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her faults are stubbornness and impatience.

1 answer

The three types of faults are Normal faults, Reverse faults, and Strike and Slip fault

1 answer

The word pronounced falt is fault(cause, blame, or an underground rock boundary).

The similarly spelled word is "flat" (smooth, or level).

1 answer

Evolution is the process by which living organisms change and adapt over generations through natural selection, genetic mutation, and genetic drift. It explains the diversity of life on Earth and how species have evolved and diversified over millions of years.

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magnify glass

Depnding on your age, but it generally is not scary given that nearly all deaths are not seen in much detail and they usually take place in daytime. Also Primeval does not share the same falts as the Jurassic Park franchise which generally paints the creatures as huge bloodthirsty monsters.

1 answer

This question is based on a false premise. Many crystalline substances are transparent, for example ice, quarts (in puure form, without falts etc.). Non transparent or translucant crystaline substances are probably so because of the way the crystal structure effects light entering the substance.

1 answer

Jesus is worth everything. he is mind, body, soul, and everything in-between. He is the light of the world, and the light shines before all. Jesus had died for us, so we can go to a catholic church and confess your sins. Jesus is God. We should all love them both, with all our hearts. he died for us and is taking all our falts, lies, and bad deeds.

1 answer


right now , a tight skirt pulled up below your breasts with a plain t-shirt and some falts

i don't recommend too much jewelry as you look to done up and it's just plain annoying

for makeup, just mascara and eyeliner is fine no one will see if you put anything else anyways

Oh i recommend coming late, there won't be anyone when it starts

1 answer

There are really 6 different PSP's, the 1000 the 2000 the 3000 the Go the e-1000 and the Vita which is a PSP since PSP stands for Playstaion Potable the the Vita is.

1000 was the first and worst, the 2000 was the second and second worst and the e-1000 is the last so far to take the name of PSP. Only the e-1000 remains in production but it's meant to be a cheap budget PSP which makes it the third worst.

The Go is quite good but has it's falts such as due to it sliding open after time it gets uncomfortable to hold and there is no UMD drive which doesn't make it the best.

The 3000 is very good and hardly has any falts making it neck to neck with the vita.

The Vita is much bigger and heavier than any other PSP's but unlike any PSP's it has a touch screen and unlike the DS it has one of the screen and one on the back.

I think the 3000 is best because the Vita is very expensive, even more than and Xbox, Wii and PS3 but it's like the DSi XL, they tried to make a portable gaming device into one for around home but you may as well have a console for around the home but the 3000 is light and protable and perfect so the verdict: PSP 3000

1 answer

At a convergent boundary, the crust is often pushed together and forced to subduct beneath the other crust. This can lead to the formation of mountain ranges, volcanic arcs, and deep ocean trenches. The crust can also experience intense pressure and heat, causing melting and the formation of magma.

6 answers

Tectonic plates can cause earthquakes when they move against each other, promoting the buildup of stress that is eventually released as an earthquake. Researchers study the movement of tectonic plates to better understand where and when earthquakes are likely to occur, in order to improve preparedness and mitigate the impact of these natural disasters. By examining the historical record of earthquakes in different regions, scientists can also identify patterns and make predictions about future seismic activity.

2 answers

Its dam simple !!!

here is the method

step 1 Take some wheat flour

step 2 2 cups of sweet water/ fresh milk (anyone of them )

step 3 add some water/milk into the flour and keep adding it until kneded properly

step 4 make sure to add adequate amount of water so that wheat cake wont be too hard to be roled in to parantha or too much too loose to make one

step 5 can add salt to taste

step 6 keep the cake for some time coverd half hr is enough

step 7 heat the pan, take a small piece of the cake with help of the palm try to roll it in to a round ball (size should be medium ) take some wheat flour in separate plate and roll the ball into the flour and press to make it falts turn it to the other side press it again (this will help the ball to moves smoothly when rolled

step 8 With the help of the roller roll the bll into flat round sphear shape parantha (make sure the edges and the body are equally leveled )

step 9 place the paratha on the hot pan (make sure the pan is not too hot )

step 10 turn it to other side after 30 sec

step 11 apply some vegetable oil toss it again back and now pply some oil to the other side

step 12 allow each side to be cooked properly until light brown

the paratha is ready serve it with pickle or cutney

1 answer