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Sillypinkjade say's:


The woolly spider monkey is primarily a folivorous species, but also consumes fruit, seeds, flowers, nectar, pollen, bark, bamboo, and ferns. It prefers to eat fruits which are more ripe. Leaves are eaten for bulk and protein, and the woolly spider monkey prefers immature leaves over mature ones (Kinzey, 1997). Strier (1992b) suggests that folivory is a result of seasonal fruit shortages and the woolly spider monkey needs to eat leaves to survive. Group size for this species is between 15 to 25 individuals.

"Just giving info to what you don't know" ;) ps. please trust...


1 answer


Sillypinkjade say's:


The woolly spider monkey is primarily a folivorous species, but also consumes fruit, seeds, flowers, nectar, pollen, bark, bamboo, and ferns. It prefers to eat fruits which are more ripe. Leaves are eaten for bulk and protein, and the woolly spider monkey prefers immature leaves over mature ones (Kinzey, 1997). Strier (1992b) suggests that folivory is a result of seasonal fruit shortages and the woolly spider monkey needs to eat leaves to survive. Group size for this species is between 15 to 25 individuals.

"Just giving info to what you don't know" ;) ps. please trust...


6 answers