Indeed translated into French is: En effet. It can also be used to say "actually"
An example sentence: Il a en effet sortir
(He did indeed go out)
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He has risen indeed is "en effet, il s'est élevé" ou "en effet, il a monté" in French.
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so the people of the town got ready to defend themselves
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The effet of urban sttings is like of accadamic problems in a area. By joe
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Pascal Mougin has written:
'L' effet d'image' -- subject(s): Language
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In French en effet means indeed.
The similar English word is effete, meaning decadent or depleted.
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J. L. Baudry has written:
'La 'creation''
'L' effet cinema'
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cause et effet de la deuxième guerre mondiale
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a greenhouse is 'une serre' in French. Greenhouse gas are 'des gaz à effet de serre'
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In about the same way as other forms of Music, it effects us by exposing us to whatever emotions the song is designed to bring out.
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Muscimol is a GABA A agonist effet psychotomimetic
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eletric can beat water , flying and i cant not be bothed to asnwer not very much effect and has no effet i suggest get the pokemon guide book
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The effet of the Caribbean Sea staying warm for most of the year i important does any one know
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Which stat are you referring to. Please take care to make your questions exact (and therefore answerable) if you want us to answer them for you.
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When a child is influence into the wrong habits, these habits build pressure in him, especially when it has to do with avoiding the police. Same effet as eating unhealthy
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Dean Spielmann has written:
'L' effet potentiel de la Convention europeene des droits de l'homme entre personnes privees'
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The effet of urban sttings is like of accadamic problems in a area. By joe
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Teens are subjet to various inflences. Research have shown that peer pressure and family are among the highest factors accounting for teens behavior or consumption. Advertising may have only a marginal effet.
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It depends on the drug.
Some drugs have adverse effects if administered IV (such as codeine), but are OK to ingest. Other drugs will be useless if ingested and must be administered by IV.
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If you don't control your amimals and keep them out of your green house they can really tear things up. Unless you want to let the cat into catch and kill and eat mice.
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Claude Gary has written:
'L' effet de couronne en tension alternative' -- subject(s): Corona (Electricity), Interference, Noise, Overhead electric lines, Radio
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you have to be able to work long hours due to flight lateness or other things that may effet your hours and be able to deal with that and generaly some hours are small depending on the flight or your shift
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Jean-Pierre Girard has written:
'L' effet G' -- subject(s): Parapsychology, Psychics, Biography
'Tecnologia de La Carne y de Los Productos Carnicos'
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A healthy diet can help your body fight off illness. It may also stop chronic illness before it starts. Having an unhealthy diet can contribute to a variety of health problems.
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Basically the effects of the earthquake is a big tremor and things toppling over.
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they think its cool they want to feel free allowed to do what they want they want to feel adult like
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A major accomplishment was the Declaration of the Right of Man and the Citizen. It also made a major contribution in the area of freedom of and from religion.
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Yes, there's this thing called 'effet d'orage' (thunder efect) used in some organ music. There you press 6-7 pedal keys at the same time to make this effect with the bass pipes.
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C'est une installation qui permet de purifier de l'eau ou de concentrer une solution contenant un solvant en l'évaporant. Double effet car il y a deux couples évaporateur-séparateur à suivre.
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C'est une installation qui permet de purifier de l'eau ou de concentrer une solution contenant un solvant en l'évaporant. Double effet car il y a deux couples évaporateur-séparateur à suivre.
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C'est une installation qui permet de purifier de l'eau ou de concentrer une solution contenant un solvant en l'évaporant. Double effet car il y a deux couples évaporateur-séparateur à suivre.
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AR is action replay the codes u put in a action replay effet the game u have in the AR like lets says u have PK Pearl and theres many codes to choses from i seggest go to tp://www.supercheats.com/nintendods/pokemonpearl.htm u can look for some codes there
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I imagine the effect will be full on, as in full effet, instead of timed releasee to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and get good sleep, i bet you just get totally woozy, slightly hallulcnatory, and possibly unable to move, since zolpidem seems to dull down nerve response to the point the point of crippling. woohoo!
Well i think its just going to make you very woozy but i wish the above were true
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Religion played a very significant role in the life of the slaves; they expressed their religious beliefs mostly in songs since they didn't have many other options. Most of the slaves believed in many different gods but were forced by their masters to practise Christianity. Practising a form of religion allows them to hope for something better in the next life, and advising them to endure the bitterness and hardships of this life to deserve the next.
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The nominal income is refer to the actual amount which a person received in perticular time of period may be in month or weekly which doest not have the effet of inflation and which is fixed in any curcumtances , for e g if there is raise in the prise of the commodities it leads the prise to the inflation but there will be no effect on the Nominal income holder as it is fixed,however in the Real income scenario the inflation amount will effect the real income as it is to be deducted from the Bominal income.hence
Real income = Nominal income - inflation ,
Therefore we can say that real Income is the good measure to know the actual purchasing power of the economy and good aggregate to calculate the National Income
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-Excusez-moi ? Je parle français très bien. Vous ne faites pas, mais je fais. Tout ce que vous faites est s'assoient devant votre ordinateur. Merde! Tais-toi.
Excusez-moi? Tu n'est pas aussi capable en francais que tu penses. Je suis certain que tu voulait dire, en effet, "ne vous en faites pas," mais j'ai de la misere a comprendre ce que veut dire les mots qui suivent. Tabernouche! Ferme ta gueule, salope.
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L'effet pays d'origine a une influence sur la formation des croyances, mais pas directement sur les attitudes vis-à-vis du produit.
Chao (1993) a décomposé le concept de pays d'origine en pays d'assemblage et pays de conception (« country of design »).
le pays de fabrication a un effet plus important que le pays de conception sur la qualité perçue du produit
Dans le cas de marque générique très connues (Sony), l'effet marque semble dépasser l'effet pays d'origine (Johansson, 1992).
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Genes play a significant role in shaping the personalities of twins, as they share the same genetic makeup. Studies suggest that genetic factors contribute about 50% to the variability in personality traits such as extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. However, environmental factors also play a crucial role in shaping individual differences in personalities among twins.
2 answers
Jacques Audiberti has written:
'Le cavalier seul'
'Le poete'
'Des tonnes de semence ; Toujours ; La nouvelle origine'
'Race des Hommes / l'Empire et la Trappe'
'L' effet Glapion'
'Cent jours'
'Le mur du fond' -- subject(s): Motion pictures, Reviews
'L' abhumanisme'
'Le victorieux'
'Ange aux entrailles'
'Theatre Vol. 1 Quoat Quoat / l'Ampelour / les Femmes de Boeuf / la Mal Court'
'Les tombeaux ferment mal'
'Le mal court'
'Race des hommes'
'Theatre Vol. 4'
'Infanticide Preconise'
'La\\\Fin du Monde / Actes Sud / Labor / Aire'
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Strip mining of copper produces 100-10,000 mg/kg cadmium and lead.
Iron pyrites have a devastating effet of aquatic life.
Gold mining produces residual levels of CN complexes. even single ring of gold generates 20 tonnes of mining waste.Smelting and refining processes can melt metals and metalic compounds to melt. Lot of waste generated. besides, Large amount of water is taken from rivers .
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