In ADULT hepatocellular or hemolytic jaundice the main concerning problem is LIVER FAILURE or DYING RED BLOOD CELLS, not elevated bilirubin levels. (*)
In BABIES, jaundice is usually caused by immature liver cells not being able to properly process the huge amounts of bilirubin that come their way. The baby's liver will eventually grow into its role, but in the mean time, the HIGH LEVELS OF UNCONJUGATED (not processed by liver) BILIRUBIN are what's really dangerous.
That's because babies also have an immature hemato-encephalic (blood-brain) barrier. The unconjugated bilirubin crosses into the neural tissue and causes damage (look up "kernicterus"). The goal of phototherapy is to reduce the bilirubin levels (by converting it to a soluble form, ready for excretion from the body) and thus prevent harm to the brain.
Elevated bilirubin in adults is more or less harmless, so therapy should be directed at removing the cause of the jaundice (usually something serious): there's no point in sticking the patient under a lamp just to make him look less yellow.
(However, if you really wanted to do that, I suspect it wouldn't be as effective as with babies because adult bodies have a much smaller surface-to-volume ratio and phototherapy is done by illuminating the surface of a patient's body.)
* PS There's also a third class of jaundice, called obstructive jaundice. Ducts leading bile from the liver become clogged. However, in this type, it's conjugated (already processed) bilirubin that builds up in the blood so I didn't mention it earlier. I'm not even sure if phototherapy would work on this type of bilirubin...?
1 answer
The period of NREM sleep is made up of stages 1-4. Each stage can last from 5 to 15 minutes. A completed cycle of sleep consists of a progression from stages 1-4 before REM sleep is attained, then the cycle starts over again. During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, builds bone and muscle, and appears to strengthen the immune system. As you get older, you sleep more lightly and get less deep sleep. Aging is also associated with shorter time spans of sleep, although studies show the amount of sleep needed doesn't appear to diminish with age.
REM sleep occurs 90 minutes after sleep onset. The first period of REM typically lasts 10 minutes, with each recurring REM stage lengthening, and the final one may last up to an hour. Polysomnograms show brainwave patterns in REM to be similar to that recorded during wakefulness. In people without sleep disorders, heart rate and respiration speed up and become erratic during REM sleep. During this stage the eyes move rapidly in different directions.
Intense dreaming occurs during REM sleep as a result of heightened brain activity, but paralysis occurs simultaneously in the major voluntary muscle groups. REM is a mixture of encephalic (brain) states of excitement and muscular immobility. For this reason, it is sometimes called paradoxical sleep.
The percentage of REM sleep is highest during infancy and early childhood. During adolescence and young adulthood, the percentage of REM sleep declines. Infants can spend up to 50% of their sleep in the REM stage of sleep, whereas adults spend only about 20% in REM.
2 answers
* enable * enabled * enabler * enablers * enables * enabling * enact * enactable * enacted * enacting * enaction * enactions * enactive * enactment * enactments * enactor * enactors * enactory * enacts * enacture * enactures * enallage * enallages * enamel * enameled * enameler * enamelers * enameling * enamelist * enamelists * enamelled * enameller * enamellers * enamelling * enamellings * enamellist * enamellists * enamels * enamelware * enamelwares * enamelwork * enamelworks * enamine * enamines * enamor * enamorado * enamorados * enamoration * enamorations * enamored * enamoring * enamors * enamour * enamoured * enamouring * enamours * enantiodromia * enantiodromiacal * enantiodromias * enantiodromic * enantiomer * enantiomeric * enantiomers * enantiomorph * enantiomorphic * enantiomorphies * enantiomorphism * enantiomorphisms * enantiomorphous * enantiomorphs * enantiomorphy * enantiopathies * enantiopathy * enantioses * enantiosis * enantiostylies * enantiostylous * enantiostyly * enantiotropic * enantiotropies * enantiotropy * enarch * enarched * enarches * enarching * enargite * enargites * enarm * enarmed * enarming * enarms * enarration * enarrations * enarthrodial * enarthroses * enarthrosis * enate * enates * enatic * enation * enations * enaunter * encaenia * encaenias * encage * encaged * encages * encaging * encalm * encalmed * encalming * encalms * encamp * encamped * encamping * encampment * encampments * encamps * encanthis * encanthises * encapsulate * encapsulated * encapsulates * encapsulating * encapsulation * encapsulations * encapsulator * encapsulators * encapsule * encapsuled * encapsules * encapsuling * encarnalise * encarnalised * encarnalises * encarnalising * encarnalize * encarnalized * encarnalizes * encarnalizing * encarpus * encarpuses * encase * encased * encasement * encasements * encases * encash * encashable * encashed * encashes * encashing * encashment * encashments * encasing * encaustic * encaustically * encaustics * encave * encaved * encaves * encaving * enceinte * enceintes * encephala * encephalic * encephalin * encephaline * encephalines * encephalins * encephalitic * encephalitides * encephalitis * encephalitises * encephalitogen * encephalitogenic * encephalitogens * encephalocele * encephaloceles * encephalogram * encephalograms * encephalograph * encephalographic * encephalographically * encephalographies * encephalographs * encephalography * encephaloid * encephalomyelitic * encephalomyelitides * encephalomyelitis * encephalomyocarditis * encephalomyocarditises * encephalon * encephalons * encephalopathic * encephalopathies * encephalopathy * encephalotomies * encephalotomy * encephalous * enchafe * enchafed * enchafes * enchafing * enchain * enchained * enchaining * enchainment * enchainments * enchains * enchant * enchanted * enchanter * enchanters * enchanting * enchantingly * enchantment * enchantments * enchantress * enchantresses * enchants * encharge * encharged * encharges * encharging * encharm * encharmed * encharming * encharms * enchase * enchased * enchaser * enchasers * enchases * enchasing * encheason * encheasons * encheer * encheered * encheering * encheers * encheiridion * encheiridions * enchilada * enchiladas * enchiridia * enchiridion * enchiridions * enchondroma * enchondromas * enchondromata * enchorial * enchoric * encierro * encierros * encina * encinal * encinas * encincture * encinctured * encinctures * encincturing * encipher * enciphered * encipherer * encipherers * enciphering * encipherment * encipherments * enciphers * encircle * encircled * encirclement * encirclements * encircles * encircling * encirclings * enclasp * enclasped * enclasping * enclasps * enclave * enclaved * enclaves * enclaving * enclises * enclisis * enclitic * enclitically * enclitics * encloister * encloistered * encloistering * encloisters * enclosable * enclose * enclosed * encloser * enclosers * encloses * enclosing * enclosure * enclosures * enclothe * enclothed * enclothes * enclothing * encloud * enclouded * enclouding * enclouds * encode * encoded * encodement * encodements * encoder * encoders * encodes * encoding * encoignure * encoignures * encolour * encoloured * encolouring * encolours * encolpion * encolpions * encolpium * encolpiums * encolure * encolures * encomendero * encomenderos * encomia * encomiast * encomiastic * encomiastical * encomiastically * encomiasts * encomienda * encomiendas * encomion * encomium * encomiums * encompass * encompassed * encompasses * encompassing * encompassment * encompassments * encore * encored * encores * encoring * encounter * encountered * encountering * encounters * encourage * encouraged * encouragement * encouragements * encourager * encouragers * encourages * encouraging * encouragingly * encouragings * encradle * encradled * encradles * encradling * encraties * encraty * encrease * encreased * encreases * encreasing * encrimson * encrimsoned * encrimsoning * encrimsons * encrinal * encrinic * encrinital * encrinite * encrinites * encrinitic * encroach * encroached * encroacher * encroachers * encroaches * encroaching * encroachingly * encroachment * encroachments * encrust * encrustation * encrustations * encrusted * encrusting * encrustment * encrustments * encrusts * encrypt * encrypted * encrypting * encryption * encryptions * encrypts * enculturate * enculturated * enculturates * enculturating * enculturation * enculturations * encumber * encumbered * encumbering * encumberment * encumberments * encumbers * encumbrance * encumbrancer * encumbrancers * encumbrances * encurtain * encurtained * encurtaining * encurtains * encyclic * encyclical * encyclicals * encyclics * encyclopaedia * encyclopaedias * encyclopaedic * encyclopaedism * encyclopaedisms * encyclopaedist * encyclopaedists * encyclopedia * encyclopedian * encyclopedias * encyclopedic * encyclopedical * encyclopedically * encyclopedism * encyclopedisms * encyclopedist * encyclopedists * encyst * encystation * encystations * encysted * encysting * encystment * encystments * encysts * end * endamage * endamaged * endamagement * endamagements * endamages * endamaging * endameba * endamebae * endamebas * endamoeba * endamoebae * endamoebas * endanger * endangered * endangerer * endangerers * endangering * endangerment * endangerments * endangers * endarch * endarchies * endarchy * endart * endarted * endarterectomies * endarterectomy * endarting * endarts * endbrain * endbrains * endear * endeared * endearing * endearingly * endearingness * endearingnesses * endearment * endearments * endears * endeavor * endeavored * endeavorer * endeavorers * endeavoring * endeavors * endeavour * endeavoured * endeavouring * endeavourment * endeavourments * endeavours * endecagon * endecagons * ended * endeictic * endeixes * endeixis * endeixises * endemial * endemic * endemical * endemically * endemicities * endemicity * endemics * endemiologies * endemiology * endemism * endemisms * endenizen * endenizened * endenizening * endenizens * ender * endergonic * endermatic * endermic * endermical * endermically * enderon * enderons * enders * endew * endewed * endewing * endews * endexine * endexines * endgame * endgames * ending * endings * endiron * endirons * endite * endited * endites * enditing * endive * endives * endlang * endleaf * endleaves * endless * endlessly * endlessness * endlessnesses * endlong * endmost * endnote * endnotes * endobiotic * endoblast * endoblasts * endocardia * endocardiac * endocardial * endocarditic * endocarditis * endocarditises * endocardium * endocardiums * endocarp * endocarpal * endocarps * endocast * endocasts * endocentric * endochondral * endochylous * endocrania * endocranium * endocrinal * endocrine * endocrines * endocrinic * endocrinologic * endocrinological * endocrinologies * endocrinologist * endocrinologists * endocrinology * endocritic * endocytic * endocytose * endocytosed * endocytoses * endocytosing * endocytosis * endocytotic * endoderm * endodermal * endodermic * endodermis * endodermises * endoderms * endodontia * endodontias * endodontic * endodontically * endodontics * endodontist * endodontists * endodyne * endoenzyme * endoenzymes * endoergic * endogamic * endogamies * endogamous * endogamy * endogen * endogenic * endogenies * endogenous * endogenously * endogens * endogeny * endolithic * endolymph * endolymphatic * endolymphs * endometria * endometrial * endometrioses * endometriosis * endometritis * endometritises * endometrium * endometriums * endomitoses * endomitosis * endomitotic * endomixes * endomixis * endomixises * endomorph * endomorphic * endomorphies * endomorphism * endomorphisms * endomorphs * endomorphy * endonuclease * endonucleases * endonucleolytic * endoparasite * endoparasites * endoparasitic * endoparasitism * endoparasitisms * endopeptidase * endopeptidases * endoperoxide * endoperoxides * endophagies * endophagous * endophagy * endophyllous * endophyte * endophytes * endophytic * endoplasm * endoplasmic * endoplasms * endoplastic * endopleura * endopleuras * endopod * endopodite * endopodites * endopods * endopolyploid * endopolyploidies * endopolyploidy * endoradiosonde * endoradiosondes * endorhizal * endorphin * endorphins * endorsable * endorse * endorsed * endorsee * endorsees * endorsement * endorsements * endorser * endorsers * endorses * endorsing * endorsor * endorsors * endosarc * endosarcs * endoscope * endoscopes * endoscopic * endoscopically * endoscopies * endoscopy * endoskeletal * endoskeleton * endoskeletons * endosmometer * endosmometers * endosmometric * endosmos * endosmose * endosmoses * endosmosis * endosmotic * endosmotically * endosome * endosomes * endosperm * endospermic * endosperms * endospore * endospores * endosporia * endosporium * endosporous * endoss * endossed * endosses * endossing * endostea * endosteal * endosteally * endosteum * endostyle * endostyles * endosulfan * endosulfans * endosymbiont * endosymbionts * endosymbioses * endosymbiosis * endosymbiotic * endothecia * endothecium * endothelia * endothelial * endothelioid * endothelioma * endotheliomas * endotheliomata * endothelium * endotherm * endothermic * endothermies * endotherms * endothermy * endotoxic * endotoxin * endotoxins * endotracheal * endotrophic * endow * endowed * endower * endowers * endowing * endowment * endowments * endows * endozoa * endozoic * endozoon * endpaper * endpapers * endpin * endpins * endplate * endplates * endplay * endplayed * endplaying * endplays * endpoint * endpoints * endrin * endrins * ends * endship * endships * endue * endued * endues * enduing * endungeon * endungeoned * endungeoning * endungeons * endurabilities * endurability * endurable * endurableness * endurablenesses * endurably * endurance * endurances * endure * endured * endurer * endurers * endures * enduring * enduringly * enduringness * enduringnesses * enduro * enduros * endways * endwise * ene * enema * enemas * enemata * enemies * enemy * energetic * energetical * energetically * energetics * energic * energid * energids * energies * energise * energised * energises * energising * energization * energizations * energize * energized * energizer * energizers * energizes * energizing * energumen * energumens * energy * enervate * enervated * enervates * enervating * enervation * enervations * enervative * enervator * enervators * enerve * enerved * enerves * enerving * enes * enew * enewed * enewing * enews * enface * enfaced * enfacement * enfacements * enfaces * enfacing * enfant * enfants * enfeeble * enfeebled * enfeeblement * enfeeblements * enfeebler * enfeeblers * enfeebles * enfeebling * enfelon * enfeloned * enfeloning * enfelons * enfeoff * enfeoffed * enfeoffing * enfeoffment * enfeoffments * enfeoffs * enfested * enfestered * enfetter * enfettered * enfettering * enfetters * enfever * enfevered * enfevering * enfevers * enfierce * enfierced * enfierces * enfiercing * enfilade * enfiladed * enfilades * enfilading * enfiled * enfire * enfired * enfires * enfiring * enfix * enfixed * enfixes * enfixing * enflame * enflamed * enflames * enflaming * enflesh * enfleshed * enfleshes * enfleshing * enfleurage * enfleurages * enflower * enflowered * enflowering * enflowers * enfold * enfolded * enfolder * enfolders * enfolding * enfoldment * enfoldments * enfolds * enforce * enforceabilities * enforceability * enforceable * enforced * enforcedly * enforcement * enforcements * enforcer * enforcers * enforces * enforcing * enforest * enforested * enforesting * enforests * enform * enformed * enforming * enforms * enfouldered * enframe * enframed * enframement * enframements * enframes * enframing * enfranchise * enfranchised * enfranchisement * enfranchisements * enfranchises * enfranchising * enfree * enfreed * enfreedom * enfreedomed * enfreedoming * enfreedoms * enfreeing * enfrees * enfreeze * enfreezes * enfreezing * enfrosen * enfroze * enfrozen * eng * engage * engaged * engagement * engagements * engager * engagers * engages * engaging * engagingly * engagingness * engagingnesses * engaol * engaoled * engaoling * engaols * engarland * engarlanded * engarlanding * engarlands * engarrison * engarrisoned * engarrisoning * engarrisons * engender * engendered * engenderer * engenderers * engendering * engenderment * engenderments * engenders * engendrure * engendrures * engendure * engendures * engild * engilded * engilding * engilds * engilt * engine * engined * engineer * engineered * engineering * engineerings * engineers * enginer * engineries * enginers * enginery * engines * engining * enginous * engird * engirded * engirding * engirdle * engirdled * engirdles * engirdling * engirds * engirt * engiscope * engiscopes * englacial * english * englished * englishes * englishing * englobe * englobed * englobes * englobing * engloom * engloomed * englooming * englooms * englut * engluts * englutted * englutting * engobe * engobes * engore * engored * engores * engorge * engorged * engorgement * engorgements * engorges * engorging * engoring * engouement * engouements * engouled * engoument * engouments * engrace * engraced * engraces * engracing * engraff * engraffed * engraffing * engraffs * engraft * engraftation * engraftations * engrafted * engrafting * engraftment * engraftments * engrafts * engrail * engrailed * engrailing * engrailment * engrailments * engrails * engrain * engrained * engrainer * engrainers * engraining * engrains * engram * engramma * engrammas * engrammatic * engramme * engrammes * engrammic * engrams * engrasp * engrasped * engrasping * engrasps * engrave * engraved * engraven * engraver * engraveries * engravers * engravery * engraves * engraving * engravings * engrenage * engrenages * engrieve * engrieved * engrieves * engrieving * engroove * engrooved * engrooves * engrooving * engross * engrossed * engrosser * engrossers * engrosses * engrossing * engrossingly * engrossment * engrossments * engs * enguard * enguarded * enguarding * enguards * engulf * engulfed * engulfing * engulfment * engulfments * engulfs * engulph * engulphed * engulphing * engulphs * engyscope * engyscopes * enhalo * enhaloed * enhaloes * enhaloing * enhalos * enhance * enhanced * enhancement * enhancements * enhancer * enhancers * enhances * enhancing * enhancive * enharmonic * enharmonical * enharmonically * enhearse * enhearsed * enhearses * enhearsing * enhearten * enheartened * enheartening * enheartens * enhunger * enhungered * enhungering * enhungers * enhydrite * enhydrites * enhydritic * enhydros * enhydroses * enhydrous * enhypostasia * enhypostasias * enhypostatic * enhypostatise * enhypostatised * enhypostatises * enhypostatising * enhypostatize * enhypostatized * enhypostatizes * enhypostatizing * eniac * eniacs * enigma * enigmas * enigmata * enigmatic * enigmatical * enigmatically * enigmatise * enigmatised * enigmatises * enigmatising * enigmatist * enigmatists * enigmatize * enigmatized * enigmatizes * enigmatizing * enigmatographies * enigmatography * enisle * enisled * enisles * enisling * enjamb * enjambed * enjambement * enjambements * enjambing * enjambment * enjambments * enjambs * enjoin * enjoined * enjoiner * enjoiners * enjoining * enjoinment * enjoinments * enjoins * enjoy * enjoyable * enjoyableness * enjoyablenesses * enjoyably * enjoyed * enjoyer * enjoyers * enjoying * enjoyment * enjoyments * enjoys * enkephalin * enkephaline * enkephalines * enkephalins * enkernel * enkernelled * enkernelling * enkernels * enkindle * enkindled * enkindler * enkindlers * enkindles * enkindling * enlace * enlaced * enlacement * enlacements * enlaces * enlacing * enlard * enlarded * enlarding * enlards * enlarge * enlargeable * enlarged * enlargedly * enlargedness * enlargednesses * enlargement * enlargements * enlargen * enlargened * enlargening * enlargens * enlarger * enlargers * enlarges * enlarging * enleve * enlevement * enlevements * enlight * enlighted * enlighten * enlightened * enlightener * enlighteners * enlightening * enlightenment * enlightenments * enlightens * enlighting * enlights * enlink * enlinked * enlinking * enlinks * enlist * enlisted * enlistee * enlistees * enlister * enlisters * enlisting * enlistment * enlistments * enlists * enlit * enliven * enlivened * enlivener * enliveners * enlivening * enlivenment * enlivenments * enlivens * enlock * enlocked * enlocking * enlocks * enlumine * enlumined * enlumines * enlumining * enmesh * enmeshed * enmeshes * enmeshing * enmeshment * enmeshments * enmew * enmewed * enmewing * enmews * enmities * enmity * enmossed * enmove * enmoved * enmoves * enmoving * ennage * ennages * ennead * enneadic * enneads * enneagon * enneagonal * enneagons * enneahedral * enneahedron * enneahedrons * enneandrian * enneandrous * enneastyle * ennoble * ennobled * ennoblement * ennoblements * ennobler * ennoblers * ennobles * ennobling * ennui * ennuied * ennuis * ennuye * ennuyed * ennuyee * ennuying * enodal * enoki * enokidake * enokidakes * enokis * enol * enolase * enolases * enolic * enological * enologies * enologist * enologists * enology * enols * enomoties * enomoty * enophile * enophiles * enorm * enormities * enormity * enormous * enormously * enormousness * enormousnesses * enoses * enosis * enosises * enough * enoughs * enounce * enounced * enouncement * enouncements * enounces * enouncing * enow * enows * enphytotic * enplane * enplaned * enplanes * enplaning * enprint * enprints * enquiration * enquirations * enquire * enquired * enquirer * enquirers * enquires * enquiries * enquiring * enquiringly * enquiry * enrace * enraced * enraces * enracing * enrage * enraged * enragedly * enragement * enragements * enrages * enraging * enranckle * enranckled * enranckles * enranckling * enrange * enranged * enranges * enranging * enrank * enranked * enranking * enranks * enrapt * enrapture * enraptured * enrapturement * enrapturements * enraptures * enrapturing * enraunge * enraunged * enraunges * enraunging * enravish * enravished * enravishes * enravishing * enregiment * enregiments * enregister * enregistered * enregistering * enregisters * enrheum * enrheumed * enrheuming * enrheums * enrich * enriched * enricher * enrichers * enriches * enriching * enrichment * enrichments * enridged * enring * enringed * enringing * enrings * enriven * enrobe * enrobed * enrober * enrobers * enrobes * enrobing * enrol * enroll * enrolled * enrollee * enrollees * enroller * enrollers * enrolling * enrollment * enrollments * enrolls * enrolment * enrolments * enrols * enroot * enrooted * enrooting * enroots * enrough * enroughed * enroughing * enroughs * enround * enrounded * enrounding * enrounds * ens * ensample * ensampled * ensamples * ensampling * ensanguinated * ensanguine * ensanguined * ensanguines * ensanguining * ensate * enschedule * enscheduled * enschedules * enscheduling * ensconce * ensconced * ensconces * ensconcing * enscroll * enscrolled * enscrolling * enscrolls * enseal * ensealed * ensealing * enseals * enseam * enseamed * enseaming * enseams * ensear * enseared * ensearing * ensears * ensemble * ensembles * ensepulchre * ensepulchred * ensepulchres * ensepulchring * enserf * enserfed * enserfing * enserfment * enserfments * enserfs * ensew * ensewed * ensewing * ensews * ensheath * ensheathe * ensheathed * ensheathes * ensheathing * ensheaths * enshell * enshelled * enshelling * enshells * enshelter * ensheltered * ensheltering * enshelters * enshield * enshielded * enshielding * enshields * enshrine * enshrined * enshrinee * enshrinees * enshrinement * enshrinements * enshrines * enshrining * enshroud * enshrouded * enshrouding * enshrouds * ensiform * ensign * ensigncies * ensigncy * ensigned * ensigning * ensigns * ensignship * ensignships * ensilage * ensilaged * ensilageing * ensilages * ensilaging * ensile * ensiled * ensiles * ensiling * enskied * enskies * ensky * enskyed * enskying * enslave * enslaved * enslavement * enslavements * enslaver * enslavers * enslaves * enslaving * ensnare * ensnared * ensnarement * ensnarements * ensnarer * ensnarers * ensnares * ensnaring * ensnarl * ensnarled * ensnarling * ensnarls * ensorcel * ensorceled * ensorceling * ensorcell * ensorcelled * ensorcelling * ensorcellment * ensorcellments * ensorcells * ensorcels * ensoul * ensouled * ensouling * ensoulment * ensoulments * ensouls * ensphere * ensphered * enspheres * ensphering * enstamp * enstamped * enstamping * enstamps * enstatite * enstatites * ensteep * ensteeped * ensteeping * ensteeps * enstructured * enstyle * enstyled * enstyles * enstyling * ensue * ensued * ensues * ensuing * ensure * ensured * ensurer * ensurers * ensures * ensuring * enswathe * enswathed * enswathement * enswathements * enswathes * enswathing * ensweep * ensweeping * ensweeps * enswept * entablature * entablatures * entablement * entablements * entail * entailed * entailer * entailers * entailing * entailment * entailments * entails * entame * entameba * entamebae * entamebas * entamed * entames * entaming * entamoeba * entamoebae * entamoebas * entangle * entangled * entanglement * entanglements * entangler * entanglers * entangles * entangling * entases * entasia * entasias * entasis * entastic * entayle * entayled * entayles * entayling * entelechies * entelechy * entellus * entelluses * entender * entendered * entendering * entenders * entente * ententes * enter * entera * enterable * enteral * enterally * enterate * enterchaunge * enterchaunged * enterchaunges * enterchaunging * enterdeale * enterdealed * enterdeales * enterdealing * enterectomies * enterectomy * entered * enterer * enterers * enteric * enterics * entering * enterings * enteritides * enteritis * enteritises * enterobacteria * enterobacterial * enterobacterium * enterobiases * enterobiasis * enterocele * enteroceles * enterocenteses * enterocentesis * enterochromaffin * enterococcal * enterococci * enterococcus * enterocoel * enterocoele * enterocoeles * enterocoelic * enterocoelous * enterocoels * enterocolitis * enterocolitises * enterogastrone * enterogastrones * enterokinase * enterokinases * enterolith * enteroliths * enteron * enterons * enteropathies * enteropathogenic * enteropathy * enteropneust * enteropneustal * enteropneusts * enteroptoses * enteroptosis * enterostomal * enterostomies * enterostomy * enterotomies * enterotomy * enterotoxin * enterotoxins * enteroviral * enterovirus * enteroviruses * enterprise * enterprised * enterpriser * enterprisers * enterprises * enterprising * enterprisingly * enters * entertain * entertained * entertainer * entertainers * entertaining * entertainingly * entertainings * entertainment * entertainments * entertains * entertake * entertaken * entertakes * entertaking * entertissued * entertook * entete * entetee * enthalpies * enthalpy * enthetic * enthral * enthraldom * enthraldoms * enthrall * enthralled * enthralling * enthrallingly * enthrallment * enthrallments * enthralls * enthralment * enthralments * enthrals * enthrone * enthroned * enthronement * enthronements * enthrones * enthroning * enthronisation * enthronisations * enthronise * enthronised * enthronises * enthronising * enthronization * enthronizations * enthronize * enthronized * enthronizes * enthronizing * enthuse * enthused * enthuses * enthusiasm * enthusiasms * enthusiast * enthusiastic * enthusiastical * enthusiastically * enthusiasts * enthusing * enthymematic * enthymematical * enthymeme * enthymemes * entia * entice * enticeable * enticed * enticement * enticements * enticer * enticers * entices * enticing * enticingly * enticings * entire * entirely * entireness * entirenesses * entires * entireties * entirety * entitative * entities * entitle * entitled * entitlement * entitlements * entitles * entitling * entity * entoblast * entoblasts * entoderm * entodermal * entodermic * entoderms * entoil * entoiled * entoiling * entoilment * entoilments * entoils * entomb * entombed * entombing * entombment * entombments * entombs * entomic * entomofauna * entomofaunae * entomofaunas * entomologic * entomological * entomologically * entomologies * entomologise * entomologised * entomologises * entomologising * entomologist * entomologists * entomologize * entomologized * entomologizes * entomologizing * entomology * entomophagies * entomophagous * entomophagy * entomophilies * entomophilous * entomophily * entomostracan * entomostracans * entomostracous * entophytal * entophyte * entophytes * entophytic * entophytous * entopic * entoplastral * entoplastron * entoplastrons * entoproct * entoprocts * entoptic * entoptics * entotic * entourage * entourages * entozoa * entozoal * entozoan * entozoans * entozoic * entozoon * entrail * entrailed * entrailing * entrails * entrain * entrained * entrainement * entrainements * entrainer * entrainers * entraining * entrainment * entrainments * entrains * entrall * entralles * entrammel * entrammelled * entrammelling * entrammels * entrance * entranced * entrancement * entrancements * entrances * entranceway * entranceways * entrancing * entrancingly * entrant * entrants * entrap * entrapment * entrapments * entrapped * entrapper * entrappers * entrapping * entraps * entreasure * entreasured * entreasures * entreasuring * entreat * entreatable * entreated * entreaties * entreating * entreatingly * entreative * entreatment * entreatments * entreats * entreaty * entrechat * entrechats * entrecote * entrecotes * entree * entrees * entremes * entremesse * entremesses * entremets * entrench * entrenched * entrenches * entrenching * entrenchment * entrenchments * entrepot * entrepots * entrepreneur * entrepreneurial * entrepreneurialism * entrepreneurialisms * entrepreneurially * entrepreneurism * entrepreneurisms * entrepreneurs * entrepreneurship * entrepreneurships * entrepreneuse * entrepreneuses * entresol * entresols * entrez * entries * entrism * entrisms * entrist * entrists * entrold * entropic * entropically * entropies * entropion * entropions * entropium * entropiums * entropy * entrust * entrusted * entrusting * entrustment * entrustments * entrusts * entry * entryism * entryisms * entryist * entryists * entryphone * entryphones * entryway * entryways * entwine * entwined * entwinement * entwinements * entwines * entwining * entwist * entwisted * entwisting * entwists * enucleate * enucleated * enucleates * enucleating * enucleation * enucleations * enuf * enumerabilities * enumerability * enumerable * enumerate * enumerated * enumerates * enumerating * enumeration * enumerations * enumerative * enumerator * enumerators * enunciable * enunciate * enunciated * enunciates * enunciating * enunciation * enunciations * enunciative * enunciatively * enunciator * enunciators * enunciatory * enure * enured * enuredness * enurednesses * enurement * enurements * enures * enureses * enuresis * enuresises * enuretic * enuretics * enuring * envassal * envassalled * envassalling * envassals * envault * envaulted * envaulting * envaults * enveigle * enveigled * enveigles * enveigling * envelop * envelope * enveloped * enveloper * envelopers * envelopes * enveloping * envelopment * envelopments * envelops * envenom * envenomed * envenoming * envenomization * envenomizations * envenoms * envermeil * envermeiled * envermeiling * envermeils * enviable * enviableness * enviablenesses * enviably * envied * envier * enviers * envies * envious * enviously * enviousness * enviousnesses * enviro * environ * environed * environics * environing * environment * environmental * environmentalism * environmentalisms * environmentalist * environmentalists * environmentally * environments * environs * enviros * envisage * envisaged * envisagement * envisagements * envisages * envisaging * envision * envisioned * envisioning * envisions * envoi * envois * envoy * envoys * envoyship * envoyships * envy * envying * envyingly * envyings * enwall * enwalled * enwalling * enwallow * enwallowed * enwallowing * enwallows * enwalls * enwheel * enwheeled * enwheeling * enwheels * enwind * enwinding * enwinds * enwomb * enwombed * enwombing * enwombs * enwound * enwrap * enwrapment * enwrapments * enwrapped * enwrapping * enwrappings * enwraps * enwreathe * enwreathed * enwreathes * enwreathing * enzian * enzians * enzone * enzoned * enzones * enzoning * enzootic * enzootics * enzym * enzymatic * enzymatically * enzyme * enzymes * enzymic * enzymically * enzymologies * enzymologist * enzymologists * enzymology * enzyms
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