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Eleve. has written:

'The elixir of life, or, Robert's pilgrimage'

1 answer

A pupil in school.

1 answer

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ecole is french for school. an ecole attendee is eleve, french for student.

1 answer

une élève means a girl student or pupil at school

1 answer

elle est élève means she is a pupil/ a student at school

1 answer

you mean, the fem. ? Une élève. It means a student

1 answer

Le nombre le plus eleve sont mieux que le moins eleve c'est-a-dire celui qui a 501 est mieux que celui qui en a moins que lui soit 380,250 ainsi de suite

1 answer

Oh, dude, 'eleve' is masculine in French. It's like saying, "Oh, look at that cool 'eleve' over there," and you'd be talking about a dude student, not a dudette student. So, yeah, 'eleve' is all about the dudes in French.

5 answers

not many because ballet built on plie and tondy but eleve is a term with out tondu on plie

1 answer

eleve or levee if you mean 3 E's, 1 L and 1 V.

If you mean I , not L...

There are no words.

1 answer

En, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, sju, åtte, ni, ti, eleve, tolv, tretten, fjorten, femten, seksten, sytten, atten, nitten, tjue.

1 answer

There are four possible barre ballet exercises. You are probably thinking of a plie which is the most commonly used ballet exercise. There are also eleve, battlement tendu and rond de jambe.

1 answer

etudiant for a high school student or eleve for an elementary student.

5 answers

Je suis un étudiant i got this from http://translate.google.com/translate_t?prev=hp&hl=en&js=y&text=i+am+a+student&file=&sl=en&tl=fr&history_state0=# (google translate)

2 answers

One stone is 14 pounds, so 11 stone is 154 pounds.

5 answers


1 answer

what is the eleven course french menu? what is the eleven course french menu?

1 answer

i really think it just depends
on the elven year old. I think some kids may be able to be responsible enough, but most eleven year olds may not be mature enough

1 answer

if you do the math you con find the answer yourself.but scince your asking this question, i guess i could answer it 18-11=7 2008+7=2014 the answer is that you would be able to vote in the year 2014

2 answers

You should weigh around 85-90 pounds. I am Almost 5 foot and I weigh 88. But I have friends my size and we all weigh around there.

1 answer

that's a new one on me, ive had dogs all my life and the younger they are the more energetic. if its a vet who told you that fair enough but otherwise i see no harm in walking him as much as you want.

1 answer

It is called either a Sidagon or an Undecagon.

1 answer

11 children are playing. out of these 11 one is going to be the seeker. So, now we have 10 children and 5 places to hide. Each child can go and hide in any one of these 5 places. that implies, the number of ways they can hide is 510.

Now, if all the 5 places are to be used for hiding, it can be done in 510-(5C1 + 5C2 + 5C3 + 5C4 + 5C5) = 510- (25-1) = 510-210+1.

Therefore, the required probability is (510-210+1)/510

1 answer

11/16 of a cup is equal to 0.6875 cups. This is slightly more than half of a cup.

3 answers

3 yards and 2 feet.

1 answer

10.058 meters :D

1 answer

11 / (3/8)

In order to divide by a fraction, first put the number 11 over 1 to make it a fraction too.


and then flip 3/8 upside down, then multiply.


When you multiply fractions, just go straight across. Top times top, bottom times bottom.


1 answer

Hope not!!! But it's possible

1 answer





1 answer

Maintaing a healthy nervous system is pretty easy you just need have a good intake of vitamin D and B12 and make sure you 'exercise' your nervous system by writing as neatly as possible on a piece of paper for 15 minutes. staying away from large amounts of alchohal and illegal drugs.

1 answer

I don't see what the ribbons have to do with it. Perm any 3 from 11 gives 11X10X9X8X7X6X4=6652800. Each of these permutations can be ordered 3X2=6 ways, giving a grand total of 39916800 possible finishes.

2 answers

11 centimeters = 110 millimeters

2 answers

Legislating is an eleven letter word for Congress making laws.

1 answer