mario Party series.

Morton Koopa Junior -one of Bowser's Koopalings that appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Mouser -a large mouse boss that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2 and Mario Party Advance.

Mr. Blizzard -a snowman enemy that throws snowballs in Super Mario 64, Mario Pinball Land and the Mario Party series.

Mr.I -a giant eyeball that appeared in Super Mario 64 and the Mario Party series.

Mr. Kipper -a fish in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Ms. Mowz -a badge hunter who joins Mario on his quest in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door after Mario gets a badge found in Hooktail's suite.

Mummipokey -a mummified Pokey, boss of World 2 in New Super Mario Bros..

Muncher -a small, invincible Pirana Plant-like enemy in Super Mario Bros. 3


Neil -one of the two main characters of Mario Golf: Advance Tour.

Ninjakoopas -otherwise known as the Koopa Bros. Their names, according to the colors of their shells and ninja gear, are Red, Black, Yellow and Green. They guard the first Star Spirit, Eldstar, in Paper Mario.

Ninji -a star-like creature that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario World, Paper Mario, and Mario Party Advance. In Super Mario Bros. 2, "Ninji 1" will chase the player, while "Ninja 2" will stay in place and hop repeatedly.

Nipper Plant (also known as Chompweed or Walking Piranas) -a white plant that leaps upward to bite Mario. It may stay motionless or walk around, and even spit fire. Nipper plants debuted in Super Mario Bros. 3 and also appeared in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Yoshi's Story, and Super Princess Peach.

Noki -friendly, crab-like creatures that converse with Mario in Super Mario Sunshine. Also appear in Mario Superstar Baseball, and in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! as background characters.

Nokobon (or Noko Bombette) -a Koopa-esque creature that explodes after it's jumped on in Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Nyololin -a fire spitting snake that appears in Super Mario Land.


Oaklie -a tree-like denizen of the Forever Forest that appears in Paper Mario.

Octolot -an octopus creature wielding winged Koopa shells that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Octovader.

Octovader -palette swap of Octolot that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Oho Jee -a blue or red mushroomed-shaped inhabiter of the Oho Oasis. Speaks like "Me Oho Jee. Me happy"Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Ostro -a running ostrich that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2.


Plum -A person who was not that important so they replaced her with Daisy. The only games that she was in were Mario Golf and Mario Tennis

Pa Mole-father of the mole children, Dyna & Mite, in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Pale Piranha -a colorless Piranha Plant found in the Boggly Woods of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Pandorite -a treasure chest enemy and palette swap of Box Boy, Chester, and Hidon that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Panser -a plant that walks or remains stationary while spitting fire in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Para-Beetle (or Parabuzzy) -an airborne Buzzy Beetle which can be ridden in Super Mario Bros. 3. Also appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Paragoomba (or Para-Goomba) -a flying Goomba, some of which spout Mini-Goombas, that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 3 and has appeared in Super Mario World, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., and Mario Superstar Baseball.

Parakarry -a Koopa Paratroopa that allied with Mario in Paper Mario and delivers the letter in the beginning of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Pauline -Mario's girlfriend in the Donkey Kong arcade game; often confused with Princess Toadstool.

Pea -Lady Lima's assistant in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Penguins -nameless penguins that appear in numerous Mario games, including Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, the Mario Party series, and Mario Pinball Land.

Perry -a talking umbrella that aids Princess Peach on her journey in Super Princess Peach.

Petey Piranha -a giant, goo-spouting Piranha Plant boss that appears in Super Mario Sunshine as well as Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Super Princess Peach, and New Super Mario Bros..

Phanta Manta -a giant, paper-thin manta silhouette that spreads goop all over Sirena Beach and causes Hotel Delfino to sink into the earth in Super Mario Sunshine.

Phanto -a floating mask that guards keys in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Pianta -a species of friendly characters that debuted in Super Mario Sunshine and have also appeared in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Superstar Baseball, and Mario Kart DS.

Il Piantissimo -a human character that appears only in Super Mario Sunshine bearing a strange costume that looks like a pink Pianta. You race him in a few levels for Shine Sprites. He has identical jumping abilities as Mario and runs an identical speed.

Pider -a spider-like enemy that is found in the Great Tree in Boggly Woods and the Punies just can't stand this creature. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Pidgit -a carpet-riding bird that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2 and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, and as "Pidget Bill" in Super Mario World.

Pionpi -a hopping ninja-like enemy in Super Mario Land.

Piranha Plant (or Pakkun Flower, or Jumpin' Piranha Plant) -a common Mario enemy that usually appears extending (or jumping) from a pipe. It debuted in Super Mario Bros. and has appeared in most of the games in the series since.

Plungelo -a large creature that has plungers for feet, which it uses to walk on mirrors; similar to Cataquack, it appears in Super Mario Sunshine.

Podoboo -a lava ball that appears in Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Yoshi's Story, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, and the Mario Party series.

Poison Pokey - also called a Pokey Mummy in Paper Mario. A poisonous Pokey in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door that looks like a Pokey, but is blue and poisons Mario on contact.

Poison Puff -a poisonous Ruff Puff that is located near the bottom of the Pit of 100 Trials. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Pokey -a cactus-like enemy that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 2, and appears in Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, the Mario Party series, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Pinball Land, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario Kart DS, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Super Princess Peach, and New Super Mario Bros..

Pompon Flower -a plant that shoots poison in Super Mario Land.

Popple -a thief that appeared frequently in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Ptooie -a Pirana Plant that walks around or stays in pipes and blows a spiked ball in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Porcupo -a porcupine creature with spines on its back in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Prince Peasley -the Prince of the Beanbean Kingdom, as seen in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. He is a very vain person, but also brave. His mother is Queen Bean. He is green. Was turned into a dragon-like creature near the beginning of the game.

Princess Daisy -Mario's love interest in Super Mario Land, but now the main love of Luigi, and has appeared in many sports and party Mario games. She is the ruler of the desert kingdom, Sarasaland.

Princess Peach (or Princess Toadstool) -Mario's main love interest, debuting in Super Mario Bros. and appearing in most of Mario's games since. She is the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Princess Shroob -The leader of the Shroobs, and the final boss of Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Professor E. Gadd -the mad scientist and inventor who debuted in Luigi's Mansion and has appeared in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario Party 6, and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, as well as being alluded to in Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Party Advance, by way of his inventions.

Puffy Squid -a squid-like enemy that turns into a platform, when sprayed at by FLUDD, in Super Mario Sunshine.

Punchinello -a bomb-happy cave boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Pushy Walls -Protruding rock walls in Super Mario 64.

Putrid Piranha -a variant of the Piranha Plant that can poison with its bite. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Pyro Box -A flamethrower box in Super Mario 64.


Queen Bean -ruler of the Beanbean Kingdom in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. She is a large, hulking woman and mother to Prince Peasley.

Queen Nimbus -Mallow's mother and the queen of Nimbus Land in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Queen Valentina

Qecheu -Super Mario Fushigi no Korokoro party 2.


Rawk Hawk -the champion of the Glitz Pit when you first enter in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. His catchphase is, "Feel the RAWWWWWWWWWWK!"

Rat Funk -a sewer rat that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Alley Rat.

Ratooey -a rat-like species that appeared in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Red Goomba -a palette swap of a regular Goomba that pesters Mario in Paper Mario along with his brother Blue Goomba.

Rex -a purple dinosaur that appears in Super Mario World, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, and Super Princess Peach.

Reznor -a large, grey, fire-breathing dinosaur that appears in groups in Super Mario World.

Rip Van Fish -a sleeping underwater enemy that awakens and attacks when Mario swims by. Appears in Super Mario World.

R.O.B. -a secret kart in Mario Kart. Appears in Mario Kart DS.

Robirdo -a robotic version of Birdo who only appears in the Super Mario Advance version of Super Mario Bros. 2.

Rocky Wrench -an enemy who pops out of the ground and throws wrenches in Super Mario Bros. 3; also appears in Mario Kart DS.

Roger the Potted Ghost -a ghost boss who emerges from a pot in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Roketon -an enemy who flies an airplane in Super Mario Land.

Rookie -The name Bowser took on briefly in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Rotodisc -a rotating object in castles in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Rowf -a doogan who is the owner of Toad Town's badge shop in Paper Mario.

Roy Koopa -one of Bowser's Koopalings that appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Ruff Puff -a cloud enemy that attacks by ramming and lightning strikes. Appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Roger Jr. -Super Mario Fushigi no Janjan Land.


Sackit -tiny thieves that steal from Mario's party in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swaps of Crooks.

Salvo the Slime -a giant Lemon Drop boss in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. Also appears in Mario Party Advance.

Scuttlebug -a spider-like creature in Super Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros., and Mario Party 7.

Seedy Pod -a plant creature that burrows into the ground and tosses rocks at Mario in Super Mario Sunshine.

Shadow Mario -the recurring antagonist in Super Mario Sunshine. Was revealed to be Bowser Jr. in disguise in Pinna Park episode 1: "Mecha-Bowser appears!"; also appears as a playable character in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour.

Shadow Queen -a thousand year-old demon who is awakened by Grodus in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Shady Koopa -a blue-shelled Koopa Troopa with a grey-looking face that can attack after its shell has been flipped. They have a place of honor in the Koopa Family Tree because of the way they look. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Shady Paratroopa-a Shady Koopa with wings. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Shaman -a mysterious, hooded creature that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Paper Mario, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Sharpea -the Beanbean Kingdom's version of Spiny who appears in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Shroob -an alien mushroom monster species that appears in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Shrowser -the form Bowser takes on after being possesed by Princess Shroob near the end of Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time.

Shy Guy -a common, masked enemy that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 2; it has since appeared in many incarnations in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, Yoshi's Story, Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Mario Pinball Land, the Mario Kart series, the Mario Tennis series, the Mario Party series, Mario Pinball Land, and Mario Superstar Baseball.

Shyster -a Shy Guy-derivative enemy in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Sidestepper -a crab that appears in Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Mario Power Tennis, and Mario Kart DS.

Sir Swoop -a Swooper seen in the Glitz Pit Minor League in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Skeeter -a water strider-like creature that appears in Super Mario 64 and New Super Mario Bros.

Skeleton Bee -a bee that will come back to life after Mario jumps on it in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Sledge Brothers -giant versions of the Hammer Brothers who shake the ground when they jump in Super Mario Bros. 3 and New Super Mario Bros.

Sling Guy -a variant of Shy Guy that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Smilax -a Piranha plant-like enemy that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Smithy -the main villain and final boss of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Smorg-small, black creatures that band together to create a large monster. They kidnap all the passengers of the Excess Express in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Snifit -a masked, projectile-spitting creature that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 2. In several incarnations it has also appeared in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, the Mario Party series, and numerous variations in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Snailicorn -an odd snail-like enemy with a single horn that appears in New Super Mario Bros.

Snooza Koopa -a large Koopa that wears a Yoshi's eggshell as a disguise in Super Mario Sunshine.

Snow Spike -a snowball-throwing Spike that appears in New Super Mario Bros.

Snufit -a floating variation on Snifit that appears in Super Mario 64.

Spania -a Spinia with spikes protruding from its top. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Spark (or Sparky) -a ball of fire that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, and Super Princess Peach

Spear Guy -a savage Shy Guy that wields a spear and shield, and appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Mario Party Advance, and Mario Power Tennis.

Spike -a turtle-like creature that spits up spiked balls and throws them in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Story, and Super Princess Peach.

Spike Bass -a large, spiked fish enemy that leaps out of the water at Mario, in New Super Mario Bros.

Spiked Fun Guy -a small cactus-like enemy that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Spikester -a spiked creature related to Spiny; appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Spike Top -a Buzzy Beetle with a spike on its shell that appears in Super Mario World, Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, and Super Princess Peach.

Spikey -a spiked creature that rolls into a ball in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. It is unrelated to Spiny, who is another Mario enemy who is sometimes called Spikey as well.

Spindrift -an odd creature with a flower-like propeller on its head that, once Mario stomps on it, causes him to fly into the air and spin for a short time. Appears in Super Mario 64.

Spinia -an unknown creature made of thin, papery boards. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Spiny (or Spikey) -a spiked turtle-like enemy that appears in Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, Mario Pinball Land, and the Mario Party series.

Splunkin -small pumpkin-like enemies in the ghost houses of New Super Mario Bros.

Spunia -a much more powerful version of the Spania. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Spy Guy -a variant of Shy Guy that hids in bushes and uses either a hammer or a slingshot. Appears in Paper Mario.

Squeek -a tiny mouse that appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Paper Mario, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Mario Party Advance, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Squiggler -a tiny, worm-like Wiggler that hides in pipes, in New Super Mario Bros.

Stinger -a bee and palette swap of Buzzer; appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Stretch -a Boo ghost that lives on the floor in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Strollin' Stu-a small clown-like enemy, the equivalent of the Goomba in Super Mario Sunshine.

Sumo Brother -a sumo version of the Hammer Brothers that stomp the ground and create lightning bolts in Super Mario World.

Super Koopa -a Koopa Troopa that wears a magic cape and can fly in Super Mario World.

Super Team -a robot created by Bowser in Super Mario Strikers.

Super Thwomp -A Giant Twhomp that crashes down on you in New Super Mario Bros.

Sushi -a shark enemy that appears in Super Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros., and the Mario Party series.

Sushie -a Cheep-Cheep allied with Mario in Paper Mario.

Suu -a spider that attacks from above in Super Mario Land.

Swampire -the strongest of the Swoopers. A feared health-sucking Swooper that lives near the bottom of the Pit of 100 Trials in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Swooper -a bat enemy in Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, and New Super Mario Bros..

Swoopin' Stu-a paint-blob enemy that appears in Super Mario Sunshine.

Swoopula -a more powerful version of the Swooper. It appears mostly in palaces. Appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.


Tamao -an indestructible blob creature that guards Dragonzamasu in Super Mario Land.

Tanoomba -a Goomba dressed in a Tanooki Suit in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Tatanga the Mysterious Spaceman -the final boss of Super Mario Land and a regular boss in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

TEC -the main computer in the X-Naut HQ in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Terra Cotta -an armored Koopa that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Terrapin.

Terrapin -armored Koopa Troopas that appear in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars; palette swap of Terra Cotta.

Thunder Lakitu -an orange Lakitu that fires bolts of lightning and appears in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Mario Power Tennis.

Thwimp -a miniature version of Thwomp that appears in Super Mario World.

Thwomp -a large granite creature that debuted in Super Mario Bros. 3 and has appeared in Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, the Mario Kart series, the Mario Party series, Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario Pinball Land, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, and Super Princess Peach.

Toad -the ever-helpful humanoid mushroom that debuted in Super Mario Bros., and has appeared in virtually every game in which Mario does.

Toadette -a female derivative of Toad who appears in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Party 6, Mario Party 7, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario Party Advance, Mario Superstar Baseball, and Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix.

Toadsworth -Princess Peach's steward that debuted in Super Mario Sunshine and appears in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Super Princess Peach, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Superstar Baseball, Mario Party 7, and New Super Mario Bros..

Tokotoko -a running rock-like enemy that appears in Super Mario Land.

Tolstar -a boss who holds Bowser hostage in a cannon in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Torion -a fish who appears in Super Mario Land.

Torpedo Ted-an underwater Bullet Bill variant that appears in Super Mario World and Super Princess Peach.

Tox Box -a metal box enemy in Super Mario 64.

Troopea -a Beanbean Koopa Troopa that appears in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Trouter -A fish who jumped out of the water in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Trunkle -a tree who blocked the entrance to LittleFungi town in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga

Tryclyde -a three-headed snake boss that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Tub-O-Troopa -A fat Koopa with wings from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Tubba Blubba -a huge clubba in Paper Mario that guards Skolar, the third star spirit (which escaped) and became invincible after his heart was removed from his body.

Tuff Puff -a little cloud in Paper Mario that is part of Huff N. Puff.

Tumble -a living die, who replaces Toad as the host in Mario Party 3; he also appears in Mario Party Advance.

Tutankoopa -a koopa troopa that lives in the Dry, Dry Ruins and guards the second Star Spirit, Mamar in Paper Mario; also appeared in Mario Pinball Land.

Tweester -a living tornado that appears in Paper Mario and the Mario Party series.

Tweeter -a hopping, masked, bird-like creature that appears in Super Mario Bros. 2.

Twila -a moon-like character that appears in Mario Party 6.


Ukiki -a monkey that likes to steal Mario's hat, who appears in Super Mario 64 and the Mario Party series; it also appeared in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island under the name of Grinder.

Unagi -an eel enemy that appears in Super Mario 64 and New Super Mario Bros.

Urchin -an underwater hazard in Super Mario World and Super Princess Peach.


Valentina -a feathered boss that appears in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Venus Fire Trap -a fire-spitting Pirana Plant that appears in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Virus -an enemy appearing in Dr. Mario. They also appear in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Vivian -a member of the Shadow Sirens who joins Mario in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Volcano Lotus -a fire-spitting plant that appears in Super Mario World and Super Princess Peach.

Vomer -A skeleton who appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


Waluigi -an evil version of Luigi, appears in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Kart DS, the Mario Tennis series, the Mario Golf series, the Mario Party series, Mario Superstar Baseball, Super Mario Strikers, and Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix.

Walruss -a large walrus enemy that appears in Super Princess Peach.

Wanda -the fairy that assists Mario, Yoshi or Princess Peach in Mario and Wario.

Wandering Goom -a Goomba-like creature that appears in Super Mario Land.

Wario -Mario's evil counterpart who debuted in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, but has since branched off into his own series as well as appeared in the Mario Kart series, the Mario Tennis series, the Mario Golf series, the Mario Party series, Mario Superstar Baseball, Super Mario Strikers, and Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix.

Wart -the final, frog-like, vegetable-hating boss of Super Mario Bros. 2.

Watt -a female Spark that appears in Paper Mario.

Wendy O. Koopa -one of Bowser's Koopalings-as well as his only daughter-that appears in Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Winkle -a snail race that appears in Chucklehuck Forest in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Whomp -a variant on Thwomp that walks around and hurls himself onto Mario when approached; appears in Super Mario 64, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, and the Mario Party series.

Whomp King -a Whomp boss that appears in Super Mario 64.

White Clubba -Clubbas found in icy regions in Paper Mario. a palette swap of the standard Clubba.

White Magikoopa -a white-robed Magikoopa who uses varying tactics and appears in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Wiggler -a passive-aggressive caterpillar that appears in Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, Yoshi's Story, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Super Princess Peach, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart DS, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Power Tennis, and the Mario Party series.

Wind Spirit -a wind spirit that charges at Mario in Super Mario Sunshine.

Wizzerd -a half-organic, half-mechanical creature that lives in the Pit of 100 Trials. Appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Wonky -an underground information salesman in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.


X-Naut -aliens that serve Sir Grodus in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

X-Naut PhD-X -Naut scientists that attack by tossing chemicals in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

X-Yux -an experimental red Yux that appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.


Yaridovich -a seaside boss in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Yellow Magikoopa -a palette swap of the standard Magikoopa that electrifies himself and appears in Paper Mario and Mario Superstar Baseball.

Yo Bro -a yo-yo tossing reptile in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Yoob -a giant alien Yoshi that terrorizes Yoshi's Island in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. One of the more disturbing facts about him is that he is colored just like Barney the Dinosaur.

Yoshi -Mario's dinosaur/dragon mount and best friend who debuted in Super Mario World and has since branched off into his own series. Yoshi appears as both a character and species in the following Mario games, Mario Is Missing!, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, the Mario Kart series, the Mario Tennis series, the Mario Golf series, the Mario Party series, Mario Superstar Baseball, and Super Mario Strikers

Yurarin -a seahorse-like creature that appears in Super Mario Land.

Yurarin Boo -A fire spewing Yurarin that appears in Super Mario Land.

Yux -a mechanical "X" creature that shoots circular rays and appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.


Z-Yux -a gray Yux that thrives in space and appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Zess T. -a Rogueport chef that will cook items in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.

Zip Toad -a celebrity Toad that appears in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door; he is first impersonated by Doopliss.

Zombone -Czar Dragon's ghastly alter-ego in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

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