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Fontanelles are eventually replaced by immovable joints in the skull called sutures.

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England controlled the upper portion and the United States controlled the lower portion. The Upper Portion of Oregon eventually became part of Canada.

1 answer

Radiated away as heat. If the Earth lost energy constantly, it would eventually freeze; if it gained energy constantly, it would eventually boil. The Earth has an energy balance; equal amounts of energy are absorbed by the Earth as sunlight as are radiated away as heat.

If the Earth were to become too warm, more clouds would form, reflecting light away and causing the Earth to cool down. If the Earth were to get too cold, fewer clouds would form, allowing more heat and light in. However, over the past few million years, the Earth has had more ice ages than moderate periods.

2 answers

sa wakas; sa huli.

pagkatapos ng maraming taong pamumuhai sa kasalanan, siya ay nagsisi at namuhay nag mabuti sa wakas.

"after many years of living in sin, he eventually repented and led a good life"

source: L. English English-Tagalog Dictionary (Congregation of the most holy redeemer, manila 1977).

3 answers

This question is unanswerable, except by speculation. The universe will eventually become energy without matter, E = mc2. Our sun will eventually expand and die. However, the time frame is enormous: several billion years.

No one knows if we will have killed our beautiful planet by over-plundering and over-populating before then.

We are definitely finding absolutely amazing science every day that may allow us to realistically travel in space rather than just hover in the neighbourhood.

It is your personal thoughts and beliefs that make life meaningful for you and your family and future generations. Religion has been many people's answer to surviving eternally.

1 answer

This illustrates the process of natural selection, where individuals with traits better suited to their environment have a higher chance of survival and passing on their genes to the next generation. Over time, this can lead to significant changes in the characteristics of a population.

2 answers

Most flu epidemics or outbreaks do eventually seem to die out, however, they tend to move in waves and may resurface when it seemed to have died out.

Except for perhaps smallpox, most viruses never totally die, they may mutate into a form that is less virulent or we may develop immunity to them as they are and so for them to infect us again, they would have to mutate into a new strain. Flu viruses are able to and do continually and rapidly change into new strains.

But sometimes the virus is just dormant, this is true during the hot summer season, since most influenza viruses spread best during the colder months of the year or during the "flu season". And since the Southern Hemisphere of the earth is having summer when we have our Northern Hemisphere flu season, when it is summer here and winter there, the viruses we thought were gone can turn up on the other side of the world and continue to spread.

1 answer

The Union held economic advantage over the South because they relied on industry in general, rather than just cotton. They also managed to smuggle cotton out of the South during some victories and sell it to foreign countries, taking some of the South's usually business. Industry was simply more diverse and profitable than agriculture majorly supported by cotton.

1 answer

Yes you can if you date each other long enough. People go out with each other to see if they would like being married to that person. That's what dating is really about. You will have to wait until you grow up to get married, most states now require you to be at least 18 but lots of people meet their future husband or wife in school. If they two of you like each other just keep going out and see what happens. He may be the one.

1 answer

* I'll eventually figure out how to answer this question. * Eventually, the ice cream will melt. * Eventually, you'll figure out that this has nothing to do with Biology. * There was eventually a black president. * Eventually, the world will run out of fossil fuel.

2 answers

You just did.

Eventually, everyone will use the word eventually

1 answer

If you think hard enough, EVENTUALLY you will be able to answer your question. Eventually, you will get the A in your class. I will eventually reach home, etc., etc.

1 answer

I will eventually answer your question.

1 answer

The word "eventually" is an adverb.

1 answer

Eventually has 5 syllables.

1 answer

Eventually, Katherine will own the house.

1 answer

How did the vikings eventually establish vinland?

1 answer

The Eventually Home was created in 2008.

1 answer

No, eventually is an adverb. Eventual is the adjective form.

1 answer

The word is spelled eventually.

Joan knew she had to do the dishes eventually.

Eventually, the snow drifts melted.

2 answers

No, molecular movement created by sound does not continue forever. The movement eventually dissipates as sound waves propagate through a medium and lose energy due to factors like friction and absorption.

3 answers

Who gains control of the government eventually and why?

1 answer

How did the vikings eventually establish vinland?

1 answer

They will all eventually run out of fuel.

1 answer

It will eventually wear out and break.

1 answer

The Spanish conquistadors eventually conquered the Incas.

1 answer

events evening every eventually in alphabetical order





1 answer

No, "eventually" is an adverb, not a preposition. It is used to describe when something happens or will happen in the future.

2 answers

I will go to India one day Eventually.

1 answer

the kingdom of Louis eventually became?


1 answer

Yes, the tacky paint will eventually dry.

1 answer

The adverb "eventually" (at some unspecified future time) modifies the verb form "going to" (an intended future action).

Examples :


Eventually, we're going to remodel our kitchen.

It may take five years, but eventually, he's going to graduate from college.

Maybe it won't happen this year, but eventually they are going to win a Super Bowl.

She's injured right now, but eventually, she's going to compete again.

Eventually, every thief is going to be caught.

Eventually, he'll lose an election and we're going to have a new leader.

Eventually, that tiny seed is going to blossom into a huge oak tree.

The ankle sprain hurts now, but it is going to heal eventually.


That branch is going to fall eventually.

1 answer

The science teacher explained that eventually, the sun would set that day.

Susan knew that eventually, her dog would come home, probably in time for supper.

Eventually, all good things must end.

3 answers

actually, eventually, actually, casually, eventually, unusually, usually, actually, casually, equally, eventually,unusually, usually, visually

2 answers

Stars eventually run out because when it burns the outside pushes in on the core causing it to eventually give way and implode.

1 answer

eventually you will get liver diesease and eventually die

1 answer

He will have to eventually because he will start getting older and will die from something eventually.

1 answer

Caesar's ambition ultimately and eventually caused his death.

1 answer

Will apps eventually make the web irrelevant ? why or why not?

1 answer

Who predicted the return of comet which was eventually named after me

1 answer