according to fiber one cardboard and sawdust have fiber in them
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No, Dacron is not a natural fiber. It is a synthetic fiber made from polyester.
2 answers
There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, like oatmeal. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve, but is important to bulk up and clean the colon.
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There is no fiber in steak. There is mostly fiber in plant products.
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There are many purposes of a fiber multiplexer. Fiber multiplexers are made to allow the transport of multiple E1 or T1 lines and Ethernet over fiber optic links.
Fiber multiplexer also allow voice (phone) over fiber fiber transmission.
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Acrylic is a synthetic fiber made from polymers derived from petroleum or natural gas. It is not a natural fiber like cotton or wool.
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Silk is a natural fiber produced by silkworms. It is not a synthetic fiber.
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By using Fiber Optics, we can achieve 100Gbps.
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No, it is a natural fiber made form the leaves/stems of a plant.
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High fiber is any amount of fiber that is above the national standard average for fiber in a product that contains fiber. Fiber in most things is quite low in content, a high fiber product will go far and above those levels to make sure a lot of fiber is provided in their product in a healthy manner.
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Vegetables having the most fiber (fiber content is per 100 g):
- [boiled] artichokes (7.8 g fiber)
- fresh peas (6.2 g fiber)
Fruits with the most fiber:
- pears (2.9 g fiber)
- bananas (1.8 g fiber) http://int.primopiatto.barilla.com/piace...
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no there is not, a person could take Metamucil or Citrucel to add more grams of fiber to one's fiber intake
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(This fiber refers to Textile fiber)
Natural fiber are naturally growing from Cotton plant.
Man made fiber are polyster,rayon,viscose staple fiber. Its is a process of wood pulp chemically treated and processed to make a fiber equal to natural fiber with same qualities.
viscose and cotton virtually have nodifference.
But polyster have poor qualites compared to other in areas like thermal regain,moisture regain,softness,anti pilling,air premeabilty.
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An assignment on commercial fiber can focus on polyester fiber. The paper can discuss what it is and the stages involved in synthetic fiber production.
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The smaller fiber in a muscle fiber is called a myofibril. A band of tissue that connects bone to bone is called a ligament.
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Yes peas have a type of fiber called Soluble fiber. It can help lower cholesterol.
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Futura fiber is a fiber from the table of content mostly use in synthetic hair extensions.
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No. The only thing that fiber helps with is digestion. Fiber doesn't do anything to your growth.
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This industry segment produces a wide variety of products, including paper fiber bottles, fiber bobbins, composite cans, all-fiber cans, fiber drums (metal-end or all fiber), fiber cores, mailing cases and tubes.
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Dietary fiber can reduce serum cholesterol levels. (Of course, some sources of fiber are better than others.)
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The dietary fiber that is most helpful in reducing serum cholesterol is soluble fiber. The soluble fiber excretes the cholesterol. Foods that have soluble fiber are plant based.
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