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foci is plural for focus. this would be a very small group of cells. The foci would indicate more than one group of cells. Whether the foci is malignant or has metastazied from another area, the writer did not indicate. I recently was diagnosed with breast cancer and the pathology report stated two foci of micrometastasis meaning there were a few malignant cells in the node. I hope this helps you. Be sure to ask your doctor to explain this in plain English to you.


1 answer

Two foci's are found on a hyperbola graph.

2 answers

The plural of "focus" is "foci." It is pronounced as "foh-sahy."

2 answers

Type your answer here... it is a T2 hyperintense foci

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The point where sound waves come together (foci).

1 answer

The essence of this war is to establish, foci or liberated areas in the countryside

1 answer

By definition, foci are the centres of interest or activity and so are important.

1 answer

by DonJuanDaDj, metastatic foci is an orgin of the cancer cells that has moved to a new site

1 answer

The answer depends on whether they are the foci of an ellipse or a hyperbola.

1 answer

No. Both foci are always inside the ellipse, otherwise you don't have an ellipse.

1 answer

No. Both foci are always inside the ellipse, otherwise you don't have an ellipse.

1 answer

Most orbits are elliptical; all NATURAL orbits are. There are two foci, or focuses, to an ellipse. The distance between the foci determines how eccentric, or non-circular, they are.

If the two foci are in the same place, then the ellipse becomes a circle. So a circular orbit would have only one focus.

2 answers


1 answer

No. Both foci are always inside the ellipse, otherwise you don't have an ellipse.

1 answer

As the distance between foci increases the eccentricity increases, or the reverse relationship.

1 answer

-- If they're the foci of a single optical system, then the result can't be stated in general.
It depends on the curvatures and relative position of the lenses.

-- If they're both the foci of the same ellipse, then the ellipse becomes more eccentric.
That is, more squashed and less circular.

-- If they're the foci of two parabolas, then there's no relationship between them, and
nothing in particular depends on the distance between them.

The answer depends on whether they are the foci of an ellipse or a hyperbola.

3 answers

No, and there are two of them!

1 answer

The Sun is located at one of the foci of the elliptical orbit of Mars. The other focus remains empty.

5 answers

The ellipse will become more circular until it becomes a circle when the two foci coincide.

1 answer

Signal foci is a white matter in the cerebrum. It is a common incidental finding on MRI of the brain of patients with a variety of diseases.

1 answer

An ellipse has 2 foci. They are inside the ellipse, but they can't be said to be at the centre, as an ellipse doesn't have one.

1 answer

Punctate foci are 'lesions' on the brain, typically caused by unknown trauma to the brain or conditions where demyelination of brain tissue occurs. Punctate foci are identified by brain MRI, with and without contrast although using contrast normally provides a more accurate picture of all lesions. In layman's terms, punctate foci have also been described as 'popcorn calcifications' in the brain tissue. Some punctate foci are associated with normal aging process.

1 answer

Hypointense foci refer to areas on a medical imaging study, such as MRI or CT, that appear darker than surrounding tissue due to reduced signal intensity. These foci may indicate the presence of abnormalities such as lesions, tumors, or areas of decreased blood flow. Further evaluation is often needed to determine the underlying cause and potential implications of hypointense foci.

2 answers

foci and axes.

1 answer

To live so close to the close foci of most of the diseases was dangerous/terrifying!

2 answers

No, the sun is located at one of the two foci of Earth's elliptical orbit, not in the exact center.

2 answers

find the constant difference for a hyperbola with foci f1 (5,0) and f2(5,0) and the point on the hyperbola (1,0).

1 answer

A circle is an ellipse with an eccentricity of zero. Both foci of that ellipse are at the same point.

In the special case of the circle, that point is called the "center".

1 answer

The distance from one of the foci of an ellipse to its center is half the distance between its two foci. It is referred to as the focal distance and is an important parameter in defining the shape and size of the ellipse.

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As the foci of an ellipse move closer together, the ellipse becomes more circular in shape. When the foci coincide, the shape is a circle. Note that circles are a subset of ellipses.

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Ishcaemic foci are also called lacunar infarcts. They are caused when blood flow is interrupted to small areas of the brain. It can be detected by an MRI scan.

1 answer

The foci of an ellipse are points used to define its shape, and the eccentricity of an ellipse is a measure of how "elongated" or stretched out it is. The closer the foci are to each other, the smaller the eccentricity, while the farther apart the foci are, the larger the eccentricity of the ellipse.

2 answers

The foci of an eclipse refer to the two points within the elliptical orbit of the Moon where the Earth is located at the time of the eclipse. These points define where the alignment between the Sun, Earth, and Moon occurs, leading to either a solar or lunar eclipse.

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An ellipse, a hyperbola.

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Both foci of any ellipse are always in the same plane.

If they're both at the same point, then the ellipse is a circle.

1 answer

foca does not belong as it is not a valid English word, whereas focus, focuses, and foci are all related to the concept of concentration or emphasis.

2 answers

Objects such as planets move around the Sun in ellipses; the Sun is at ONE of the foci of the ellipse. The other focus has no special significance in astronomy.

1 answer