Whiskey and Brandy are equally as harmful. They both have negative affects on your body including your kidneys and liver.
1 answer
In the extreme, both alcohol and tobacco can lead to death, so...at least in that sense...they are equally harmful.
1 answer
All stress is equally harmful. They all give you the same symptoms which in turn could really hurt you.
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Deletions an insertions are equally harmful s they shift whole frame .
1 answer
Unless they're of different alcoholic strength they're equally bad.
3 answers
The effects are equally harmful. Many people who didn't ever smoke have died from lung cancer and other complications caused by a smoking partner or spouse.
1 answer
No, not all asbestos minerals are equally harmful. The most widely recognized and dangerous forms of asbestos are crocidolite, amosite, and chrysotile. Crocidolite and amosite are considered the most hazardous due to their needle-like structure, which can easily become embedded in lung tissue. Chrysotile, while less dangerous than the other two, can still pose health risks when fibers are inhaled over extended periods.
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Alkalis are typically considered to be strong bases, which can be equally or more corrosive and harmful than acids. The strength of an alkali or acid is determined by its pH level and concentration.
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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is different for each cancer area treated and type of cancer treated. The side effects are equally varied. For a professional information source follow the link below.
1 answer
The estate was equally divided by the children. The chess masters were equally matched. It was equally apparent that they had no source of income.
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Bisect is the word for divide equally. It is a word for divide equally and is used in mathematics.
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Most copies of harmful recessive alleles are carried by unaffected carriers who are phenotypically normal but carry one copy of the allele. When two carriers have offspring, there is a 25% chance the child will inherit two copies of the harmful allele, leading to a genetic disorder.
3 answers
All Microbes are not harmful. All virus are harmful. Some bacteria are harmful
1 answer
The authors who contributed equally to this work are list of authors.
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Two events are equally unlikely if the probability that they do not happen is the same for each event. And, since the probability of an event happening and not happening must add to 1, equally unlikely events are also equally likely,
1 answer
The sum of digits: 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
12 can be divided equally by 3, so 435 can be divided equally as well.
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69 answers
You are related to both equally. Your DNA is supplied by both equally.
1 answer
right to be treated equally and not discriminated against
2 answers
0 because they do not fit in equally, but if you don't want the equally then 3.
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Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.
Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.
Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.
Yes, with equally shared custody and if the parties have similar incomes.
2 answers
It is not harmful to animals but it can be harmful/fatal to children
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it is very harmful or harmful depending on your body
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it can be harmful but we have antibiotics so they aren't as harmful as some viruses.
1 answer