Newts are Amphibians and should NEVER be kept with tropical fish or fish of any kind for that matter. Amphibians foul (poo and piddle) their water and breath air. Fish need pure clean water to breath. The fish will be killed by the foul water even if the newt doesn't bite them if you try to mix the two.
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An example of hyperbole in Sonnet 130 would be "And in some perfumes is there more delight / Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks." The comparison of a mistress's breath to a foul smell is an exaggerated and intentionally unrealistic statement for effect.
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That is not a given that, just because someone has an eating diorder, that they will have bad breath. If the person has an eating disorder where they purge (forcefully throw up), such as bulimia, the acid wear and vomit can leave a foul smell behind.
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It means yo booty TORE UP! And you been going azz to mouth.
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The initial symptoms include painful gums and foul breath. Gum tissue between teeth becomes infected and dies, and starts to disappear
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foul as in; foul smell: nauseabond, infect, sale
foul as in; foul play: jeu deloyal (malveillance)
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Halitosis, oral malodor, breath odor, mouth odor, foul breath, fetor oris, fetor ex ore, or most commonly bad breath could be an indication of a more serious health condition. There are a few systemic (non-oral) medical conditions which may cause foul breath odor, but these are extremely infrequent in the general population. Such conditions are: # Fetor hepaticus: an example of a rare type of bad breath caused by chronic liver failure. # Lower respiratory tract infections (Bronchial and lung infections). # Renal infections and renal failure. (Kidney failure) # Carcinoma. # Trimethylaminuria ("fish odor syndrome"). # Diabetes mellitus. # Metabolic dysfunction. Individuals afflicted by the above conditions often show additional, more diagnostically conclusive symptoms than bad breath. People troubled by bad breath should not conclude that they suffer from these conditions or disease.
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Usually fair is given as the antonym for foul, as in foul play, foul weather, etc. There are many others, however, as there are several definitions of foul to begin with.
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Foul, meaning:
1. Disgusting, vile
2. "Foul!" at a football match (bad play or something not allowed.)
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You can not get a foul but you can hit a foul ball when the ball is hit outside of the lines.
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foul-a child is a foul act
fowl-i don't know
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Yes, the word foul is a noun (foul, fouls), a verb(foul, fouls, fouling, fouled), and an adjective (foul, fouler, foulest). Examples:
Noun: The referee called a foul.
Verb: Take care with the fertilizer, it can foul the pond.
Adjective: We don't allow foul language here.
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yes because it is a type of foul
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You have things the wrong way round. Aquatic turtles make the water toxic to fish. Fish have to try to breath by passing the foul water over their gills. Turtles breath air so the poisons (Ammonia and Nitrite) in the water will not do them any damage.
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Apex 1.2.3 Quiz) Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
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it is a metaphore saying that everything that is foul (bad) was meant to be taht way. and everything that is fair is meant to be decieving and foul
4 answers
Bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by bacteria in the mouth breaking down food particles and producing foul-smelling gases. Other causes include poor dental hygiene, dry mouth, certain foods like garlic or onions, and medical conditions like gum disease or sinus infections. Smoking and certain medications can also contribute to bad breath.
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When the batter hits the ball into foul territory, and an opposing player catches it in foul territory on the fly.
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A homophone for "foul" is "fowl," which refers to a bird such as a chicken or duck.
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The markings on the field has a foul line. This is by the running paths by 1st and 3rd. Any ball that lands in between the foul line is a fair ball. Any ball that lands out the foul line is a foul.
When ball rolls on the infield and goes out the foul territory will be called foul. But when ball lands on the outfield and rolls to foul territory is a live ball
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A foul tip is when the batter hits the ball with a small piece of the bat and the ball lands foul. A pop up to the catcher is not a foul tip.
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A Baseball player hitting foul after foul is done more so to stay alive (not strike out) then to work the pitcher ... You have to keep in mind that the batter him self is using up energy to hit the ball foul ... The batter would rather get a hit then repetitively hitting the ball foul ...
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A healthy dog does not have foul-smelling breath. There is a good chance that your pet has at least one rotten tooth or some other health problem, so a trip to the vet may be in order. You might also check the contents of the food you're feeding your dog; since canines can't digest corn, soybeans or wheat, these ingredients might be the source of your dog's bad breath.
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If a ball hits the foul line, it is a fair ball.
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Backcourt Violation
Over-The-Back foul
Shooting Foul
Offensive Foul
Reaching in foul
On the pass foul
Blocking Foul
Three seconds in the key
Eight Seconds Backcourt
Five seconds Inbounding
Out Of Bounds
Shot Clock Violation
Flagrant Foul
Technical Foul
Lane Violation
10 seconds Free Throw Violation
I think that's it. -David
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There is not anythng such as foul in the game of cricket.
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Yes, you can. An infection in your wisdom tooth is signaled by foul taste in your mouth, bad persistance breath, pain in your teeth, headache, fever and chills (at advanced stage infection).
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If the ball is in foul territory and hits a base runner in foul territory then it is a foul ball, so no he would not be out
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