The medical root word fibro refers to fibrous tissue or fibers, typically found in connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles.
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Asbestos found in fibro is very dangerous and needs to be handled by a professional if found. It can cause respiratory problems as well as some cancers.
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Elastic , hyaline, and fibro cartilage
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Every person with fibro seems to have differant triggers. The humidity, for fibro sufferers, does make it feel like the sky is sitting on your shoulders. Hope this helps you try to cope or understand a little more.
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Timber fibro bricks metal cement
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fibro=fiber or appearing like fiber mya= muscle algia=pain
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for the walls, fibro and bricks and the roof is made out of curved roof tiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Fibrocartilage tissue provides support and rigidity to attached/surrounding structures.
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The word parts that make up fibromyalgia are fibro(fibrous tissue) and Myo(muscle), and Algia(illness).
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Houses in Australia are generally made of steel, timber, bricks or stone. Some older houses are made of fibro.
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yes i use amitriptyline to help manage my fibro . been on it for 5 yrs helps manage the pain a little.
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Fibrocartilage is not as flexible or elastic as other types of cartilage. It is a dense, fibrous tissue that provides structural support and strength to areas of the body that are subject to high levels of stress or mechanical loading, such as the intervertebral discs in the spine and the knee joint.
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Fibro myalgia. My/o is the combining form meaning muscle. -Algia means pain. Myalgia equals muscle pain.
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I believe there is.Perhaps because of excess cortisol in cns of Fibro. I have gone through four cell phones, was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia ten years ago.
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Cells die during during respiratory failure because of endothelial and epithelial damage and inflammation and fibro proliferation
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Author Notice: It turned out they were a fibourous tumour, called a Fibro Lipoma. I got them taken out by surgery.
there should not be two lumps on your left leg i would get that checked out if i was you.
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There is not one known mineral deficiency that causes Fibromyalgia. Most patients with Fibro do find that an increase in Magnesium, Vit D and other minerals can help improve their symptoms.
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Sometimes there can be visible redness to the skin from Fibromyalgia. The redness may occur with itching or what feels like a burn, or it may not feel different at all and just appear red or blotchy.
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The term "Fibromyalgia" comes from both Latin and Greek roots. Fibro (latin) meaning the Fiberous tissues. Mya (from the Greek Myo) meaning muscles. Algia (greek) meaning pain.
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Fibroblasts produce extracellular matrix for various connective tissue types, including loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, and specialized connective tissues like tendons and ligaments. The extracellular matrix produced by fibroblasts provides structural support, flexibility, and resilience to these connective tissues.
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I've had fibro
for 16 years. It is much better. However, a few weeks ago I have minor oral surgery and other dental work done. The same week I had a breast biopsy. To my surprise, my body was so traumatized that I wound up in bed for 3 days. Recently, we all had the stomach bug. Everybody was up the day after. It took me 3 days after to be able to function. Fibro
exacerbates pain and slows healing. Regardless, I plan to have laser lipo because my weigh is not going anywhere regardless of what I do. I will report of how this affected me.
Mary Grace
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please answer.what does it mean? fibro linear parenchymal opacities is seen in lung. domes of diaphragm elevated(poor insipiratory film) . which depart ment of the medicine to be discuused
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There is one supplement that you would be able to try. It is known as Fibro solutions. It might help to relieve some of your mothers symptoms. I know someone who has the same condition and she tried these and said that they work.
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Sutures are only found in the skull.
Sutures are classified as a Fibrous joint - and permit no movement.
Sutures are connected by fibro cartilage.
Fibrous cartilage is made up of dense irregular connective tissue.
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The fibers found in intervertebral discs are collagen fibers, primarily Type I and Type II collagen. These fibers provide structural support and help to resist tensile forces within the disc.
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Many who suffer from Fibromyalgia experience what is referred to as "Fibro Fog". This can involve memory loss, inability to form words, or just general forgetfulness, among other things. Everyone is affected differently and medications may add to the cognitive issues.
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If looking for a medication, Lyrica is the only rx on the market right now specifically used to treat fibro.
Stretching daily helps. If you have the tolerance for it, try yoga.
Also, find a doctor that beleives in fibromyalgia. A lot of the old doctors don't and will be of no help to you.
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cartilage :- it is a connective tissue which lies at joints between the bones or surrounding the bone
it is mainly of two kinds hylaine cartilage and fibro cartilage
the other areas where cartilage are found are :the rib cage, theear, the nose, the elbow, the knee, the ankle, the bronchial tubes and the intervertebral discs
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Neurofibromatosis derives its name from the types of tumors it causes: neuro- refers to nerves, fibro- refers to fibrous tissue, and -matosis indicates a condition involving multiple tumors. This genetic disorder results in the growth of tumors on nerves and fibrous tissue throughout the body.
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Fibromyalgia does not cause arthritis in itself. Arthritis would contribute to the muscle fatigue and other symptoms of this disease.
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Australian houses can be made of any substance, as long as they meet the high standard requirements concerning safety and construction. These materials are most commonly brick or wood, but other materials which are popular include stone, fibro, chamferboard, mud-bricks and probably a few other materials as well.
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You must apply for subsidized housing by completing an application with the Arkansas Housing Authority. Visit this site for information and requirements; http://www.hud.gov/local/index.cfm?state=ar&topic=renting
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Fibroglandular parenchyma is the combination of fibrous and glandular tissue found in the breast. This tissue is responsible for producing and transporting milk in breastfeeding women. Changes in fibroglandular tissue density can affect mammography results and breast cancer risk assessment.
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Chiropractic care and acupuncture treatments should help. Going to a out of town doctor should help, tell them all your problems and they should prescribe you pain medicines. Its obvious they don't know what they are doing, especially in small towns. Sounds like fibro mi-alga and they give you Lyrica for that.
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The fibromyalgia diet is a diet, any diet, designed for people who suffer from fibromyalgia. It's purpose is to help ease the suffering of those affected with the disease. http://www.fibromyalgia-diet.ws/
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you can be eligiable for disability from different things: lupus, bi polar, fibro, etc.. it does not have to be from a work related injury, you need to file workers com for an on the job injury....get a good atty from the get go ...if you are going to apply for disability it took me 2yrs until i got atty then I got it within 6months..hope this helps
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern FIB--. That is, five letter words with 1st letter F and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter B. In alphabetical order, they are:
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No, fibrocartilage is not the most common type of cartilage in the body. Hyaline cartilage is the most common type and is found in areas such as the nose, respiratory tract, and the ends of long bones. Fibrocartilage is found in structures like intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis.
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No. A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which there is a conspicuous stroma of proliferating fibroblasts and connective tissue elements; commonly occurs in breast tissue. Some people have breasts with a lot of fatty tissue and some have cystic breasts. If you have the type with cysts, the tissue can create a small, hard, round area. Initially they are not harmful or cancerous. That is what benign means.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern F--RO. That is, five letter words with 1st letter F and 4th letter R and 5th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:
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ligaments are connective tissues that hold one bone to another in the joint. from your elbow to your leg, anything in your body that is connected to your bone by a joint is a ligamentte
ligaments are located where there are joints in the body, ligaments reduce friction between the bones, making it easier for our joints to move. you can also get different types of ligament e.g blue, white fibro, etc :P
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If you are in chronic pain, you may have had people or your doctor mention fibromyalgia. What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is widespread pain in the muscles and joints. It can also cause fatigue and lead to depression and the inability to perform normal functions. Fibro sufferers may be sensitive to touch in one or more trigger points on the body.
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