cyndaquil evolves into quilava then evolves into typlosion
chikorita evolves into bayleef then evolves into meganium
totodile evolves into croconaw then evolves into feraligatr
hope it helps
1 answer
-Cyndaquil (evolves into Quilava evolves into Typhlosion)
- Todadille (evolves into Crocnaw evolves into Feraligatr)
- Chickorita(evolves into Bayleaf evolves into Meganium)
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1. Turtwig evolves lvl18
2. Grotle evolves lvl 32
3. Torterra evolves lvl-----
4. Chimchar evolves lvl 14
5. Monferno evolves lvl 36
6. Infernape evolves lvl -----
7. Piplup evolves lvl 16
8. Prinplup evolves lvl 36
9. Empleon evolves lvl ------
10. Starly evolves lvl 14
11. Staravia evolves lvl 34
12. Staraptor evolves lvl -----
13. Bidoof evolves lvl 15
14. Bibarel evolves lvl ------
15. Kricketot evolves lvl 10
16. Kricketune evolves lvl -----
17. Shinx evolves lvl 15
18. Luxio evolves lvl 30
19. Luxray evolves lvl -----
20. Abra evolves lvl 16
21. Kadabra evolves Trading
22. Alakazam evolves lvl -----
23. Magikarp evolves lvl 20
24. Gyarados evolves lvl -----
25. Budew evolves When it is Happy + Day time
26. Roselia evolves With Shiny stone
27. Roserade evolves lvl ------
28. Zubat evolves lvl 22
29. Golbat evolves when it is happy
30. Crobat evolves lvl -----
31. Geodude evolves lvl 25
32. Graveler evolves when trading
33. Golem evolves lvl -----
34. Onix evolves when trading and holding Metal coat.
35. Steelix evolves lvl ------
36. Cranidos evolves lvl 30
37. Rampardos evolves lvl -----
38. shieldon evolves lvl 30
39. Bastiodon evolves lvl -----
40. Machop evolves lvl 28
41. Machoke evolves when trading
42. Machamp evolves lvl -----
43. Psyduck evolves lvl 33
44. Golduck evolves lvl -----
45. Burmy evolves lvl 20 (Male = Wormadam. Female = Mothim)
46. Wormadam evolves lvl -----
47. Mothim evolves lvl -----
48. Wurmple evolves lvl 7 (Pearl = Cascoon. Diamond = Silcoon)
49. Silcoon evolves lvl 10
50. Beautifly evolves lvl -----
51. Cascoon evolves lvl 10
52. Dustox evolves lvl -----
53. Combee evolves lvl 21 Female
54. Vespiquen evolves lvl -----
55. Pachirisu evolves lvl ------
56. Buizel evolves lvl 26
57. Floatzel evolves lvl -----
58. Cherubi evolves lvl 25
59. Cherrim evolves lvl -----
60. Shellos evolves lvl 30
61. Gastrodon evolves lvl -----
62. Heracross evolves lvl -----
63. Aipom evolves when Double-hit learned
64. Ambipom evolves lvl -----
65. Drifloon evolves lvl 28
66. Drifblim evolves lvl -----
67. Buneary evolves when happy
68. Lopunny evolves lvl -----
69. Gastly evolves lvl 25
70. Haunter evolves when trading
71. Gengar evolves lvl -----
72. Misdreavus evolves with Dusk Stone
73. Mismaqius evolves lvl ------
74. Murkrow evolves With dusk stone
75. Honchkrow evolves lvl ------
76. Glameow evolves lvl 38
77. Purugly evolves lvl ------
78. Goldeen evolves lvl 33
79. Seaking evolves lvl -----
80. Barboach evolves lvl 30
81. Whiscash evolves lvl ------
82. Chingling evolves when happy + night time
83. Chimecho evolves lvl ------
84. Stunky evolves lvl 34
85. Skuntank evolves lvl ------
86. Meditate evolves lvl 37
87. Medicham evolves lvl ------
88. Bronzor evolves lvl 33
89. Bronzong evolves lvl ------
90. Ponyta evolves lvl 40
91. Rapidash evolves lvl ------
92. Bonsly evolves when mimic learned (ussually 18)
93. Sudowoodo evolves lvl ------
94. Mime Jr. evolves when mimic learned (ussually 18)
95. Mr.Mine evolves lvl ------
96. Happiny evolves Happy + holding oval stone
97. Chansey evolves Happy
98. Blissey evolves lvl ------
99. Cleffa evolves happy
100. Clefairy evolves with Moon Stone
101. Clefable evolves lvl ------
102. Chatot evolves lvl ------
103. Pichu evolves Happy
104. Pikachu evolves With Thunder Stone
105. Raichu evolves lvl ------
106. Hoothoot evolves lvl 20
107. Noctowl evolves lvl ------
108. Spiritomb evolves lvl ------
109. Gible evolves lvl 24
110. Gabite evolves lvl 48
111. Garchomp evolves lvl -----
112. Munchlax evolves Happy
113. Snorlax evolves lvl ------
114. Unown evolves lvl ------
115. Riolu evolves Happy + Day
116. Lucario evolves lvl ------
117. Wooper evolves lvl 20
118. Quaqsire evolves lvl -----
119. Wnigull evolves lvl 25
120. Pelipper evolves lvl -----
121. Girafarig evolves lvl -----
122. Hippopotas evolves lvl 34
123. Hhippowdon evolves lvl -----
124. Azurill evolves Happy
125. Marill evolves lvl 18
126. Azumarill evolves lvl ------
127. Skorupi evolves lvl 40
128. Drapion evolves lvl -----
129. Croagunk evolves lvl 37
130. Toxicroak evolves lvl -----
131. Carninine evolves lvl -----
132. Remoraid evolves lvl 25
133. Octillery evolves lvl -----
134. Finneon evolves lvl 31
135. Lumineon evolves lvl -----
136. Tentacool evolves lvl 30
137. Tentacruel evolves lvl ------
138. Feebas evolves When Maxed Beauty (With Poffins)
139. Milotic evolves lvl ------
140. Mantyke evolves when remoraid is in party
141. Mantine evolves lvl ------
142. Snover evolves lvl 40
143. Abomasnow evolves lvl -----
144. Sneasel evolves when holding Razor claw + Night
145. Weavile evolves lvl -----
146. Uxie evolves lvl -----
147. Mespirit evolves lvl ------
148. Azelf evolves lvl -----
149. Dialga evolves lvl ------
150. Palkia evolves lvl ------
151. Manaphy evolves lvl -------
------- means doesn't evolve.
1 answer
Snivy evolves into Servine, which evolves into Serperior.
Tepig evolves into Pignite, which evolves into Emboar.
Oshawott evolves into Dewott, which evolves into Samurott.
These are the English names
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Poliwhirl turns into Poliwrath
Shellder evolves into Cloyster
Staryu evolves into Starmie
Evee evolves into Vaporeon
Lombre evolves into Ludicolo
2 answers
Nidorino evolves into Nidoking.
Nidorina evolves into Nidoqueen.
Clefairy evolves into Clefable.
Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff.
Skitty evolves into Delcatty.
Munna evolves into Musharna
1 answer
Well Tepig evolves into Pignite, which evolves into Emboar.
Snivy evolves into Servine which evolves into Serperior.
And Oshawott evolves into Dewott which evolves into Samurott.
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I've heard that six pokemon evolves when you use waterstone:
- Eevee evolves to Vaporeon
- Lombre evolves to Ludicolo
- Panpour evolves to Simipour
- Poliwhirl evolves to Poliwrath
- Shellder evolves to Cloyster
- Staryu evolves to Starmie
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Charmander evolves to charmeleon then charmeleon evolves to charizard.
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seaking... you didn't know that?
he or she evolves into seaking
he or she evolves into seaking
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Shellder evolves into a Cloyster. Lombre evolves into Ludicolo. Poliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath. Staryu evolves into Starmie. Eevee evolves into Vaporeon.
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eevee evolves into vapoeon and a poliwhirl evolves into a poliwrath also staryu evolves into starmie , shellder evolves into cloyster ,and lombre evolves into ludicolo .
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Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Skitty, and Munna. Nidorina evolves into Nidoqueen, Nidorino evolves into Nidoking, Clefairy evolves into Clefable, Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff, Skitty evolves into Delcatty, and Munna evolves into Musharna all by using a Moon Stone.
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Happiny evolves into Chansey.
It evolves with a oval stone in the day
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In any Pokemon game Caterpie evolves into Metapod which then evolves into Butterfree.
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Gloom evolves into Bellossom
Sunkern evolves into Sunflora
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If you mean,, what onix evolves into,, it's steelix,, but the is no Pokemon that evolves into onix
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Beldum evolves at level 20, it evolves to Metang.
Metang evolves at level 45, it evolves to Metagross.
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Weepinbel evolves into Victreebel, Gloom evolves into Vileplume, Nuzleaf evolves into Shiftry and Pansage evolves into Simisage.
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Larvesta evolves before Zweilous. Larvesta evolves at level 59, while Zweilous evolves at level 64 (the latest of any Pokemon that evolves by level).
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There isn't a stone that evolves it. It evolves naturally at lvl 28 into a Primape.
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Leveling it to level 25, which evolves it into Haunter. Haunter then evolves into Gengar by being traded.
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Growlithe? - evolves by Fire stone
Grovyle? - evolves at level 36
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Lv. 20: Evolves into Kirlia
Lv. 30: Evolves into Gardevoir
Dawn stone: Evolves into Gallade
1 answer
Pikachu evolves into Raichu using a Thunder Stone.
Nidorino evolves into Nidoking using a Moon Stone.
Nidorina evolves into Nidoqueen using a Moon Stone.
Clefairy evolves into Clefable using a Moon Stone.
Jigglypuff evolves into a Wigglytuff using a Moon Stone.
a Leaf Stone evolves Gloom into Vileplume and a Sun Stone evolves it into Bellossom.
A Fire Stone evolves Growlithe into Arcanine.
A Water Stone evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath.
A Leaf Stone evolves Weepinbell into Victreebel.
A Water Stone evolves Shellder into Cloyster.
A Leaf Stone evolves Exeggcute into Exeggutor.
A Water Stone evolves Staryu into Starmie.
A Water Stone evolves Eevee into Vaporeon, a Thunder Stone evolves it into Jolteon and a Fire Stone evolves it into Flareon.
A Shiny Stone evolves Togetic into Togekiss.
A Sun Stone evolves Sunkern into Sunflora.
A Dusk Stone evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow.
A Dusk Stone evolves Misdreavus into Mismagius.
A Water Stone evolves Lombre into Ludicolo.
A Leaf Stone evolves Nuzleaf into Shiftry.
A Dawn Stone evolves a male Kirlia into Gallade.
A Shiny Stone evolves Roselia into Roselia.
A Dawn Stone evolves a female Snorunt into Froslass.
A Happiny holding the Oval Stone and leveling it up in the day time will evolve it into Chasey.
1 answer
Dratini, dragonaire, dragonite,altaria,bagon,shelgon,salamence, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp,latias latios, kingdra, Vibrava, Flygon, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Rayquaza. That's allof em
There are several
Dratini evolves into Dragonair which evolves into Dragonite
Horsea, not dragon evolves into Seadra, not Dragon evolves into Kingdra Is Dragon
Trapinch, not dragon evolves into Vibrava is dragon evolves into Flygon is dragon
Swablu, not dragon evolves into Altaria is dragon
Bagon evolves into Shelgon evolves into Salamence
Gible evolves into Gabite evolves into Garchomp
The non dragon preevolutionaries are in Italic
All of the Dragons are in Bold
1 answer
Moon Stone- Evolves Munna into Musharna
Dusk Stone- Evolves Lampent into Chandelure
Shiny Stone- Evolves Minccino into Cinccino
Sun Stone- Evolves Cottonee into Whimsicott and Evolves Petilil into Lilligant
Thunder Stone- Evolves Eelectrik into Eelektross
Leaf Stone- Evolves Pansage into Simisage
Fire Stone- Evolves Pansear into Simisear
Water Stone- Evolves Panpour into Simipour
2 answers
A Fire Stone evolves Pansear into Simisear.
A Water Stone evolves Panpour into Simipour
A Leaf Stone evolves Pansage into Simisage.
A Thunder Stone evolves Eelektrik into Eelektross.
A Moon stone evolves Munna into Musharna.
A Shiny Stone evolves Minccino into Cinccino.
A Sun Stone evolves Petilil into Liligant and evolves Cottonee into Whimsicott.
A Dusk Stone evolves Lampent into Chandelure.
1 answer
All Pokémon needed to evolve with a shiny stone are:
Togetic (evolves into Togekiss)
Roselia (evolves into Roselia)
Minccino (evolves into Cinccino)
Floette (evolves into Florges)
2 answers
No stone evolves Burmy in Pokémon Pearl. Burmy evolves at Level 20. A male Burmy evolves into Mothim and a female one evolves into Wormadam.
1 answer
Vulpix evolves into Ninetales
Growlithe evolves into Arcanine
Eevee evolves into Flareon
Pansear evolves into Simisear
All these Pokemon evolve using Fire Stones.
Hope this helped!
1 answer
Trapinch evolves into Vibrava at level 35 and Vibrava evolves into Flygon level 45.
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It evolves lv 20. The male evolves into Mothim and the female evolves into Wormadam
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i think the Pokemon that evolves into gyarados is magikarp. it evolves at level 20
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Leveling it to level 25, which evolves it into Haunter. Haunter then evolves into Gengar by being traded.
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