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its about six feet long, but really they only tend to grow around three feet to five feet

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Although most ballerinas tend to have smaller or average sized feet, some ballerinas find that larger feet does not affect the difficulty or the ability to dance.

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Diabetics tend to have a problem with dryness in the feet and these soft formed slippers help prevent chaffing. They also protect the feet from possible injury from sharp objects as diabetics tend to suffer numbness in the feet. ref link http://www.convegnoteologico.org/resources-for-diabetes-diabetic-slippers

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It's possible, since the functioning of the sweat glands in a girls feet tend to be totally unrelated to her level of attractiveness.

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Males tend to have larger feet to support their heavier weight and roosters will grow spurs on their lower legs

1 answer

depends on what size each story is, they tend to be anywhere from 10 to 14 or 16 feet. it all depends on what type of building you are talking about.

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It varies. The tornado can vary in vertical extend from as little as 10,000 feet to as much as 60,000 feet. More violent tornadoes tend to be taller.

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Your feet is the most dependent part of your body; i.e. gravity tends to pull down the blood, and tend to pool in your feet. If you were to raise your feet above your heart level the veins would start to collapse.

3 answers

Funnily enough they tend to hide underground... if you dig about 12 feet you should find one.

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The average length is around 13-16 feet for a newborn. For a adult, it is 35-50 feet. Females tend to grow a bit longer than males do.

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For a male adult, it varies in length. Typically, it was 35-50 feet long. For newborns, both genders tend to measure 15 feet.

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Limousin cows tend to have a height between 5 to 7 feet at the shoulder at adult maturity.

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the floor

i don't know , you tend to walk on it with your feet and shoes. so it tends to get pretty dirty,

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Depends how you hit it. As a result of the ball being above your feet the ball will naturally hook.

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On average polar bears are 5 feet tall at the shoulder. When standing upright males tend to be between 8-10 feet tall, while females are considerably smaller and stand between 6-8 feet tall.

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Pedicures may tickle because the nerves in your feet are more sensitive and can be stimulated by gentle touch or pressure during the treatment. Sensations of tickling can also be amplified when your feet are in a vulnerable position, such as during a pedicure.

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From my experience, tarantula's typically enjoy eating corn on the cob (never off the cob, they tend to get their feet stuck in it).

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On average, men tend to have larger feet than women. This difference in foot size is due to genetic and hormonal factors, among others. However, foot size can vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender.

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They go forward well if you hold front paws but tend tyo push back on both feet for back notions.

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They can get wet, but the bottom of your feet tend to turn orange, but your rainbow sandals will not break apart. They also take awhile to dry

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Put them in a cold climate and they tend to shrink. (Not much, but a little) I had kangaroo leather Puma's which were slightly big for my feet at first, but when i put them into a cold climate they shrunk down to the right size.

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The height of windmills can vary, but on average, they are between 200 to 300 feet tall. Offshore wind turbines tend to be taller than land-based ones, with some reaching heights of over 600 feet.

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Fat does not tend to accumulate at the bottom of your feet. Maybe you have edema (fluid buildup) which can be a result of very serious conditions such as chronic heart failure and diabetes and should definitely be checked by a doctor and soon.

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I would expect a mild negative correlation. Girls tend to have smaller feet and so smaller shoe sizes and they tend t o score better at school.

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Girl's feet tend to be daintier than men's. For example, a men's size 8 shoe, is a women's 6. Women's feet are feminine, tending to be slender and long or round & short. Like men, women get hair on their toes, but it is just a sign of good circulation.

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An Ostrich is prety tall, the male is about 6 to 9 feet and the female is about 5.5 to 6.5 feet tall once they completely reach maturity.

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The average moose stands about 6-7.5 feet (1.8-2.3 meters) tall at the shoulder. Bull moose tend to be larger than female moose, with some individuals reaching heights of up to 10 feet (3 meters) at the shoulder.

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Yes they do. I am 6'4" and have a size 15 shoes, and I am 13 years old. Tall people tend to have big shoe sizes.

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for girls the cramps are killer they hurt! and ur feet getting bigger and boobs they tend to feel sore

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girls use their bare foot to step on guy because they don't like you and want you to be in pain

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A Boeing 737 Maximum Altitude ranges from 35,000 feet (-100 and -200 series) to 41,000 feet (-600, -700, -800, -900ER).

Airplanes do not usually fly at their maximum capable altitude, they tend to fly a couple of thousand feet below that, low 30's.

1 answer

A Boeing 737 Maximum Altitude ranges from 35,000 feet (-100 and -200 series) to 41,000 feet (-600, -700, -800, -900ER).

Airplanes do not usually fly at their maximum capable altitude, they tend to fly a couple of thousand feet below that, low 30's.

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It depends on the type of turtle. Turtles can range from 1inch-2 or more feet from shell end to shell end. Females tend to be larger then males.

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Given that women are generally smaller than men and tend to have smaller body parts, we now tend to psychologically associate the small and dainty with the female, and hence, this becomes an attractive trait for women which helps them to attract mates and to reproduce successfully.

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Inflatable bounce houses can vary in size, but they typically range from around 10 feet by 10 feet to 30 feet by 30 feet. They can be small enough for a few children or large enough to accommodate several at once.

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It all depends what your gender is, what your height is, what your profession and position in life is. If you plan on playing sports. Big feet can help with posture and health. Tall people with short feet tend to be wobbly and insecure. Small people with huge feet tend to be more head-strong and balsy.

But the thing is, a woman who has big feet tends to look at them as kind of a handicap of sorts. Even though they help her, she looks at them as something that robs her of her femininity. Other girls make fun of her. She has trouble finding the right shoes. They give her poise and strength. Keep her grounded and secure. But they stop her from being light, breezy. A woman with big feet looks down and sees a shortcoming. She'll never be a complete woman, in her mind. And it's a little sad.

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Elephant's height can range anywhere from 5 ft. to 14 ft, however the females tend to be a little smaller.

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it depends on how it is planted. plants growing outside tend to be stronger than plants growing inside. also it depends on how long u let it grow. but in an educated guess id say about 6 feet outside 4 feet inside.

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There is no exact radius of the Earth, but the average is 3,959 miles or 20,903,520 feet.

The Earth is rotating on it's axis and because of this rapid rotation the Earth's poles tend to flatten. Which makes the radius from the center to the equator larger than from the center to the poles.

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No, the size of a person's feet is not necessarily correlated with their height. While taller individuals may tend to have larger feet in proportion to their body size, there is no definitive relationship between height and foot size. Many factors, including genetics and individual variations, can influence foot size independently of height.

4 answers

no not really, mostly people who are 5'7" or taller tend to be size 8.. people who are 5'5 have 6 or 7.. which makes your feet bigger than a person your size.. but don't worry shoe size doesn't really matter.

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Yes, chicken feet has some cholesterol. For example 100 grams have about 84 mg cholesterol.

5 answers

No, humming birds do not tend to fly extremely high. The highest flying bird recorded was a Ruppell's griffon, a vulture with a wingspan of about 10 feet.

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A manta is a giant ray species that can reach 23 feet wide. They are commonly found in tropical oceans and tend to stay near coral reefs and along continental shelves.

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As people age, their feet tend to flatten out and lengthen due to the natural aging process and the effects of wearing shoes over time. However, foot size can also change due to factors like weight gain, pregnancy, and medical conditions. It is recommended to regularly measure your feet to ensure proper shoe fit.

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What sort of tapping is it? Is it a steady beat or fast? I tend to tap my feet a lot when I think of a song :S Usually a steady beat sort-of-thing. Perhaps if it's fast it could mean frustration. Try looking at his facial expressions too.

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The Boxer breed tend to be extremely playful. They got their breed name from the common action when they play, they like to pick up their front feet in a boxing like fashion.

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Rabbits have four feet: two long hind-feet at the back, and two small fore-feet at the front.

Wild rabbits get trapped sometimes and loose a foot, but live on with 3. If it is a back one that they lose they tend to hop in circles a lot.

Pet rabbits sometimes loose a foot as well, for one reason or another. Disabled rabbits can often be accommodated and can live long, happy lives.what that crazy

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Care for is a synonym of tend.

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