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the dog egg.

1 answer

it is safe for a dog/puppy to eat a cooked egg, but a raw egg can cause sickness just as it does in humans. a dog that has eaten a raw egg will usually cause it to have diarreha.

3 answers

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Dogs are mammals, they do not lay eggs...

1 answer

A: your dog eats a fertilized parasite egg (from poop) B: your dog gets bitten by a mosquito or such C: your dog steps in poop D: other

1 answer

Hog bog fog jog log (egg)nog

1 answer

Hedgehogs,Foxes,my Dog.

2 answers

It's nothing to be concerned about. If the pooch ate shell and all, it will just come out the other end. Actually, a raw egg - once in a while - is good for a dog.

2 answers

yes well it depends on how long they were stuck.if they are stuck for more then 4 hours there is a major chance that she is.

3 answers

Try giving the chao a skull dog and then give it the top of the egg and let it evolve.

1 answer

at about 2-3 months for my dog

1 answer

the turtle dued says to you about the hot dog man selling an egg go outside to the hot dog stand and he has the egg but it keeps running all over the place.you can hatch it after dying on the armed harriers.

1 answer

If your dog is outside and has this wound flies will lay eggs in a wound such as this. You should have had your dog into the vets right away. Get there now!

1 answer

No the pictures you see are sculpters

Dog sperm can live in the uterus for up to 9 days. In this time the dog sperm will try to break the eggs cell wall none stop, 24 hours a day. The Human egg has antibodies on the cell wall that kills the dog sperm. But over time the antibodies are slowly reduced as they kill the dog's sperm. Most of the time the dog sperm out number the antibodies about 50:1, when the antibodies are depleted the dog sperm can then penetrate the egg's cell wall. when this happens the egg dies fairly quickly because the chromosomes do not match. so Nothing happens. But if you want to get technical when the dog sperm breaks though the human egg cells wall, you are fertilized and pregnant from the dog sperm for a micro second then the egg dies. So all science says a human can't be fertilized by dog sperm. But for that tiny micro second you are.

3 answers

It is biologically impossible for a human to become pregnant through sexual intercourse with an animal. If you believe you are pregnant, it is important to consult a medical professional for accurate information and guidance regarding your pregnancy.

2 answers

There is zero grams of fiber in either an chicken egg or chicken meat. Now if you are a cat, dog, hawk or owl, you can get plenty of roughage from the feathers.

1 answer

Try mixing soymilk with an egg. That is what worked for my dog after she had her first pup

1 answer

Yes. Eggs, are an excellent source of protein but should be given in moderations.

1 answer

Uh, no. It's virtually impossible since dog sperm and eggs have less chromosomes and different DNA than human sperm and egg. Dog sperm is meant to fertalize dog eggs smart one.

2 answers

No, the DNA from the 2 species are not compatible.

Humans can Only intercourse with humans and make a child.

Not unless the animal is a human.

Dog sperm can live in the uterus for up to 9 days. In this time the dog sperm will try to break the eggs cell wall none stop, 24 hours a day. The Human egg has antibodies on the cell wall that kills the dog sperm. But over time the antibodies are slowly reduced as they kill the dog's sperm. Most of the time the dog sperm out number the antibodies about 50:1, when the antibodies are depleted the dog sperm can then penetrate the egg's cell wall. when this happens the egg dies fairly quickly because the chromosomes do not match. so Nothing happens. But if you want to get technical when the dog sperm breaks though the human egg cells wall, you are fertilized and pregnant from the dog sperm for a micro second then the egg dies. So all science says a human can't be fertilized by dog sperm. But for that tiny micro second you are.

2 answers

The dog should be fine. Eggs are a good source of protein for dogs (people too!) but it's not so good for the quail.

1 answer

It's bad for anyone, no matter what species, to eat anything rotten.

1 answer

if you mean dog, then its when a dog (female) has a period. this is usually called 'being in heat'. this should last roughly 3 weeks. during those weeks you can breed your dog (female) with another dog (male). It is best to breed the dog during her 2nd week of heat.

you can get special pants/knickers for your dog so she doesnt leave blood on the floor.

During those 3 weeks, the area of your dogs vagina should swell up and bleed

you can get special pants/knickers for your dog so she doesnt leave blood on the floor

If you mean human, then its when you are starting to menstruate (get your period) is a major milestone of puberty and means that you can now become pregnant. You can expect to have a period every month until well into middle-age. As a woman releases an egg each month, the lining of her womb becomes thicker to prepare itself for pregnancy. This is known as the menstrual cycle. If the egg is fertilised, this lining will then gently cushion the egg as it develops into a baby. If the egg is not fertilised, both the egg and lining leave the woman's body through the vagina - and this is what causes the bleeding you experience during your period.

2 answers

No. It is not safe. Puppies should be eating either canned dog food or puppy kibble. It will disrupt the puppy's digestive processes to present it with an egg.

1 answer

Human and Dog chromosomes do not match up. the egg would be fertilized but then DIE after the first couple of cell divisions. That's what makes it appealing to some.

1 answer

Dog, hog, log, fog, clog, egg nog, smog, tog, bog, cog, jog,
Hog, Dog, Log, Fog, Egg Nog...
catelogs clog dog log bug drug fog hug jug

sorry if i wasnt any help







nog (as in egg nog)


2 answers

A dog sperm cell typically contains 39 chromosomes, which is half the number of chromosomes found in a normal dog cell. When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell, the resulting zygote will have a full set of 78 chromosomes.

8 answers

When your dog farts it is going to smell - no avoiding that. It might smell like raw egg or something different depending on the dog and the cause of the flatulence.

All you can do really is try to get to the cause of the farting and try to reduce it.

Dog flatulence can be triggered by many things - for example it could be hereditary/genetic, diet-related, an allergy or even your dog eating too fast and gulping down air with his food.

A resource about dog flatulence can be found here - http://www.dogflatulence.com - giving some information causes and treatment options.

1 answer

Dog's tummies are pretty sensitive to unusual "food", so the egg most likely will be vomited back up . . . usually on the good living room carpet. If that does not happen in, say, half an hour, then call your pet's veterinarian and see what she thinks needs to be done.

1 answer

Dog sperm can live in the uterus for up to 9 days. In this time the dog sperm will try to break the eggs cell wall none stop, 24 hours a day. The Human egg has antibodies on the cell wall that kills the dog sperm. But over time the antibodies are slowly reduced as they kill the dog's sperm. Most of the time the dog sperm out number the antibodies about 50:1, when the antibodies are depleted the dog sperm can then penetrate the egg's cell wall. when this happens the egg dies fairly quickly because the chromosomes do not match. so Nothing happens. But if you want to get technical when the dog sperm breaks though the human egg cells wall, you are fertilized and pregnant from the dog sperm for a micro second then the egg dies. So all science says a human can't be fertilized by dog sperm. But for that tiny micro second you are.

5 answers

Dags are made by taming wolves

Spawner eggs for animals are only available in creative mode, where you have everything in your inventory

1 answer

The Afghan Hound is born alive. All breeds of domestic dog are placental mammals.

1 answer

The swan's more than likely won't reject the remaining eggs,& yes,the egg should be replaced if the dogs teeth didn't punchture it.

1 answer

Get an egg timer and set it for every 10 minutes and take the puppy out when the bell rings and reward with a small treat keep doing this and the dog will let you know when it has to go out.

1 answer

Egg whites are high in albumin. If your dog has a decreased albumin level, it is generally safe to give him/her one egg white per day. Always remember to consult with your veteriarian first!

1 answer

You can use egg yolks to make custards, ice cream, mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce, or add richness and moisture to baked goods like cakes and cookies. Egg yolks also add flavor and richness to scrambled eggs, omelets, and frittatas.

3 answers

try a little parmesan cheese on top, or chop up a boiled egg, add a bit of warm water

1 answer

Egg nog is not recommended for dogs as it can be harmful to their health. The potential risks of feeding egg nog to dogs include digestive issues, allergic reactions, and possible toxicity from ingredients like nutmeg or alcohol. It's best to avoid giving egg nog to dogs and stick to dog-friendly treats instead.

1 answer

No, a dog sperm cell cannot fertilize a human egg cell. Each species has a specific number of chromosomes that must match for fertilization to occur and produce a viable embryo. Dogs and humans have different numbers of chromosomes, making interspecies fertilization impossible.

5 answers

I really wouldn't unless you want him to get terrible gas! You're probably okay feeding them an egg every other day or so, if they're a medium to large dog. Just do so in moderation.

1 answer

No. Inter-species sex is wrong, and it doesn't work.

2 answers

well egg egg egg egg egg egg egg eggy eggy eggo egg

1 answer

You could only buy the egg, because the chicken came after.

2 answers

Simply because the female produces more than one egg when she's in season.

1 answer

A dog can go into heat roughly every 6 months, though time varies depending on the individual.

After mating, pregnancy is not immediate. The actual fertilization of the egg may not happen till a day or even a week after the tieingoccurred.

1 answer