Pe Ell is pronounced: Pee (like urine) Ell (like the letter "L").
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you can't buy an ell you can only buy vowels.. ask Vanna
An ell is an ancient measurement, usually of cloth, measured from the elbow to the tip of the index finger.
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Christopher Ell was born on February 2, 1981, in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, USA.
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An English term, an ell is 45 inches, or 1/32 of a bolt.
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The answer depends on what is the "ell" you're asking about!
A Flemish ell = 27 in (0.6858 m) = outstretched hand to near shoulder,
An English ell = 45 in (1.143 m) = outstretched hand to opposite shoulder,
A French ell = 54 in (1.3716 m) = outstretched hand to opposite elbow.
So, to convert from English ells to:
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Ell Plato is neutral and not associated with either feminine or masculine gender roles.
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It is pronounced as "zhwa-yuh no-ell", with the "zh" sound similar to the "s" in "measure" and the "ell" pronounced like "noel" with an emphasis on the "o".
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ESL: English as a Second Language
ELL: English Language Learners
They are related, but ESL is the subject, ELL the learners. You could say that ELLs study ESL.
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Él es el mejor. (ell ess ell mayKHOR) ('KH' as in 'loch')
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An ELL student stands for English Language Learner.
An ell is an old unit of measurement. An English ell was a littleover 45", supposedly based on the distance from shoulder to wrist. (Mine isn't that long. Perhaps it was wrist to wrist across the shoulders?)
and is also a short way of saying Danielle or Ellen or ellie or ellenor or criss
Ell is also away of spelling Elle but wrongly
and a elle also is a mesure of pie in new England
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grah-see-ell-ah (in Latin America)
grah-thee-ELL-ah (in Spain: 'th' as in 'thin', not 'the')
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'el ano' (pronounced 'ell AHnaw') = the anus
'el ano' with a tilde, ~, over the 'n' (pronounced 'ell AHNyaw') = the year
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Street Ell in places where a close nipple and Ell wont fit
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An ell is approximately 45 inches. With the advent of commercial fabric and the adoption of the standard measurement system, it became easier to measure fabric by the yard (3 feet, or 1 meter).
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