This is not really a question. But I think u mean what are the ethic prombelms that we as a socetiy have to deal with so that cloning advances. Basically there are many probelms. Here are a few examples:
-Cultural Issues: like creating super humens or cloning Hitler
-Religious views: there is a lot of these (ex. christian views)
- Personal probelms with cloning
-Media probelms
There are many more ethical probelms that can't be explained shortly in this answer. I advise looking at different websites or just googleing it.
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Work ethic is how diligently you do your job. Business ethic refers to whether your decisions are ethical or unethical with regard to business practices.
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That is the correct spelling of "work ethic" (diligence, perseverance).
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An ethic means a principle (e.g. "Protestant work ethic") while Ethics is the study of moral philosophy. QED.
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d: work ethic
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According to wikipedia, "Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence."
When one has work ethic, they know their responsibilities to fulfil a task. Jobs always look to employ people with work ethic. If you have the mind-set to complete a task, dedication, and commitment, you are one with a great work ethic.
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There was an inconsistency in his work ethic. (in other words, his work ethic was not consistent)
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Building a Socialist Work Ethic was created in 1996.
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Fear of starvation.
For some colonies it is referred to as the Protestant Ethic or the Protestant Work Ethic or The Puritan Work Ethic.
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Everybody needs to make ethic decisions whether or not they are a boss, supervisor, employee, or customer.
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You need a work ethic when you are looking for a new job, or when you have to handle a more professional job.
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The name of the ethic group that introduced Christianity to Jamaica is the Spaniard.
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Work ethic in a resume can be described as experiences that one has encountered. Conflict resolution is a plus on resumes. One can also use references and letters of recommendation to describe someones work ethic.
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Ethic refers to a set of moral principles or values that govern individual or group behavior. It involves distinguishing right from wrong and determining what is acceptable or unacceptable in a given situation.
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The puritan work ethic was the belief that hard work was an honor to God which would lead to a prosperous reward.
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Buy More - 2008 Work Ethic was released on:
USA: 2008
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Ethical code or code of conduct.
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The Puritan ethic refers to a set of values and beliefs that emphasize hard work, frugality, self-discipline, and moral integrity. It is rooted in Puritan religious beliefs and has influenced American culture and work ethic.
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The Protestant Work Ethic is also known as the Puritan Work Ethic. It emphasizes hard work, frugality and diligence. It requires consistently showing one has acquired salvation through Christianity, and shifts the emphasis from Catholic qualities such as confession and sacrament.
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An ethic determines moral and acceptable conduct. It is the principles of right and wrong that is accepted by a person or a group of people.
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