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A semi-formal meeting the public is typically invited to attend and listen to the speakers. Semi-formal meetings use some of the procedures of a formal meeting.

1 answer

Formal meetings are preplanned with a specific set of topics to be discussed and certain objectives as well as a specific agenda. Informal meetings are not as planned out as formal meetings and are often last minute meetings.

5 answers

In a formal meeting, you say, "The meeting is adjourned."

1 answer

In the context of a formal meeting, an 'apology' refers to prior request to be absent from a meeting. It simply means, that the members are aware of your absence.

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Formal and Informal.

1 answer

It depends on what you mean when you are referring to as a formal meeting.

1 answer

A formal meeting is a preplanned meeting. It has a predetermined set of topics that one wishes to discuss along with a set of objectives that one wishes to achieve at the end of the meeting. At a formal meeting, generally it is a senior executive who presides over the affair. The members of the meeting are often given a considerable period of notice before the meeting, preferably through formal means such as memos. As the title suggest, the atmosphere in such meetings is generally somber, formal.

Informal meetings are generally not planned well in advance. The members are not notified through formal means. They generally take place in neutral surroundings, for example in a restaurant rather than a boardroom.

1 answer

for example curry is a fomal activity office meeting

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By following the formal meeting procedures established by the project or company having the meeting. Been to thousands of them over my 30 year career.

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A formal meeting has an invitation, a particular purpose, and usually an agenda of points to cover.

An informal meeting is more of a "gather around and let's talk about this", with no fixed agenda or invitation.

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Congress is a formal meeting of delegates.

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I look forward to meeting you

1 answer

Congress is a formal meeting of delegates.

1 answer

A formal meeting is a pre-planned meeting. It has a predetermined set of topics that one wishes to discuss along with a set of objectives that one wishes to achieve at the end of the meeting. At a formal meeting, generally it is a senior executive who presides over the affair. The members of the meeting are often given a considerable period of notice before the meeting, preferably through formal means such as memos. As the title suggest, the atmosphere in such meetings is generally formal e.g. board room. Informal meetings are generally not planned well in advance. The members are not notified through formal means. They generally take place in neutral surroundings, for example in a restaurant rather than a boardroom.

1 answer

A word for not meeting expectation is underachievement.

A less formal term is 'not measuring up'.

2 answers

The person presiding in a formal meeting is the main speaker. They introduce the activities that are scheduled throughout the meeting.

1 answer

A word for not meeting someone's standards is underachievement.

A less formal term is 'not measuring up'.

1 answer

It is generally not appropriate to bring a family member to a formal meeting unless their presence is specifically requested or necessary. Family members may not be familiar with the context of the meeting or could potentially create distractions. It is best to check with the meeting organizer beforehand to determine if guests are allowed.

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A meeting is a formal gathering.Scheduled means the time and date were arranged ahead of time.

We arrived at the scheduled meeting only to find the business closed down.

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I am looking forward to meeting you. [Formal]

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The term for the motion to end a meeting is "adjournment." It is a formal way to bring the meeting to a close and signify that the business has been concluded.

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The main purpose of an agenda is to set out, in order, the business to be transacted at the meeting.

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The organization's Secretary (sometimes known as the Recording Secretary).

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Yes, board meeting minutes should be capitalized as it is a formal document and follows proper grammar rules.

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Notice, agenda, quorum, minutes, chairperson, secretary

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The appropriate greeting time for a formal business meeting is typically within the first few minutes after the scheduled start time. It is important to arrive on time and greet all attendees promptly to show respect and professionalism.

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men can wear suit and women can wear semi- formal

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It means that he communicates with you in a formal or public setting, where others can hear the conversation.

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In Tamil, the equivalent formal greeting for "how do you do" is "நன்றி இருக்கிறீர்களா?" (pronounced "nandri irukkireergala?"). This phrase is commonly used when meeting someone for the first time or in formal settings.

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A formal social group is one that has rules and regulations, scheduled meeting times, official roles assigned to members and etc. A good example would be congress. Hope this helps :)

2 answers

know the meaning of these expressions commonly used in meeting.

parliamentary procedure





presiding officer


standing committee

task force

constitution and by-Laws

formal meeting

informal meeting

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You get to meet someone is "meeting someone with a formal introduction". Also meaning you get to know someone.

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A formal gathering of the directors of the organization held at regular intervals to decide company policy and finances.

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The conduct of a formal meeting uses "parliamentary procedure."

A standard reference source is Robert's Rules of Order.

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In a formal meeting, you would first want to tell everyone your name. You would want to say something like this "Hello everyone, my name is (blank)". You then will want to follow up with what position you hold. After you state you name, simply say " I am in charge of (the position in which you work).

1 answer

Both wordings of the question are correct and have almost the same meaning, but asking "what time is the meeting at?" is asking for more exact information than just asking when in the day it is.

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Do you mean how do you write minutes? (of a meeting).

In the minutes of a meeting you should record:

who was present

who was absent - gave their apologies

who said what - in any discussions that took place.

what actions were agreed

who was to do the action

what time the meeting opened and closed- maybe when the next meeting will take place

All this depends on how formal the meeting is some informal meeting don't need all the details.

1 answer

A formal social group is one that has rules and regulations, scheduled meeting times, official roles assigned to members and etc. A good example would be congress. Hope this helps :)

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Meeting is a two way street and everyone can speak. Presentation is rather one way since the presentor lays down the topic and only he is speaking

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For a formal business meeting, the Secretary would keep Minutes. The Minutes should be dated and a list made of the participants' names at 'this' meeting. The Minutes should document each speaker, what each said, any decisions made, and who will be responsible for each task. The last point Minutes document is when the members will meet again, date, time, etc.

1 answer

A conference is a prearranged meeting for consultation or exchange of information or discussion (especially one with a formal agenda)

A meeting is when a lot of people gather together for the purpose of discussing one subject

A conference is larger than a meeting.

2 answers