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it can test experiments if it is successful or failes

1 answer

You would feel schadenfreude when your enemy failes

1 answer

to save failes and data in it

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Still have questions?
magnify glass

Carly passes and she jumps.Anna is the one who failes it. Or atleast the first time.

1 answer

All you have to do is just relax and be patient it will login. If it is just running till, can't help you.

1 answer

Maybe.........Maybe Not. There are a lot of variables here. Like, what were you doing when it broke? High Revving the engine?? Normal driving?? Take it to a competent mechanic in your neighborhood.

1 answer

nothing. if the powder fails to fire off you will have to load another round. however, wait a short period of time to make sure you powder does not 'cook' off as you are removing it.....

1 answer

You should file a motion, Pro Se, to show cause of why the evidence has not been produced to avoid any potential problems. see link

1 answer

no Kristen dose not go with Taylor because Kristen is unconditionally in love with rob in the movie. however the school scene was when rob failes to tell her that Victoria is still trying to kill her because rob wanted Kristen to be safe and that's how everything stirrs up younll have to see the rest on June 30, 2010.

2 answers

The anti theft system has been triggered. I would call your local Chevy dealership and ask them how to reset it.

its vary simple place your ignition key in the ignition turn the key to run wait 10 minutes for the security light to stop flashing it will be on steady do not turn the key off

with the security light on steady turn the key to start the car will start and run let it run

for 3 minutes

if this failes the resistor attached to the ignition switch has failed .

go to a auto recycler and get a replacement ignition switch with a key

install the resitor on your switch and repeat intsructions above

1 answer

In 1893, the World's Columbian Exposition was held in Chicago, where the first Ferris wheel was showcased. The notorious economic depression known as the Panic of 1893 also occurred, causing widespread unemployment and business failures. Additionally, New Zealand became the first country to grant women the right to vote in 1893.

2 answers

P0400 EGR FLOW MALFUNCTION is a blockage code, not a compenent failure. What the computer is letting you know is that something is preventing the EGR valve from opening and closing. A sensor mounted just above or near the EGR valve checks pressure to veryify that the EGR valve is indeed doing it's job. When the EGR failes to do it's job, that's when P0400 code surfaces. The typical cause of this code is cracked vacuum hoses or clogged hoses and or components with nasty carbon buildup inside of them. Each and every vacuum line to the EGR system needs to be checked! Carbon clogging also occurs inside the throttle body where the maze of vacuum lines originate. The task of unclogging those holes on the throttle body can become tideous, but needs to be performed in order to open up the vacuum flow. Rarely does a component failue throw a P0400 code, but when it does, it's one of three things. 1) EGR valve diaphragm is cracked and leaking vacuum, 2) The EGR plenumn sensor has failed 3)The amount of voltage getting to the sensor is not enough with a certain window, and will throw a P0400 code.

1 answer

Ibuprofen can be toxic to dogs- it can cause stomach and intestinal ulcers. If over dosage occurs it can also cause kidney failure. It is important to contact your vet immediately after the accidental ingestion by your dog- dont leave it as the vet may need to make your dog vomit up the tablets if he or she has eaten enough to cause a problem. Dogs should never be given ibuprofen or anything else from your drug cupboard at home unless you have sought veterinary advice beforehand.

9 answers

-Sorry if this answer gets a little long. Justin Bieber has impacted the lives of other people in many ways. Though his main fans are young girls, people of all ages do like Justin Bieber. He has tought people to not let what other people say bring you down. He has taught us to never say never because anything is possible. All we have to do is try. He has inspired so many people to try their best to reach their dreams. Justin has taught us to not let haters get to us and to turn what they say into a compliment and laugh at it. His music is very touching because his songs tell about his life. Whether it be an experience with a girl or anything else. The song 'Down to Earth' was written about his parent's divorce and when I went to his concert in Cincinnatti, he cried while he was singing it. His newer song 'Born to Be Somebody' helps him tell the world about how he wasn't meant to be just another normal kid and that he was meant to be somebody who was noticed in the world. He has impacted the lives of people in more ways that these also, but those are just a few.(:

5 answers

On your desktop, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. A list will then show up with "currently installed programs." Scroll down to the Skype program, highlight it, and then click on Remove.

If this method failed, try to enter the safe mode by pressing F8 on boot, then you can fully close skype, than find out all the skype leftovers in C:/ programs files/Skype, and delete them. If you think to find out all the leftovers is inpossible, an uninstaller can make it possible and easy.

4 answers

This question is impossible to answer for a number of reasons. First, modern English spelling is not all that consistent, particularly between American and British spellers. Second, the spellings of the words in the printed copies of the plays which have come down to us are the spellings of the typesetters, not Shakespeare's. The result is that different editions of the plays had different spellings throughout.

An example (Romeo's speech from Romeo and Juliet 2,2 just before Juliet's famous line):

"O speake againe bright angell, for thou art as glorious to this night being ore my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white upturned wondring eyes of mortalls that fall backe to gaze on him, when he bestrides the lazie puffing Cloudes and failes upon the bosome of the ayre" (Folio, 1623)

"O speake againe bright angell, for thou art as glorious to this night beeing over my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white upturned woondring eyes of mortals that fall backe to gaze on him, when he bestrides the lasie pacing cloudes and failes upon the bosome of the aire" (First Quarto, 1597)

"O speake againe bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night being ore my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white upturned wondring eyes of mortalls that fall backe to gaze on him, when he bestrides the lazie puffing Cloudes and fayles upon the bosome of the ayre" (Second Quarto, 1599)

Q2 has "angel" when Q1 and F have "angell"; Q1 has "mortals" when Q2 and F have "mortalls".

3 answers

Overall, the answer is no. This is because in total, it estimate that 175,000 lives were lost. The Atomic Bombs would of saved about 45,000 lives but it would cost 220,000 lives. However, this argument with the use of Atomic Bombs was necessary and a effective way to end World War 2 in the pacific and overall.

3 answers

A magneto is the earliest form of generator. When a magnet passes a coil, electrical current is created. A magneto creates a low voltage that gets sent to the secondary coil ,which is a large capacitor, this turns the low voltage to a very high voltage that then goes directly to the spark plug. Only electrically insensitive auxiliaries can be run with the electricity provided by a magneto (eg lights, some horns). With some circuitry, many more things can be run from a magneto.


The above answer is mixing two separate devices and describes the function of a 'magdyno' such as were commonly used on small engines.

A magneto is a device specifically used to generate the high voltage needed to fire a spark plug.

They were common on larger motorcycle engines of the past (pre-1960) and are still used on some aircraft engines.

Some people still prefer to use them on racing engines and souped up Harley-Davidson motors.

The magneto does use two sets of coils, the first producing the low energy current which is raised by the secondary high energy output coils, this pair of coils works as a transformer.

The magneto also uses mechanical switching through a set of points that open and close to fire the spark and the points or contact breakers also include a capacitor which is a device that stores electrical energy whose purpose is to prevent sparking at the points which would quickly cause them to become burnt and start to fail.

the magneto and alternator work in the same principle. the main difference is that in an altrnator, the the amrmature spins in a statinonary set of magnetic fields.,but, in a magneto, the amrature portion is stationary, and the fields are sets of PERMANENT magnents that spin around the core(armature), to produce electrical current...

On small or light aircraft such as a Cessna, there are TWO (2) magneto's and two sets of spark plugs in each cylinder. Each Magneto creates a spark for different plug in each cylinder therefore if one mag quits or failes the other one would still be firing one plug in all cylinders. One other note about magneto's, the left one is usually set to retard the timing for start. This is done through the use of an impulse coupling once the engine is at idle speed the impulse coupling will change the spark timing back to normal, usually around 25 deg before top dead center. Note usually only happens on one mag and is usually the left mag.

2 answers