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a fussing machine is a person who fusses way too much

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No....they are cool and married..

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They are synonyms, they both mean "to be without rest"

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its a saying if you dont want to say a big sentence when you fussing with them just say get that out of here

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Fussing in infants typically involves whining or grumbling, while crying is louder and more intense. Parents can respond to fussing by checking for basic needs like hunger or discomfort, and soothing the baby with gentle rocking or a pacifier. When a baby is crying, parents should first check for physical discomfort or hunger, then try comforting techniques like holding, swaying, or singing. It's important for parents to respond promptly and calmly to both fussing and crying to help their baby feel secure and cared for.

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You don't make friends with your cat. You just do what it wants and eventually it will stop fussing at you.

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Yes she does. There is an episode when Janelle's mom is fussing at her because her and Keefer are high!

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This sentence uses figurative language to describe someone who is very busy and active while cleaning. It compares the person to a squirrel, which is known for quickly moving around. The phrase "fussing over this injustice and that oversight" suggests that the person is paying close attention to small details and mistakes.

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yes, and no, its a natural thing, just like my brother and i always fight, husband and wifes fight, minorly....

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Constantly looking in mirror, spending obcenely long times in privacy, constantly fussing about his looks, and so many others.

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Shrug and say 'We're not dating.' It's not worth fussing about it; ignore them.

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To minimize fussing while bottle feeding your baby, make sure the nipple is the right size and shape for your baby's age, hold your baby in a semi-upright position, and burp your baby frequently during feeding. Additionally, try to feed your baby before they get too hungry and create a calm and quiet environment during feeding time.

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A tumult; a bustle; unnecessary or annoying ado about trifles., One who is unduly anxious about trifles., To be overbusy or unduly anxious about trifles; to make a bustle or ado.

2 answers

whimpering means crying softlly; complaining; a baby fussing;

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mussed, bussed, crust, bust, lust, must, trust, just, guss'ed, cussed, puss'ed, suss'ed, tuss'ed

3 answers

NO!! That was a rumor. Bow Wow and Chris Brown are close friends. They confirmed on 106&park that it was just a rumor. They never fought on tour.

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It is usually 16 days after conception but you may see mum exhibit behaviours such as storing lost more food and fussing with her nest in preparation for the babies.

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I think no,but this is only if you provide her with all she requres during her stay with your child and consider the monetory value of the time she will be with your baby.Its a matter of fussing LOVE into the whole thing.

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It depends on your relationship with this person, and if they are of the opposite sex. It could be a compensatory dream, meaning that you think this person is better than they actually are; and your unconscious is trying to balance your point of view.

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To soothe a fussy baby during feeding time, try gently rocking or swaying them, offering a pacifier, burping them, checking the temperature of the milk, and ensuring a comfortable feeding position.

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Your relationship will start to change. You will have more problems like fussing more often and being ignored. You will also feel the feeling of being unwanted. When you start questioning if he wants to be with you that's when he wants to break up.

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If you do it right, almost any element can conduct electricity. However, those that can do it without any fussing about are the metas, which make up everything except the far right-hand top corner.

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Bust, bussed, cussed, fussed, just, lust, must, mussed, rust, august, gust, rust, sussed, trust, trussed, crust
Must, bust, lust, rust, cussed, gust, trust, just.

3 answers

It means he is angry or scared. You should try to calm him, but if he shows signs of attacking, shut him away or completely ignore him. Hope you find this helpful! :-)

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Compliment his hair a lot I suppose. Either say 'Stop fussing, your hair looks fine' or 'wow, I like your hair today'. Guys don't have to worry about their hair as much as girls so you could tell them that they're acting like a girl.

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Tell her you still want to be friends and that it's okay it didn't work out, but you wouldn't want to ruin a friendship over this, and if she starts complaining or fussing at you, but you really want to remain friends with her, play along. Girls like when they are right :P (P.S. this is coming form a girl)

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Well, darling, 2 cups of crushed pretzels equal around 4 ounces. But let's be real, who measures pretzels by weight? Just grab a handful and call it a day. Life's too short to be fussing over pretzel ounces.

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yes they are working on that right now with the stimlus package that President Obama will impliment yes they are working on that right now with the stimlus package that President Obama will impliment

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Some words that rhyme with "discussion" are percussion, concussion, and repercussion.

5 answers

Traditional, as Edward wanted it. but Bella wanted to sneak off to Las Vegas In sweats, without any fussing round, but she wanted everyone to be happy. So she made it into a traditional one, with Alice in charge.

i would say it was ruined because Jacob came and did not control himself.

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The back burner of the stove is usually where you put the things you don't need to fuss a lot with. You can just turn the heat down and let them cook without stirring or watching them. If something's "on the back burner," then you're not actively fussing with it, but are letting it sit until you get around to doing it or working on it.

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I can't decide if you meant to write ABOUT or ABOUND ... you really ought to check your spelling before you hit that button! Haste makes waste, you know.

That's about enough fussing, but I hope you got the point.

Mis-spelled words abound on this site because people are in too much of a hurry to look at what they just typed.

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well you shouldn't be fussing about hair for a funfair because it will get messy from the roller coaster any way so I'd say just a natural ponytail or braid because you don't want to go over the top and it getting all messy so just go natural

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To get your puppy used to wearing a collar, start by introducing it gradually for short periods of time. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, when your puppy wears the collar without fussing. Increase the duration slowly and make sure the collar fits comfortably. Consistency and patience are key in helping your puppy adjust to wearing a collar.

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The black is burned into the outside of the bulb and just looks like it's on the inside. This is normally caused by touching the bulb with your bare hands but can also be a contamination from another source. The heat generated by the bulb burns anything on it's surface turning it black and fussing it to the bulb.

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Yes Kids should have to wear school uniform because it reduces the level of fussing fighting arguing and jealousy ! Im in middle school now at thomas. We are doin a project on Uniform. But i think its a good reason because if you do sumthing bad they could contact your school rite away and tell your incident if you get in trouble you should of never been doing nothing bad.Just like that!

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There are differnent types of nosebands.... each kind applies different pressures to the nose that increases control For example a figure * nose band or flash nose band applies pressure to the mouth closing the mouth if your horse is not fussing with his mouth and trying to stick his tongue out(which is a way for them to avoid the bits pressure) you gain more focus and therefore more control.

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  • As long as you respect each other then realize no two people get along 100%. If you give up on friends over a few small arguments or just simple fussing then you need to learn that friendship is about how friends stick together through thick and thin; they are loyal; honest; know how their friend handles stress; face up to what they have done if they have hurt their friend because they may have had a bad day or their life is stressful. To give up on a friend over even an argument is not a friend at all. You can always give a cooling off period between you and your friend and communication is extremely important. The two of you should be able to calmly discuss what the problems are in your friendship. As two friends age their friendships often grow more intense and more loyal. Good friends are difficult to find and relationships of any sort take some work to iron out the rough spots.

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The word beginning with "squ" that means a fuss about a small matter is "squabble." A squabble is a petty argument or disagreement over trivial issues. It typically involves minor disputes or conflicts that are often seen as unnecessary or unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

7 answers

Bicycles rarely become collectible, so probably not much. Your best bet is to look at ebay, craigslist and similar to find out what similar bikes are selling for.

Are good source's to find out what an average person would sell something they thought was worth something. If its [in good condition] rides without fussing and you kept it clean.

I'd go 5$ for every year.

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Youtube doesn't choose what it filters for you because it hates you. Most likely there was no Naruto Episode 74 part 1 English available, so it only chose some of the words, such as Naruto, Episode 74, part 1.

this is very true, so stop fussing over it and get on with life!

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Not a good idea. The saline soultion contains other goodies to keep your contacts in good shape and these little add ins will cause you grief with your navel piercing. Just use warm water in the shower to irrigate the piercing before you exit the shower. That should be good enough, too much fussing can cause trouble, treat it like a cut on your finger and it will heal just fine.

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To start off with, Chris Brown is in jail. They were leaving the pre-grammy award party, and they drove through the park. They started fussing, and Chris got out off the car, and hit Rhianna with an umbrella. She was then taken to the hospital and told on Chris. SNITCH!!!!!!!!! Spread this saying: Chris beat Rhianna with a Umbrella because she was Unfaithful, and she didn't Take a Bow. Can he run from the cops? The joke is that saying is Rhianna's lastest songs!

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I know this sounds crazy but it works. Just hold the baby right in front of your face and give them a little puff of your breath right in their face. Fairly forceful. It breaks their focus and helps them forget what they were fussing about. You may have to do it several times, but it will work. If they keep having problems there is something else wrong like a tummy ache or teething, something like that. If that's the case check into what might be hurting them and go from there.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern FU-S--G. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter F and 2nd letter U and 4th letter S and 7th letter G. In alphabetical order, they are:


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try to see it my way, do i have to keep on talking 'till i can't go on?

while you see it your way, at the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone

We can work it out, we can work it out...

think of what your saying, you can get it wrong and you still think that it's all right

think of what I'm saying, we can work it out and get it straight or say goodnight

We can work it out, we can work it out...

Life is very short and there's no time

for fussing and fighting my friend

i have always thought that its a crime

so i will ask you once again

try to see it my way, only time will tell if i am right or i am wrong

while you see it your way, there's a chance that we might fall apart before too long

We can work it out, we can work it out...

Live is very short and there's no time

for fussing and fighting my friend

i have always thought that its a crime

so i will ask you once again

try to see it my way, only time will tell if i am right or i am wrong

while you see it your way, there's a chance that we might fall apart before too long

we can work it out, we can work it out...

1 answer

You have to prove to her that you are responsible enough to have a job like that. You have to keep your lawn mower in good condition - buy gas, change the oil, keep the tires up and the blades sharp - and be trustworthy. Your mom and your customers have to be able to count on you to show up when you say you will, and to do a really good job at mowing the lawn. If you show her you can do these things - by doing your chores without fussing and by being trustworthy at home - she'll probably let you get the job.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern F--SIN-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter F and 4th letter S and 5th letter I and 6th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:







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