what are u asking do you not know what it is if that's the case it a surver that diablo 2 the game runs on blizzard named it battle.net
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you can email blizzard and maybe they will care for you. but blizzard doesnt really care about diablo 2 anymore. there focused on bigger things such as cataclysm
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what are you asking i your asking whear do u get it just log on to Battle.net pn diablo 2 and it will auto update to it or more up to date version
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there is no god mode only overpowerd hacked gear for offline and open battle.net
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the code is on the CD
look for a code with that format if you need CD key buy new CD or buy a key online
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There are several way to translate this.
"Darn, yes I miss you" is the literal meaning of it, though in English we would be more apt to say "Of course I miss you!"
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No, Diablo I has nothing to do with Diablo II.
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El diablo no es tan diablo was created in 1949.
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yeah man diablo 2 is a totally different game than diablo 1
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diablo 1 is about 100mb diablo about 800mb and diablo 2 expansion another about 800mb
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Annihilus is a charm dropped by Uber Diablo on Diablo 2. To get the item, you will have to kill him first.
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From Spanish to English "que diablo" means that devil.
"Devil" is "diablo" but you should not translate literally. "Que diablo" is better translated as "what the hell", such as in "what what the hell ("devil") is going on here?"
5 answers
what do you mean?? how do you make a game that looks like diablo??
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The Diablo is better but the Mucielago is faster
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Right-click it, properties,
"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -w <- the target
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You don't, that's why it's a gamble.
The gamble option is for players with far too much money, money that they'll never use, and since they have so much, other picked up gold might be wasted due to the stash storage cap. So the gamble option is something to spend all that money on, sure you might end up with trash, but there's a chance of getting a good item.
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It's been over 13 years since Diablo 2 was a true Hype, so this would give you a perfect reason not to worry if Diablo 3 would be your 1st Diablo game experience.
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