This question is quite unusual if you ask me ... So, um, why would you ask this? Maybe crouched...
1 answer
It's a stereotype that foot fetishists become slaves to girls and women. Like any other fetish, foot fetishism is a diverse and individual experience. People with foot fetishes can have healthy and consensual relationships, just like anyone else. This stereotype is not accurate or fair.
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Teachers may be seen as authority figures or parent substitutes. But there are probably as many answers to this question as there are people who feel this way!
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Giger drew representations of human bodies and machines in a cold, interconnected relationship described as biomechanical. his paintings often display fetishistic sexual imagery and his art has greatly influenced tattoists and fetishists worldwide.
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Shoeplay is the removal of or playing with shoes, especially in public places, and is the sexual focus of shoeplay fetishists. Shoeplay fetishists largely prefer to watch shoeplay rather than indulging in the activity themselves.
The action of shoeplay can be seen as comprising seven key motion types: removal, where the shoe is simply taken off; dipping, where the foot is 'dipped' into and out of a removed shoe; dangling, where the shoe is dangled from an elevated foot; dropping, where the shoe is allowed to fall from an elevated foot; heel popping, where the heel is 'popped' out of and into the back of the shoe; balancing, where the removed shoe is tipped up by the foot; and twirling, where the removed shoe is 'twirled' round by the foot.
Shoeplay fetishists often have a preference for motion types, as well as for shoe types (high heels are common), sock or hosiery types (or, indeed, barefoot), and so forth. A shoeplay fetish can be part of a broader shoe or foot fetish, but is not necessarily. While shoeplay fetishists will tend to prefer shoeplay performed by the gender(s) in line with their sexual orientation, often they will find any shoeplay arousing.
Although research into the shoeplay fetish is minimal, due perhaps to the self-perpetuating silence surrounding what is perceived as sexual deviance, the online popularity of shoeplay websites and videos indicates a significant proportion of the population takes interest in it.
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it is qiute strange but you just want to be humilated and beg for more so you want to or have this strange feeling where you want to serve this person who is going to let you kiss or lick they feet and if they laugh at you or tease you its more pleasure does that make sense
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In general no, every one has their thing, if it isn't hurting any one(who doesn't enjoy being hurt) and isn't an overly risky behavior no need to worry about it, however I think every one should see a psychologist every now and again.
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Tom Dolby has written:
'The trust' -- subject(s): Secret societies, Wealth, Interpersonal relations, Fiction
'Citytripping New York for nighthawks, foodies, culture vultures, fashion fetishists, downtown addicts & the generally style-obsessed' -- subject(s): Guidebooks
'The trouble boy' -- subject(s): Fiction, Screenwriters, Gay men
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A husband whose wife has been sleeping around with other men without his knowledge or consent. It means the same today technically, although people sometime extend it to cover people in committed relationships who are not married or use it for women (in place of the correct female equivalent "cuckquean.")
Cuckold is also used today among sexual fetishists for men who get a masochistic sexual thrill from their wives engaging in extracurricular sex (a person more properly termed a "wittol," from the Old English for "wise (knowing) cuckold") because it reinforces the role-play conceit of compulsion.
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two different words actually:
mackintosh fun:
Rubber fetishism involving, usually, rubber raincoats.
-- The Mackintosh Society is a British organization for rubber fetishists. It is named after Charles Macintosh, a Scottish chemist who, in 1823, invented a rubberized raincoat (called a mackintosh) and other waterproof materials.
-- Macophilia describes a condition of sexuoerotic arousal from the sight of a high-end macintosh.
A condom , possibly derived from the French words for a condom , capote-anglaise (English hood) and redingote anglaise (English overcoat). See condom for synonyms.
site i got it at:http://www.sex-lexis.com
normally for boys
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A male foot fetish is a sexual fetish that some men, who may be completely heterosexual (straight) otherwise, experience. It involves a sexual desire to see/touch/masturbate while thinking about the feet of other men. individual preferences may include long or short toes, hairy or shaved legs, and other factors. Such fetishists are aroused by the most benign things, such as a man wiggling his toes while wearing flip flops at the store. It is very taboo in society and thus is very rarely known, but is more popular than you may think. It appears at the teenage years, and continues throughout life. It is likely genetic.
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It isn't! Foot fetishism is the number one most common body part fetish with 16% of men having it and 8% of women. It recieves a bad rep from the media who makes fun of it, of course these same people also probably have a foot fetish themselves or they wouldn't think to poke fun at it. Any rate, as far as fetishes are concerned the foot fetish is among the tamer fetishes especially compared to pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, water sports, scat fetish, vomit fetish, S&M, Anthropromorphism, and the list goes on! Yep compared to a lot of other fetishes, the simple foot fetish is vanilla.
2 answers
Different guys like different types of the girl's bodies. There are those that love taller girls whereas there are those who love shorter girls. There are those who love dark-skinned girls whereas there are those who love the light skinned girls.
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No, not at all. ==I disagree== I have learned that some narcissists need to de-personalize sex in order to participate. That is to say that they do not wish to share in the give and take of a shared sexual experience, and are more comfortable with porn, masturbation, etc. Some N's use withdrawal of sex as a form of punishment,(mine did) but that does not mean they do without themselves!I discovered my N had a fascination for womens underwear, among other things. I believe the fantasy involved is meant as a substitute for real sex that likely makes them feel dependent on someone else. No narcissist wants that! Sharing is beneath them. They are supremely selfish. Fetishism? If it serves this purpose for the N, you bet they do! Nothing said in the second response shows any **general** link between narcissism and fetishism. Most fetishes are harmless and most fetishists are NOT narcissists. Joncey
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Ask your partner. There is no way that we could possibly know without asking ourselves.
Narcissists are prone to fetishes, and may pick certain body parts to objectify about their sexual partners or the opposite sex in general. Some are foot fetishists, some prefer large OR small breasts, some may be the type who like to take photos of their private parts only, and email them to their partner. They objectify people, and that would give creedence to the fact that they objectify "parts" of people. It allows them to further reduce a human being to simply an object for their deviant pleasures. My narcissist use to like to grab my ankles roughly during sex, for the entire duration sometimes, he also wanted me to wear heels frequently during, I remember thinking during that time how strange that he thought feet were so sexual, and put such empasis on it.
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I once read someone noticed Ava gardner was flat footed (some movie - she posed in a similar pose of the Naked Maja) . It won't do for a sexy woman to have feet that look like "real feet." hackberry flat Probably the same reason they don't should close-ups of bare breasts: for all the talk of Hollywood liberalism and reputed sex in the movies, Hollywood, at least the non-porn industry is a very conservative place. Actresses will to a degree flaunt sexuality insofar as teasing, but rarely "deliver the goods." Also bare feet, particularly for women, can be seen as being less than rich or invulnerable. Hollywood women would rather show off some stupidly expensive high heels. The producers of these films also know that there are foot fetishists out there, and might have actresses tease them, but not to conflict with there concerns as stated above.
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Their wives.
Seriously, it depends on what you mean by cuckold. If you mean the simple definition of a man with an unfaithful partner, it could be many things. If you mean "what makes a man a cuckold fetishist," then fetich is an eroticization of deep-eseated fears and in the case of cuckolding the fear being eroticized is that of being rejected or snubbed in the evolutionary and social competition for a partner. Such a fear can be the result of trauma or of an accumulation of small things, but either way usually traces back to experiences in the formative childhood years.
Basically, the fear touches such a strong nerve that the brain has paired it with sexual excitement in order to protect itself from being paralyzed. When the fear is engaged, the brain released feel-good sex hormones to keep from crashing like a computer. The man in question learns that he can trigger those sexual feelings by accessing the fear and so begins a cycle of association.
In some cases the cuckold fears may be a bit different. For instance, their are some humiliation fetishists who gravitate towards cuckolding because of its extreme humiliation value.
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The relationship of science/technology and art is woefully underemphasized in popular understanding. From Da Vinci's interest in pre-natal anatomy to Van Gogh's study of astronomy, to the post-structuralist roots of John Baldessari, scientific curiosity and technological advancement have sent the volleyball over the net uncountable times. Before the drum machine, drummers sought metronomic perfection, but when the radio was full of mechanized synth-pop, we began to prize the gritty slop of drums obviously beaten by human beings.
Painted portraiture, like most painting, strove to give us the most convincing, detailed representation of naturalism. When the camera appeared on the scene, the Impressionists basically said, Hey, the machine has that covered, we want to say (see) what the machine can't. That's when bold and loose strokes of alla prima painting let loose. Currently, there is a split. We are both tech-fetishists and nostalgists, craving a return to the handmade. Today's portraits are equally likely to be pure painting, pure digital medium or the mixed-media offspring of both.
2 answers
The relationship of science/technology and art is woefully underemphasized in popular understanding. From Da Vinci's interest in pre-natal anatomy to Van Gogh's study of astronomy, to the post-structuralist roots of John Baldessari, scientific curiosity and technological advancement have sent the volleyball over the net uncountable times. Before the drum machine, drummers sought metronomic perfection, but when the radio was full of mechanized synth-pop, we began to prize the gritty slop of drums obviously beaten by human beings.
Painted portraiture, like most painting, strove to give us the most convincing, detailed representation of naturalism. When the camera appeared on the scene, the Impressionists basically said, Hey, the machine has that covered, we want to say (see) what the machine can't. That's when bold and loose strokes of alla prima painting let loose. Currently, there is a split. We are both tech-fetishists and nostalgists, craving a return to the handmade. Today's portraits are equally likely to be pure painting, pure digital medium or the mixed-media offspring of both.
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There are many many theories on what causes a fetish, from seeing something traumatic happening in very early childhood (seeing a cousin being spanked), to a child projecting its affection onto an object during its mother's absence (a teddy bear, a piece of silk). For some the conditioning happens during a specific time in early childhood in which the object is imprinted into the child's mind, for others it happens during adolescence. Fetishes will usually remain for a lifetime.
Doctors and psychiatrists regard fetishism as normalvariations of human sexuality, as long as you are comfortable with your feelings. In most cases, fetishists see this as their natural orientation, with no intention of changing it. If you are not happy with your preoccupation or feel there is something wrong with you you should see a doctor to help you come to terms with or find the cause of your fetish.
There are two types of therapy that can help, if you feel the fetish is wrong or a problem for you. Cognitive therapyseeks to change a person's behavior without analyzing how and why it has shown up. Or psychoanalysis tries to find the traumatic unconscious experience that has caused the fetish. Bringing this unconscious knowledge to a conscious state and, by enabling the person to work out the trauma rationally and emotionally.
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There is no way to know. In some cultures, bare feet are regarded as very attractive or even sexy, but in American culture, most women (and men) prefer to wear shoes, unless they are at the beach. Some people, called "foot fetishists," like to look at bare feet. But in general, it is not the bare female foot that American popular culture focuses on.
5 answers
A fetish is a fondness or liking for something in particular, that may, or may not be very common; some people have a foot fetish, where they love to rub or have their feet rubbed.
The word is often used to mean any unusual sexual practice, preference, or obsession that involves sexual identification, objects, or roles.
Traditionally, some psychologists have claimed that fetishists are 'in love' with the fetish object (such as rubber or whatever) instead of the person. However, fetishism may not be that extreme. Very often it's simply a way of spicing things up.
If the fetish interferes with your daily life, or if you cannot have a sexual relationship without involving the fetish, you might want to talk to a counselor. The idea is to control the fetish, not let it control you!
In Detail
As above, a Fetish is a object, thing or situation that causes sexual arousal, such as a specific type of clothing, footware, sexual or non-sexual act or situation like "having sex outside."
A true fetish in psychology terms is a thing (as above) that needs to be present for sexual satisfaction to be achieved. This describes a type of mental illness. But the usual use of the word fetish just refers to an affinity for something specific, not an absolute need for it. Normally it is something other than accepted mainstream sexual practices.
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When referring to horse gear the plural should be harness.
He owned an extensive collection of harness.
There are several sorts of harness, depending on the job the horse is doing.
The horse wore two sets of pulling harness, one with a collar and hames for the dray and the other with a breastplate for the buggy.
The harness for my uncle's team of nine heavy draughts was kept suspended from the beams of the shed, from where it could be lowered into place.
You could, I suppose, say "there are different harnesses for different things", but it is ugly, clumsy and, I suspect wrong. It is better to say "there is different harness for each different task".
Climbing harness and harness for babies may be subject to different rules, but I'd hazard a guess that they're not. There is one sense in which you could use harnesses: "He had an extensive collection of harnesses: climbers' harness, babies harness and horse harness; harnesses used to sling loads for lifting in to ships' holds and even harness of the sort used by bondage fetishists." However, he'd be a pretty rare individual and I'm not sure I'd like to meet him.
Too often these days we take the easy way out when writing and so we end up with things like, "he summitted the mountain" and "she medalled at the Olympics" and, just as bad "the book was gifted to me".
4 answers
There are people with blood fetishists who drink human blood, but a vampire is a person who physically needs the blood, not just enjoys drinking it. I have to drink blood or my heart goes crazy and I feel like my chest is splitting in half. Then blood comes out of my pores on my hand and I have to drink that. This has happened since I was born. Everyone at school calls me a vampire because my canine teeth are unusually large and also because if I bleed i suck more blood out. When I see blood I go crazy and my heart wants it. My chest starts up again and blood runs out. All my classmates are totally freaked out when it happens cause I look like I'm having some sort of seizure. My favorite blood type is O negative. It's the sweetest kind. My sister does this too. She is weaker about denying blood during the day. I'm weaker at night. That's when the worst pain of all starts. That's when I usually drink the blood. If I miss a day of drinking blood horrible things happen. I did that once and I woke up with blood all over me and three severed rabbit heads were beside me. My mom was so freaked out that she nearly passed out. Ever since then I've been careful not to forget to drink blood. Does that make me a vampire? What about my sister?
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For starters, a "fetish" is an attachment to or fixation on some body part or some thing so strong that without it (or at least the fantasy of it) sex is either not much fun or -- worst case -- just doesn't happen at all.
A foot fetishist may have just have a "thing" for feet. Some guys like breasts, some guys like buttocks, some guys like feet. For such a fetishist, the "wrong" type of feet (too small, toes too long, whatever) can actually be a turn-off.
For other foot fetishists, the real turn-on is what the feet do: have a powerful smell, for example, or "trample" the fetishist -- actually step on them -- a form of humiliation.
Generally, this sort of thing is harmless. Humans can develop all sorts of fetishes; it's probably got something to do with encouraging more mixing in the gene pool. It can become a problem, though, if the feet become more important than the person they're attached to. People should control their fetishes, not be controlled by them!
Mental health professionals are used to helping folks to regain control of their fetishes, and themselves, if things are getting out of hand.
I know this is a pretty broad answer. Feel free to ask more specific questions.
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You can educate others on the importance of using accurate terms and language to respect the diversity within the transgender community. Encourage using correct terminology and explain the differences between transgender and transsexual identities to help people understand the distinction. Promoting inclusivity and sensitivity when discussing gender identities can help prevent the oversimplification of these terms.
3 answers
Yes, though it depends on what you mean. Many males do accumulate fat where women have breasts, but this is not true breast growth.
Some males have a hormone imbalance which produces a medical condition called gynecomastia. That is the occurrence of female-like breast tissue on men. While there is surgery available if this is severe, this condition is usually temporary and self-limiting. For some teens, it may come from different cells in the testes developing at different times. Contrary to popular belief, the gonads in both sexes do not directly produce sex hormones. They produce precursor hormones which are combined by the time they are released into the blood. So if only part of the chain of events needed to make the hormones take place, then the body may produce different sex hormones until the gonads mature more. Similar would explain some facial hair in girls, particular if they are in certain ethnic groups.
Sometimes gynecomastia is a result of using anabolic steroids. So if a child is suddenly bulking up with muscles and is also developing breasts, some investigation is in order to see if they are taking steroids.
Then there are Male to Female transsexuals who take female hormones and/or get surgery to obtain breasts as part of a complete sex-reassignment program that requires hormones and genital surgery. Nowadays, some with transsexualism are being allowed to start hormones during puberty when they will do the most good and prevent their bodies from becoming deformed with hormones they should never be producing. It is sad that the media stigmatizes these children, accuses them of being "transgendered," and violates their medical privacy, all in the name of producing news.
There are also fetishists and transgendered persons who illicitly take female hormones but who decide to keep their male genitalia for life. These are not the same as persons with transsexualism as mentioned above. Still, for whatever reasons, they decide to grow breasts.
no its not normal maybe, if they are a little chubby they may have
man boobs
2 answers
There has been for some years now the subculture of southern confederate fans who maintain a culture of maintaining and celebrating the customs and victories and losses of the Confederate army to the Union during the civil war. Closely related to but not necessarily being the same thing the Klu Klux Klan, (KKK), constitute a subculture of hooded thugs who terrorize minorities. There is the subculture of military brats who are children who have been raised on military bases and that in itself is a subculture of a subculture which is the military culture as a whole.
There is the subculture of goths who are usually younger people who dress in a lot of black and tend to idolize such poets as Keats and Shelly and seem to admire vampires and werewolves. There is the punk subculture which also has its own subcultures such as the skinheads. There is the subculture of skateboarders and some of them evolve into the subculture of extreme sports enthusiasts. There is the gay culture which, while it may not be politically correct to state, given their population fairly constitutes a sub culture. Among the gay culture there are the transexuals and the leather clad dominance fetishists, the submissive feminine types and the whole transvestite thing which some cross dressers may or may not be gay. There is the whole freaky animal fetishist culture where people derive sexual gratification pretending to be and often times dressing up as animals.
There is the Dungeon and Dragons or role playing subculture and there are the comic book fan boys many of which are also either avid Star Wars or Star Trek convetioneer's. There are the Santeria's who belong to a mysterious religion that seems to be a mixture of Christianity and voodoo and many Christian religions themselves might be considered a subculture of either the Catholic Church or Protestant Church and even the Protestants might be counted as a subculture by many Catholics. There is the subculture of Satanists and the many and varied new age religions. There are the Buddhists and zen followers who in the United States are for all intents and purposes a part of a subculture. There are the atheists who may be growing in numbers but are still as a whole small enough to constitute a subculture. There are the recovering alcoholics and addicts who attend various anonymous organizations that would constitute a subculture. There are the modern day bohemians and the thisaphile or thataphiles who are avid fans of whatever they are fans of. There are the many immigrants who have not yet assimilated into American culture which itself is increasingly becoming a culture of subcultures.
1 answer
A "sissy maid" is a cross-dressed submissive male engaged in what is sometimes called "domestic service" fetish play. Typically, the male dresses in the stereotypical (sometimes to the point of parody) style of a maid or other female domestic servant from a Western country circa late 18th to early 20th century. The subject's masculinity and their status as an equal of their fellows is thus simultaneously belittled. (Hence "sissy" and "maid.") Fetish scenes usually involve actual domestic work (such as cooking, table service, and cleaning) and often personal grooming services (such as pedicures, running baths, brushing hair, laying out clothes).
The "sissy maid" is directed in these activities by their play partner, (commonly a female, but sometimes another male) who takes the role of employer/owner ("Mistress" or "Master," now archaic titles that are contemporaneous with the historic costume of the maid). Various verbal and physical humiliations are usually layered on top of the demeaning implications of the work and dress. It is not unusual for some sexual activity to also take place, although there are situations in which the sexually charged cross-dressing and fetish submission is all that occurs between the two people.
"Domestic service" is frequently combined by couples with other forms of BDSM activity. As with any other fetish activity, there is a wide variety of commitment, from married couples who just talk about it as fantasy in the bedroom to people who publicly live their fetish lifestyle - and their fantasy of being a "sissy maid" - 24/7/365.
To become one, you need merely find a partner who is interested (or at least willing) to dominate you in this way. Personal ads and activity groups are a common way of meeting like-minded fetishists. Professional Dominatrices are a way to indulge in the fetish for brief periods at a price, but remember to first make sure that the activity is not considered prostitution (and therefore illegal) in your locality. (It is legal in many large US cities).
It's also possible to serve as a maid for a woman who is not interested in anything other than having her cleaning taken care of. Believe it or not, there are many women who would jump at the chance of having their very own maid provided you can convince them you're not going to try anything untoward - alas, this is easier said than done. To attract such women, you'll need to tailor a personal ad towards their needs rather than your own, emphasizing how you can be of service rather than what you get off on.
Although this may be true a real sissy maid needs more than just cleaning house for a woman and leaving . I am not talking about sex either . Most sissies love to please . They need to know her services are enjoyed and you are enjoying the fact that this sissy is here to do your chores
1 answer
It's impossible to give the exact number. The Wikipedia article on the Holocaust gives an estimate of 5,000 to 15,000, which is a very wide range.
There are those who challenge even the 5,000 to 15,000, saying that they believe it is too high. Among these are Dr. Judith Reisman in her article "The Pink Swastika and Holocaust Revisionist History," available online.
Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams: The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party c. 2004 (available to read at no charge online) present evidence for the role of homosexuals within the Nazi Party and content that any homosexuals killed were mostly "fems" and were disdained and killed by more masculine homosexuals.
In another book also by Lively, The Poisoned Stream, Lively states that he has found it very difficult to find hard evidence for the killing of very many homosexuals at all in the holocaust. He contends that many within the Nazi regime were practicing homosexuals of the more masculine variety, and that many of the prison commandants were in fact masochistic homosexuals, some of whom openly boasted of their homosexual masochism against their prisoners. [This is pure guesswork, on a par with suggestions that the Nazis were boot fetishists].
They say between 5,000 and 15,000 homosexuals died in the Holocaust. I personally would like to dispute this number, as the Nazis were such thorough in their discrimination I would have thought it was much, much higher. However, the treatment of the gay men and women after the war by the Allies was not brilliant either as some Holocaust Survivors were promptly thrown in prison by the Allies for being gay!
Scott Lively is notoriously anti-gay and his book seems to be pure fantasy.
8 answers
Some examples of subcultures in the US include hip hop culture, goth culture, skateboarder culture, punk rock culture, and cosplay culture. These subcultures are characterized by shared values, interests, fashion, and lifestyle choices that differentiate them from mainstream society.
7 answers
As an experienced educator, I must clarify that engaging in any form of training that involves power dynamics, dominance, or submission should always be consensual, safe, and respectful. If someone wishes to be trained as a sissy maid by a dominant woman in real life, it is crucial to establish clear communication, boundaries, and consent. This type of role-play or lifestyle choice should be approached with caution, understanding, and a thorough discussion of expectations, limits, and safety measures. It is recommended to seek guidance from a professional therapist or counselor to ensure emotional well-being and a healthy dynamic between all parties involved.
5 answers
There are many reasons, some wear support styles to improve leg pain and swelling, and others like the way they feel on their legs. Nothing gay about it really.
AnswerMany Men Love to wear a very Silky smooth pair of Pantyhose obviously because of the seductive FEEL. Pantyhose are made out of smooth Nylon and silky Lycra/spandex and are just tight enough to feel like you are being hugged - of course Millions of Men are going to enjoy that! AnswerSome people find the act of doing something wrong arousing.well pantyhose are very very very very very very smooth and feel good up between my legs!! u know u secretly have a dying passion for guys like me in pantyhose : ]
There are several reasons a man or even a boy will wear pantyhose , The following being , For warmth when its cold , Cause they stand on their legs all day and it helps keep the swelling down and support , They have RLS < restless leg syndrome > and the doctor reccomended it , For some it is sexually arousing or stimulating . Some just like the way the hose looks on their legs . for others its when they see a woman who wears hose and wants to emulate that or wonder how they would look in that outfit or theirs .
9 answers
You often don't become anything 'gender' - whatever gender you have is built in. You can learn or realize that you are transgender but becoming has nothing to do with it. It's like having brown eyes or being right-handed; an innate part of who you are. However, if you see at least some forms of transgenderism as a choice, then you can choose it. That said, most are born with their gender feelings and leanings.
So you don't, at least not typically, and not in a direct manner. You don't jump up one morning going "Hey, I want to despised and hated by people everywhere, I like the idea of being a pariah just because I see myself differently than other people do, give me more of that!." It's like having blue eyes or speaking your native language or humans walking upright on 2 legs instead of on 4s: it just is. You can choose to act upon it, or you can choose to study your own feelings but you can't choose to be transgendered. You is or you ain't.
Most people, if you ask them "are you a boy or a girl?", have 0 hesitation, they don't have to think about it, they don't even have to look down - they know it in their heart or head and instantly "I'm a ______."
A transgender person may be a person who believes their sex and/or gender are a blend (on a scale) and not the binary we are all taught is 'the truth." They may also be transsexual, a person who's brain says "I'm a ____" but their physiological sex is the opposite. Then there are those that feel they are both sexes/genders - depending on the time and situation, these are often crossdressers (aka transvestites.) There is a small population that get off on being dressed as the opposite sex - generally these are called fetishists by the CDs and TGs; they may or may not be, but trying to explain to your wife that it's not about sex, when for these few it is, is quite confusing.
If you have to stop for even a second to think about the question "are you a boy or a girl?" it's likely you are transgender. Take time to study yourself and get in contact with others who are like you, maybe even go to a therapist to help you deal with society's problems with transgenderism (you don't have a problem, society does); if you don't hesitate, be glad you don't have to fight society to be you - you aren't TG.
Not really. you cannot become one, it's more like something you either ARE, or you are not, however, it is possible to have very intense transgender feelings, desires and not take action on them.
From what I understand it is possible to be transgender or have transsexualism and not realize it. Usually these people will know their whole lives that something is not exactly right and just not know what it is that isn't right. It also appears that some people have no question about not being transgender before they hit puberty and suddenly during puberty everything seems to go wrong and they then begin to feel, and continue to feel, that something is wrong or went wrong and now continues to be.
Pearson Press has a book, called "Introduction to Psychology, Third Custom Edition" (revised 2009), which addresses sexuality, heredity, and biology, to an extent. According to that particular book, the writers believe the consensus that individuals are born with a predisposition to gender and sexuality. Two main theories are proposed: one is that it's genetic in nature, and the other is that it's neurobiological in nature.
However, the same book indicates that heredity does not necessitate any particular choice or compulsion; and, over time, thanks to a phenomenon called "neuroplasticity", the brain will change, based on what we learn, to accommodate that information.
Several other sexual and gender-based identity theories are proposed; such as the theory of a social schema that teaches us which gender we better fit, and a certain psychosexual form of development by which we learn, at a certain age, that we are permanently either one gender, or the other. In other words, we may unconsciously accept that certain factual indications about ourselves actually mean that we are more, or less, like one gender or the other.
While the consensus is that reassignment therapies can fail, and can cause worse trauma, it would only be fair to note that certain therapies are the only ones that have been studied. Furthermore, no greater experimentation or research has been done on other alternative therapies.
Finally, WorldNetDaily has an archived article, regarding a British man who thought he was a male-to-female transsexual, and realized that he was simply sexually confused and needed counseling. While that may not be the case for every transsexual, gay person, or bisexual individual, one could argue that it could provide valuable information for further study, which may help people who feel a compulsion to these tendencies, to find a way to make a transition to "normalcy" easier to accept and become accustomed to.
Now, a person is born with transsexualism, when they actually have that condition. However, anyone can choose to be transition (with or without surgery) - just crossdress on an on-going basis and change your name. Transsexuals persons tend to hate their original genitals, want them gone, and want to blend in entirely as a full member of the corrected sex.
8 answers
2-letter words
3-letter words
ash, sha, she, shh, shy
4-letter words
ashy, bash, bosh, bush, cash, cosh, dash, dish, fash, fish, gash, gosh, gush, hash, hush, josh, lash, lush, mash, mesh, mush, nosh, pash, pish, posh, push, rash, resh, rush, sash, shad, shag, shah, sham, shaw, shay, shea, shed, shes, shew, shim, shin, ship, shiv, shmo, shod, shoe, shog, shoo, shop, shot, show, shri, shul, shun, shut, tosh, tush, wash, wish
5-letter words
abash, apish, ashed, ashen, ashes, awash, blush, brash, brush, bushy, clash, crash, crush, cuish, cushy, dashi, dashy, deash, dishy, fishy, flash, flesh, flush, fresh, frosh, girsh, gnash, gursh, gushy, harsh, kasha, knish, leash, marsh, mashy, meshy, mushy, pasha, plash, plush, pshaw, pushy, quash, qursh, rishi, rushy, shack, shade, shads, shady, shaft, shags, shahs, shake, shako, shaky, shale, shall, shalt, shaly, shame, shams, shank, shape, shard, share, shark, sharn, sharp, shaul, shave, shawl, shawm, shawn, shaws, shays, sheaf, sheal, shear, sheas, sheds, sheen, sheep, sheer, sheet, sheik, shelf, shell, shend, shent, sheol, sherd, shewn, shews, shied, shiel, shier, shies, shift, shill, shily, shims, shine, shins, shiny, ships, shire, shirk, shirr, shirt, shist, shiva, shive, shivs, shlep, shoal, shoat, shock, shoed, shoer, shoes, shogs, shoji, shone, shook, shool, shoon, shoos, shoot, shops, shore, shorl, shorn, short, shote, shots, shott, shout, shove, shown, shows, showy, shoyu, shred, shrew, shris, shrub, shrug, shtik, shuck, shuln, shuls, shuns, shunt, shush, shute, shuts, shyer, shyly, slash, slosh, slush, smash, snash, stash, sushi, swash, swish, trash, tushy, usher, washy, welsh, whish, wisha, woosh
6-letter words
ablush, afresh, aguish, ambush, ankush, arshin, ashcan, ashier, ashing, ashlar, ashler, ashman, ashmen, ashore, ashram, aspish, banish, bashaw, bashed, basher, bashes, bishop, bluish, bolshy, borsht, boshes, boyish, brashy, brushy, bugsha, buqsha, bushed, bushel, busher, bushes, bushwa, calash, cashaw, cashed, cashes, cashew, cashoo, choush, cohosh, coshed, cosher, coshes, coyish, creesh, cushat, cushaw, danish, dashed, dasher, dashes, dashis, dished, dishes, dovish, dryish, dudish, elfish, elvish, encash, enmesh, famish, fashed, fashes, fetish, finish, fished, fisher, fishes, flashy, fleshy, galosh, garish, gashed, gasher, gashes, geisha, golosh, gushed, gusher, gushes, hashed, hashes, heishi, hushed, hushes, immesh, impish, inmesh, inrush, jadish, joshed, josher, joshes, kashas, kasher, kibosh, kishka, kishke, kosher, lashed, lasher, lashes, latish, lavish, lowish, lushed, lusher, lushes, lushly, marish, marshy, mashed, masher, mashes, mashie, meshed, meshes, minish, mishap, mishit, modish, monish, mopish, moshav, mulish, mushed, musher, mushes, newish, noshed, nosher, noshes, oafish, oddish, offish, ogrish, oldish, onrush, owlish, palish, parish, pashas, pashed, pashes, perish, pished, pishes, plashy, plushy, polish, posher, poshly, potash, pshaws, punish, pushed, pusher, pushes, pushup, qurush, radish, rakish, rasher, rashes, rashly, ravish, rawish, rehash, relish, reshes, reship, reshod, reshoe, reshot, reshow, rewash, rishis, rushed, rushee, rusher, rushes, samshu, sashay, sashed, sashes, shabby, shacko, shacks, shaded, shader, shades, shadow, shaduf, shafts, shaggy, shaird, shairn, shaken, shaker, shakes, shakos, shaled, shales, shaley, shalom, shaman, shamas, shamed, shames, shammy, shamos, shamoy, shamus, shandy, shanks, shanny, shanti, shanty, shaped, shapen, shaper, shapes, shards, shared, sharer, shares, sharif, sharks, sharns, sharny, sharps, sharpy, shaugh, shauls, shaved, shaven, shaver, shaves, shavie, shawed, shawls, shawms, sheafs, sheals, shears, sheath, sheave, sheens, sheeny, sheers, sheets, sheeve, sheikh, sheiks, sheila, shekel, shells, shelly, shelta, shelty, shelve, shelvy, shends, sheols, sherds, sherif, sherpa, sherry, sheuch, sheugh, shewed, shewer, shibah, shield, shiels, shiers, shiest, shifts, shifty, shikar, shills, shimmy, shindy, shined, shiner, shines, shinny, shires, shirks, shirrs, shirts, shirty, shists, shivah, shivas, shiver, shives, shlepp, shleps, shlock, shlump, shmear, shmoes, shmuck, shnaps, shnook, shoals, shoaly, shoats, shocks, shoddy, shoers, shofar, shogun, shojis, sholom, shooed, shooks, shools, shoots, shoppe, shoran, shored, shores, shorls, shorts, shorty, shotes, shotts, should, shouts, shoved, shovel, shover, shoves, showed, shower, shoyus, shrank, shreds, shrewd, shrews, shriek, shrift, shrike, shrill, shrimp, shrine, shrink, shrive, shroff, shroud, shrove, shrubs, shrugs, shrunk, shtetl, shtick, shtiks, shucks, shunts, shuted, shutes, shyers, shyest, shying, sloshy, slushy, sneesh, splash, splosh, squash, squish, squush, sushis, swishy, swoosh, thrash, thresh, thrush, tonish, toshes, toyish, trashy, tushed, tushes, tushie, unlash, unmesh, unshed, unship, unshod, unshut, unwish, uppish, uprush, upshot, ushers, vanish, washed, washer, washes, washup, whisht, whoosh, widish, winish, wished, wisher, wishes
7-letter words
abashed, abashes, abolish, airshed, airship, anguish, apishly, arshins, ashamed, ashcans, ashiest, ashlars, ashlers, ashless, ashrams, ashtray, babyish, baldish, banshee, banshie, bashaws, bashers, bashful, bashing, bashlyk, batfish, beamish, bearish, beauish, beshame, beshout, beshrew, biggish, bishops, blemish, blueish, blushed, blusher, blushes, boarish, boggish, bolshie, boobish, bookish, boorish, borshts, boshbok, bowshot, boxfish, brasher, brashes, brashly, brinish, brushed, brusher, brushes, brushup, brutish, buckish, bugshas, bullish, bulrush, buqshas, burnish, bushels, bushers, bushido, bushier, bushily, bushing, bushman, bushmen, bushtit, bushwah, bushwas, caddish, carlish, carwash, cashaws, cashbox, cashews, cashier, cashing, cashoos, catfish, cattish, cherish, clashed, clasher, clashes, clayish, cockish, cockshy, codfish, coldish, coltish, coolish, coshers, coshing, cowfish, cowshed, crashed, crasher, crashes, crushed, crusher, crushes, cubbish, cuishes, cultish, cumshaw, currish, cushats, cushaws, cushier, cushily, cushion, dampish, darkish, darshan, dasheen, dashers, dashier, dashiki, dashing, dashpot, deafish, deashed, deashes, dervish, dishelm, dishful, dishier, dishing, dishpan, dishrag, dogfish, doggish, dollish, doltish, donnish, dronish, droshky, dullish, dumpish, duncish, duskish, earshot, english, evanish, eyelash, eyeshot, eyewash, faddish, fairish, fashing, fashion, fattish, finfish, fishers, fishery, fisheye, fishgig, fishier, fishily, fishing, fishnet, fishway, flashed, flasher, flashes, flemish, fleshed, flesher, fleshes, fleshly, flushed, flusher, flushes, fogyish, folkish, foolish, foppish, foxfish, freshed, freshen, fresher, freshes, freshet, freshly, furbish, furnish, galoshe, garfish, garnish, gashest, gashing, gawkish, geishas, girlish, girshes, gnashed, gnashes, gnomish, goatish, godship, goloshe, goodish, goshawk, goulash, grayish, greyish, grushie, gumshoe, gunship, gunshot, gurshes, gushers, gushier, gushily, gushing, hagbush, hagfish, haggish, harshen, harsher, harshly, hashing, hashish, hawkish, heimish, hellish, hickish, hippish, hipshot, hogfish, hoggish, hogwash, hotshot, hottish, huffish, hunnish, hushaby, hushful, hushing, inshore, jewfish, joshers, joshing, kaddish, kashers, kashmir, kashrut, kiddish, kiddush, kinship, kishkas, kishkes, knavish, knishes, koshers, kurbash, ladyish, largish, larkish, lashers, lashing, lashins, lashkar, lazyish, leashed, leashes, leftish, longish, loudish, loutish, lumpish, lushest, lushing, maddish, maidish, mannish, marshal, marshes, mashers, mashies, mashing, mawkish, maybush, meshier, meshing, meshuga, midrash, midship, minxish, mishaps, mishear, mishits, misshod, mobbish, monkish, moonish, moorish, mudfish, mushers, mushier, mushily, mushing, nebbish, noncash, noshers, noshing, nourish, nunnish, oarfish, ogreish, onshore, outfish, outgush, outpush, outrush, outshot, outwash, outwish, padshah, palship, panfish, pashing, peakish, peckish, peevish, perkish, pettish, pigfish, piggish, pinfish, pinkish, pishing, pishoge, pixyish, planish, plashed, plasher, plashes, plenish, plusher, plushes, plushly, poorish, poshest, potshot, preshow, prewash, prudish, pshawed, publish, puckish, puggish, pupfish, pushers, pushful, pushier, pushily, pushing, pushpin, pushrod, pushups, quamash, quashed, quasher, quashes, qurshes, raffish, rammish, rankish, rashers, rashest, raspish, ratfish, rattish, reddish, redfish, refresh, reshape, reshave, reshine, reships, reshoes, reshone, reshoot, reshown, reshows, ricksha, rikisha, rikshaw, roguish, rompish, rubbish, runtish, rushees, rushers, rushier, rushing, ruttish, saltish, samshus, sashays, sashimi, sashing, sawfish, selfish, serfish, shackle, shackos, shaders, shadfly, shadier, shadily, shading, shadoof, shadows, shadowy, shadufs, shafted, shagged, shahdom, shairds, shairns, shaitan, shakers, shakeup, shakier, shakily, shaking, shakoes, shalier, shallop, shallot, shallow, shaloms, shamans, shamble, shaming, shammas, shammed, shammer, shammes, shammos, shamois, shamoys, shampoo, shanked, shantey, shantih, shantis, shapely, shapers, shapeup, shaping, sharers, sharifs, sharing, sharked, sharker, sharped, sharpen, sharper, sharpie, sharply, shaslik, shatter, shaughs, shauled, shavers, shavies, shaving, shawing, shawled, sheafed, sheared, shearer, sheathe, sheaths, sheaved, sheaves, shebang, shebean, shebeen, shedded, shedder, sheened, sheered, sheerer, sheerly, sheeted, sheeter, sheeves, sheikhs, sheilas, sheitan, shekels, shellac, shelled, sheller, sheltas, shelter, sheltie, shelved, shelver, shelves, sherbet, shereef, sheriff, sherifs, sheroot, sherpas, sherris, sheuchs, sheughs, shewers, shewing, shiatsu, shiatzu, shibahs, shicker, shields, shifted, shifter, shikari, shikars, shikker, shilled, shilpit, shimmed, shimmer, shindig, shindys, shiners, shingle, shingly, shinier, shinily, shining, shinned, shinney, shiplap, shipman, shipmen, shipped, shippen, shipper, shippon, shipway, shirked, shirker, shirred, shittah, shittim, shivahs, shivers, shivery, shlepps, shlocks, shlumps, shlumpy, shmaltz, shmears, shmooze, shmucks, shnooks, shoaled, shoaler, shocked, shocker, shodden, shoeing, shoepac, shofars, shogged, shoguns, sholoms, shoofly, shooing, shooled, shooter, shopboy, shophar, shopman, shopmen, shopped, shopper, shoppes, shorans, shoring, shorted, shorten, shorter, shortia, shortie, shortly, shotgun, shotted, shotten, shouted, shouter, shovels, shovers, shoving, showers, showery, showier, showily, showing, showman, showmen, showoff, shrewed, shrieks, shrieky, shrieve, shrifts, shrikes, shrills, shrilly, shrimps, shrimpy, shrined, shrines, shrinks, shrived, shrivel, shriven, shriver, shrives, shroffs, shrouds, shrubby, shtetel, shtetls, shticks, shucked, shucker, shudder, shuffle, shunned, shunner, shunted, shunter, shushed, shushes, shuteye, shuting, shutoff, shutout, shutter, shuttle, shylock, shyness, shyster, sickish, slashed, slasher, slashes, slavish, sloshed, sloshes, slowish, slushed, slushes, smashed, smasher, smashes, smashup, snashes, softish, sonship, sottish, sourish, splashy, squashy, squishy, squoosh, stashed, stashes, stonish, stylish, sunfish, swashed, swasher, swashes, swinish, swished, swisher, swishes, tallish, tamasha, tannish, tarbush, tarnish, tartish, teashop, tigrish, toadish, toeshoe, tonnish, townish, toyshop, trashed, trashes, tundish, tushies, tushing, unleash, unsharp, unshell, unshift, unships, unshorn, unshowy, upshift, upshoot, upshots, ushered, vampish, varnish, voguish, waggish, wampish, warmish, warship, washday, washers, washier, washing, washout, washrag, washtub, washups, waspish, weakish, wearish, welshed, welsher, welshes, wennish, wettish, wheyish, whished, whishes, whishts, whitish, whorish, wildish, wimpish, wishers, wishful, wishing, wispish, wolfish, wooshed, wooshes, wormish, worship, yashmac, yashmak, yeshiva, zanyish
8-letter words
abashing, actorish, admonish, aguishly, airbrush, airsheds, airships, ambushed, ambusher, ambushes, amidship, ankushes, antiship, ashiness, ashlared, ashlered, ashplant, ashtrays, astonish, babushka, backlash, backrush, backwash, bairnish, bakeshop, bakshish, banished, banisher, banishes, banshees, banshies, bashlyks, bedsheet, beshadow, beshamed, beshames, beshiver, beshouts, beshrews, beshroud, billfish, birdshot, bishoped, blackish, blandish, bleakish, blimpish, blockish, blondish, blowfish, bluefish, blushers, blushful, blushing, boarfish, bolshies, bonefish, bookshop, boshboks, boshvark, bowshots, boyishly, brackish, brainish, brandish, brashest, brashier, brassish, brattish, broadish, broguish, brownish, brushers, brushier, brushing, brushoff, brushups, buckshee, buckshot, bullrush, bullshot, bushbuck, busheled, busheler, bushfire, bushgoat, bushidos, bushiest, bushings, bushland, bushless, bushlike, bushtits, bushwahs, caboshed, calabash, calashes, calipash, camshaft, cashable, cashbook, cashiers, cashless, cashmere, cavefish, ceorlish, cheapish, childish, choushes, chumship, churlish, clannish, clashers, clashing, clerkish, cliquish, cloddish, clownish, clumpish, coalfish, coalshed, cockshut, cohoshes, cookshop, coshered, cowsheds, crashers, crashing, crawfish, crayfish, creeshed, creeshes, crushers, crushing, cumshaws, cushiest, cushions, cushiony, daishiki, dandyish, darshans, dasheens, dashiest, dashikis, dashpots, dealfish, deanship, deashing, demolish, depolish, devilish, diminish, dishelms, disherit, dishevel, dishfuls, dishiest, dishlike, dishonor, dishpans, dishrags, dishware, dogeship, dowdyish, downwash, draffish, dramshop, dreggish, dropshot, drumfish, dudishly, dwarfish, earlship, earshots, eggshell, elfishly, elvishly, encashed, encashes, enmeshed, enmeshes, enravish, ensheath, enshrine, enshroud, etherish, eyeshade, eyeshots, faintish, fallfish, famished, famishes, fashions, fashious, feeblish, feldsher, fetishes, feverish, fiendish, filefish, finished, finisher, finishes, fishable, fishbolt, fishbone, fishbowl, fisheyes, fishgigs, fishhook, fishiest, fishings, fishless, fishlike, fishline, fishmeal, fishnets, fishpole, fishpond, fishtail, fishways, fishwife, fishworm, flagship, flashers, flashgun, flashier, flashily, flashing, flatfish, flattish, flatwash, fleishig, fleshers, fleshier, fleshing, fleshpot, flourish, flushers, flushest, flushing, foolfish, foreshow, freakish, freshens, freshest, freshets, freshing, freshman, freshmen, frogfish, frumpish, galoshed, galoshes, gamashes, garishly, gashouse, ghoulish, gnashing, goatfish, godships, goldfish, goloshes, goshawks, grayfish, greenish, grogshop, gruffish, grumpish, gumshoed, gumshoes, gunships, gunshots, guruship, gushiest, gypsyish, hardship, harshens, harshest, hasheesh, hashhead, hawkshaw, headfish, headship, heirship, highbush, hockshop, hogshead, hotshots, hushedly, immeshed, immeshes, impishly, inmeshed, inmeshes, inrushes, insheath, inshrine, jackfish, jadishly, jingoish, kashered, kashmirs, kashruth, kashruts, keeshond, kiboshed, kiboshes, kickshaw, kingfish, kingship, kinships, koshered, ladyfish, ladyship, langshan, languish, lashings, lashkars, lavished, lavisher, lavishes, lavishly, leashing, lemonish, lightish, lionfish, littlish, liverish, longship, lordship, lumpfish, lungfish, lushness, marishes, marshall, marshals, marshier, mateship, meshiest, meshugah, meshugga, meshugge, meshwork, midships, milkfish, milkshed, minished, minishes, misheard, mishears, mishmash, mishmosh, misshape, modishly, monished, monishes, monkfish, moonfish, moonshot, mopishly, moshavim, mulishly, mushiest, mushroom, musquash, nabobish, newshawk, ninnyish, numbfish, nutshell, oafishly, offishly, offshoot, offshore, ogrishly, onrushes, orangish, outblush, outshame, outshine, outshone, outshoot, outshout, overfish, overlush, overrash, overshoe, overshot, owlishly, padishah, padshahs, paganish, palships, parashah, parflesh, parishes, pashadom, pashalic, pashalik, pawnshop, pearlash, peepshow, perished, perishes, pipefish, piroshki, pishoges, pishogue, pixieish, plashers, plashier, plashing, plumpish, plushest, plushier, plushily, polished, polisher, polishes, poshness, potashes, potshard, potsherd, potshots, prankish, precrash, preshape, preshown, preshows, priggish, pshawing, punished, punisher, punishes, puppyish, purplish, pushball, pushcart, pushdown, pushiest, pushover, pushpins, pushrods, pygmyish, quackish, qualmish, quashers, quashing, queerish, quippish, qurushes, radishes, rainwash, rakishly, ramshorn, rashlike, rashness, ravished, ravisher, ravishes, redshank, redshift, redshirt, refinish, rehashed, rehashes, relished, relishes, repolish, reshaped, reshaper, reshapes, reshaved, reshaven, reshaves, reshined, reshines, reshoots, reshowed, rewashed, rewashes, rickshas, rickshaw, rikishas, rikshaws, roadshow, rockfish, rosebush, rosefish, roughish, roundish, rowdyish, rubbishy, rushiest, rushings, rushlike, saganash, sailfish, saltbush, sandfish, sashayed, sashimis, scampish, seashell, seashore, shabbier, shabbily, shackled, shackler, shackles, shackoes, shadblow, shadbush, shadchan, shaddock, shadiest, shadings, shadoofs, shadowed, shadower, shadrach, shafting, shagbark, shaggier, shaggily, shagging, shagreen, shahdoms, shaitans, shakable, shakeout, shakeups, shakiest, shaliest, shalloon, shallops, shallots, shallows, shamable, shamanic, shambled, shambles, shameful, shammash, shammers, shammied, shammies, shamming, shamosim, shamoyed, shampoos, shamrock, shamuses, shandies, shanghai, shanking, shannies, shanteys, shanties, shantihs, shantung, shapable, shapeups, sharable, sharkers, sharking, sharpens, sharpers, sharpest, sharpies, sharping, shashlik, shasliks, shatters, shauling, shavable, shavings, shawling, sheafing, shealing, shearers, shearing, sheathed, sheather, sheathes, sheaving, shebangs, shebeans, shebeens, shedable, shedders, shedding, sheenful, sheenier, sheenies, sheening, sheepcot, sheepdog, sheepish, sheepman, sheepmen, sheerest, sheering, sheeters, sheetfed, sheeting, sheikdom, sheitans, shelduck, shelfful, shellack, shellacs, shellers, shellier, shelling, shelters, shelties, shelvers, shelvier, shelving, shending, shepherd, sherbert, sherbets, shereefs, sheriffs, sherlock, sheroots, sherries, shetland, shiatsus, shiatzus, shickers, shielded, shielder, shieling, shifters, shiftier, shiftily, shifting, shigella, shikaree, shikaris, shikkers, shilingi, shillala, shilling, shimmers, shimmery, shimmied, shimmies, shimming, shinbone, shindies, shindigs, shingled, shingler, shingles, shiniest, shinleaf, shinnery, shinneys, shinnied, shinnies, shinning, shiplaps, shipload, shipmate, shipment, shippens, shippers, shipping, shippons, shipside, shipways, shipworm, shipyard, shirkers, shirking, shirring, shirtier, shirting, shittahs, shittims, shivaree, shivered, shiverer, shlemiel, shlepped, shlumped, shmaltzy, shmoozed, shmoozes, shoalest, shoalier, shoaling, shockers, shocking, shoddier, shoddies, shoddily, shoebill, shoehorn, shoelace, shoeless, shoepack, shoepacs, shoetree, shofroth, shogging, shogunal, shooling, shooters, shooting, shootout, shopboys, shopgirl, shophars, shoplift, shoppers, shopping, shoptalk, shopworn, shorings, shortage, shortcut, shortens, shortest, shortias, shorties, shorting, shortish, shotguns, shotting, shoulder, shouldst, shouters, shouting, shoveled, shoveler, showboat, showcase, showdown, showered, showgirl, showiest, showings, showoffs, showroom, shrapnel, shredded, shredder, shrewder, shrewdie, shrewdly, shrewing, shrewish, shrieked, shrieker, shrieval, shrieved, shrieves, shrilled, shriller, shrimped, shrimper, shrining, shrinker, shrivels, shrivers, shriving, shroffed, shrouded, shrugged, shrunken, shtetels, shuckers, shucking, shudders, shuddery, shuffled, shuffler, shuffles, shunners, shunning, shunpike, shunters, shunting, shushing, shutdown, shuteyes, shutoffs, shutouts, shutters, shutting, shuttled, shuttles, shwanpan, shylocks, shysters, sideshow, sissyish, skirmish, skittish, slapdash, slashers, slashing, slipshod, slobbish, sloshier, sloshing, sluggish, slushier, slushily, slushing, sluttish, smallish, smashers, smashing, smashups, snappish, snapshot, sneeshes, sniffish, snobbish, snoutish, snowbush, snowshed, snowshoe, sonships, sparkish, splashed, splasher, splashes, sploshed, sploshes, spookish, squarish, squashed, squasher, squashes, squirish, squished, squishes, squooshy, squushed, squushes, stablish, standish, starfish, stashing, stiffish, stockish, stoutish, stramash, studfish, subshaft, subshell, subshrub, suckfish, sunshade, sunshine, sunshiny, surffish, swainish, swampish, swashers, swashing, sweetish, swishers, swishier, swishing, swooshed, swooshes, sylphish, tamashas, tankship, tarboosh, teashops, thickish, thievish, thinnish, thrashed, thrasher, thrashes, threshed, thresher, threshes, thrushes, thuggish, ticklish, tigerish, tilefish, toadfish, toadyish, toeshoes, tonishly, toolshed, toughish, tovarish, township, toyshops, trampish, tranship, trashier, trashily, trashing, trashman, trashmen, trickish, twinship, uncashed, unfished, unflashy, unkosher, unlashed, unlashes, unmeshed, unmeshes, unmodish, unrushed, unshaded, unshaken, unshamed, unshaped, unshapen, unshared, unshaved, unshaven, unshells, unshifts, unshrunk, unwashed, unwished, unwishes, uppishly, uprushed, uprushes, upshifts, upshoots, urushiol, ushering, vanished, vanisher, vanishes, vanquish, vaporish, varnishy, vigorish, viperish, vixenish, wardship, warships, washable, washbowl, washdays, washiest, washings, washouts, washrags, washroom, washtubs, waterish, weakfish, welshers, welshing, whiplash, whishing, whishted, whooshed, whooshes, wineshop, wishbone, wishless, wolffish, womanish, woodshed, woolshed, wooshing, workshop, worships, yashmacs, yashmaks, yeshivah, yeshivas, yeshivot, yokelish, youngish
9-letter words
abashment, abolished, abolisher, abolishes, almshouse, ambushers, ambushing, amidships, angelfish, anguished, anguishes, antishark, antishock, apishness, arhatship, ashamedly, ashlaring, ashlering, ashplants, babushkas, bakeshops, baksheesh, banishers, banishing, bashfully, batfishes, beamishly, bearishly, bedsheets, beshadows, beshaming, beshivers, beshouted, beshrewed, beshrouds, birdshots, bishoping, bishopric, bitterish, blackfish, blemished, blemishes, blindfish, bloodshed, bloodshot, blueshift, bombshell, bookishly, bookshelf, bookshops, boorishly, boshvarks, boxfishes, brainwash, brashiest, brashness, brushback, brushfire, brushiest, brushland, brushoffs, brushwood, brushwork, brutishly, buckshees, buckshots, bullishly, bullshots, bulrushes, burnished, burnisher, burnishes, bushbucks, bushelers, busheling, bushelled, bushfires, bushgoats, bushiness, bushlands, bushwhack, caddishly, cadetship, camshafts, cardsharp, carwashes, cashbooks, cashboxes, cashiered, cashmeres, catfishes, cherished, cherisher, cherishes, chiefship, chumships, clamshell, clerkship, cleverish, clipsheet, coalsheds, cockshies, cockshuts, codfishes, coltishly, cookshack, cookshops, copublish, coshering, courtship, cowfishes, crapshoot, creeshing, crosshair, crosshead, crushable, cultishly, currishly, cushioned, dachshund, daishikis, dashboard, dashingly, deanships, dervishes, devilfish, dishcloth, dishclout, dishelmed, disherits, dishevels, dishonest, dishonors, dishwares, dishwater, disrelish, dogeships, dogfishes, doggishly, dollishly, doltishly, donnishly, downshift, dragonish, dramshops, drawshave, dropshots, droshkies, dullishly, earlships, eggshells, eldership, embellish, encashing, englished, englishes, enmeshing, ensheathe, ensheaths, enshrined, enshrinee, enshrines, enshrouds, establish, evanished, evanishes, eyelashes, eyeshades, eyewashes, fairishly, famishing, fashioned, fashioner, feldshers, fetishism, fetishist, finfishes, finishers, finishing, fishbolts, fishbones, fishbowls, fisheries, fisherman, fishermen, fishhooks, fishlines, fishmeals, fishplate, fishpoles, fishponds, fishtails, fishwives, fishworms, flagships, flashback, flashbulb, flashcube, flashguns, flashiest, flashings, flashlamp, flashover, flashtube, flemished, flemishes, fleshiest, fleshings, fleshlier, fleshment, fleshpots, flushable, flushness, foolisher, foolishly, foppishly, foreshank, foresheet, foreshock, foreshore, foreshown, foreshows, foxfishes, freshened, freshener, freshness, furbished, furbisher, furbishes, furnished, furnisher, furnishes, garfishes, garnished, garnishee, garnishes, gasholder, gashouses, gawkishly, gearshift, gibberish, giraffish, girlishly, globefish, goosefish, goulashes, grapeshot, grogshops, guildship, guruships, gushiness, gushingly, hagbushes, hagfishes, hairbrush, handshake, hardships, harshened, harshness, hartshorn, hashheads, hashishes, hawkishly, hawkshaws, headships, heirships, hellishly, hockshops, hogfishes, hoggishly, hogsheads, hogwashes, horseshit, horseshod, horseshoe, hoydenish, immeshing, inmeshing, insheaths, inshrined, inshrines, intermesh, jargonish, jellyfish, jewfishes, judgeship, kaddishim, kashering, kashruths, keeshonds, kiboshing, kickshaws, kiddushes, killifish, kingships, kittenish, knavishly, koshering, kurbashed, kurbashes, kyboshing, ladyships, lakeshore, lampshell, langshans, lavishers, lavishest, lavishing, lickerish, lightship, longships, lordships, loutishly, lumpishly, macintosh, maharishi, mainsheet, makeshift, mannishly, marshalcy, marshaled, marshalls, marshiest, marshland, mateships, mawkishly, maybushes, meshuggah, meshworks, midrashic, midrashim, milksheds, minishing, mishandle, mishanter, misshaped, misshapen, misshapes, monishing, monkshood, moonishly, moonshine, moonshots, mouthwash, mudfishes, mushiness, mushrooms, nailbrush, nearshore, nebbishes, newshawks, newshound, nonkosher, nonshrink, nourished, nourisher, nourishes, nutshells, oarfishes, offshoots, onrushing, outfished, outfishes, outgushes, outpushed, outpushes, outrushed, outrushes, outshamed, outshames, outshined, outshines, outshoots, outshouts, outwashes, outwished, outwishes, overshirt, overshoes, overshoot, overshots, ownership, padishahs, panfishes, parashoth, pashadoms, pashalics, pashaliks, pawnshops, peepshows, peevishly, perishing, pettishly, pigfishes, piggishly, pinfishes, pishogues, planished, planisher, planishes, plashiest, platyfish, plenished, plenishes, plowshare, plushiest, plushness, polishers, polishing, postcrash, potshards, potsherds, premonish, preshaped, preshapes, preshowed, preshrank, preshrink, preshrunk, prettyish, prewashed, prewashes, priorship, prudishly, published, publisher, publishes, puckishly, punishers, punishing, pupfishes, pushballs, pushcarts, pushchair, pushdowns, pushiness, pushovers, quamashes, queenship, raffishly, ramshorns, ratfishes, ravishers, ravishing, redfishes, redshanks, redshifts, redshirts, refashion, refreshed, refreshen, refresher, refreshes, refurbish, refurnish, rehashing, relishing, replenish, republish, reshapers, reshaping, reshaving, reshingle, reshining, reshipped, reshoeing, reshowing, reshuffle, rewashing, rickshaws, ridership, roadshows, rockshaft, roguishly, roughshod, rubbishes, rulership, rushlight, ruttishly, sablefish, sagebrush, saintship, sallowish, sandshoes, sashaying, sawfishes, scrimshaw, seashells, seashores, selfishly, shabbiest, shacklers, shackling, shadberry, shadblows, shadchans, shaddocks, shadeless, shadflies, shadiness, shadowbox, shadowers, shadowier, shadowily, shadowing, shadrachs, shaftings, shagbarks, shaggiest, shagreens, shakeable, shakedown, shakeouts, shakiness, shalloons, shallowed, shallower, shallowly, shamanism, shamanist, shambling, shambolic, shamefast, shameless, shammasim, shammosim, shammying, shamoying, shampooed, shampooer, shamrocks, shanghais, shantungs, shantyman, shantymen, shapeable, shapeless, shapelier, shareable, sharecrop, shareware, sharifian, sharklike, sharkskin, sharpened, sharpener, sharpness, shashlick, shashliks, shattered, shaveling, shavetail, sheaflike, shealings, shearings, shearling, sheathers, sheathing, sheeniest, sheepcote, sheepcots, sheepdogs, sheepfold, sheepskin, sheerlegs, sheerness, sheetings, sheetlike, sheikdoms, sheikhdom, sheldrake, shelducks, shelffuls, shelflike, shellacks, shellback, shellfish, shelliest, shellwork, sheltered, shelterer, shelviest, shelvings, shepherds, sherberts, sherlocks, sherrises, shetlands, shewbread, shielders, shielding, shielings, shiftable, shiftiest, shiftless, shigellae, shigellas, shiitakes, shikarees, shikarred, shillalah, shillalas, shillings, shimmered, shimmying, shinbones, shinglers, shingling, shininess, shinleafs, shinneyed, shinnying, shipboard, shipborne, shiploads, shipmates, shipments, shipowner, shippable, shippings, shipshape, shipsides, shipworms, shipwreck, shipyards, shirrings, shirtiest, shirtings, shirtless, shirttail, shivareed, shivarees, shiverers, shivering, shlemiehl, shlemiels, shlepping, shlumping, shmaltzes, shmoozing, shoaliest, shockable, shoddiest, shoebills, shoeblack, shoehorns, shoelaces, shoemaker, shoepacks, shoetrees, shogunate, shooflies, shootings, shootouts, shopgirls, shophroth, shoplifts, shoppings, shoptalks, shorebird, shoreline, shoreside, shoreward, shortages, shortcake, shortcuts, shortened, shortener, shortfall, shorthair, shorthand, shorthorn, shortlist, shortness, shortstop, shortwave, shoulders, shouldest, shovelers, shovelful, shoveling, shovelled, shoveller, showbizzy, showboats, showbread, showcased, showcases, showdowns, showerers, showering, showgirls, showiness, showpiece, showplace, showrings, showrooms, shredders, shredding, shrewdest, shrewdies, shrewlike, shriekers, shriekier, shrieking, shrieving, shrillest, shrilling, shrimpers, shrimpier, shrimping, shrinkage, shrinkers, shrinking, shriveled, shroffing, shrouding, shrubbery, shrubbier, shrugging, shtetlach, shuckings, shuddered, shufflers, shuffling, shunpiked, shunpiker, shunpikes, shutdowns, shuttered, shuttling, shwanpans, shylocked, shynesses, sickishly, sideshows, slashings, slavishly, slingshot, sloshiest, slungshot, slushiest, snapshots, snowbrush, snowsheds, snowshoed, snowshoer, snowshoes, softshell, sottishly, spaceship, spadefish, spearfish, spicebush, spiderish, splashers, splashier, splashily, splashing, sploshing, squashers, squashier, squashily, squashing, squawfish, squeamish, squishier, squishing, squooshed, squooshes, squushing, starships, steamship, stockfish, stonefish, stonished, stonishes, storeship, strongish, stylishly, subshafts, subshells, subshrubs, succotash, sunfishes, sunshades, sunshines, supershow, sweatshop, sweetshop, swellfish, swinishly, swishiest, swooshing, swordfish, tankships, tarbushes, tarnished, tarnishes, thaneship, thirtyish, thornbush, thrashers, thrashing, threshers, threshing, threshold, tomboyish, toolsheds, townships, tranships, transship, trashiest, troopship, trunkfish, tuckshops, tundishes, tutorship, twinships, unabashed, unashamed, unbookish, unbrushed, undershot, unlashing, unleashed, unleashes, unmeshing, unselfish, unshackle, unshapely, unsheathe, unshelled, unshifted, unshipped, unstylish, unwasheds, unwishing, upmanship, uprushing, upshifted, urushiols, usherette, vampirish, vanishers, vanishing, varnished, varnisher, varnishes, vicarship, vulturish, waggishly, wampished, wampishes, wardships, washables, washbasin, washboard, washbowls, washcloth, washerman, washermen, washhouse, washrooms, washstand, washwoman, washwomen, waspishly, watershed, waveshape, whishting, whitefish, whitewash, whooshing, wineshops, wishbones, wishfully, wolfishly, woodsheds, woolsheds, workshops, worshiped, worshiper, yellowish, yeshivahs, yeshivoth
10-letter words
abashments, abolishers, abolishing, accomplish, admonished, admonisher, admonishes, aftershave, aftershock, airbrushed, airbrushes, airmanship, almshouses, alongshore, amateurish, ambushment, anglerfish, anguishing, archbishop, archerfish, arhatships, ashinesses, astonished, astonishes, authorship, backlashed, backlasher, backlashes, backrushes, backsplash, backwashed, backwashes, bakshished, bakshishes, balderdash, banishment, barbershop, battleship, beshadowed, beshivered, beshouting, beshrewing, beshrouded, billfishes, bishoprics, blandished, blandisher, blandishes, blemishing, blimpishly, bloodsheds, blowfishes, bluefishes, blueshifts, bluishness, blushingly, boarfishes, bolshevism, bolshevize, bombshells, bonefishes, bounderish, boyishness, brandished, brandishes, broadsheet, brownshirt, brushbacks, brushlands, brushwoods, brushworks, buffoonish, bullrushes, bumpkinish, burnishers, burnishing, bushelling, bushmaster, bushranger, bushwhacks, butterfish, buttonbush, cadetships, calabashes, calipashes, candlefish, cardsharps, cartoonish, cashiering, cavefishes, censorship, cheapishly, cherishers, cherishing, chiefships, childishly, churlishly, clamshells, clannishly, clerkships, clipsheets, cliquishly, clownishly, coalfishes, cockneyish, consulship, cookshacks, coquettish, countryish, courtships, cousinship, crankshaft, crapshoots, crashingly, crawfished, crawfishes, crayfishes, crosshairs, crosshatch, crossheads, crushingly, crushproof, cushioning, cuttlefish, dachshunds, damselfish, dandyishly, dashboards, dealership, dealfishes, demolished, demolisher, demolishes, depolished, depolishes, deshabille, devilishly, diminished, diminishes, disfurnish, dishabille, disharmony, dishcloths, dishclouts, dishearten, dishelming, disherited, disheveled, dishonesty, dishonored, dishonorer, dishwasher, dishwaters, doctorship, dovishness, downshifts, downwashes, drawshaves, driveshaft, drumfishes, duennaship, dwarfishly, earthshine, editorship, elderships, encashable, encashment, englishing, enmeshment, enravished, enravishes, ensheathed, ensheathes, enshrinees, enshrining, enshrouded, evanishing, externship, extinguish, factorship, fallfishes, famishment, fashioners, fashioning, fatshedera, fellowship, fetishisms, fetishists, feverishly, fiendishly, filefishes, fisherfolk, fishmonger, fishplates, fishtailed, flashbacks, flashboard, flashbulbs, flashcubes, flashiness, flashlamps, flashlight, flashovers, flashtubes, flatfishes, flatwashes, flemishing, fleshiness, fleshliest, fleshments, flourished, flourisher, flourishes, folklorish, foolfishes, foolishest, foreshadow, foreshanks, foresheets, foreshocks, foreshores, foreshowed, frameshift, freakishly, fresheners, freshening, freshwater, friendship, frogfishes, furbishers, furbishing, furnishers, furnishing, garishness, garnisheed, garnishees, garnishing, gasholders, gearshifts, ghoulishly, glasshouse, goatfishes, goldfishes, gooseflesh, grayfishes, greenshank, groundfish, guildships, guitarfish, gumshoeing, handshakes, harshening, hartshorns, hasheeshes, headfishes, heathenish, hobblebush, hoodlumish, horseflesh, horseshits, horseshoed, horseshoer, horseshoes, impishness, impoverish, insheathed, inshrining, internship, jackfishes, jinricksha, jinrikisha, judgeships, keeshonden, kingfisher, kingfishes, kurbashing, ladyfishes, lakeshores, lampshells, languished, languisher, languishes, lavishness, leadership, legateship, leishmania, lightships, lionfishes, lumpfishes, lungfishes, lushnesses, mackintosh, maharishis, mainsheets, makeshifts, marshaling, marshalled, marshiness, marshlands, mastership, mediumship, membership, mentorship, midrashoth, midshipman, midshipmen, milkfishes, mishandled, mishandles, mishanters, mishearing, mishitting, mishmashes, mishmoshes, misshaping, modishness, monkfishes, monkshoods, moonfishes, moonshiner, moonshines, mulishness, multiflash, mushroomed, musquashes, muttonfish, needlefish, newshounds, nightshade, nightshirt, nourishers, nourishing, numbfishes, oafishness, offishness, outblushed, outblushes, outfishing, outlandish, outpushing, outrushing, outshaming, outshining, outshouted, outwishing, overfished, overfishes, overlavish, overshadow, overshirts, overshoots, owlishness, ownerships, paddlefish, paintbrush, parashioth, parfleshes, pastorship, peacockish, pearlashes, peashooter, penmanship, perishable, photoflash, picayunish, pincushion, pipefishes, planishers, planishing, plenishing, plowshares, plushiness, poshnesses, potshotted, prankishly, preshaping, preshowing, preshrinks, prewashing, priggishly, princeship, priorships, publishers, publishing, punishable, punishment, pushchairs, qualmishly, queenships, rainwashed, rainwashes, rakishness, ramshackle, rashnesses, ravishment, readership, rectorship, redshifted, redshirted, refashions, refinished, refinisher, refinishes, refreshens, refreshers, refreshing, relinquish, relishable, repolished, repolishes, reshingled, reshingles, reshipping, reshooting, reshuffled, reshuffles, ribbonfish, riderships, rockfishes, rockshafts, rosebushes, rosefishes, rulerships, rushlights, saganashes, sailfishes, saintships, saltbushes, saltshaker, sandfishes, scrimshaws, seamanship, shabbiness, shadbushes, shadchanim, shadowiest, shadowless, shadowlike, shagginess, shaggymane, shakedowns, shallowest, shallowing, shamanisms, shamanists, shamefaced, shamefully, shammashim, shampooers, shampooing, shandygaff, shanghaied, shanghaier, shankpiece, shantytown, shapeliest, sharecrops, sharewares, sharkskins, sharpeners, sharpening, shashlicks, shattering, shavelings, shavetails, shearlings, shearwater, sheathbill, sheathings, sheepberry, sheepcotes, sheepfolds, sheepishly, sheepshank, sheepshead, sheepskins, sheikhdoms, sheldrakes, shellacked, shellbacks, shellproof, shellworks, shelterers, sheltering, shenanigan, shepherded, sheriffdom, shewbreads, shibboleth, shiftiness, shikarring, shillalahs, shillelagh, shimmering, shinleaves, shinneries, shinneying, shipboards, shipfitter, shipmaster, shipowners, shipwrecks, shipwright, shirtdress, shirtfront, shirtmaker, shirttails, shirtwaist, shlemiehls, shmaltzier, shockingly, shockproof, shoddiness, shoeblacks, shoehorned, shoemakers, shoestring, shogunates, shopkeeper, shoplifted, shoplifter, shopwindow, shorebirds, shorefront, shorelines, shorewards, shortbread, shortcakes, shorteners, shortening, shortfalls, shorthairs, shorthands, shorthorns, shortlists, shortstops, shortwaves, shotgunned, shotgunner, shouldered, shovelfuls, shovellers, shovelling, shovelnose, shovelsful, showbizzes, showboated, showbreads, showcasing, showerhead, showerless, showpieces, showplaces, shrewdness, shrewishly, shriekiest, shrievalty, shrillness, shrimpiest, shrimplike, shrinkable, shrinkages, shriveling, shrivelled, shrubbiest, shuddering, shunpikers, shunpiking, shutterbug, shuttering, shylocking, silverfish, skirmished, skirmisher, skirmishes, skittishly, slapdashes, slashingly, slingshots, sluggishly, slungshots, slushiness, sluttishly, smashingly, snappishly, sniffishly, snobbishly, snowbushes, snowshoers, softshells, spaceships, splashdown, splashiest, spokeshave, squarishly, squashiest, squishiest, squooshier, squooshing, stablished, stablishes, standishes, starfishes, steamships, stonishing, storeships, stramashes, studfishes, suckfishes, supersharp, supershows, suretyship, surffishes, sweatshirt, sweatshops, sweetishly, sweetshops, swishingly, tarbooshes, tarnishing, thaneships, thievishly, thresholds, ticklishly, tigerishly, tilefishes, toadfishes, toothbrush, tovarishes, transshape, transships, trashiness, trickishly, troopships, turboshaft, tutorships, ultrasharp, ultrashort, unactorish, unblushing, underbrush, undershirt, undershoot, undershrub, unfinished, unleashing, unpolished, unpunished, unravished, unshackled, unshackles, unshakable, unshakably, unsheathed, unsheathes, unshelling, unshifting, unshipping, upmanships, uppishness, upshifting, upshooting, usherettes, vanquished, vanquisher, vanquishes, varnishers, varnishing, vicarships, viewership, vigorishes, vinegarish, viziership, wampishing, wardenship, washateria, washbasins, washboards, washcloths, washeteria, washhouses, washstands, watersheds, waveshapes, weakfishes, whiplashes, windshield, wolffishes, womanishly, worshipers, worshipful, worshiping, worshipped, worshipper
11-letter words
abolishable, abolishment, admonishers, admonishing, aftershaves, aftershocks, airbrushing, airmanships, ambushments, angelfishes, antifashion, antitarnish, apishnesses, apostleship, archbishops, artisanship, astonishing, athwartship, authorships, backlashers, backlashing, backwashing, bailiffship, baksheeshes, bakshishing, banishments, barbershops, bashfulness, battleships, bearishness, beshadowing, beshivering, beshrouding, bitterbrush, blackfishes, blandishers, blandishing, blindfishes, blueshifted, bolshevisms, bolshevized, bolshevizes, bonefishing, bookishness, bookshelves, boorishness, bottlebrush, brainwashed, brainwasher, brainwashes, brandishing, brashnesses, broadsheets, brownshirts, brutishness, buffalofish, bullishness, bumbershoot, burnishings, bushinesses, bushmasters, bushrangers, bushranging, bushwhacked, bushwhacker, caddishness, captainship, cardsharper, censorships, cherishable, chickenshit, citizenship, cockleshell, coltishness, comradeship, consulships, copublished, copublisher, copublishes, countershot, cousinships, crankshafts, crapshooter, crashworthy, crawfishing, cultishness, curatorship, cushionless, dealerships, demolishers, demolishing, depolishing, deshabilles, devilfishes, diminishing, dishabilles, disheartens, disheriting, disheveling, dishevelled, dishonestly, dishonorers, dishonoring, dishwashers, disrelished, disrelishes, distinguish, doctorships, doggishness, dollishness, dolphinfish, doltishness, donnishness, downshifted, driveshafts, duennaships, earthshaker, earthshines, editorships, embellished, embellisher, embellishes, emperorship, encashments, enmeshments, enravishing, ensheathing, enshrouding, established, establisher, establishes, externships, factorships, faddishness, famishments, fashionable, fashionably, fatshederas, fellowships, fetishistic, fishability, fisherwoman, fisherwomen, fishmongers, fishtailing, flashboards, flashlights, flourishers, flourishing, flushnesses, folkishness, foolishness, foppishness, foremanship, foreshadows, foreshorten, foreshowing, frameshifts, freshnesses, freshwaters, friendships, furnishings, gangsterish, garnishment, gawkishness, generalship, gibberishes, girlishness, glasshouses, globefishes, goosefishes, grasshopper, greenshanks, groundsheet, gushinesses, haberdasher, hairbrushes, harshnesses, hawkishness, hellishness, hoggishness, horseradish, horseshoers, insheathing, intermeshed, intermeshes, internships, interparish, jellyfishes, jinrickshas, jinrikishas, killifishes, kingfishers, kittenishly, kwashiorkor, languishers, languishing, leaderships, lectureship, legateships, leishmanial, leishmanias, lickerishly, lifemanship, longshoring, loutishness, lumpishness, macintoshes, managership, mannishness, mantelshelf, marshalcies, marshalling, marshalship, marshmallow, masterships, mawkishness, mediumships, memberships, mentorships, meshuggener, messiahship, mishandling, misshapenly, monitorship, monkeyshine, moonshiners, mouthwashes, mushinesses, mushrooming, nailbrushes, nightmarish, nightshades, nightshirts, nourishment, novelettish, oarsmanship, outblushing, outshooting, outshouting, overfishing, overnourish, overshadows, parishioner, partnership, pastorships, peashooters, peevishness, penmanships, perishables, pettishness, piggishness, pincushions, pinkishness, platyfishes, plushnesses, potshotting, praetorship, prefreshman, prefreshmen, premiership, premonished, premonishes, preshrunken, primateship, princeships, proctorship, prudishness, publishable, publishings, puckishness, punishments, pushfulness, pushinesses, rabbitbrush, raffishness, rainwashing, ravishingly, ravishments, readerships, rectorships, reddishness, redshirting, reestablish, refashioned, refinishers, refinishing, refreshened, refreshment, refurbished, refurbisher, refurbishes, refurnished, refurnishes, replenished, replenisher, replenishes, repolishing, republished, republisher, republishes, reshingling, reshuffling, roguishness, ruttishness, sablefishes, sagebrushes, saltshakers, scattershot, scholarship, scrimshawed, seamanships, selfishness, semishrubby, senatorship, shacklebone, shadberries, shadinesses, shadowboxed, shadowboxes, shadowgraph, shadowiness, shaggymanes, shakinesses, shallowness, shamanistic, shamelessly, shandygaffs, shanghaiers, shanghaiing, shankpieces, shantytowns, shapelessly, shapeliness, shareholder, sharpnesses, shearwaters, sheathbills, sheepherder, sheepshanks, sheepsheads, sheernesses, shellacking, shellfishes, shelterbelt, shelterless, shenanigans, shepherdess, shepherding, shergottite, sheriffdoms, shibboleths, shiftlessly, shigelloses, shigellosis, shillelaghs, shininesses, shinplaster, shinsplints, shipbuilder, shipfitters, shipmasters, shipwrecked, shipwrights, shirtfronts, shirtmakers, shirtsleeve, shirtwaists, shittimwood, shivareeing, shmaltziest, shoehorning, shoestrings, shopkeepers, shoplifters, shoplifting, shopwindows, shorefronts, shortbreads, shortchange, shortcoming, shortenings, shorthaired, shorthanded, shortnesses, shotgunners, shotgunning, shouldering, shovelnoses, showboating, showerheads, showinesses, showmanship, showstopper, shrivelling, shrubberies, shunpikings, shutterbugs, shutterless, shuttlecock, shuttleless, sickishness, skirmishers, skirmishing, slavishness, snapshooter, snapshotted, snowbrushes, snowshoeing, soldiership, sottishness, spadefishes, speakership, spearfished, spearfishes, spicebushes, spinsterish, splashboard, splashdowns, splashiness, spokeshaves, sponsorship, spreadsheet, squashiness, squawfishes, squeamishly, squishiness, squooshiest, stablishing, staggerbush, standoffish, steeplebush, stewardship, stockfishes, stonefishes, stonewashed, straightish, studentship, stylishness, succotashes, suretyships, surgeonfish, swashbuckle, sweatshirts, swellfishes, swinishness, swordfishes, synchromesh, tarnishable, textbookish, thornbushes, traineeship, transhipped, transhumant, transshaped, transshapes, trapshooter, tribuneship, triggerfish, troubleshot, trunkfishes, trusteeship, turboshafts, unabashedly, unashamedly, unblemished, uncrushable, undershirts, undershoots, undershorts, undershrubs, unfurnished, ungarnished, unpublished, unselfishly, unshackling, unsheathing, unshockable, untarnished, unvarnished, vagabondish, vanishingly, vanquishers, vanquishing, viceroyship, viewerships, vizierships, voguishness, waggishness, wardenships, washability, washaterias, washerwoman, washerwomen, washeterias, waspishness, waterthrush, whitefishes, whitewashed, whitewasher, whitewashes, widdershins, wimpishness, windshields, wishfulness, withershins, wolfishness, woodshedded, workmanship, worshipless, worshippers, worshipping
12-letter words
abolishments, accomplished, accomplisher, accomplishes, admonishment, amateurishly, anglerfishes, antibacklash, antifashions, apostleships, archerfishes, artisanships, astonishment, athwartships, attorneyship, backsplashes, bailiffships, balderdashes, blandishment, blimpishness, bluishnesses, bolshevizing, bonefishings, boyishnesses, brackishness, brainwashers, brainwashing, brinkmanship, brushability, buccaneerish, bumbershoots, bushrangings, bushwhackers, bushwhacking, butterfishes, buttonbushes, candlefishes, captainships, cardinalship, cardsharpers, cartoonishly, chairmanship, championship, chickenshits, childishness, churlishness, citizenships, clannishness, cliquishness, cloddishness, clotheshorse, clownishness, coauthorship, cockleshells, comradeships, consumership, copublishers, copublishing, coquettishly, countershots, crapshooters, crosshatched, crosshatches, curatorships, customshouse, cuttlefishes, damselfishes, demolishment, devilishness, dictatorship, dilettantish, diminishable, diminishment, directorship, discipleship, disestablish, disfurnished, disfurnishes, disharmonies, disharmonize, disheartened, dishevelling, dishonesties, dishonorable, dishonorably, disrelishing, dovishnesses, downshifting, dwarfishness, earthshakers, earthshaking, electroshock, embellishers, embellishing, emperorships, enshrinement, establishers, establishing, extinguished, extinguisher, extinguishes, faintishness, fashionables, fellowshiped, feverishness, fiendishness, flashinesses, fleshinesses, followership, foremanships, foreshadowed, foreshadower, foreshortens, freakishness, gamesmanship, garishnesses, garnisheeing, garnishments, generalships, ghoulishness, goosefleshes, governorship, grasshoppers, greenishness, groundfishes, groundsheets, guardianship, guitarfishes, haberdashers, haberdashery, headshrinker, heathenishly, helmsmanship, hobblebushes, horsefleshes, horsemanship, horseshoeing, imperishable, imperishably, impishnesses, impoverished, impoverisher, impoverishes, intermeshing, kwashiorkors, languishment, laureateship, lavishnesses, lectureships, lifemanships, listenership, liverishness, longshoreman, longshoremen, longshorings, mackintoshes, malnourished, managerships, marksmanship, marshalships, marshinesses, marshmallows, marshmallowy, meshuggeners, messiahships, modishnesses, monitorships, monkeyshines, mulishnesses, musicianship, muttonfishes, needlefishes, noncrushable, nonvanishing, nourishments, oafishnesses, oarsmanships, offishnesses, outlandishly, overlordship, overshadowed, overshooting, owlishnesses, paddlefishes, paintbrushes, parishioners, partisanship, partnerships, photoflashes, plushinesses, postworkshop, praetorships, prankishness, preestablish, premierships, premonishing, preshrinking, priggishness, primateships, proctorships, qualmishness, rakishnesses, receivership, refashioning, refreshening, refreshingly, refreshments, refurbishers, refurbishing, refurnishing, relationship, relinquished, relinquishes, replenishers, replenishing, republishers, republishing, ribbonfishes, salesmanship, sceneshifter, scholarships, schoolboyish, scrimshander, scrimshawing, semifinished, senatorships, shabbinesses, shacklebones, shadowboxing, shadowgraphs, shadowgraphy, shagginesses, shamefacedly, shamefulness, shareability, sharecropped, sharecropper, shareholders, sharpshooter, shatteringly, shatterproof, sheepberries, sheepherders, sheepherding, sheepishness, sheepshearer, shellackings, shellcracker, shellfishery, shelterbelts, shergottites, shiftinesses, shinplasters, shipbuilders, shipbuilding, shipwrecking, shirtdresses, shirtsleeved, shirtsleeves, shittimwoods, shoddinesses, shortchanged, shortchanger, shortchanges, shortcomings, shortcutting, shortsighted, showmanships, showstoppers, showstopping, shrewdnesses, shrewishness, shrievalties, shrillnesses, shuffleboard, shuttlecocks, silverfishes, skittishness, sluggishness, slushinesses, sluttishness, snappishness, snapshooters, snapshotting, sniffishness, snobbishness, soldierships, speakerships, spearfishing, splashboards, sponsorships, sportfishing, spreadsheets, squarishness, stablishment, stewardships, studentships, subthreshold, survivorship, swainishness, swashbuckled, swashbuckler, swashbuckles, sycophantish, thievishness, ticklishness, tigerishness, toothbrushes, traineeships, transhipping, transhumance, transhumants, transshaping, transshipped, trapshooters, trapshooting, trashinesses, tribuneships, trickishness, troubleshoot, trusteeships, unblushingly, underbrushes, undershirted, undiminished, unnourishing, unwashedness, uppishnesses, vanquishable, vaporishness, viceroyships, waterishness, watermanship, whitewashers, whitewashing, womanishness, woodshedding, workmanships, worshipfully
13-letter words
accomplishers, accomplishing, admonishingly, admonishments, archbishopric, assistantship, associateship, astonishingly, astonishments, attorneyships, bashfulnesses, bearishnesses, bitterbrushes, blandishments, bookishnesses, boorishnesses, bottlebrushes, brainwashings, brinkmanships, brinksmanship, brutishnesses, buffalofishes, bullishnesses, caddishnesses, cardinalships, chairmanships, championships, chieftainship, churchmanship, clotheshorses, coauthorships, colleagueship, collectorship, collieshangie, coltishnesses, commandership, companionship, consumerships, containership, copartnership, cosponsorship, counselorship, craftsmanship, crosshatching, cultishnesses, custodianship, customshouses, demolishments, dictatorships, diminishments, directorships, discipleships, disfurnishing, disharmonious, disharmonized, disharmonizes, disheartening, distinguished, distinguishes, doggishnesses, dollishnesses, dolphinfishes, doltishnesses, donnishnesses, draftsmanship, electroshocks, embellishment, enshrinements, establishable, establishment, extinguishers, extinguishing, faddishnesses, fashionmonger, fellowshiping, fellowshipped, fishabilities, flourishingly, folkishnesses, followerships, foolishnesses, foppishnesses, foreshadowers, foreshadowing, foreshortened, gamesmanships, gawkishnesses, girlishnesses, governorships, grantsmanship, guardianships, guttersnipish, hawkishnesses, headshrinkers, hellishnesses, helmsmanships, hoggishnesses, horsemanships, horseradishes, imperishables, impoverishers, impoverishing, inspectorship, kittenishness, landownership, languishingly, languishments, laureateships, leishmaniases, leishmaniasis, leprechaunish, librarianship, lickerishness, listenerships, loutishnesses, lumpishnesses, mannishnesses, mantelshelves, marksmanships, mawkishnesses, moderatorship, musicianships, nightmarishly, nonmembership, nonperishable, nonshrinkable, ombudsmanship, overembellish, overlordships, overnourished, overnourishes, overshadowing, partisanships, peevishnesses, perishability, pettishnesses, photofinisher, piggishnesses, pinkishnesses, precentorship, preceptorship, presidentship, principalship, proconsulship, professorship, protectorship, prudishnesses, puckishnesses, punishability, pushfulnesses, rabbitbrushes, raffishnesses, receiverships, reddishnesses, reestablished, reestablishes, refurbishment, relationships, relinquishing, replenishable, replenishment, roguishnesses, ruttishnesses, salesmanships, sansculottish, sceneshifters, schoolmarmish, scrimshanders, secretaryship, selfishnesses, shadowinesses, shallownesses, shamelessness, shapelessness, shapelinesses, sharecroppers, sharecropping, sharpshooters, sharpshooting, sheepherdings, sheepshearers, sheepshearing, shellcrackers, shepherdesses, shiftlessness, shipbuildings, shortchangers, shortchanging, shuffleboards, shuttlecocked, sickishnesses, slavishnesses, solicitorship, sottishnesses, spectatorship, splashinesses, spokesmanship, sportfishings, sportsmanship, squashinesses, squeamishness, squishinesses, stablishments, staggerbushes, standoffishly, statesmanship, steeplebushes, stylishnesses, surgeonfishes, survivorships, swashbucklers, swashbuckling, swinishnesses, swordsmanship, synchromeshes, thundershower, tomboyishness, toothbrushing, tortoiseshell, transhumances, transshipment, transshipping, trapshootings, treasurership, triggerfishes, troubleshoots, tsutsugamushi, undershooting, unembellished, unestablished, unfashionable, unfashionably, unpublishable, unselfishness, voguishnesses, waggishnesses, washabilities, waspishnesses, watermanships, waterthrushes, whitewashings, wimpishnesses, wishfulnesses, wolfishnesses
14-letter words
accomplishable, accomplishment, accountantship, amateurishness, ambassadorship, anticensorship, apprenticeship, archbishoprics, assistantships, associateships, bipartisanship, blimpishnesses, brackishnesses, brinksmanships, brushabilities, chancellorship, chieftainships, childishnesses, churchmanships, churlishnesses, clannishnesses, cliquishnesses, cloddishnesses, clownishnesses, colleagueships, collectorships, collieshangies, commanderships, companionships, consultantship, containerships, controllership, copartnerships, coquettishness, cosponsorships, councillorship, counselorships, countershading, craftsmanships, custodianships, devilishnesses, disestablished, disestablishes, disfurnishment, disharmonizing, disheartenment, distinguishing, draftsmanships, dwarfishnesses, earthshakingly, electrofishing, embellishments, establishments, extinguishable, extinguishment, faintishnesses, fashionability, fashionmongers, fellowshipping, feverishnesses, fiendishnesses, foreshortening, freakishnesses, ghoulishnesses, grantsmanships, greenishnesses, haberdasheries, headmastership, impoverishment, inspectorships, instructorship, landownerships, legislatorship, librarianships, liverishnesses, micropublisher, moderatorships, nonestablished, nonmemberships, nonperishables, ombudsmanships, outlandishness, overnourishing, photofinishers, photofinishing, postmastership, prankishnesses, precentorships, preceptorships, preestablished, preestablishes, presidentships, priggishnesses, principalships, proconsulships, professorships, proprietorship, protectorships, qualmishnesses, reestablishing, refurbishments, relinquishment, replenishments, secretaryships, shadowgraphies, shamefacedness, shamefulnesses, shareabilities, sharpshootings, sheepishnesses, sheepshearings, shellfisheries, shortsightedly, shrewishnesses, shuttlecocking, skittishnesses, sluggishnesses, sluttishnesses, snappishnesses, sniffishnesses, snobbishnesses, solicitorships, spectatorships, spokesmanships, sportfisherman, sportfishermen, sportsmanships, squarishnesses, statesmanships, swainishnesses, swordsmanships, sycophantishly, thievishnesses, thundershowers, ticklishnesses, tigerishnesses, toothbrushings, tortoiseshells, transshipments, treasurerships, trickishnesses, troubleshooter, tsutsugamushis, undernourished, unwashednesses, vaporishnesses, waterishnesses, womanishnesses, worshipfulness
15-letter words
accomplishments, accountantships, ambassadorships, antifashionable, antishoplifting, apprenticeships, bipartisanships, chancellorships, comptrollership, connoisseurship, conservatorship, consultantships, controllerships, councillorships, countershadings, crashworthiness, disestablishing, disfurnishments, dishearteningly, disheartenments, distinguishable, distinguishably, electrofishings, extinguishments, fashionableness, fetishistically, headmasterships, imperishability, impoverishments, instructorships, kittenishnesses, legislatorships, lickerishnesses, micropublishers, micropublishing, nonpartisanship, outdoorsmanship, overembellished, overembellishes, perishabilities, photofinishings, postmasterships, preestablishing, proprietorships, punishabilities, reestablishment, relinquishments, schoolmasterish, shamelessnesses, shapelessnesses, shiftlessnesses, squeamishnesses, stadtholdership, standoffishness, tomboyishnesses, transhistorical, troubleshooters, troubleshooting, undistinguished, unselfishnesses
16-letter words
acquaintanceship, amateurishnesses, commissionership, comptrollerships, connoisseurships, conservatorships, coquettishnesses, disestablishment, dishonorableness, entrepreneurship, fashionabilities, imperishableness, inextinguishable, inextinguishably, micropublishings, nonestablishment, nonpartisanships, outdoorsmanships, outlandishnesses, overembellishing, reestablishments, shamefacednesses, shortsightedness, stadtholderships, undernourishment, worshipfulnesses
17-letter words
acquaintanceships, antiestablishment, commissionerships, contradistinguish, crashworthinesses, disestablishments, entrepreneurships, fashionablenesses, handcraftsmanship, imperishabilities, indistinguishable, indistinguishably, interrelationship, nonestablishments, standoffishnesses, undernourishments, unfashionableness
18-letter words
dishonorablenesses, distinguishability, establishmentarian, handcraftsmanships, imperishablenesses, interrelationships, shortsightednesses
19-letter words
contradistinguished, contradistinguishes, establishmentarians, unfashionablenesses
20-letter words
contradistinguishing, distinguishabilities, indistinguishability
21-letter words
disestablishmentarian, establishmentarianism, indistinguishableness
22-letter words
disestablishmentarians, establishmentarianisms, indistinguishabilities
23-letter words
5361 words found.
2 answers