Tony Dize is a famous musician from the Boston area. He specializes in reggae music and has had several of his songs appear in movies. He can be followed on Twitter and there is a Facebook page to find out current information.
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which one the normal one or the updated one but both are on sale now.
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The cast of Anahtar - 2012 includes: Ipek Amber Dj Bora Riza Sen as Tefeci Tayfun Dize Sidal Fevzi Tanpinar as Necati Cihan Tariman as Selim
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The cast of Concrete Dove - 2013 includes: Daniel Dasent as Cerne Dize Kandu as Tula Elizabeth Lazo as Tirna Gisselle Legere as Connie Dove Sean Patrick Kennedy as Sam Savage
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Some of the notable top Reggaeton artists of 2009 include Wisin Yandel, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Tito El Bambino, Tony Dize, Arcangel, Plan B, Zion y Lennox, Franco El Gorilla and Alexis y Fido.
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Tito El Bambino con sus temas El Amor y Te Pido Perdon ...y Tony Dize con su tema El Doctorado..ambos merengues, bien pegados en las emisoras de radioen P.R.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern DIZE--. That is, six letter words with 1st letter D and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter Z and 4th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern --DIZE. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter D and 4th letter I and 5th letter Z and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Me pregunto como si no
supiera nada que cual era mi
nombre y temblaba, y yo le dije
yandel ella dijo no puede ser
para mi es un placer conocerte
((es un placer conocerte y ando
con la melodia de la calle tony dize))
Asi se nos da y salimos a solas
permitame, siente el ritmo, siguele
exitandome, yo te convenso,
matamos tiempo aqui, aqui, aqui
Asi se nos da y salimos a solas
permitame, siente el ritmo, siguele
exitandome((ya sabes)), yo te convenso,
matamos tiempo aqui, aqui, aqui
Relajate no ha pasado nada y
los nervios ahora te hacen reir
creo que cuando me hablas no
te quieres despedir, y no me
conformare con mirarte na ma
revelate pa llevarte a lo in timo ya.
Asi se nos da y salimos a solas
permitame, siente el ritmo, siguele
exitandome, yo te convenso,
matamos tiempo aqui, aqui, aqui
((esto es un proceso pero yo))
te convencere, te llevare a un lugar
donde no podras escapar,
a una esquina donde tengas que
bailar, tocar tu cuerpo no lo puedo
evitar, te quiero retar, lo acabo de
Me pregunto como si no
supiera nada que cual era mi
nombre temblaba, y yo le dije
yandel ella dijo no puede ser
para mi es un placer conocerte
Asi se nos da y salimos a solas
permitame, siente el ritmo, siguele
exitandome, yo te convenso,
matamos tiempo aqui, aqui, aqui
se que se les hace imposible hacer
musica como esta, de ecopiloto nada
mas y nada menos que victor el nazi,
capitaneando la nave tainy
el que a los 16 años anda en Mercedes
(mas na te digo)
marioso, la melodia de la calle tony dize
oye las mentes de nosotros son superiores a las de ustedes
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The root word 'mem' comes from meminisse, which means to remember.
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camila-todo cambio
pedro fernandez-amarte a la antigua
chayanne-me enamore de ti
nelly furtado-te busque
camila is very good band for spanish love songs
hope i helped :)
9 answers
Svetozar Cvetkovic has: Played Pero Popovic - Aga in "Sedam sekretara SKOJ-a" in 1978. Played Sergej Necajev in "Svetozar Markovic" in 1980. Performed in "Dani od snova" in 1980. Played Kondic Ivan in "Hajduk" in 1980. Played Marko in "Berlin kaputt" in 1981. Played Montenegro in "Montenegro" in 1981. Played Milenko in "Baza na Dunavu" in 1981. Played Andrej Andrejevic ... sin in "Divlje meso" in 1982. Played Student rukovodilac in "Kako sam sistematski unisten od idiota" in 1983. Played Slobodan in "Stepenice za nebo" in 1983. Played Toma Vucic Perisic in "Karadjordjeva smrt" in 1983. Performed in "Zadah tela" in 1983. Performed in "Mrtvi se ne vracaju" in 1983. Played Nikola in "Dzoging" in 1984. Played Damjan in "Maj nejm iz Mitar" in 1984. Performed in "Zid" in 1984. Played Narrator in "Zvezde koje ne tamne - Rolingstonsi" in 1984. Played Svetozar Sekulic in "Dikiy veter" in 1985. Played Branko Radicevic in "Znamenite zene srpske proslosti" in 1986. Played Petar Nikolajevic-Moler in "Vuk Karadzic" in 1987. Played Zeleni in "Uvek spremne zene" in 1987. Played Ivanov in "Ivanov" in 1987. Played Pavle Bezuha in "Na putu za Katangu" in 1987. Played Danijel in "Dom Bergmanovih" in 1988. Played Rudi Kugelhopf in "Manifesto" in 1988. Played Branko Tomic in "Poseban osvrt na srecu" in 1988. Played Porucnik Tasic in "Sveti Georgije ubiva azdahu" in 1989. Played Mladic in "Vreme cuda" in 1989. Played Milan Toplica in "Boj na Kosovu" in 1989. Performed in "Gala korisnica: Atelje 212 kroz vekove" in 1990. Played Ministar rasumovic in "Iza zida" in 1990. Played Pavel in "Jecarji" in 1990. Played Zunzara in "Gluvi barut" in 1990. Played Njuskalo in "Tetoviranje" in 1991. Played Arhangel Gavrilo in "Teatar u Srba" in 1991. Played Frenk in "Srcna dama" in 1991. Played Popovicev sin in "Tango argentino" in 1992. Performed in "Dezerter" in 1992. Played Lazutkin in "Gorilla Bathes at Noon" in 1993. Played Nikola Tesla in "Tesla" in 1993. Played Zoranov drug in "Napadac" in 1993. Played Casnik in "Vukovar, jedna prica" in 1994. Played Aleksa Prodanovic in "Otvorena vrata" in 1994. Played Nikola in "Ni na nebu ni na zemlji" in 1994. Played Debeli in "Ubistvo s predumisljajem" in 1995. Played Patrick Walker in "Ocevi i oci" in 1996. Played Le Sbire in "Tykho Moon" in 1996. Performed in "Tango je tuzna misao koja se plese" in 1997. Played Milan in "Tockovi" in 1998. Played Dr. Mirko in "Nikoljdan 1901. godine" in 1998. Played Croat Officer in "Savior" in 1998. Played Selim Osmanovic in "Noz" in 1999. Played Mumin in "Prolece u Limasolu" in 1999. Performed in "Belgrado Sling" in 2001. Played Gospodin in "Aurora" in 2002. Played Gane in "Saht" in 2002. Played Janezov pretpostavljeni in "Drzava mrtvih" in 2002. Played Tomas in "Lavirint" in 2002. Played Nicola in "Donau, Duna, Dunaj, Dunav, Dunarea" in 2003. Played Serz in "Art" in 2003. Played Ramiz Krpo in "Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini" in 2003. Played Austrougarski kapetan in "Jesen stize, dunjo moja" in 2004. Played Paragic in "Mathilde" in 2004. Played Gazda in "Balkanska braca" in 2005. Played Miki in "Budjenje iz mrtvih" in 2005. Played Marijanin otac in "Pogled sa Ajfelovog tornja" in 2005. Performed in "Premladi za pedesete - 50 godina Ateljea 212" in 2006. Played On in "Odbacen" in 2007. Played Svetozar Cvetkovic in "Izabrao sam Sokrat-Prota-Krap" in 2007. Played Mr. Turner in "Prehod" in 2008. Played Hirurg in "Turneja" in 2008. Played Austrougarski kapetan in "Jesen stize, dunjo moja" in 2009. Played Mirko in "Na terapiji" in 2009. Played Decakov otac in "Milun(ka)" in 2011. Performed in "Do Not Forget Me Istanbul" in 2011. Played Ivan in "Adriatico My Love" in 2011. Played Hirurg in "Turneja" in 2011. Played Aleks in "Kako su me ukrali Nemci" in 2011. Played D.W. Griffith in "Doktor Rej i djavoli" in 2012. Played Janez in "Falsifikator" in 2013. Played Dize in "The Piano Room" in 2013. Performed in "Revolt" in 2014. Played Tomislav in "Amanet" in 2014. Played himself in "Laus" in 2014. Played Jovan Ducic in "Trazim pomilovanje ili velika tajna" in 2015.
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