Static in C/C++ means that the variable will keep its value across calls to the function.
func() {
static int x=0;
cout << x << endl;
main() {
This will print:
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As of July 2014, the market cap for First United Corporation (FUNC) is $52,976,307.11.
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The major difference is that recursion requires more free memory whereas iteration is not so heavy on the system. A function is said to be recursive if it is called again within its own body. Example: void func (void) { // some condition func(); } The program will make a copy of all the variables used in func() (when it was called the first time) and refresh the working memory with the variables of func() (when its called the next time) and so on. if func() is called ten times before the termination condition is satisfied, there'll be ten copies of func() and its variables in the memory. Examples of iterative loops are simply FOR, WHILE and Do-WHILE.
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You can pass the address by using '&' with the pointer variable, while passing actual arguments. In formal arguments '*' is used in the place of '&'. To pass the address of a pointer variable a double pointer variable should be used .
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If you want to use prototype it has to be declared before main(). If you have a function of type double with one argument of type int (with name arg), and the function name is func, then we have:
double func(int arg);
int main(...)
return 0;
double func(int arg)
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int func(void);
void main(void)
printf("Enter five digit number: ");
printf("nnnSum of entered number is %d",func());
int func(void)
int b=0,a;
return b;
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The symbol for First United Corporation in NASDAQ is: FUNC.
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The Function keys should all be on the top. ( F1 to F12 )
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with the car on turn the pioneer off and then press and hold the func button until the menu displays
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press button(6), then the (func) button,and hold them for five seconds.
After the (sec) message will appear for two seconds, rolling code (six digit) will apear. so you may enter the six digit, using from 1-6 of your car stereo, them press func. or
insert your key CD into the slot.
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No, although they are planning a resort.
Source: http://www.themeparknewsdirect.com/forum?func=view&catid=49&id=339
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Here is the simple code, which demonstrates how you can use enum as function argument in c.
#include <stdio.h>
// Enum declaration for power stat
enum PowerStat{ OFF, ON } powerStat; // Function printing the stat of power supply
void func( enum PowerStat ); int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Set power supply stat OFF
powerStat = OFF;
// Call function to print the stat
func( powerStat);
// Set power supply stat ON
powerStat = ON;
// Call function to print the stat
func( powerStat);
return 0;
} void func( enum PowerStat stat)
printf("Power is = %s\n", stat ? "ON" : "OFF" );
} ==================================================
I haven't compiled and run above code but it has to work fine.
Let me know, if you found difficulty to compile it.
Email: ramji.jiyani@gmail.com
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http://www.plantingscience.org/index.php?module=pagesetter&func=viewpub&tid=2&pid=1025For more info
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The cast of Platitude Vengeance - 1991 includes: Talia Gad as Office girl Seth Grossman as Func as child Neil Johnson as Func Alexander Kane as Bully Christopher Kikuta as Volleyball player Robert Schnitzer as Mr. Shafer Judy Schnitzer as Mrs. Shafer Darren Shapiro as Timothy George Ulmer as Band member
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In C++:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x, y;
char func;
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> x;
cout << "Choose Function: ";
cin >> func;
cout << "Enter another number: ";
cin >> y;
case '+':
cout << x + y << endl;
case '-':
cout << x - y << endl;
case '*':
cout << x * y << endl;
case '/':
cout << x / y << endl;
cout << "Invalid Function!" << endl;
char wait;
cin >> wait;
return 0;
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sorry mate but you can´t do it, you must to look for the six digits code to unlock the radio, you press the preset 6 button then press func botton for ten seconds both bottons you´ll see a new code, then press func button and disc button and you have six dashes to put the code, but the difficult one is find the correct code
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Go to menu, stay on the first group of settings (dont go right or left) and go down to flash control. if you're using the built in flash go to built in flash func. setting, and if you're using an external flash, well then go to external flash func. setting. change shutter sync to 2nd curtain. Hope this helped [:
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Bishop TD Jakes' Stepson Was Arrested for Masturbating in Public
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sum from{-infinity } to{infinity } ({1} over {2 * pi } )(int (abs{X(func e^{jw})})^2 )dw
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Its is the button battery that stores the BIOS settings for your computer.
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For laptops, press and hold the Func key and press one of the functions. One my laptop the functions are blue symbols above misc other keys on the keyboard.
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It seems unlikely. See: http://www.wtrf.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=11617
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I figured it out!!! - It is so simple. After months of going from menu to menu I found it by mistake. Rotate mode dial to the auto mode (camera image). Press the OK/FUNC button Surprise!!!!!!! A menu I never seen before - and if your reading this you have never seen it either Next use arrow right to switch from AUTO to P, then press the OK/FUNC button again Finally, go back into the panarama setup and the options for In camera 1 and 2 are available.
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The scope resolution operator (::) is used to specify where the resource/function you want to access/call is located. Depending on what you want to do, it may have many uses.
The most basic one is to distinguish local and global variables with the same identifier. Example:
int x = 12; // This 'x' is a global variable accessible to every logical structure in this code
void func ()
int x = 5; // This 'x' is a local variable acessible only to func().
std::cout << ::x << std::endl; // Prints the global variable (prints 12)
std::cout << x; //Prints the local variable (prints 5)
int main ()
return 0;
The left operand of the :: operator is the 'location' of our desired resource/function. In the previous example, the operand is not specified, meaning we are referring to the global 'scope'.
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The prefix 'mal' means 'bad' in Greek. the word 'func' means 'to work' and the 'tion' suffix means 'a state of'. In this case, the word 'malfunction' literally means 'a state of working badly'.
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starts the digestion of the food
Physical and chemical digestion
Hydrochloric acid activates pepsin (protease)
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What is a Panel Meter? A panel meter is an instrument that displays an input signal in either a digital or analog form. Many panel meters also include alarm options as well as the ability to connect and transfer data to a computer. OMEGA's iSeries panel meters are available with an ethernet option which allows the panel meter reading to be accessed across a local area network (LAN) or even through the internet.
directly quoted from here: http://www.omega.com/PanelMeters.html
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what is the correlation between Indian stock market and foreign stock market
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The financial system exists to improve analysis of financials. With more information about the financial situation of the business, the more the business can respond to changes in the market.
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Function of the Pancreas The pancreas is a small organ located near the lower part of the stomach and the beginning of the small intestine. This organ has two main functions. It functions as an exocrine organ by producing digestive enzymes, and as an endocrine organ by producing hormones, with insulin being the most important hormone produced by the pancreas.
The pancreas secretes its digestive enzymes, through a system of ducts into the digestive tract, while it secretes its variety of hormones directly into the bloodstream.
Abnormal pancreatic function can lead to pancreatitis or diabetes mellitus.
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Input device is a device you plug into computer. For example: mouse, keyboard...
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- Seperate the inside of the cell from the outside.
- Transport of specific supplies in and out the cell.
- Protection
- Recognition of other cells
It provides and maintains the shape of the cell and serves as a protective barrier.
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the alveoli are small valves in the engine of an airplane, that allow extra fumes into the cumbustible exhaustion holes. Thus improving performance under water.
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They have ribosomes that finish translating proteins that will either be embedded into the membrane or be exocytosed out of the cell. They are responsible for finishing translation and handing the proteins off to the Golgi for further modification.
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The family serves as a primary unit for socialization, where values, beliefs, and norms are transmitted from one generation to the next. It also provides emotional support, nurturance, and security for its members, fostering a sense of belonging and connection. Additionally, families offer a structure for managing and organizing daily tasks and responsibilities, such as childcare and household management.
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Its a pipe which helps in passing inhaled air inside the lungs and exhaled air oustide the nose to the enviornment. It is also called windpipe
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pons connect the brain and the central nervous system with a transverse band of nerves. they are helpful in controlling the respiration and moving the head as per audiovisual movements.
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A calorimeter is a device used to measure the heat energy released or absorbed during a chemical reaction or physical change. It helps in determining the specific heat capacities, heats of reactions, and calorific values of substances.
4 answers
Stone cells provide structural support and protection for plants. They are specifically involved in making plant tissue rigid and durable, helping to prevent damage from external factors such as insects or herbivores.
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It take part in photorespiration.They break down hydrogen peroxide.It involves in detoxifying in liver.
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The function of an inclined plane is actually quite simple. This inclined plan is often used to transport items up or down much like a ramp.
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